Grester: How it all began

By Cecilia-Ari

7.7K 137 31

Grace is in the middle of her 2nd book, a no filter tour and a busy schedule. When the holy trinity sets out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 35

85 0 0
By Cecilia-Ari

Grace's POV

We splashed around in the dog pool for half an hour before we had to get dried off and ready for dinner. "Sweetie you need to wear something nice tonight okay? Do you need uncle Chester to help you?" I asked Luca as I was doing my hair. He nodded his head and ran to the bedroom where Chester was getting ready. In a few years Grace. In a few years.

Chester's POV

Luca came running into the room just as I put my jacket on. "What do you need little man?" I asked. It was so fun having him around the house. Especially since Grace wants to have kids now. "I need you to help me get dressed." He responded. "Ok. Let's go." We walked into Lucas room and I opened his drawer pulling out one of the nice pairs of shorts his parents packed him. I looked around his shirt drawer and found a nice collared shirt the same colour as mine. "Boom. Then come back and I'll make your hair all cool." I said ruffling the top of his head. "Can it be spiky!?" He asked. "Of course." I said over dramatically. I bounded up the stairs and walked into the office where Grace was just finishing her hair. "You look beautiful." I said from the doorway. She looked up from her mirror and smiled. "You don't look to bad yourself, See." She responded. I smiled and walked into the room. When I saw her sweatpants I laughed. "Grace are you going to change yet?" I asked. She looked down at her t shirt and sweats and shrugged. "I think it's a good look." She said. She got up and turned everything in the office off, grabbed her heels and walked into the bedroom. She opened the closet and looked through some of her dresses before setting her eyes on a Navy blue dress. Much like the color of my blazer. Luca ran up upstairs and into the room. "Ta da!" He said showing his outfit. I looked at Grace. She was smiling from ear to ear. "You look so handsome. Is Chester going to do your hair?" She asked. He nodded his head and then looked at me. "To the bathroom." I said before leaving the room right behind Luca. I set him on the counter and wet my hands before running them through his hair to give him spikes. I looked under the counter and brought out some hairspray and shielded his fade before spraying all over his head. I grabbed a brush and brushed it up before clapping my hands and letting him turn around. "Go ahead. You like it?" I asked as he turned around to examine his hair in the mirror. "It's so cool!" I let him down and he ran back into the bedroom where Grace just slipped on her dress. She saw his reflection in the mirror and smiled. "Well look at you. Matching Chester, but with better hair." She said. "My hair is pretty cool." I defended. She smiled and finished putting her earings in. She turned around and bent down to Luca's level. She fixed his collar before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "What nothing for me?" I asked. She leaned in and gave me a kiss which a happily received and returned. "Are you happy?" She asked. "Well if you wanted to make me happy maybe later..." I started. "No thanks. Now let's go." She said. We all made our way downstairs and Grace went to feed Goose. I went out to the car with Luca and i buckled him in before getting in the drivers side of the car. I could see Graces silhouette through the kitchen curtains as she bent down to put her bowl of food on the floor. A minute later Grace walked out and got into the car. "Let's go!" I said. Grace pulled out her phone 5 minutes later and began talking. I kept my eyes on the road as she talked about how Luca and i were matching and that for some odd reason we had to go to a fancy restaurant. Truth be told i planned this and invited Mamrie and Hannah. I know fancy isn't a big thing for us but It might be nice to do something special. "... so I will keep you updated tonight and stuff." She ended the recording and put her phone away. 10 minutes later we pulled up to the restaurant and all got out. Grace was holding Lucas hand as we walked in. I walked up to the pedestal and looked at the woman. "Hi. Reservation for See." I said. Grace walked up and took my hand. She smiled and led us through the restaurant. She rested at the table where Mamrie was sitting. "Evening!" Mamrie said. "Mind if I join you?"

