Life of a Blood Traitor

By MudbloodAndProud

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Reinette Hanson is your average 11 year old Harry Potter fan. Until Albus Dumbledore comes to her house and t... More

Chapter 1: An Unbelievable Letter
Chapter 2: Some Explanations
Chapter 3: Shopping With Dumbledore
Chapter 4: An Interesting Ride
Chapter 5: Conversations With The Sorting Hat
Chapter 6: Getting Detention
Chapter 7: The Midnight Duel
Chapter 8: Halloween
Chapter 9 3/4: The chapter I cut in half just to be evil :P
Chapter 10: More detentions
Chapter 11: Reinette's in detention? Not surprising.
Chapter 12: Christmas Surprises
Chapter 13: Meeting the skeletons in the closet
Chapter 14: Proof in the Memory
Chapter 15: Friends
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Reckless
Chapter 18: The Man With Two Hearts
Book II Chapter I
Book II Chapter II
Book II Chapter III
Book II Chapter IV
Book II Chapter V
Book II Chapter VI
Book II Chapter VII
Book II Chapter VIII
Book II Chapter IX
Book II Chapter X
Book II Chapter XI
Book II Chapter VII
Book 3 Chapter 1: Don't Wanna Be All By My 'Elf' Anymore

Chapter 9: Big Surprises

785 57 19
By MudbloodAndProud

Edited 1/15/2016

Ron, Hermione, and Harry becoming friends was great, Hermione was happier, Ron argued with her less, and I could hang out with the three of them at the same time if I wanted. Unfortunately, not everything after Halloween was great.

Tensions were rising between the Gryffindors and Slytherins. People from those two houses were more likely to be hexed from behind or caught dueling than anyone else; Snape was becoming unbearable. He was docking points left and right and giving out detentions to the Gryffindors for the smallest things. It was especially bad the Friday before the Gryffindor/Slytherin Quidditch match.

"So," I said, walking up to Draco, "Neville said you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes," Draco said with his signature smirk, "Do you remember our little wager? Well, I'd like to use the little favor you owe me."

"Alright," I sighed, "but, I should let you know right off the bat, I'm not going to do just anything. It has to be within reason, y'know?"

"Of course," Draco nodded, "I wouldn't ask you to do anything harmful or embarrassing. I just need you to get something from Peeves. He stole it from me, and I want it back."

"What is it?" I asked, crossing my arms, "And why don't you ask the Bloody Baron to get it back? Or Crabbe and Goyle?"

"You'll know it when you see it," Draco assured me, "It is the only thing on his person as of this moment. Even though he is my House's ghost, the Bloody Baron is quite," Draco paused for a moment, "Intimidating, and I'd rather talk with him as little as possible; Crabbe and Goyle are too stupid to get it back. You, on the other hand, are clever. You could easily think of a way to get it back."

I thought, Did Draco Malfoy just compliment me? Is he sick?

"Unless, I'm wrong," Draco added, "And you're as stupid as you look." Nope. He's fine. "So, will you help?"

I thought about it for a moment. Getting something back from Peeves shouldn't be too hard, and Draco did seem like he sincerely needed my help.

"You wouldn't want to go against your word, would you?" Draco urged. He had a point; there wasn't anything wrong with his request, so why couldn't I help?

"Alright," I sighed, "I'll help you. Do you have any idea where Peeves is?"

"Last I heard, he was flying about near Snape's office," Draco shrugged, "You should know where that is by now, what with you getting so many detentions and all."

"I've only gotten two," I groaned, "And could say 'thank you', you know."

"You're right, and I do thank you."

"Good," I nodded, turning to head to my designated retrieval sight. Draco began to laugh, and I turned around to see what was so funny. He wasn't near anyone or anything amusing, so it must have been some thought of his.

Shrugging, I continued my search for Peeves.

"Hey, Peeves!" I called, spotting the transparent trickster tossing a thin object up in the air and catching it.

"Yes, teeny one?" Peeves asked, not taking his eyes away from what looked like a wand. How did Draco get his
wand stolen by Peeves?
I wondered.

"That wand," I said, pointing to the wand, "Did you take it from Draco Malfoy?"

"Peeves-y might've done such a thing," Peeves snickered, "Why would it concern the Gryffindor Malfoy?"

"He wants it back, so he asked me to get it from you," I explained, deciding to try the easiest way to get it back first,
"Could you give it to me?"

"Peeves could do such a thing," Peeves nodded, "For a price, of course."

