Apathy ⇉ Girl Meets World

Door BeautyAndMarie_

209K 5.1K 2.2K

❝If I tell you the cold hard truth, it means I like you and I don't want you looking stupid.❞ Apathy [season... Meer

Extended Summary + Disclaimer
⇉ one
⇉ two
⇉ three
⇉ five
⇉ six
⇉ seven
⇉ eight
⇉ nine
⇉ ten
⇉ eleven
⇉ twelve
⇉ thirteen
⇉ fourteen
⇉ fifteen
⇉ sixteen
⇉ seventeen
⇉ eighteen
⇉ nineteen
⇉ twenty
⇉ twenty one
⇉ twenty two
⇉ twenty three

⇉ four

9.9K 319 401
Door BeautyAndMarie_

four - If These Walls Could Talk

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

That's something you would say Ryan Collins had, which is why she kept on keeping her mother's death a secret from the world.

A world that involved Riley Matthews and Maya Hart.

She didn't want them to see Ryan as a weak little girl who lost her mother and ran away from her problems.

If anything, she'd rather be known as a mystery.

As Ryan walked into the kitchen to grab her left over Hershey cookies and creme bar from the fridge, she was put to a halt when her father walked in.

''Can't talk right now, I'm gonna be late for school'' She informs him in a hurry while stuffing a piece of the candy in her mouth.

''Then I'll drive you'' He says as she rushed past him, lifting up his keys to announce the jingling sound it made.

Ryan features drop and slapped her arms against her sides. ''Okay, what did I do this time?''

'Dad never offers to drive. If I'm late to school, it's on me, that's how it goes on a daily. When he does offer, it's because I done something wrong.'

''All you've done since we got back, is done homework, listen to music, watch reruns of Teen Wolf, eat and sleep'' Marvin shakes his head. ''And when I ask about your day, you just tell me about the lunch menu!''

Ryan rolled her eyes. ''It's only been four days, what's your deal?''

His eyes budge when Ryan's attitude changed drastically.

''My deal is that your stuck in the house. Where are your friends, Ryan? Don't you have a life to live that doesn't revolve around Teen Wolf?''

''Oh, I'm sorry'' She scoffed, dropping her weight on her right leg as she crossed her arms across her chest. ''I'm sorry that I'm not running around in the streets at the darkest hours having sex with strangers or selling drugs. Because if you want, I'll gladly do so, if that means you'll get off my back!''

Marvin shakes his head. ''I don't want you to do any of those things! I just want-''

''Riley and Maya, yeah I get it'' Ryan mutters. She looks away and pulls back at the roots of her hair.

''You know,'' She licks her lips. ''If mom was here, she would have asked what was going on instead of forcing me to a solution.''

Marvin's features dropped as to realizing what Ryan was saying would be true. ''Ryan-''

''I'm good taking the train, thanks'' Ryan speaks over him, storming out of the house, forgetting her keys on the kitchen counter.

× × ×

Ryan followed from behind Maya and Riley as the trio entered Mr. Matthews class as soon as the bell rang.

''So,'' Maya starts. ''You don't want anything to change?''

''No, I don't like change'' Riley says as her and the rest of the students take a seat. ''Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty.''

''Alright, so'' Matthews calls up from the front. ''Should we actually, finally learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?''

''No'' Farkle spazzed.

Mr. Matthews arches his brows at him when repeating, ''No?''

''I always get my hopes up and then something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart.''

Ryan furrows her brows as she let's out a soft but quiet chuckle while reaching into the bottom of her bag for a pen.

''Well this time, I refuse to believe'' He says, getting comfortable in his seat.

''In 1831..''

''Yes?'' Farkle asked with a grin brightening his features. But it falls when looking at his group of friends, starting with Riley. ''Wait, is anything going to suddenly happen to you?''

''No changes, loving life'' Riley smiles.

''Anything gonna happen to you?'' Farkle asks when turning to Lucas.

He shrugs his shoulders. ''Nothing ever happens to me.''


A snort ignited out of her that giddy up a sort of burst from within the reproduced Minkus.

''Oh my gosh, this is it'' He whispers, gripping onto the sides of his desk.

''What about you, Ryan?'' He ask suddenly before letting Mr. Matthews begin.

