Mine {C.D}

By 0mq3mily

310K 9.9K 2.8K

"You're mine. Not his. Got it?" "Got it". More

1. Drinks & Dance offs
2. Dancing and Tipsiness
3. Spin the Bottle
4. Pizza for breakfast
5. Hangouts and anger
6. Confession
7. Arguments
8. Flowers
9. Jealously
10. Friday
11. Forests and Fear
12. Game On
13. Awkward kisses
14. Spiked up
15. It was all a set up
16. What in the world?
17. Kiss me
18. Flashbacks
19. Lifeguard
20. Rainstorm
21. Mutual Feelings
22. Two against one
23. Mom?!
24. Cant sleep
25. Bad news
26. Roadtrip
27. Fake IDs and clubbing
29. Missed calls
30. Come back
31. Found
32. Brusies and Misunderstandings
33. Disaster
34. Love Affiar Revealing
35. Problems and Solutions
36. Cancelled Sleepover
37. Questions and Answers
38. House sold
39. Three days
40. Pinky Promises
41. One last day
42. Lucky Charm

28. Lies

5.3K 197 73
By 0mq3mily


"Where we going?" I ask curiously as we jump into the scorching hot vehicle for the hundredth time today. My legs burned in pain, as my bare skin met with the sun-sheeted leather seats, causing me to wince.

Cameron immediately turned the air conditioning on, letting the cool faint breeze from the vents to fan against our faces. "Let's just say somewhere with clothes". Cameron hints, nudging me in the upper arm.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a small glimpse of a smirk, pulling at the corners of his lips. We smiled in sync; Cameron reversing his gears and me, peering out of the window.

I watched as the road buzzed by, zipping past us as we rode down the streets of Vegas. With the windows rolled down, I let the breeze fan against my face, pushing my hair over my shoulders and flying with the wind.

Cameron hummed to the rhythm of the radio, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, as we pulled into a parkade. It took me by surprise as it was only a minimum of two minutes since we've even got into the car.

I supposed it was a mall, considering the huge brick walls, elegant scenery, and hundreds of vehicles parked on the lot. The car came to a halt, stopping in an empty slot. Cameron stepped out of the vehicle, sipping his frappe as he did so.

I tugged at the door handle, opening the door for myself, and stepping into the humid weather.

We walked towards the entrance, side-by-side as we stepped in sync. Almost at the doorway, I felt a gentle grasp on my hip: the opposite side from Cameron.

I peered down, noticing his hand resting on my hip, also feeling a slight push, pushing me towards him. He exerted his force, forcing me to his side, until there was minimum space between us. With that space, he removed his hand from my waist, and grabbed ahold of my hand instead— filling the gap between us. I peered up at him, watching as he kept his focus forward. A small grin was pulling at the corner of his lip.


Legs in. Pull up. and insert arms. It was a continuous cycle, as I was now trying on the twentieth dress.

We've probably been into five different dress stores already, but yet, I couldn't find a decent one I liked. All the other ones were either too big, too tight, too long, or too short. But knowing me, I'm probably the pickiest person when it comes to dress-shopping, which makes it even difficult to find a dress.

I slipped my arms into the next gown, and spun around until I was facing the mirror. I was now wearing a sheer coloured, white beaded dress, about knee length. It was tight near the top, and fanned out once it reached my waist. It wasn't too fancy, nor simple, which made me like it.

I pulled the curtain to the side, revealing myself from the hidden fitting room. Cameron sat across from me on a leather sofa— his phone in his face, as he tapped away at his screen. Probably texting someone.

I cleared my throat, hoping to catch his attention. "Cameron".

He slowly lifted his head, as he finished off with his last text, putting his eyes on me. His gaze shifted back and forth, as he studied my new outfit. A remarkably sincere look, lit up amongst his face.

I peered down at my body, then back up at him. "What do you think?" I ask, spinning around so he could examine me.

He met my gaze, and all he could mange to get out was a "woah".

I smiled in response, ruffling with the end of the dress. "Do you like it?"

Not even a millisecond after I asked, he immediately nodded his head. "I like it. A lot actually".

My smile widened, as I was about to step back into the changing room. Before I could, Cameron's words stopped me. "How much is it?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, forgetting all about the price tag. Oh how much I hated price tags. You know when you like something so much, but it turns out to be hella expensive? It's probably going to be like one of those scenarios.

