Chapter 15

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I'm in love. Wow, I never thought that would be possible. "Chester?"
"Yes?" He said looking down at me. We were cuddling on the couch watching real housewives. "Why did you go through all that work for me?" I asked. He just looked at me puzzled. "Well Why wouldn't I?" He replied. I just sat there speechless. "How much did it cost?" I asked. "Do you really want to know?" He said. "Yea." "Eight thousand dollars." He said. It looked like he was embarrassed. "WHAT?!?" I exclaimed. "Eight thousand dollars?! Why the hell did you spend that much?!" I was sitting up, I looked into Chester's eyes. Full of warmth and love. "You're worth it. You're worth way more and you deserve the best. And I know I'm not really cutting it these days but I'm trying I promise." He said, now answering all the possible questions I've ever asked myself about this man. "I'm never letting you go Chester." I said. "Well don't worry you're where I always want to be." We kissed. "I love you Grace." He said. I started to tear up. "Grace are you okay?" I was okay. But I was just thinking. Why would Chester want me, want this mess. "Why?" I asked him. "Why what Grace? Are you alright?"
"Why did you settle for me?" He looked shocked. As if I just told him I killed a puppy. His expression instantly softened and he smiled. "Because I told myself to settle for nothing less then perfection." I just kept crying. He just pulled me close. "You are absolutely perfect in every Grace Anne Helbig. From those beautiful brown eyes to your amazing laugh, down to your semi robotic fear of affection. I'm in love with you Grace. I will never stop loving you. I promise." I couldn't stop crying. I just clutched his shirt with my hands and cried into his chest. He took my hand that wasn't holding onto his shirt and kissed it, holding it in his lap after. He had turned the tv off and we lauded there on the couch him cuddling me as I cried. "Grace, is something genuinely bothering you?" He asked. I just shook my head. I liked it when he talked. I could hear his voice through his chest and it was soothing. For another 15 minutes we just cuddled. The semi-silence through my tears was nice. "What do you want for dinner?" He whispered. Maybe trying to see if I had fallen asleep, because my crying had stopped. I looked to my side to look at the clock. 5:38. He couldn't sense my movement, and I still hadn't responded so he must've thought I was asleep. "Alright Grace. I'll surprise you. Sleep tight." He whispered. He gently lifted my head, cradling my head into the couch so I was comfortable and draped a blanket over me. Showing him no signs that I was awake I waited till he had walked away to smile. I fell asleep for a half-hour. I woke up to smell food cooking. I sat up revealing mead to the floor to ceiling mirror by the couch. My eyes were puffy from crying and my mascara had run. Chester had gone to the washroom so I snuck upstairs to fix myself up. I came back downstairs to find Chester back in the kitchen. "Well there you went." He said, turning to flip something in the pan. "What are you cooking?" I asked. "Food. " He replied. "Phew. Thought you were cooking dirt for a minute. Got really worried." I said before sitting down at the table and opening my laptop. He just laughed. " I was before I realized what colour brown sugar really is. And how you don't find it outside on the ground." Now it was my turn to laugh. I opened my social media first. I saw Chester had posted some new things on Instagram. He took some pictures of him cooking and a few of me sleeping. One of me sleeping was captioned: just had the best conversation of my life. Then bored this one to sleep. In guessing it was from a little after I drifted off. I smiled and looked at Chester who hadn't noticed. I scrolled down and looked at the comments. Grace sleeping while Chester is over. Hehe GRESTER.
Even when she sleeps she looks gorgeous. Chester had responded to that comment. You got that right. And a few others with the #grester at the end. Should I just make an announcement video? I thought. I shut down my laptop and sighed. Chester looked at me. "You okay? He asked. "Mhm." I replied. I just put my head in my hands and looked at the table. "So what are you cooking? For real this time." I said pulling my head up. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He replied smiling. "Uh well yea... I would." "Well I'm making a food Wylie made before. Turn down for what's." He smiled. "Oh really? You think you can make them as good as me?" I said. I had gotten up and headed towards Chester. "Well no. I think I can make them better." He turned to face me. "We will see about that." I walked upstairs and laid on the bed. I heard Chester singing downstairs and i couldn't help but listen. I didn't recognize the song so I like looked up the most sang words: I'm in love with you. And there's nothing that I can do.' Nothing came up that sounded like what he was singing. And then I realized it. That was his song. That he just started singing. He just made it up. I started crying again, but Chester couldn't hear it. This time they were tears of the purest joy. I ran downstairs and pulled him into a hug. "I'm in love with you Chester." He hugged me back, muscles bulging. "I'm in love with you more." He kissed the top of my head. "Dinner is ready you know?" He said. I didn't say anything. He reached over and turned the stove off. As soon as he did his arms came back to embrace me. We stood there for a good ten minutes. Just hugging each other. "What made you realize it?" He whispered. I pulled away. "W-w I-I guess that I always knew it. I just- you make me so happy Chester. And I feel so bad." I said. I was going to tell him. "About what?" He asked furrowing his brow. "About Hannah and I." I said. "Look. Don't worry about it. I told you when we were  on the no filter tour. Don't worry about it. I don't care." I felt relieved. But he didn't know it all. But I guess I should leave it like that. "Thanks." I smiled weakly. We ate dinner in silence. "You know. I cooked it better. Just saying." I said. Being the first to speak during dinner. "Is that so? I win though."  He said not looking up from his food. I knew why. If I asked he was just going to say that it's because he has me and blah, blah, blah. I just smiled. He noticed and he did too. We cleaned up an washed the dishes. All of a sudden Chester picked me up by the waist and started to walk towards the door. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. "Don't squirm." I stilled my body. He dropped me into the passenger seat of the car and got in the drivers seat. "Where are we going? And why did you have to drag me out here to get there?" "Well. We haven't gone out together in a while. We are getting coffee." He said. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway and started driving away. "But I can't drink coffee." I stated. "Oh I know. Starbucks has more than coffee.  Don't think I didn't think this through." He drove and drove until we got to Starbucks. "Chester." "Yes?"
"Look I dont want to be rude, but there are people who watch us here and..."
"What? Afraid to make the rumours true?" He looked at me. I nodded. He got out of the car and opened my door extending his hand. I reluctantly took it. We entered and nobody but the cashier noticed. I was relieved. We ordered and sat down. "Grace. Chester." The guy said. I saw a group of girls heads go up. Crap. Chester noticed and laughed. "I got it." He stood up and grabbed both cups, thanking the guy. "Why don't you solve the problem." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked, taking my cup. "Tell them we aren't dating. I don't mind." I couldn't believe what he said. "No." He smiled. "I have an idea." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store. We got into the car and he started driving.

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