Chapter 8

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Tyrell POV:


  (Jaden in Multi-Media)

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(Jaden in Multi-Media)


*Same Night*

"Tyrell I'm home!" My father yelled from the from door as he slammed it shut.

"GET YOUR ASS UP" He says as he bust into my room. I heard home the first time, it's just the bed is just too comfortable at the moment.

Not until he snatches the cover off my body letting all the cold air ingulf my body causing me to groan and curl up in a ball trying to find the warmth.

"What was your problem today? Why did you have to leave early on your first day? Why did you call me at work if it wasn't a emergency? And why were you crying while we were on the phone?" He bombarded, but he puts more of an impatiens on the last question.

But that's the point. I had no clue why I was crying. It just happened to happen at the moment. It was just all the pain I been through and the pain in having at the moment just do happened to make my tears fall.

"Tyrell, why were you crying?" He questions as I look down trying not to make eye contact because my eyes start to water

"I don't know, Dad" I say as my voice began to crack from the sob that's about to break out.

"Tyrell, tell me what's wrong. Please!" He begs giving me a saddening look in his eyes and face.

"Aw Tyrell, Please tell me what's wrong," He says as he sits down on my bed and side hugs me to try and comfort me even more. But it wasn't working for - n o t h i n g.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I say as I wipe my tears and get up from the bed.

"But anyways how was your day?" I ask my father as he loosens his toe from his hard day at work.

For my Father to be a working parent, and at the a widowed husband he does what needs to be done. And that's why I love him and also for the things he done for me. He's a valuable asset to my life and I don't think I can lose him ever. NEVER EVER.

"My day was good. Until you called me and had me worrying, but I'm better now." He says as he starts to unbutton his shirt.

"Oh well I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to have you worrying like that and I can tell it was a busy day in the office today." I say as I look in the mirror trying to fix myself up from my nap and that little scene I had a couple minutes ago.

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