I fumbled, in search for the tag that was somewhere attached to the dress. But couldn't find any trace of it.

"Here", Cameron says, standing up from his seat and walking towards me. He grasped the tag that was out of my reach, behind my back. He scanned the price, before speaking. "It says clearance, $32.99".

Surprising. I was thinking more close to $100. "Wow. That's cheap". I exclaim, pivoting around and facing Cam. Our bodies were nearly close, as he looked down on me. A grin plastered amongst his face.

"You look stunning in it". He compliments, his hands finding my waist as he pulls me in.

I flash him a cheesy grin, standing up on my tippy-toes until I reached his height. "Thanks, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take this off and pay for it. You can see more of it tonight". I wink at him, before stepping back into the change room.


After paying for the dress and roaming the mall for a couple more minutes, my eyes catch a glimpse of Victoria's Secret. As if calling my name, I found myself walking towards it, eyes wide as I scanned the inside of the store.

I felt Cameron tense—his hand tighten as it was wrapped around my own. "Oh lord". I hear him mumble, adding a sigh as well.

I turn my head to him, a smirk making its way onto my face. "What? Embarrassed?" I tease, pulling him into the store.

With our hands locked together, I felt him tugging backwards, attempting to pull me back towards the entrance. "This a girls' store". He wines. I watch as he struggles to not look at any of the mannequins and lingerie scattered around the room, which only makes me laugh harder.

"So what? You went into that dress store with me a few minutes ago, which was also a girls store".

His eyes gaze around our surroundings, as if he seemed awkward and lost. "Yeah, well... this is different. The girls might think I'm a pervert".

I rolled my eyes, nudging his upper arm. "Not that you already are".

He glared at me, and nudged me back. "Shut up". He chuckles.

I turned back around, continuing to pull at his arm. He seemed hesitant, but continued to follow me.

"Hello, may I help you with anything?" A female voice asked from behind me. I pivoted around, as do did Cameron to see a woman approaching us. She looked about nineteen years old, with amber hair that reached her mid-back and tanned skin. She was pretty, which made me impulsively peer at Cameron.

I caught him checking her out, head-to-toe, until his eyes landed on her face. I glanced back at the lady, only to see her checking him out as well. I tightened my hand around his, making sure that he still knew I was here.

"Uhm— no thanks". I replied, hoping she'd go away. Her hazel eyes continued to remain on Cameron. They stared at each other, for what seemed like an eternity, until she broke their eye contact and looked at me. "Okay, well, just to let you know, all items are buy one, get one fifty percent off". She flashed me an incredibly fake smile, and I watched as her eyes glanced at out intertwined hands.

My grip tightened once again, and I felt a pinch of anger as her eyes landed back on Cameron. She spun around, walking away, depart from us. Good. I didn't know her, but I could already feel a seething hatred towards her.

I let go Cameron's hand, to pick up a lacy pink bra that was on sale. To be honest, I wished Jamie was here with me. Knowing her, and her love for undergarment shopping, we'd probably go nuts right about now.

Ten minutes into searching the store, I already had about four pieces of lingerie in my hands. Well— Cameron's hands, because he insisted to carry them for me. Knowing already that it was enough for one visit, I decided to stop. I made my way towards the fitting rooms— Cameron following me from behind.

The same girl who'd approached us earlier, came to help. She offered me the furthest room, gesturing me to go inside. She took the pieces out of Camerons' hands, and stocked them into my room.

Before I could shut the door to try them on, I watched as she scurried to Cameron, offering him a seat, that was out of my view. I sighed, with the same anger building up inside of me. She was doing this on purpose. This was one thing I hated about going out with Cameron. Everywhere you'd go, there would be at least one girl that would try to get his attention, and this girl was one of them.

I quickly tried on the first item, which was a lacy white bralette, consisting of sparkles. My fav. I only picked it up, because it was on sale for $15.

Once it was on, I opened the door to my fitting room, and walked down the narrow hall, where the girl had led Cameron to.

And there he was, sitting down next to her, chatting up a storm. "Aren't you suppose to be doing your job?" I rudely interrupted, catching both of their attention. I crossed my arms over my chest, to show the both of them that I was annoyed.

