Highland Dream (Book 1)

By AzMaz90

540K 29.8K 1K

The Druids were a hunted people long ago...they made a pact to scatter their children throughout time to keep... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Hamish's Story

Chapter 21

9.4K 600 24
By AzMaz90

AN - I hope you like the story so far, if you have, I have posted the start of a new story, I would appreciate if you checked it out and let me know what you think.

Chapter 21

Aislinn was already seated at the high table by the time Cam made it to the main hall. As he entered the sun had just begun to set over the mountains surrounding their valley. The reds and oranges shone brightly making the Keep glow in the soft shades. The first few feet to of the main hall was bathed in the same colour as it streamed through open doors. But the beauty created by nature was not what kept Cam’s attention, but the woman in the blue dress smiling at his second in command Hamish as they waited for the evening meal. There was no jealousy here though, for as soon as he stepped foot in the hall, as if she had felt the movement Aislinn’s eyes had focused upon his.

Aislinn felt compelled to look up exactly as Camdyn came into the hall. A steady stream of warriors, farmworkers and all their wives had been making their way into the Keep for the last quarter of an hour. But as Cam came in with the final rush of people. It was only him she truly noticed. Hamish had been distracting her so far and she actually found she he had a wonderful sense of humour, and while quiet he made sure that what he said would make the most impact and be listened to.

“Ah, I see I have lost your attention now Cam is back.” His small smile, which had been growing infinitesimally bigger over the course of the afternoon, graced his face once more. It was as if he was relearning to smile. Attention returned back to Hamish she reached out and patted the hand he was resting on the table top. “I do apologise Hamish, I don’t know what it is about him, but when he is around I seem to know he is there. Is that too strange?” Hamish shook his head and focused his gaze to the space above her head, which made her turn to face the shadow that had fallen over her.

Camdyn had made his way across the hall remarkable fast. She did not expect the look of annoyance she found on his face. He picked up her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back, before directing his words to Hamish and he sat to the left of Aislinn. “The twins think the elders have been testing me, seeing if I can solve the problems that arise with being Laird. How I handle the people, even with the most trivial of problems.” As he spoke the twins sat on the chairs opposite him and Aislinn, nodding in dual agreement to what he was saying. Hamish joined in the discussion then, as the four of them tried to reason out the main reasons behind the elders’ actions, and what they could possibly have in store.

More of Cam’s top men had joined them at the top table and as the food came out the hall was full of laughter and conversations, the only empty chairs being those set aside for the Laird and Larena. The roasted meat and root vegetables were distributed throughout the hall. Isla made sure to send the richest and most succulent meat up to the top table for the clans best warriors and to get some more substance upon Aislinn’s frame. The mead was flowing freely, many having multiple refills, no one’s goblet going empty tonight.

As the goblets on the tables were refilled once again, no one noticed the swap as one was taken and a different one put in its place. No one noticed through their own bubble of conversation, and the men focusing as much attention on Aislinn, that their server had changed. No one noticed so no one saw what was to come.

Aislinn had somehow become the centre of attention on the high table. The conversation had soon turned from the elders and every male at the table had wanted an introduction. They then had regaled her with any and all tales they could think off. Most had her crying in laughter by the end, and she was sure they were trying their hardest to make the others look bad with the actions they had done badly. Like when Grant had finished his tale, which had made her give him her rapt attention Frasier had then launched into a tale of how Grant had fallen out of a tree while on a hunt and ended up being shot in the behind because the men with him thought he was the prey.

She had just taken a bite of a wonderfully soft bread roll when another story made her inhale quickly, as she did a tiny piece got lodged in her throat, so she rapidly reached for her goblet of mead. In her haste she misjudged the distance and knock her goblet and its content across the table. The liquid seeping across the wooden top as the cough over took her.

All the men had been captivated by their dinner companion, all trying to outdo each other, but at the first signs of her distress they were all on alert, as the warriors they were trained to be. As her goblet went flying, 6 of Cam’s men were already on their feet. Cam himself went down on his knees beside her and was reaching for his own drink as her small hand clasped her throat as she choked. Holding it to her lips and helping her to drink the little she could as she tried to dislodge the object. All the men on the table had crowded around them, waiting to hear orders from Cam as to what they were to do to help.

Slowly, Aislinn’s colour returned and she finally managed to take a deep breath and push gently at Camdyn’s hand. “Thank you.” She smiled at Camdyn and then around at the men who had surrounded her chair. Embarrassment was a red fire in her cheeks, but all the men wanted to individually check of her health before they returned to their meals. Cam called for another goblet as he passed his over to Aislinn, and allowed a servant to pass him to clear the table of the liquid that had started to become tacky upon the table top.

Eventually the high table was able to get back to their meal, and back to the atmosphere from before the incident. As the evening wore on someone started music in the corner and some of the tables were moved to create a space for dancing. As Cam turned to ask Aislinn if she cared to dance, he found that three of his men had already beaten him to it, but also how pale she looked as she shook her head and claimed that she was not in good enough health to dance sufficiently for them. Though concerned they took that to mean something about her state after he rescue. Cam, however, had noticed the difference in her since she choked. Concerned he excused them from the table and took her upstairs.

As they reached the top, with Cam helping her up the stairs much to Aislinn’s protestations, Aislinn collapsed against him. Her legs giving way and her stomach protesting violently. He had barely managed to rush her into her room as the evening meal she had consumed made its reappearance onto the entrance way. Striding to the bed he placed her down, immediately she curled into the foetal position upon the sheets, groaning silently. Reaching down he reached for the chamber pot putting it on the floor if she needed to expel any more of the meal. Stroking her hair back from her already sweaty forehead, he tried to decide the next course of action.

Leaning close he whispered in her ear, “I’m will be back in one moment, I need to go and call for help. This is not a normal sickness Aislinn.” She grabbed his hand but there was not much strength in it. He knew she did not want to be left alone but unless he found someone to help she would only get worse. Gently pulling her hand away from his he gave it a squeeze and reassured her he would be back as soon as possible.

Flying out the door he very nearly tripped over Isla whose face was a thunder cloud. “Cam how could you take Aislinn like that, do you know what rumours could spread about her now?” That was when she truly saw him. “What is it what is wrong?” Making a move to take hold of his arms, he dodged her and pointed in to Aislinn’s room. “Stay with her Isla, I need to fetch help, and my men need to be told to look for similar symptom.” With that final comment Cam had already reached the top of the stairs to the main hall.

Isla stood in shock for a moment before hurrying into room Cam had just left. She found Aislinn trying to curl into herself, but she would not respond to her name any movement and sound she made was as if it was coming from someone in a deep sleep, in the throes of a nightmare. Isla had only ever seen one other person with these systems and as they had not survived she was now extremely worried about Aislinn.

Feeling better in action, she went to collect the basin and water from the corner of the room and spent the remainder of the time until Cam’s return keeping a very still Aislinn cool and as comfortable as possible.

By the time Cam had returned with reinforcements Aislinn’s breathing had become disturbingly shallow and the edges of her lips and finger tips were turning blue. Now she was utterly convinced. Looking directly into Cam’s eyes as he moved quickly to their side, she made sure he knew just how serious this was. “Cam, this is not a reaction we see often, there is only one cause for such rapid systems. She’s been poisoned.”

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