Ashra (Editing)

By Ariastgracile

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By the middle of the twenty-first century technology had advanced far enough that it is now possible to creat... More

Chapter One: Lady Pirate, Pirate Queen
Chapter Two: In The Belly Of The Beast, Literally
Chapter Three: The Dark Lord Of Space Is...
Chapter Four: What it is like to be Alone
Chapter Five: The Woman who Rivaled the Captain
Chapter Six: He is a Gentle Man
Chapter Eight: A Ship in Dire Straits
Chapter Nine: Hidden Truth, Honest Lies
Chapter Ten: Persevere Onwards
Chapter Eleven: Escapes Always go Wrong
Chapter Twelve: A Fighter She is, a Lover She is Not
Chapter Thirteen: Trouble in the Stars
Chapter Fourteen: Lying is Hard, Telling the Truth is Impossible
Chapter Fifteen: Strange Things on a Strange World
Chapter Sixteen: As a Rule, the Past is Always Tragic
Chapter Seventeen: Eyes That Secretly Adore
Chapter Eighteen: Sleepy Shenanigans
Chapter Nineteen: Expectations and Reality Rarely Coincide
Chapter Twenty: Never Anger a Clone
Chapter Twenty One: In the Palm of The Hand
Chapter Twenty Two: A Familiar Look
Chapter Twenty Three: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
Chapter Twenty Four: A Never Ending Grudge
Chapter Twenty Five: A Safe House is Not a Safe house
Chapter Twenty Six: A Shared History, a History of Pain
Chapter Twenty Seven: Due Payment Must be Received
Chapter Twenty Eight: Overwhelming Urges
Chapter Twenty Nine: Leaving Again
Chapter Thirty: What Constitutes a Human
Chapter Thirty One: There is Only One
Chapter Thirty Two: Revelations, The Truth
Chapter Thirty Three: A Premature Goodbye
Chapter Thirty Four: Friends, Comrades
Chapter Thirty Five: Feelings That are Felt, Things That can not be Hidden
Chapter Thirty Six: Pain and Departure
Chapter Thirty Seven: Resolution, That Which can not be Stopped
Chapter Thirty Eight: Back in Command
Chapter Thirty Nine: A Pig and a Guard Dog
Chapter Forty: Tangled Emotions
Chapter Forty One: The Beginning of True Trust
Chapter Forty Two: Two of a Kind
Chapter Forty Three: Memories of Days Gone by
Chapter Forty Four: Awoken From a Deep Sleep
Chapter Forty Five: Unwavering Love, Unrelenting Fury
Chapter Forty Six, Part One: Redemption
Chapter Forty Six, Part Two: The End is Near, Nearly Over
Chapter Forty Seven: A Feint Worthy of Fainting
Chapter Forty Eight: Resting Close in Peace

Chapter Seven: Suspicious Activity

73 7 1
By Ariastgracile

Chapter Seven: Suspicious Activity

As Ashra thought, being allowed to roam only a small section of the ship had become rather boring. Even with what little time Dis spent with her had become monotonous. He had become busier than usual.

She didn't even have to ask, Meleager's beleaguered thoughts said it crystal clear. Rumor was that someone on board was intentionally sabotaging raids and alerting the Galactic Federation to their whereabouts. 

And she was the suspect.

At first she was outraged. She, the Pirate Queen Ashra, having anything to do with the Galactic Federation was insulting to say the least.

Ashra calmed soon after, Neither Dis nor Meleager believed her to be the culprit and while she still found herself fuming, it was for a different reason entirely.

If the Galactic Federation knew where the Dama was, then the Tower of Bel was surely close behind.

Damn it.

She was infuriated. She knew that even if there wasn't a spy onboard she was going to have to leave soon, but still someone had to ruin her plan to take a break.

She could easily figure out who the traitor was, but Dis was still not allowing her any where near the other crew.

And it was not like she could ask him outright about it. He'd yet to say a word on the topic. Truthfully Dis rarely talked to her about the inner workings of the ship, and even if he did it was never something important. She understood the reason behind his secrecy, it was something she could empathize with.

Being the captain of a ship like the Dama was probably just as stressful as being the captain of the Suzeren. Ultimately all the lives of those aboard weighed heavy on the shoulders of those in charge. One wrong move, one slip of the tongue could get everyone killed.

