I Walk Alone

Galing kay animewolfsoul

277 3 5

" i will be the decoy while you escape. its only fair that i trade my life for the ones that i have taken fro... Higit pa

I Walk Alone
Second Gunshot
Third Gunshot
Fourth Gunshot

First Gunshot

32 0 1
Galing kay animewolfsoul

hey, sorry for the long wait. i wanted to make this chapter just right, so tell me if i did a good job or not ok? ^^. lol, silly Hades- that prison was built long before elevators were made. 

 the song is one that i think is awesome.i also think of underworld whenever i hear it! hmm.... mostly william tho, or the werwolves. but there are parts for vampires as well. lol

 I lay on my back, the cold air of the cell passing around me, it was like it was waiting for something. something that would let it escape this underground place and return to the sun. heh, talking as if mist has feelings. i really am going crazy. but then again- how long has it been? the days have been blurring together for some time now. 

the insane ramblings of one of the other prisoners echoed through the halls. "Come, come you who wish to seek

The night slumbers while I dance

But if you want to know

Who it is that shall creep

Into the shadows of your head

And keep you locked in an never-ending trance

Its me of course, the one you fear

The one who makes the once white snow,

Bleed red with blood from the body of the dead

And never will you hear the shrieks

Of those that crossed the dancers path" 

It happened often, so it was nothing new to us to hear stuff like this. some of the others even joined in to pass the time, sometimes they added a verse or two, or 'sang' along where they knew the words. you see, down here we are all like a family (granted the people down here are more crazier than most), none of us care about what happened in the past or what made you come here. all that matters is that we're here now and thats enough evidence that you'v done terrible things. 

awhile later some guards came to take the prisoners out to the courtyard above ground. lucky them, i thought as the sounds of locks being opened and chains being put in place rang through the cells. i opened my eyes and stared at the damp ceiling it looks so far away, the dark abyss that always looms above me, but i know that i only have to stand up and reach out my hand to touch it. i wonder if the sky was like that- you only have to reach out and touch the ends of the sky. i knew that it was impossible though ( i haven't lost all of my senses yet) but it had always fasinated me how the sky stayed up so high like it did. they say that what comes up must come down, however, if thats so then wouldn't the sky have fallen centuries ago? what keeps it up there? and was it always like that, so aloof and far away? why is it up there in the first place? the univeres is black but covered in stars, so theres no need for a sky. what about earth though? did whoever make it think that we wouldn't be able to deal with looking at the planets around us or something? if the sky really is a kind of shield then how come we need it? 

i must have driften off in my thoughts because the next thing i knew i heard my cell being unlocked and opening. i stood up and walked over to the wall, leaning against it while watching as the guard struggled with the lock. i smirked when he finally got it open (about five minutes later). for some reason the security around my cell had to have been increased with the last person who was in here, so now, around forty years later the locks must have rusted more than they had though they would. " thanks for the entertainment, it certainly cheered me up knowing that you guys care about me so much  as to make the cell guard proof". 

the guard scowled at me and bound my hands and feet, but not so much so that i couldn't move. i smirked again as he led me and the other ones lucky enough to go outside down through the maze of cells and prisoners. some people tried to claw at us as we walked by, some were mumbling insane things, others just stared at nothing or slept, not really caring much for us. those who didn't give a shit were probably those who have been here the longest- it gets to a point where you can't stand the same old routine over and over for god knows how many years. you just get lost in your own mind and never come back out. i hope that i never become like that I thought, shivering as images of the ones who had gone completely crazy crossed my mind. 

soon we had reached a staircase leading above ground. up we went, and after about twenty steps my legs felt like they were gonna cave in. hey, they keep us locked up almost all the time in these small cells, then expect us to be able to climb this massive staircase!? they should have installed an elevator. stupid construction workers, they should have been using their brains!!

after making it up all the stairs ( lost count after fifty-six.), and with help from the guard that fetched me from my cell, me and the others finally emerged into the semi light of the compound. down the hall we walked, coming out into a strange courtyard like thing that i have seen many times over. bars lined the walls, making it impossible for us to escape, and a roof was overhead. a couple meters away from the yard were long halls surrounding the strange thing. guards patrolled the walkways, and i knew that over on the far side of the building ( with was connected to these halls) there was another court like this one. 

even though i couldn't see the sky for the rooftops blocking my view, i could still feel its presence, unlike how i did underground, where the air is damp and you can't see more than a few feet in front of you when the power is switched off. i sighed and leaned my head back against the wall. "hey, Wolf!" i looked up at the mention of my nickname ( its what the other prisoners call me, since i refused to give them my real name) to see Blue, a boy who was around my age with spiky black hair that kept falling in his eyes, run towards me. as he drew closer i began to glare it him, hoping that he would keep his distance this time. nope, it had no effect i thought as he glomped me, crushing me between him and the wall. " would you quit doing that!? i hate it when people touch me!" i yelled, pushing him away. Blue smiled sheepishly " sorry, i keep forgetting. but its been so long since we last saw each other i couldn't stop myself" you see, Blue has this thing about being near people ( basically he's almost my opposite)- for example,  he thinks that its ok to just go up and hang his arm around a total stranger and talk about utter nonsense  ( yeah, that how we first met). unfortunately he seems to have taken a liking to me and stalks me almost every time i'm outside. 

" so? i want to bite your head off, but i stop myself because i don't want to have to have your blood staining whichever part of me i chose to kill you with" i glared at him. 

"awww, c'mon! don't be like that. my blood isn't that bad" 

"are you sure you don't have a death wish? cause it sounds as if your committing verbal suicide."


lol, don't ask me about that  last line. i have no idea why i made him say that ^^;. i didn't edit this so please spare my life oh great grammar Nazis that never comment on this story but secretly hate me!! i know your out there! i ain't paranoid!!!!!! >.<

im sorry that its short, but typing is very draining....hope that you like. i had written a first chapter before this, then didn't like it and rewrote it all T.T might make it as a future chapter since it has some information needed to understand the story. i didn't include it cause i wanted to take things at a slower pace.  also, i wrote that poem.... there will be other stuff like that that i'lll include in my stories/drawings and manga series! anyway, Cya!!

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