"What kind of price?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"All ickle Malfoy must do is stand here and chat with ol' Peevesie," Peeves grinned maliciously.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Peeves gets tired of talking to his self, but everyone avoids him because of his funny tricks," Peeves chuckled wickedly, "Peeves just wants some company. Just for a mo'."

"Alright, but first give me the wand," I ordered, extending my hand. Peeves threw me the wand with a smirk. "What do you want to talk about?"

Peeves cackled before answering. "Peeves' job is finished. He only wishes to know how it feels to be tricked."


"Yes, tricksies were played," Peeves answered before bellowing, "OI, SNAPE! PEEVES FOUND THE NASTY STUDENT WHO STOLE YOUR POSSESSION!"

"What?" I gasped, "But, I didn- ooooooooooh, Draco!" The little brat had set me up!

Before I could do anything else, Snape was beside me quick as a flash. I was about to say something when I saw his face. He looked livid; his face was growing red and his mouth was contorted into a terrifying scowl. I felt myself back up slightly when he spoke. "So, it was you!" he roared, "How dare you come into my office, open my personal trunk, and steal such an irreplaceable possession!"

"B-but," I stammered, "I wasn't the one who stole it!"

"Then why is it in your hand?" Snape demanded, in a calmer tone that made me more uneasy.

"Because, Draco is trying to frame me," I stated, getting over my initial shock, "He must've taken it from you and given it to Peeves!"

"Do you honestly believe I'd believe that?" Snape growled, "It is no secret that you two don't exactly get along, but how could you possibly think it was smart to try and place the blame on Mister Malfoy for your misdeeds?"

"Because I didn't steal it!" I repeated, my voice growing a bit louder, "Peeves just handed it to me before screaming for you!"

"Peeves only saw Miss Malfoy come out of Professor Snape's office," Peeves interjected, "Took nothing, I did."

"Miss Malfoy, I ought to place you in detention every day for the rest of the year for even thinking about stealing from me!" Snape hissed, "Come. We shall see if the headmaster agrees; you better be thankful I'm even doing this instead of punishing you myself." He waved his wand once, causing the door to his office to close with a slam and lock itself.

"Wait a minute," I said, not moving, "You have a wand with you! Why do you need this one?"

"That is none of your concern," Snape sighed, "Now, do as you are told and come with me! You'll be better off admitting what you've done and taking whatever punishment you are given with dignity."

"I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM YOU!" I yelled, finally reaching my boiling point.

"Miss Malfoy!" Snape snapped, "That is not a tone you should use when speaking with me. Now, you are in enough trouble as it is, so if you would be so kind as to-"

"No! Listen to me!" I cried, causing Snape to stop talking, "You can yell at me, punish me, do whatever you want; but, you most certainly can't accuse me of stealing something from you without any proof!"

"What proof do I need, Miss Malfoy? I see Eilee- the wand in your hand, no one else has been near my office. It is obvious that you had taken the wand, and do not wish to face the consequences of your actions."

"No, I didn't steal it! Draco did!" I groaned in frustration, "You can put me under a spell, use Veritaserum on me, anything to prove I'm not lying!"

"Would you really take Veritaserum to prove your innocence?" Snape asked, slightly wide-eyed, "It matters that much to you?"

"Yes, I would," I sighed. I was pretty stubborn when it came to being accused of crimes I didn't commit. "The question is, do you not trust my word enough that you would give me Veritaserum?"

Snape growled softly. "You'll be happy to know that feeding Veritaserum to students is forbidden," he muttered.

"Then is there a spell that could prove I'm telling the truth? Or how about Legillimens?" I demanded, becoming more annoyed by the second.

"Very well," Snape stiffened, "Be quiet, and this shall go much faster." With that, Snape became very quiet before muttering a single word.


Images of the earlier events passed before me, and for some reason, I could hear the faint ringing of my own name in my ears; oddly enough, mom and Belle's faces appeared in the mix and when Snape was finished, his face was stark white.

"Professor?" I asked tentatively, "Are you alright?"

"So it wasn't an alias," Snape muttered almost inaudibly, "She truly is her."

"Professor?" I repeated. Snape seemed to return to his senses, shaking himself slightly.

Snape cleared his throat and spoke, "You may leave me, Ms. Malfoy, after you return my- the wand to me."
I hadn't even realized I was still holding onto the wand, but I did as he instructed, and left Snape to his thoughts.


Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I were in the courtyard attempting to get warm by a fire in a jar. I was in a very bad mood because Draco had decided to try and get me in trouble. After that, I got into an argument with Snape; and, to top it all off, after I did prove my innocence, Draco didn't get into trouble! Not even a single point was taken from Slytherin. How unfair is that?

