Illuminate [In The Dark -Sequ...

By chrisybabez

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*COMPLETED* When Nathan rediscovers Heather in someone else's body, he doesn't have to do much to rekindle t... More



592 22 3
By chrisybabez

Alice's POV

I heard the front door open and quickly buried myself under my duvet. I know I can't ignore Nathan forever, but I will for as long as I possibly can. I don't want to deal with him, or anything in that matter.

He knocked on my bedroom door; I didn't respond. I just kept quiet and hoped that he'd go away.

"Alice, are you awake?" he asked. I still didn't respond.

He gave a sigh and finally walked away.

Nathan's POV

As I so badly wanted to do, I took care of my personal hygiene and headed down to the hotel's lobby where I awaited Julia. We're to go to a meeting that the vampires of this city are holding.

Julia finally appeared, but brought the boys along.

"Why are they here?" I asked her.

"Because, they're going to help us and the vampires of this city take down the Eastern Council," she replied.

"No, they're not. We can't drag them into this. It's our problem, so you and I will be the ones dealing with it."

"The vamps need all the help they can get. The Eastern Council has a lot of memebers, and if you want to stay alive, the boys are going to have to join in on this fight. They all agreed to anyway."

"As if we had a choice," said Tom. "If this is what we've got to do to help Heather and Alice, so be it."

"Told ya," Julia said to me with a smile. "Now let's go."


We were back at the vampire club we went to last night. Once we'd entered, we saw that it was filled with vampires giving Julia and me the death stare.

"Hey Rick! Sorry that we're a bit late. Just fill us in. Oh, and uh, I brought a few friends to help us out," Julia said to the pretty boy that was choking her last night.

"Great! And, I already told everyone not to kill you and Nathan, no matter how much their souls ache to," he replied.

"Fantastic! Now go ahead and carry on running this meeting."

"As I was saying," he began," I've made it clear to the council that we will not be complying with their rules. In response, the head of the council, Alyssia, gave me a call and told me that we better gear up quickly, because they're coming at us full force."

"As in, we're going into a war, or they're just going to invade the city and attempt to kill all of us vampires?" a female amongst the group asked.

"I don't know. It could be both. I'm thinking they'll attack a few of us and try to weaken us so that when they do start a war, their chances of winning are more likely."

"Their chances of winning are already more likely. We can't let them have the opportunity of attacking us individually."

"Which is why I want you all to stick in goups or pairs, preferably groups."

"And, while we're in groups, we can maybe try and figure out the council's plan," I suggested. "Then once we find out what they're up to, we can take them down before they get to carry out their plan."

"We'd have to find their blind spot in order to do that, and I don't think they exactly have one."

"We can make them one."

"What do you have in mind?"


"By whom?"

I turned to Julia. She looked at me, her facial features showing puzzlement. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Because, seduction is your specialty."

"Nope, nope, nope. I'm not going to do that."

"Well, you don't have a choice now, do ya?" Rick asked.

She glared at him.

"Get in their good graces, hook up with one of them, and then they'll have their their blind spot."

"It won't be that easy. You're talking about a council here."

"I know that, and I know you. You're the ultimate seducer."

"How would you know that?" I asked.

"'Cause everyone knows she's got you wrapped around her finger."

I nodded agreeing. "That was true."


"We're over."

"Then why aren't you running from her already? Everyone knows it's best to stay clear of Julia. If you're still hanging around her, then you still must be on her tight leash."

"She's helping me out with something."

"Which is?"

"Which is none of your business. I'm only here to help you all so that my name will be crossed off your blacklist, not to detail every little thing going on in my vampiric life."

He chuckled. "Well, If I were you, I wouldn't stick around her. She's gonna disappoint you one way or another."

"Then I hope the same happens to you."

"Oh, it won't. She's in a dire situation with me, so disappointing me isn't an option. As for you, it is."

"I'm standing right here!" Julia called out.

"Unfortunately," Rick replied. "Moving on, I'll have a few of my boys keep a track of the council members, then I'll give Julia her first duty. As for the rest of you, lay low and stick together.

Class dismissed."

"Prick," Julia muttered under her breath.

Rick immediately caught her scowling gaze and sneered in response.

Everyone began heading out the club.