Grace's POV

  "What's this?" I asked. " I just wanted to treat you guys. And I wanted to talk about some stuff." He replied. I sat Luca down beside me and Chester pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and looked at Mamrie. "What's going on?" I asked. Mamrie looked at me for a second before opening her mouth. "We want you to get married." She stated. I looked to Chester. "Did you do this?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not this part." Luca grabbed my hand and I held on tightly. A waiter came over and handed us a wine menu and dinner menu. He placed a paper menu and some crayons in front of Luca. "Thank you." I said to him. "No problem Ms. Helbig." He said before walking away. Luca continued to hold my hand as he coloured. I opened the menu and looked for something to eat. "Okay seriously Grace. You are going to actually get married right?" I looked up from the menu and looked at Mamrie. "Don't you think this a husband and wife conversation?" I asked. " That's the problem. You aren't married." Mamrie said. Chester piped up. "Let's not. Look obviously something is going to happen. We just haven't planned anything." He didn't look up from the menu. "Exactly." I said looking back down at the menu. "What are you going to have sweetie?" I asked Luca. He put down his crayon and flipped the page over to the menu. He pointed to the hamburger and i smiled. "Alright. Perfect. What were you drawing?" I asked. He flipped the page to three stick people who looked like they were holding hands. "Who are those people?" I asked him. "That's you." He pointed to the lady on the right. "That's uncle Chester." He pointed to the man on the left. "And that's me." He pointed to the little boy in the middle. "That's beautiful. And who's this?" I asked pointing to a white and brown animal. "That's Doggy!!" He cried. I laughed and showed the picture to Chester. He smiled and showed the picture to Mamrie. He looked to me and grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb along the top of my hand. I smiled and looked to Luca. One day. I thought. One day. We continued on with dinner and ordered desert when a teenage girl walked up to me. "Hi. Are you Grace Helbig?" She asked. "Yes. That would be me. What can I do for you?" I asked. She looked around the table and rested her eyes on Luca, more specifically Lucas hand for it was resting in mine. She looked back to me and smiled. "I was just wondering if I could get a picture with the table. I'm a real big fan of all of you." She said. "Of course! What's your name?" I asked." Samantha." She replied. "Well Samantha chose anywhere along the table." I responded. She walked along to the back of the table where Mamrie and Luca were and who I'm guessing to be a parent walked up with a phone and we all smiled. They thanked us and walked away. I turned back to the table and Mamrie brought up the wedding.

Chester's POV

Tonight is proving to be extra stressful. Grace and I do need to get married one day. I'm just not sure if she wants to anymore. I don't think Grace Helbig wants to marry me anymore. I don't know what to do. I'm not going to forcefully bring it up. I want her to want to talk about and plan our wedding. I knew Mamrie would help me out. They are doing a great job, but I don't think this is what Grace wants. "Grace you still want to get married right?" I asked her. She turned to me with a puzzled look on her face. "Why wouldn't I?" she asked. "You just don't seem as eager to get married." I said. "I've just been busy. Don't doubt me Chester. Look Mamrie would you maybe want to be my mai-" Grace started but was quickly cut off by Mamrie. "Of course Helbig!" She exclaimed. Grace smiled. "Grace maybe Tim might want to be my best man? Should I ask him?" I said. "Of course. He would probably be honoured. You can text him later." Grace said. We quickly finished desert and then said our final goodbyes as Mamrie got into her car to leave. I put Luca in the car and before Grace got in he spoke up. "can I be something?" He asked. I was puzzled at first before I realized he was talking about the wedding. "Well what do you want to be?" I asked him. "I wanna stand by you." I thought about a position for him when it popped into my head. "Did you wanna hand me the rings?" I suggested. "Can I?" He asked in disbelief. "Absolutely. But don't tell Aunt Grace. It will be our secret. Alright?" I looked in the rear-view mirror to see him shake his head. The passenger door opened and I held my finger to my lips indicating not to tell her. He giggled and copied my gesture. Grace got in and closed the door. "So you ready to go prince?" She asked Luca. He nodded his head and I started the car and pulled out of the restaurant parking lot. Grace grabbed her camera and turned it on. She summarized the dinner, leaving out our wedding details and then said her all to familiar catchphrase: 'I don't know'.10 minutes later we pulled into the garage.

Grace's POV

I got out of the car and opened the back door to let Luca out but he was asleep so I unbuckled him and carried him inside to his bed. As I put him down he opened his eyes. "I don't want to sleep here." He whispered. "Well where do you want to sleep prince?" I asked him. "The couch." He replied. I nodded my head and carried him to the couch. I placed him down and replaced his dress shirt with a regular shirt and draped a blanket overtop of him. "I'll be right back." I whispered before walking upstairs. Chester and Goose were in bed when I walked in. "You guys are so cute." I said before going to my closet and finding sweatpants and a t shirt to change into. After I changed I went to leave when Chester spoke up. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I'm doing my work downstairs. Luca wanted to sleep on the couch so I'm going to edit on the couch. Come downstairs." I said. He nodded his head and we went downstairs and I grabbed my camera, phone, cord and laptop before settling between Chester and Luca. As soon as I sat down Luca moved closer and rested his head on my side before falling asleep again.I wrapped my arm around him and plugged everything into my computer. I grabbed all of my clips when I noticed a clip that I didn't film. The thumbnail being Chester's face. "Chester..." I started as I slid the laptop to face him. He smiled. "That is one handsome man. Don't you agree?" I shook my head and clicked on the video. I watched as Chester pointed the camera at Goose and then walked upstairs. I watched as he opened the bedroom door and peered in before facing the camera again and then walking into the bedroom, pointing the camera at the floor. I watched as he brought the camera up to focus on Luca and I cuddling as we slept earlier in the day. I clicked import and watched as it imported into my computer. "Grace?" Chester asked. "Yea?"