Dis was a cold man, but he was a man she could respect. Ashra really did want to continue observing him, but that wasn't enough to keep her there. It was time to leave.

Headed towards the door ready to find him one last time, she felt the air shiver around her and paused. Although she had no real proof, she knew he was near.

Something bad happened. She thought.

The door slid open with force, and Dis' shambled in, his posture haggard and his hair messy.

He saw her eyeing him and glared before sharply facing away.

"Quit looking at me with those eyes..." His voice was rougher than usual, but she knew his anger was not directed towards her, well for the most part it wasn't.

Ashra did not move and watched as he made his way to the bed.

"What kind of eyes was I making Dis?" She asked softly, with hesitation.

He did not say anything and began to take off his boots. He did not look at her as he replied.

"Like you know. Like you know everything already and-" he stopped and the air around them went cold.

She felt her chest tighten and ignored it. How well he'd come to understand her was scary.

Ashra said nothing as he continued to undress, his usual calmness returning to him.  His thick grey jacket crumpled in a heap on the floor and his black tunic soon followed.

Running his hand through his hair, he let out a sigh and looked at her properly for the first time since he returned to their room.

"I..." He sighed again, his exhaustion seeping out of him. "I apologize, please do not take it to heart. My anger got the best of me and I lashed out at you. I should not have done so."  Eyes downcast, she knew what he said was what he truly felt.

Ashra tugged on a strand of her hair  and began to fiddle with it as she shrugged. Pretending what he said was not the truth.

Even though it was, it would be better if he did not know.

Sparing the feelings of a human was something essential, that she had learned long ago.

Still, Dis' vulnerability and exhaustion was something Ashra could take advantage of.

And so she gave a half frown and joined him on the bed. Pretending to rearrange the  monochrome pillows they surrounded her, she spoke.

"What happened?"  Her voice low and filled with feigned worry.

Body facing away from her side of the bed, she watched intently as his body regained his usual rigid posture.

"It is nothing you should be concerned with." The tone of his voice was not welcoming, but still she pushed forward.

"Is it really not?" Ashra almost regretted the snarky tone she used, but she continued. "You forget that I am a pirate myself, one that shares the same name as the Lady Queen of the Ganymede association. I can assure you that the tension aboard this ship has not escaped my notice. Something is obviously going on."

He was about to turn and face her when the lights abruptly shut off. For a second the whole room was pitch black and she assumed with irritation that he had turned them off as a way to end the conversation, but not even a few seconds later she felt him shoot off the bed.

"Get up," he demanded. When she failed to do so, she felt his hands grasp her arm as he pulled her off the bed. "Now!"

Less than ten seconds had passed and the room was still dark, save for the dim red emergency lights that hung strategically off the walls.

And that was when Ashra knew something had gone terribly wrong.

Dis' face was taunt with what she thought to be both concentration and fury. His eyes told her what she already knew.

The Dama's power had been shut off.

She was about to speak when she felt his grasp on her arm loosen and slide down to her hand.  His grip tightened once more as he pulled her towards the door.

The silence did not last as the two of them ran down the hallway and surprisingly Dis was the first to speak.

"I saw the... ignition key data.. You," his words were choked, the air that should have circulated the ship was becoming thinner as they ran. His breathing was ragged but he continued on. "Were the Officer of... the control room... Aboard...the Suzer-" he took a shallow breath. "The Dama...has been breached...I need your help."

She nodded, her own breathing as shallow as his. By her estimates there was roughly four minutes and forty three seconds until the oxygen aboard the Dama ran out and the ship became a floating coffin. And while it would be easy to escape in the commotion, Ashra decided that it was not the time. Dis, who was probably one of the most prideful men she had ever met had asked for her help.

It felt good in a weird, fulfilling way. Her long time enemy had asked her for help. Of course he probably didn't know that. Nonetheless, it still felt good.

Although their breathing had become labored, she had to be thankful that the gravity stabilizer was still functioning, the backup generator the Dama had was a godsend.

Although she knew she wouldn't die, her body was slowly starting to get tired.

Glancing down at Dis' hand as he continued to lead her to the Control Room, she felt a surge of emotion that almost made her panic. The stark, sterile hallways brought back memories from long before.

He is not Hassin.

She repeated the words, almost as if they were a mantra, over and over until the two of them reached the Dama's control room.

And her heart sunk. Meleager's large body was slumped against the door, blood blossoming from his chest.

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