I felt a tug on my shirt on my way out and quickly turned around in defense mode, only to find out it was Max.

"What's up?" I asked in question.

"You being a winnet to Alice is what's up."


"I get that you've got to deal with the soul mate crap, but that doesn't mean you can go on toying with people's emotions."

"I suspect she told you about what happened?"

"Yeah, she did. Care to explain why you decided to play the situation out like a total douche bag?"

"I do admit, that wasn't the best way to take carry it out."

"She was crying over it, mate; that was the worst way."

"I'm sure there were worse possibilities."

"Just apologize and make everything right between the two of you."

"I will. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. Just know that I didn't mean to hurt her. I was just confused."

"With what, your sexuality?" he joked.

"No. I felt an immense amount of guilt after kissing her, and Phoebe told me it was because I'm still in love with Heather."

"Well duh. Heather is Alice."

"True, but it's as if Heather does not exist within Alice. It's as if Alice is just Alice.

Though Heather's presence doesn't seem to be near us, my soul still senses her's, so my feelings for her have never diminished. Therefore, although I've fallen for Alice, I'm in love with Heather and can't bring myself to deceive her."

"God," he said breathily. "I have never been more happy to not be you."

"Let's just go," I replied, irritated.


We got back to the hotel and I immediately went up to my suite. I walked up to the door of Alice's room and knocked on it. Like before, I wasn't given a response. So, I knocked again aware that I'd most likely continue to be shunned by her.

"Alice, can we please talk?"

There was nothing but a cold silence floating in the air, and it only made feel worse about what I'd done.

I planned on just explaining the situation to her through the door, but I figured she'd just ignore all that I had to say. In lieu, I decided to give her some space until she was feeling better.

Alice's POV

I couldn'tbe more pathetic right now. I've laid in bed for hours now, just withering away.

I hate this feeling, the aching. To a normal person, they'd think my description of how I'm feeling is just dramatized. But it really isn't, and I hate that.

None of this is fair. If I hadn't been in London the day I got into the accident, I'd still be me, the real me. I wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't have discovered supernatural creatures and this horrid obsession over obtaining Nathan's love and affection.

I'd rather go back to living the sad life I'd lived before, because I was able to numb the pain then. Starving myself was my only salvation usually. Later on my brother would catch on and do anything to get me healthy and on the edge of happiness again. It never lasted very long, though.
The most I've gone after my parents' disappearance was about four months.

All Joel ever wanted for me was to complete college and live my life worry free and healthy. He's worked so hard to try and keep me on the right path, and in return it's only caused him suffrage.

I've actually never taken into consideration how badly I've made Joel suffer. It must be Heather's persona manifesting in me. I've only ever thought for myself, simply because I've always felt that anyone who managed to become apart of my life would end up hurting me and then leave me in the dust as if I was nothing but the dog feces they've removed from under their shoe.

At this moment, I wish I was nothing, that way no one would have to go through all this nonsense.


After an hour of self-loathing, I fell asleep and began dreaming.

Julia was in a room filled with books and items that looked as if they'd belonged to witches you'd see in movies. I'd mistake the location as a voodoo shop or something, but it wasn't very neat. It felt more like a home.

In front of Julia stood a pretty hefty man who's face wouldn't show. They were conversing, but it was as if they weren't really saying anything at all.

Julia then handed him a white stone that he happily took. It might've just been a rock, but I could feel some sort of power emanating from it.

"Deal?" I heard Julia ask. The man nodded his head.

I then ended up in a grassy field with a forest just beyond it.

Julia was behind the faceless man as she observed him. There was a circle drawn on the grass, and Phoebe, another faceless person, and I were circled around it.

The weird part about it is that the three of us were laid down and unable to move.

Suddenly a human figure appeared in the center of the circle, but it only looked like a shadow.

Then out of nowhere, everyone's eyes were on me. Soon after, I began to feel my body ascending. As I went higher and higher, everything disappeared and all I was surrounded by was darkness.

I was terrified and my heart was racing at the speed of light. Unable to contain myself I repeatedly screamed stuff like, is anybody out there, help, or get me out of here.

When I saw I wasn't getting any responses, I screamed at the top of my lungs.


My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up and panted. I was covered in sweat, my hands shaking, and my heart thumping aggressively. What had I just dreamt?

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