A Road Trip to Remember (Katn...

By HannahVorhees

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So when Katniss is only 20 minutes into her drive and her car get struck by a dodge pick up truck, what does... More

A Road Trip To Remember (Katniss and Peeta Story)
Part One: The Accident
Part Two: On The Road
Part Three: Learning
Part Four: An Early Start
Part Five: Kings Island
Part Six: Singing
Part Seven: Kiss Cam
Part Eight: Leaving Cincinnati
Part Nine: Change of Plans.
Part Ten: A Party Gone Wrong
Part Eleven: Find Katniss
Part Twelve: Awkward
Part Thirteen: Hanging Out
Part Fourteen: Hospital
Part Fifteen: The Storm
Part Sixteen: In The Truck
Part Seventeen: Hospital Again
Part Nineteen: Explaining
Part Twenty: Taking Him Off
Part Twenty One: Staying With Him
Part Twenty Two: Peeta Goes Home
Part Twenty Three: Gale
Part Twenty Four: First Date
Part Twenty Five: Going Back To College
Part Twenty Six: Talking to Prim
Part Twenty Seven: Leavin
Part Twenty Eight: Step Father
Part Twenty Nine: Robbed
Part Thirty: Girls Night
Part Thirty One: Calling Her
Part Thirty Two: Taken
Part Thirty Three: Help
Part Thirty Four: Black Ops
Part Thirty Five: He's Mine
Part Thirty Six: Telling Gale
Part Thirty Seven: Christmas
Authors Note!!!

Part Eighteen: Talking With Gale

4.2K 152 9
By HannahVorhees

Gale opens his arms and I actually leave Peeta to enter Gale's comfort. He has been my best friend for so long and I'm sure he was worried about me. I cry into his shirt, completely staining it. In fact, I stay in his arms until someone enters the room. My mom.
"Katniss Everdeen get your butt back in your hospital room!" She exclaims.
"No." I say blankly.
"Excuse me young lady? You need to listen. Do you realize that you are putting your health in danger?" She asks.
"Your point?" I snap.
"My point, is you are still sick."
"What about all the times Prim or I were sick? But we had to take care of ourselves because you wouldn't move from that damn rocking chair in the living room! Did you hear me when I screamed your name right in front of your face with tears streaming down my face, my little sister having to watch her mother be dead to the world! Did you hear me then!?" I scream at her holding onto Gale even tighter. My mother looks shocked,
"Do you know what a depression is Katniss?" She asks in a small voice. This really pisses me off. I leave Gale and press my mom against the wall, startling her and Gale.
"Do you know what raising kids means? It means that no matter what happens you have to be there for them. You can't leave them because of a death, and you did! He was my dad too and I had to deal with it by myself. Leave!" I release my hold on her and shove her out of the door. Slamming the door, I turn to face Gale.
"Katniss, you will regret that."
"I will not. I have been waiting forever to say that to her."
"Katniss she is still your mother." He says.
"The closest she has ever come to being my mother is giving birth to me." I snap.
"Katniss don't say that." Gale says.
"No! I will say that! She did nothing to help Prim or me after my father died! I became the mother of the family and I want her to know what I had to go trough because she got sad!" I scream at Gale now.
"Katniss, just calm down." That is the worse thing to say to a girl. I would answer but someone walks in. I think it's my mom but it's just Prim and all of my friends.
"I told you she was awake." Prim says and to my surprise the first person to hug me is Cato. Didn't see that one coming. I'm pretty close to him, but I thought Finnick would first. I hug him back and everyone seems to get a group hug with me. Joanna whispers to me.
"Thought we lost you brainless." An I laugh at her nickname for me.
"In still hear Jo don't worry." I reassure her.
"How is Peeta?" Someone asks. I think Annie. This brings tears to my eyes.
"He is.." I trail off. Everyone releases me and looks at Peea. We all walk over by his bed.
"Broken." I finish.
"He will be okay Katniss." Finnick says rubbing my back. I look at Peeta, he could be sleeping if it wasn't for all the tubes going into him. At least he can still breath by himself. Soon enough, a doctor comes in and tells us all we have to leave. Only his family. And his parents seen here yet.
"Wait." I say which brings all the attention to me. "I can stay right?"
"Are you family?" He asks.
"I'm the girl he saved in the crash. The reason he is like this."
"I'm sorry mam." He says.
"Wait! I'm his girlfriend!" I say before I realize that everyone is still in the room. Thy all look at me and Gale stands shocked.
"But you aren't family yet. Im sorry." The doctor say ad we are all pushed out no try to fight my way back in but I can't. I turn around to lean against the wall when I see a lot of eyes on me.
"Lucy you have some explaining to do!" She says from an old TV show, I Love Lucy. I sigh.

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