''I wish'' She says honestly, just so she wouldn't have to sit through a lesson she wasn't in the mood for.

''In 1831, Belguim-''

''What?'' Zay asked as soon as he opened the door. ''Y'all started without me?''

''Get out!'' Farkle bursts in a demonizing voice.

Maya looks around in confusion after waking up from a literally five minute nap as the boy continued.

''Someone in this room is going to be very surprised to see me.''

Ryan sinks deeper into her seat and uses her dark colored locks to block her features while Riley asked, ''Is it me?''

''Don't know, sugar, but could you be any cuter?''

''Well I can't answer that.''

''You got a transcript, kid?'' Mr. Matthew asked, purposely ending the one sided flirting between the new kid and his daughter.

''I do'' He says, handing him the thin file. ''Check out them grades. Here let me sing them to you. De-de-de-de-de-de-f.''

''Hey, I know that song'' Maya chuckles.

''Isaiah Babineaux, from Austin Texas'' Cory Matthews announces aloud, luring all attention on to Lucas.

''What are you doing here, Zay?'' Lucas asked with irritation as he rubs his temple.

''Well the first thing I'm doing, is waiting for a better reaction from you.''

''Maya, something's changing'' Riley observes out loud.

''Okay, Mr. Teach, where do I sit?'' Zay asks when leaning on Mr. Matthews desk, resting his presence beside him. ''Preferably around my pretty friend over there.''

The class watch as Ryan's eyes flutter to the back of her head.

''You know her too?'' Riley asks, pointing her thumb back at her.

He nods his head. ''Yeah. Right after Lucas left, she came right on in.''

''Shut up, Zay'' Ryan hissed, internally begging him to stop speaking.

''Oh, she's just shy'' He goes and tells the class.

''Wanna test that theory?'' She asks with narrowed eyes.

''Okay, okay'' Mr. Matthew calls for the attention. ''Have a seat right there, Mr. Babineaux.''

All eyes follow Zay as he takes on top of the desk instead of the actual chair, one that was right behind Lucas.

''Lucas, do you know this Isaiah?'' Riley asks as if Zay literally wasn't in the room.

''Yeah, tell them. You know me good'' Zay intervenes.

''How about we talk later, okay?'' Lucas snaps.

Zay holds his hands up in defense, letting Mr. Matthew speak.

''Well Mr. Babineaux, if you work out as well as last year new student, we're happy to have you.''

''Wait, what?'' He asks, knowing this new student of last year was well identified as Lucas. ''Lucas, you doing okay here?''

Lucas doesn't respond. Instead he purses his lips and swallows a gulp.

Riley shakes her head. ''Why wouldn't he be doing okay here?''

''Not currently on probation? No disciplinary action? They just let you wander free?''

''Sit down'' Farkle groaned out loud.

For once, Zay actually listened and took a seat, letting Farkle continue before his, as he quoted, his little Farkle heart got hurt.

''Okay,'' Farkle starts with his normal and squeaky voice. ''New guys all settled in and there's still class time left, so do it. Do it while I'm still tingling.''

''So, in 1831'' Mr. Matthews begins when walking around his desk to his chalkboard. ''Belgium declared-''

''What is the secret of life?''

Ryan couldn't help the smile that was spreading on her lips when witnessing Farkle break his neck to shoot daggers over at Yogi, as Yogi whispered, ''I'm sorry Mr. Farkle.''

Yogi then stood from his seat. ''I know I'm not your daughter, but I too, have value in this world. What is the secret of life?''

Mr. Matthews looked at Farkle with a toothy grin. This was his thing, he'd pick a life lesson than an actual history lesson any day.

''Don't do it.''

Corey turns from the board with an eraser in his hand. ''Put the eraser down and nobody gets hurt.''

Erasing that was on the chalk board, regardless of what Farkle was going to say or do, Farkle pulled his shirt over his head and threw a tantrum in his seat.

''Yogi has asked the primary riddle of the universe. What is the secret of life? People spend their whole lives trying to figure it out'' He then points to himself. ''I was lucky. I had a teacher who cared enough about me to make sure I knew. Lucas, you got an opinion on this?''

