Poles Apart

By elizja

133 17 1

Rare, a perfect word to describe Valentina Rose Castello. No, she is not an alien, but she is the daughter of... More

0 | Valentina Rose Castello
2 | Unwanted
3 | His coins
4 | Solutions
5 | He's everywhere

1 | Friends and Enemies

21 3 0
By elizja

I pried the worn out comforter allowing the cold air to crawl on my legs. I shivered and rubbed my eyes yawning.

We didn't have a heater and the window would sometimes open itself if the wind was too strong. My bed consisted of a mattress that laid on the floor, a pillow, and a light comforter.

I searched for any piece of clothing I could find on the floor. I grabbed an oversized navy T-shirt dress and smelled it, I nodded to myself taking the shirt I worn to sleep off and replacing it with the dress.

That reminded me, I needed to do my laundry. We didn't have a laundry machine, I would do it at my brothers sometimes or the public washing machines that fed on coins. There was no way I would collect my laundry now, it was too dark and I couldn't risk waking anyone up.

I looked around for a jacket, since it would be windy outside thanks to the late sunrise. I sighed, defeated that I couldn't find anything clean to keep me warm. I tiptoed to the wall hanger we had near the door and took my bag and carried my sneakers in my hands. I attempted to soundlessly twist the door knob, but a faint creak followed.

I walked out only to be greeted with blinding white light that was too bright for anyones own good. I locked the flat door creating louder noise, but I didn't worry about anyone hearing this time. I was outside after all.

I hastily threw on my shoes running down the flight of confined stairs. The lights weren't as bright as the ones on the level which I was thankful for.

I heard babbling, lots of it. It got louder as I got closer to the ground level. That worried me a bit, my neighbourhood was an extremely unsafe neighbourhood. Having someone awake at this time only made matters worst.

I pushed the exit doors open with full force and now I know who's been babbling. I quietly laughed to myself as I saw Andre with a women in the lobby of the building.

"Hey Tins, where you going?" Andre said as he walked over to me with a worried expression. "Everything alright?"

"Yep, everything's okay." I grinned as I gave him a big hug.

Andre was the buildings landlord, and he also lived here. Andre was tall, standing at six feet. His look was fairly intimidating. Tattoos covered his left arm from the shoulder all the way to his fingernails. He had stretched both his ears and put in black plugs. His hair was a very light shade of brown and he had a little scruff.

"It's 4am, where the hell are you running off too?" He asked raising his eyebrow at me, he pulled me into another hug. "You can tell me anything Valentina, I'm here for you." He whispered into my hair.

I looked at my shoes and nodded as I let out a shaky breath. I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I really liked Andre, he was one of the closest people to me. I am a very open book, and I let people in easily. That's why my relationships always end bad.

"I'm going over to Bella's before my mum wakes up." I explained to him as I pulled out of his warm embrace.

"It's pretty chilly outside." He walked over the dirty yellow sofas and pulled his jacket. "Here." He smiled and handed me the jacket.

I wanted to kiss him, right then and there. His bitch for the night was tapping her foot behind him, so I quickly thanked him and left.

Andre knew my living circumstances and he tried to help as much as he could.

I put on Andre's jacket and started walking to Bella's. It was a two and a half hour walk, but I didn't mind. I was used to walking long distances, I didn't have money for the bus or a cab. I never got my drivers license either so I had no choice but to walk.

I dug under the pot that held a dead plant and found the spare key for Bella's apartment. It was only six-thirty in the morning so I decided to cook something, my stomach was growling.

I decided to make some pancakes, I grabbed flour, sugar, oil, milk, and some other ingredients. I whipped up the mixture and threw some butter on a pan and began scooping the batter onto the pan. I began humming to myself and continuing to cook. Once I was done I grabbed a plate for myself and dug in.

I heard gentle patter and looked up from my plate. There he stood, my worst enemy. He smirked and walked over.

"Fuck off, please." I smiled and flipped him off.

"What? You don't want today's salary?" He chuckled disgustingly walking closer to me.

I felt a ball forming in my throat as tears went to fill my eyes, he hit a nerve. Caleb would use me for his own needs, I was once naïve and let him before I realised this was all games for him.

"You're seriously implying that I'm a prostitute? That's low. Thanks" I shook my head, losing my appetite. I stood up and grabbed my plate placing it in the sink.

"Like mother like daughter. Right?" He laughed louder this time.

By now I was fuming I gripped the counter, gritting my teeth.

"Says the man who'll never stop whoring around." I turned around and crossed my arm. "Why does Bella even let you stay here I'll never understand but whatever." I said then went back to wash the dishes to show him that I'm completely ignoring his presence.


"Valetina!" I heard my best friend screech, she ran over to me like she hasn't seen me in ten years.

I played along running over to her and jumping into her open arms.

"Bella, my beauty!" I exclaimed and hugged her really tight.

We both began laughing and I pulled her into the kitchen.

"I made pancakes!" I giggled, looking at her expression.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth was slightly open.

I tapped her chin, "Don't want to catch flies." I winked and pulled a plate for her as I plated her pancakes.

I sat next to her and stared at her eating.

"I thought you were going to hang out with Calvin today." She said munching on her pancakes.

I stirred a bit and began dusting the surface of the table with my fingers. "He had to go on a business trip, he said it was last minute." I looked up and smiled to show her that it was okay.

"Even her own brother doesn't want to hang out with her! Ha." Caleb shouted from the couch, we both just glared and ignored him.

"V.." Bella said and tucked my hair away from my face. "When are you gonna realise that they're not worth it?" She sighed.

"Never. They are, they love and care for me Bella." I said sternly, I hated when Bella talked shit about my brother and father.

"Sure. He loves you and cares but as soon as his girlfriend pouts over the fact that he's talking to his own daughter he drops you like that." She said about my dad snapping her fingers and standing up.

I frowned and thought about it for a bit, she was right but I refused to believe it. Rejection was always hard for me to deal with.

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