Anyway, Snape came limping by us and we tried to hide the fire. I guess we looked guilty because he came to us.

"Potter! What is in your hand?" he snapped. Snape had been pretty peeved for a few days, but it was especially bad at this moment. Once Harry showed him the book, Snape 'confiscated' it while claiming library books weren't allowed outside the school.

"Yeah, right," I muttered. I also had been peeved all day, and an argument and injustice were the causes; it was safe to say I wasn't too keen on being polite to the particular professor.

"What was that Ms. Malfoy?" Snape said sharply.

"Nothing, sir," I answered, attempting to look innocent.

"20 points from Gryffindor and a detention Ms. Malfoy."

"For what?" I shouted.

"For muttering whatever it was you muttered."

"But I didn't mutter! So I get points taken away for 'muttering', but Draco can steal from you and not get a single point removed?" I growled, "Or is this because of what I said during my last detention about-"

"Enough, Ms. Malfoy!" Snape roared, "Another detention! Now, no more about my personal life or-"

"Or what exactly? Another detention? Ha! That'll really scare me! I can tell you stories from your personal life even you've forgotten, Snivellus." Okay, I may have gone too far at this moment, but my temper hadn't exactly been in check. In hindsight, Snape had been colder towards me after my detention and from time to time I had caught snatches of him muttering about someone 'not being like she would'.

"How did you- where did you hear-" Snape spluttered, his face flushed.

"As I said before, Professor, I read quite a bit." I answered, "Petunia may have been right! You're nothing but a foul, greasy-haired little gi-"

"To the headmaster's office!" Snape roared, "I've told you countless times to not speak of my personal past, but you've gone too far! Come!"

"No! I'm sick of you treating students so horribly and how you treat Harry unfairly just because of things his father did to you! Seriously? A book is cause for point reductions? Or is it because of James and Lily that you treat him so? It's not Harry's fault you loved-"

"Don't you dare speak another word Miss Malfoy." Snape snapped, "If you say so much as one more word, I swear I'll-"

"Swear what?" I demanded, my anger growing, "Besides, don't you think Harry has a right to know? You can't treat him the way you do, the same way you can't treat Neville the way you do just because his parents could have had a different fate! It's not like bullying them will change anything! You'll still be Snape, she'll still be dead, and no one will be any different! Get it into your heading that all these stupid punishments and insults actually make students hate you even more!"

"You will not speak to me this way, Miss Malfoy," Snape said, his voice becoming dangerously low, "Now apologize and you're punishment might not be too unbearable."

"You first, Snivellus. All I'm doing is giving you the same thing you put Neville through, just with my own little flare. Tell me, how did it feel to have even the most cowardly, the weakest Gryffindor be able to hurt you? A boy who couldn't even walk without falling being able to kick your a-"

Snape's face was red with rage. "To the headmaster's office. Now," he hissed, not letting me finish my sentence.

"Oh for the love of Merlin!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air, "You know, I don't necessarily have to listen."

"Now!" he roared. I began to protest as he grabbed my arm in a tight grip.

I marched up the stone steps with Snape. "Lemon drop," he said when we got there. A hidden staircase was revealed, spiraling slowly. We walked up the steps in a tension-filled silence, and Snape roughly knocked on the door. "Enter," Dumbledore's voice said serenely.

"Stay here," Snape ordered me before stomping into the room and shutting the door. Naturally, when he shut the door I listened through the keyhole.

"Ah, Severus. What brings you here? Is something the matter?" Dumbledore asked, and I could almost imagine his tranquil smile faultering as he looked up to Snape.

"It's Ms. Malfoy, headmaster," Snape growled in reply. Footsteps could be heard, almost as if someone was pacing. "She shows me no respect! You should've heard her in the courtyard just now. Blasting old insults at me as if-"

"Actually, I did here your and Ms. Malfoy's little -ah- disagreement," Dumbledore interrupted, "I told you to watch how you spoke to each other, and I do believe I was correct in saying that sooner or later you two would butt heads and create a scene. I expect she gets her temper from her mother's family."

"What are you saying, Albus?"

"I am saying she is very much like you, Severus, and in more ways than one," Dumbledore replied, "but, there is much of Eileena to be found in her as well."

"As true as that may be," Snape noted, "she shall not talk to me in such a way and I won't stand for it! Even if she is my niece."




Was that too predictable?

Any-who, the 'shouting match' between Snape and Reinette. Funny? Stupid?

Well, it was another (as @DobbyAwesome had put it) 'sass attack of the Malfoy'.

Beware there will be more sass attacks as the story continues! (Reinette is a sassy person)


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