''Yeah. What do you go, Mr. Moral Compass?'' Maya with a playful smirk.

''Did you just call Lucas Friar, your moral compass?'' Zay scoffed. ''They called you moral compass.''

His humor died when Lucas to him with a straight face.


''Something bad is happening, Maya'' Riley says.

''Yeah, it's call Zay'' Ryan mumbles more to herself.

''Or it could be called Ryan'' Maya suggest with a venom of sarcasm.

''Looks like someone else likes to start problems here too'' Zay says aloud.

''Zay'' She hissed at him.

''What do you mean 'here too'? What happened when she was in Texas?'' Riley questions.

''Don't answer that'' Ryan's voice filled with force.

''So your saying that ranger rick and gone girl were a little different, back in Texas?'' Maya chimes in, kicking in a new nick name for Ryan.

''A little?'' He exclaims. His gaze switches over to Lucas. ''What do they know, exactly? Cause I don't wanna say anything wrong. They do know your a year older and that your diagnosed with bipolar disorder, right?''

Ryan starts to blink rather rapidly. ''Yeah, now they do.''

Zay looks over at Ryan and winces. ''Oh yeah, my fault.''

Zay turns to look at Lucas. ''But look at you.''

''Okay, that's enough Mr. Babineaux'' Mr. Matthew settles.

''That's enough Mr. Babineaux'' Ryan mocks. ''Where were you when he started spitting out more nonsense.''

''Someone forgot to take their pill this morning'' Zay mumbles but purposely said it loud enough for the whole room to hear.

Ryan looks him over with flat features and before you know it, she was climbing over Farkle's desk, reaching out to Zay when a strong figure pulled her back.

''Lucas, let me go'' She asks almost too calmly.

''I wouldn't recommend that'' Zay blurts out at the edge of his seat.

''Take it back'' Ryan hissed. ''Take it back or I swear to-''

''Well, I can't really take it back, unless you have a time machine-''

Ryan starred twisting the skin of Lucas arm, causing him to wince at the pain and loosening his grip.

Zay ran to a corner of the room, Ryan hot on his trail before Lucas pulled her back again.

''Ryan, take a second to breathe, please'' Lucas spoke softly. ''I apologize on his behalf-''

Ryan rolled her eyes with a humorous scoff. He had her up until that point. ''I want to hear it from him.''


''Zay'' Lucas snapped, cocking a brow at him.

His tense shoulder fall as he let's out a breathe. ''Alright, alright. I'm sorry.''

Ryan grinds her teeth together before ripping Lucas' arms off of her, returning to her seat.

''You see what I'm talking about?'' Zay asks directly to Mr. Matthews. ''You know about them?''

''Yeah, I know all about them.''

''Excuse me?'' Riley asks with wide eyes.

''Riley, your shaking'' Maya took note of.

''Dad, you know something?''

''Back in Texas-''

''Lucas'' Mr. Matthew warns. ''You sure?''

He nods at him. ''Back at Texas, I did something. I had to leave.''

Zay slams his hand against the desk when saying, ''It was great! I mean, they threw him out of the whole school.''


''I came here to get a new start. Nobody knew me here.''

Of course, Zay raised his hand from behind him, adding in ''I know him.''

''Do I know you?''

When Lucas remained silent, Maya nodded over to Ryan.

''What about you? What's your story?''

''I think you've heard enough'' Ryan mumbles with pursed lips and an arch brow.

× × ×

The sound of metal clashing against metal was roughly heard in the kitchen next morning as Ryan was in a drastic search for her keys.

''Oh come on, I could get to school on time for once in my life and this happens'' She mumbles to herself as the drops her bag on the floor and heads to the front door, looking around the table for her keys.


Ryan turns to her father who stood in front of the back part of the couch.

''I wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I would have said it to you sooner but by the time I got home you were half asleep at Topanga's.''

Ryan started to stomp up the stairs, not finding it as humorous that she was locked out of her home yesterday and had to do the extra walking from school to home and from home to Topanga's as her father did.

''Hey,'' He called again but his voice was rougher. ''Did you hear a word I said?''

She let's out a solemn ''yes'' not stopping her way to her room in the process.