She looked up at me, a defiant glare lingering in her eyes. "I am. My job is to welcome the customers". She says.

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Well in this situation, he is not the customer. I am. You don't see him trying to buy anything, do you?"

She opened her mouth, but I cut her off momentarily. "And plus, it looks more like you're trying to get with him, rather than help him".

I looked at Cameron, who seemed to be uncomfortable in this situation. I motioned for him to follow, as I walked back towards the fitting rooms.

"What was she trying to do?" I ask, shutting the door behind Cameron as he walked into the enclosed space with me.

I looked at him through the mirror, watching as he sat down in a small corner chair. "Nothing", he replies, looking at me through the mirror as well. "She was just being annoying and clingy".

"I could see". My voice sounded annoyed, which seemed obvious to Cameron. He looked at me with a concerned look.

"Are you mad?" He asks. I stayed quiet. I was obviously mad. I mean, why wouldn't I be, when I had a Victoria's Secret employee trying to hit on my boyfriend-ish-best friend?

"Al". Cameron murmurs, standing up from his chair. I felt his hands on my waist, and he forcefully turns me around, so that the front of our bodies were collided.

He leaned his head down, so his mouth was next to my ear. "I didn't do anything, she just kept talking to me. I was barely even listening to her".

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and nears his face closer to mine. I reluctantly tried not to look him in the eyes, but my attempts were useless because he grabbed ahold of my chin and tilted my head up. His brown eyes met mine, and I could see my reflection through the glossiness of his orbs.

A smile crept along his face brightening up his features.

Suddenly, he walked forward, pushing my body against the wall of the room. His chest collided into mine, and an electrical shock shot it's way up my spine.

His lips came crashing onto mine, which took all of my worrisome away, and replaced it with happiness.

He pulled away, saying one last sentence. "No one can out-power you".

After paying for the four items, we walked out of the store. Near the exit, the same girl was still standing there. She eyed me an evil glare, sending a cold shiver throughout my body. As of Cameron, she gave him a sweet, apologetic smile, along with a wink, that irritated me.

Don't worry. I thought to myself. She means nothing to him.


"I'm going to take a shower before we leave". Cameron informs, as it was now 5:00 in the evening. The party or whatever we were going to go to, was not starting until 7:00. Plus, Cameron has to meet up with his Vegas friends so they can give us our fake ID's. I was stoked for tonight. I love parties! The music, the dancing, the loudness. Everything about them makes me feel excited.

Cameron wrapped a towel around his waist, leaving his previous clothes on the floor, before stepping into the bathroom. I however, began to get ready. Me being as slow as possible, my hair and makeup would take a while. So it's best that I start now rather than later, because I hate being rushed.


"Frickin again", I huff, as Camerons' phone rings for probably the fifth time. "I'm in the middle of doing my eyeliner, and you're bothering me", I mumble to myself. Cameron was still in the shower, so it was up to me to answer his phone, or either turn it off.

I stand up from my chair, following the sound of Cameron's phone, that laid somewhere unknowingly on the floor.

It was on its last ring, almost on the urge of leaving a voicemail. I picked up Cameron's pants, pulling his phone from out of his pocket, just as the screen turns off. As I pulled out his phone, a slip of paper slid out with it, and glided it's way to the floor. It was a pink slip of paper, no bigger than the palm of my hand. I bent down and picked it up, only to find a number written on the front of it. Beneath the number was written the initials; VL <3

With confusion filling my mind, I picked up his phone, and clicked the home button. On the screen displayed the exact same number that was written on the paper. My heart sank a little, but curiosity still lingered within me.

With no hesitation, I clicked the number on the screen, phoning back the number who had literally called five times.

The phone rang for a maximum of five seconds, before the familiar voice from Victoria's Secret answered.

"Oh hey Cammy. It's about time you picked up. So about next week—"

Without needing to hear anymore, my heart shattered and I hung up. Tears filled my eye sockets, and a feeling of betrayal hit me. I threw Cameron's phone onto the bed, and grabbed a jacket from my suitcase.

I ran towards the door and left, slamming the door behind me.

Let Cameron have her, because apparently, she did mean something to him.


Idk bout you guys but I love writing drama. 

Comment ur thoughts and vote pls pls pls!

70 votes and 25 comments for the next chap.

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