Murmurs »fivesauce

By cravingcashton

24 0 0

Her world was loud, full of secrets, gossip and murmurs. But, now all she hears are sweet nothings. She lived... More



8 0 0
By cravingcashton

"Psst" Calum whispers to her.

Vida lets out a sigh, "what do you want, Calum?"

"You know, Michael still talks about you-"

"Stop. I'm not doing this here hood."

"You know everyone still remembers how much of a SLUT you are."

"Don't let him get to you, Vida." She tells herself. Gripping the edge of her seat on each side of her until her knuckles turn ghostly white.

"I'm honestly not surprised he hasn't even tried reaching out to you. You're just too pathetic." Calum continues to slander Vida.

She was always told to control her anger. But Calum provoked her. She was furious at his attempts to make her mad. Without a second thought, Vida slammed the face of her desk with the palm of her hands with so much force, they started to sting.

"Calum and Vida, is something wrong?!" Mr Hemmings had noticed their fighting, as well as the rest of the class containing at least 25 kids.

"Nothing sir, the only thing wrong here is Vida." You could hear the disgust coming from him.

All Vida can see is red, her face burning, and all she wanted to do right now is strangle Calum. She didn't deserve the bashing he'd always given her. Vida had a lump in her throat and couldn't find the right words to say to Calum. As of now, all the attention in the small classroom was drawn to Vida. She panicked, there was nothing heard but the sound of her loud breathing and the crumpling of her papers as she grabbed all of her belongings and stormed out of the room.

Vida could usually keep herself tame, but Calum knew all the wrong buttons to push.

She walk down the hall quickly, turning at every corner not knowing what to do. She felt like a child, she wanted to throw a tantrum; flail her arms in the air, kick at the ground, scream at everyone and cry uncontrollably.

Some how Mr. Hemmings found his way to Vida, "Ms. Winslow, please come back, you rudely disrupted the class." Crossing his arms over his torso, giving her a stern look.

"Me? Rudely disrupting the class? You're kidding." Vida thought to herself. That just provoked her even more.  She couldn't believe Mr. Hemmings couldn't see through Calums deception. Vida wasn't thinking, she was just acting on her impulses and flipped off her teacher. Wait, she began processing everything through her mind. She just gave her teacher the middle finger...

His face dropped and his usual light ocean eyes turned dark. Vida instantly regretted what she'd just done. He walked closer to her as she stood in place. Soon his face was merely a foot away from hers and he just looks down at Vida intently with those dark ocean eyes.

"I'm sorry- I wasn't thinking about my actions." Vida quietly admitted.

"You're going to say sorry to the whole class for disrupting the lesson." He whispers next to her ears, causing her to shiver.

The two got back into the class and all the attention is on Vida, nasty glares are shot at her and shes dodging none of their bullets.

"Class, ms Winslow would like to apologize for her behaviour" He says and gestures towards her. 

"I-I..," She chokes, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you Vida I'll be expecting you to come to my class after school to discuss your punishment." Mr Hemmings says to Vida quietly.

She proceeds to go sit down back into her seat when her nemesis had a cocky grin on his mouth that Vida was resisting to slap off.

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