Marvin follows after her, walking into the now messy room that had blankets and pillows and papers on the floor. ''I said I was sorry.''

Ryan threw arms in the air and exclaimed, ''Dad, unless your here to tell me where my keys are, get out!''

''Well maybe if your nose wasn't in a book-''

''Get Out!'' She yells even louder. ''I Don't Need This!''

''Because of keys?'' Her father sneered.

''No, dad'' Her tone a lot calmer. ''I mean you always trying to get me out the house. It's been less than a week since we moved back, just let me be. When mom was around, you-''

''You Can't Use Your Mother For Every Fight We Get Into!'' He yells.

''It's The Only Way To Knock Some Sense Into You!'' She yells back.

She let's out a heavy breath and runs a hand through her waves. ''Forget it, I'll just chill at Topanga's again or something.''

× × ×

''Al washes a car in six minutes, Fred washes the same car in eight minutes. How long does it take Al and Fred to wash the car together?'' Mr. Matthews asks to students.

''How is this anything?'' Riley counters.

''Three minutes, twenty five point seven seconds'' Farkle blurts out in his usual Farkle speed.


Farkle looks taken back. ''I'm sorry, what did you just say?''

''You're wrong.''

''I'm wrong? You're a History teacher, teaching English, Science, whatever you got going on at home'' Farkle exclaim, blowing his teacher spot up. ''You waltz your wife in here on career day.''

Corey furrows his brows. ''She's a respected attorney.''

''My father said she should've been my mother.''

At this point, Mr. Matthews was shaking his head and slapped his arms against his sides. ''What do you want from me?''

''Mr. Matthews teaches us about a lot of things'' Lucas turns to Riley. ''He's open minded that way.''

''He can be open minded because he knows who we are.''

''Ooh'' Lucas cooed. ''She took us both out.''

Mr. Matthews takes a step forward when explaining, ''I teach this way because in my old school, I had a very strict teacher.''

''He teaches History, English, or Math?''

Mr. Matthews shakes his head. ''I don't know. But in his class there was no talking. No interruptions.''

''So you didn't like him?'' Zay counters.

''I loved him.''

''Then why don't you teach like him?''

''Because I would never try and be like him. I could only fail. I only succeed with you guys if I get me teaching across as effectively as he did.''

''You do'' Maya turns back to look at Zay. ''He does.''

''Thank you, Maya. And I will now'' Mr. Matthews looks up to face the rest of his class. ''Al washes a car in six minutes. Fred washes the same car in eight minutes.-''

''He thinks it's math class, somebody stop him!'' Zay exclaims from his seat. He points over to Farkle, asking, ''You, what's your name?''


Zay jerked back. ''What you called me?''

''My name is Farkle'' He clarifies.

Zay shakes his head. ''Who would do that to you?''

''So your assignment today is to wash a car, together'' Mr. Matthews informs.

''With him?'' Riley asks, pointing at Lucas without even looking at him.

''With her?'' Maya. doing the same only towards Ryan.

''Especially with them.''

''If you do it correctly,'' Farkle starts off again that has Ryan rolling her eyes. ''You will find that the answer is three minutes and twenty five point seven seconds.''

''If you do it correctly, you will find the secret of life.''

× × ×



''How long?''

''Two people and it took nineteen minutes and fourth two seconds. You both are the worst car washers in this class'' Farkle informs, disappointed yet a mixture of astonishment.

Ryan let's out a breath and stands over next to Lucas while Maya went next to Riley.

The whole homeroom stood outside of the school, in the open court that was in front of the gymnasium.

''Hey, Ryan'' She looks up to see Lucas looking down at her. ''I may not know what exactly is going on, but just know that I'm here for you.''

''That's kinda risky, don't you think?'' She moves a strand of her hair behind her ear. ''Not knowing the story? Not knowing who I am?''

Lucas was going to reply when Riley made a loud comment that caught both Ryan and Lucas' attention.

''I'm not washing a car with him.''

''Oh yes you are, and you will wash it in three minutes and twenty five point seven seconds and I will go back to your father and say, ha!''

''Now pick up that hoes'' Farkle commands to Riley, pointing viciously at the green pipe.


''And pick up that bucket.''

''Yes, sir'' He saluted when walking over towards the big blue bucket.