"Do you want Hannah at the wedding?" He asked. I had totally blanked on the thought. "She's my best friend. Why wouldn't she be?" I asked. "She moved to New York." Chester said. Everything froze in my mind. "Why?" Was all I managed to get out. I grabbed my phone and texted Hannah.


I texted her. After no reply I shut my phone off and got back to editing while silent tears fell from my eyes onto the keyboard. I added my 'And then this happened' 's and my 'Well what about this' 's and finished the video and added Chester's clip on my end card. I watched it all back and smiled. We were a good family. I wish we were a permanent family. I looked down at Luca sleeping beside me and Chester on his laptop. This was my now. I grabbed my phone and went to snapshot and took a video before whispering "This is my now." At the end. I uploaded it to my story and the put my phone away and shut down my laptop. I rested against Chester and watched as he looked at venues on one tab and a text conversation with Tim. "What did he say?" I whispered. He looked down at me and scrolled up to his answer: YES MAN! THANKS FOR ASKING! "Good job. I knew he would say yes." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. I leaned into him and wrapped an arm around his stomach, keeping another arm around Luca. I watched as he looked at venues, when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and it was a text from Hannah.

I met a girl. I felt it was time for a change. I still have an apartment in LA don't worry. Holy Trinity still lives Smelling.

I smiled. I needed my best friend. I texted her back.

Are you coming to the wedding?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Would you mind if I asked you to be my bridesmaid?

Oh my gosh Grace I would love to be. When is the wedding?

We don't have a date yet.

Alright. But just one question. Who is the kid in your snapchat?

That's Chester's nephew Luca. We are taking care of him while his parents are out of town.

Oh that's nice. You guys are cute.

I think I might have kids. He's just so much fun.

Oh I hope you do!

So does Chester. Just promise me you will be here for the wedding. I need my bridesmaids.

I promise. I have to get some sleep. Goodnight Grace.

I shut off my phone and rested my head back on Chester's side as he put his laptop away and twisted so that he was in a comfortable sleeping position. I moved Luca beside me and rested my head on Chester's chest. I heard Goose pitter-patter over and hop onto the couch and onto Chester. I scratched Goose and laid her down before closing my eyes for the night.

When I opened my eyes in the morning Goose was gone and so was Luca. Chester and I laid spooning on the couch. "Morning baby." I heard Chester whisper behind me. I moved back into Chester and he put my head below his neck. "Where are Luca and Goose?" I asked. "I don't know." He replied. "We better get up and finding our missing prince." I said. "Oh alright." He said letting me go. We got up and began walking around the house. No one was in the kitchen or outside. Hester checked in the office and no one was there. I went upstairs and opened the door to our bedroom and saw a torn up tissue box and a big lump in the bed. I heard a giggle and I walked out of the room. I walked up to Chester and pointed to the bedroom. He shook his head and smiled. He put up a hand to tell me to wait as he ran downstairs and grabbed his phone. He pulled open Snapchat and nodded his head. I opened the door and you could hear Luca giggle from underneath the covers. He gave three fingers on his hand and counted down. Once he put one on I lifted the covers and shouted. Luca screamed and Goose barked. Chester and I started laughing and Chester jumped on the bed, tackling Luca. I sat down and grabbed goose and put her on her lap as we watched the two wrestle each other. Eventually Chester let Luca get on top of him and then I let Goose join them. I grabbed Chester's phone and posted the video to his story before climbing on top of the pile as well. Cheaters screamed as he popped up and threw us all off of him to the other side of the bed. I caught Luca before he could fall off the bed and wrapped him in my arms. I kissed the top of his head before letting him out. "Luca when was the last time you took a bath?" I asked. "I don't know?" he replied. I looked to Chester. "I got it. But breakfast first." He replied. "Can Aunt Grace cook?" Luca asked. Chester laughed. "I'll grab the camera."

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