How Down Are You?

By sonofkylie

58.7K 2.5K 1.1K

"How Down Are You?" He Asked. "Downer Than Can Be." I Answered... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

3.2K 191 44
By sonofkylie

(Tyrell in Multi-Media 😍️)

Jaden's POV :

(Night after he cafeteria fight w. Tyrell)

I sat in my room doing my nightly homework while listening to my hood jams. When a knock came to the door making me drop my pencil and walk over to the door to see who it is.

When I reached the doorknob I twisted it opening the door revealing Jay'Cee. And for some reason he looked dirty. I have no clue why he just did.

"Can we talk?" He questioned as he made his way into my room.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask while closing the door behind him.

"Someone beat me up today after school, that's why I was lay e coming home cause they chased me into and alley and then he beat me up and I asked him to stop over and over as he kicked me in the stomach I tried to fight back but then that's when his friends held me down, and he continued punching and kicking me." He said as tears streamed out his eyes while I looked at him wide eyed cause he's a peacemaker out of this fucking family and I know damn well he could have talked his way out of it so I'm a little token back by this.

"What's his name?" I ask him as I put on a jacket and throw on some timberlands.

"Lincoln," He said as he wiped his tears away.

"And why did he do this to you, or what did you do to him?" I question sitting down next to him before I go hurt somebody child and almost be put in jail from a crime that's shouldn't have been committed.

"Because I didn't let hims copy off my finals in Science," He says looking away cause he doesn't like people seeing him cry

"Wait wasn't he one of your closet friends," I ask because I remember hearing that name before from him

"Yup," He says popping the P

"Where does he live, and I need you to tell me now," I say as I open my maps so I can type in the address.

"495 CircleHill Drive" He says (A/N - I heard that address before I just don't know where from. 💀️ I think it's a movie or a song 😭️ something like that)

"Cmon, I sneaking the car." I say as I drag him out my room and heading towards the front door quietly.

When I got down the stairs my dumb ass brother decides to sneeze loud asf as soon I get the keys out the key basket.

"Where are y'all going?" My Father's voice boom from the kitchen startling me causing me to scream

"We were just going to the store cause I needed so--" I quickly lie and trying not to hesitate but is cut off by my fathers questions.

"Jay'Cee why are you dirty?" He ask making me breathe in heavily cause I know that Jay'Cee can't lie for shit.

"After school I was running on the field an I tripped over air and I slid across the grass, that's why I have grass stains on my shirt and pants," He lies perfectly making me smirk

"Oh ok, be home at 8 because I'm making dinner." He says as he heads back in the kitchen.

"Ok Dad," We say in unison as we make our way out the door.

Once we hope in the car. I turned it in then hooked my phone up to the car through Bluetooth so that the car would tell me the direction to get to this fuckers house.


When we pulled up to his house I turn off the car and immediately locking the doors after and pulling Jay'Cee out the car with me

When we got in the fuckers porch I knocked on his door and rung the doorbell so I can get a response and that when a voice came.

"Who is it?" I matured voice said as I heard footsteps coming closer

"Jay'Cee," Jay'Cee said I guess knowing the voice

When they had finally opened the door a sexy ass chocolate came into view but he seemed older so I tried not to make it noticeable that I was gawking over this Chocolate God.

"Yeah, is Lincoln here," I said breaking the silence.

"Yes what did he do ," The Chocolate man said. "But if you were wondering my name is Terrence" He said reaching his hand out for me to shake, which I politely did.

"Well I'm here to address the terms that's my little brother, Jay'Cee, Who you know was beat up by his own best friend, just because he didn't let him copy off his science finals.

"HE DID WHAT?" Terrence voice boomed looking at me wide eyed

"LINCOLN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" He yelled again with me guessing that he was signaling his son to come to him.

As Lincoln I could feel Jay'Cee tension raising as I guess he was scared of him.

"Why?" He asked Lincoln when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I uhh, I didn't me--" He was cut off mid sentence by his father smacking him across the face which took me by surprise if I don't say so myself.

"NO GO BACK TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!" He yells once again.

"I'm so sorry for his actions. They were totally unacceptable and I'll make sure that he won't do it again. Have a nice day." He says as he closed the door and then I hear feet going up the stairs cueing that's it was time for us to leave.

When we got back in the car I checked the time and seen it was about 7:15 and I was craving ice cream badly.

"You wanna go to Carvel and get an ice cream cake?" I ask trying to cheer him up since he wasn't in the best of moods.

"Sure. Can we get out usual?" He questions as I take off the curb and down the street leading to the main rode so we can get our cake.

"YOU KNEW" I said in a flamboyant tone cause us both to break out in laughter. Now I have my brother back


Excuse any mistakes our errors 😁️

And when I go to update this book I always see that me and whogotthekeys always end up updating on the same day 😭️ how? I do not know 💀️


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