''And... Go!''

The two started working on two different ends of the car, separately.

''No, no. Work together. The equation doesn't work if you don't work together.''

''Uh, Riley, I could use some water over here to rinse this off'' Lucas asks in a polite gesture.

''Oh, water. You want some water?''

''Yes, please.''

''Oh, boy'' Ryan mumbles, already knowing where this is going if Lucas doesn't realize it sooner rather than later.

''Oh, huckleberry, huckleberry'' Maya tsked. ''Whatever bad, bad things you did in your old school, you are still such a huckleberry.''

He furrows his brows. ''Why? We need water to rinse off-''

In a blink of an eye, Maya dipped and suddenly Lucas was rolling over the front of the car, drenched in the heavy pressure of water, Riley was spurring at him.

''Tell me what you did'' Riley forced, putting the water to a temporary halt.

''Nothing-'' He went back from hiding to behind the car when he tried to stand, only to be sprayed with the hoes again. ''This bad.''

''They threw you out of school!''

''Wash the car!'' Farkle exclaims when stomping over to the two. ''Your suppose to be washing the car. Why aren't you washing the car? Wash the car!''

Riley turned to him abruptly and splashed him, causing Farkle to jump back.


Riley's brunette locks swift when turning to look back at Lucas who was creeping his presence. ''When are you going to tell me what you did?''

''Fine. You want me to tell you what I did?''

Ryan watches as Riley's waves bounce when saying, ''Everything.''

''Okay,'' He breathes out. He took careful and slow steps to her. ''Good girl. Just give me the hoes, and I'll tell you.''

''Fine,'' Riley gives in, handing him the hoes. ''Thank you.''

Maya slaps herself on the he head while Ryan purposely comments aloud, ''Oh boy.''

''No, thank you'' He smirks, turning the hoes so it was now pointing at Riley.


Ryan felt a vibration going on in her pocket. She took out her phone and answered the call she was receiving from her father.

''Yeah, dad?'' She asking, closing her open ear with her index finger to hear better.

''What's with all the yelling in the background?''

Ryan turns to see water falling back out of Riley's mouth as Lucas continued to hoes her down.

''Just working on a project'' She waves the group off and turns back around so the scene displayed behind was facing her back.

''With Riley and Maya?''

She shrugs a shoulder and twists her features when contemplating on an answer. ''Well, yeah, but-''

''That's great! I'm gonna be stuck in the office tonight, maybe you can ask one of them if you could stay the night?''

''Dad, wait a-''

''I gotta go, I love you.''

''Wait, dad!'' She yells into the phone, but her stubborn father had already dropped the call before she had a chance to explain herself.

''Ah!'' Ryan yells, practically jumping out of her own skin after turning to the heavy pressure of water that was being aimed at her.

''Maya, stop!'' She could hear Riley's cries.

''Why?'' Maya asks, shutting off the hoes. ''If it worked on ranger rick, it should work on her too.''

Ryan wipes away her damp locks from her eyes as she looked down at her phone that was no longer turning on.

She looks up from her empty screen towards an overly occupied table set up near by, erupting with laughter.

''Ryan!'' Lucas calls after as Ryan ran through the gymnasium.


Ryan swiftly turns on the heel of her foot when she approaches her locker, a mixture of her tears blend with the water streaming down her features. ''You said that your here for me, even if you don't know what's going on?''

He nods his head, but his furrowed brows held nonetheless evident confusion.

''Then, can I stay at your place for the night? Please?''

Lucas shakes his head. ''Ryan, what's going on?''

''My mom is dead!'' She blurts out. ''The only reason why I moved to Texas is because when it happened, my parents were divorced.''

''And Riley and Maya don't know about this?''

Ryan shakes her head.


''Because, Lucas, once people know, they start to look at you differently and treat you differently. And just like Riley, I don't like change.''

Ryan pulls her bag from her locker and grabs the extra clothes from her locker.

''Where you going?''

Ryan's squeaky Adidas passed against the floor when turning to look back at Lucas. ''Anywhere other than here.''

''Then can I come?''

The corner of her lips quirked into a smirk. ''Yeah, sure.''

× × ×

Ryan's Outfit For The Chapter!

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