A Road Trip to Remember (Katn...

By HannahVorhees

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So when Katniss is only 20 minutes into her drive and her car get struck by a dodge pick up truck, what does... More

A Road Trip To Remember (Katniss and Peeta Story)
Part One: The Accident
Part Two: On The Road
Part Three: Learning
Part Four: An Early Start
Part Five: Kings Island
Part Six: Singing
Part Seven: Kiss Cam
Part Eight: Leaving Cincinnati
Part Nine: Change of Plans.
Part Ten: A Party Gone Wrong
Part Eleven: Find Katniss
Part Twelve: Awkward
Part Thirteen: Hanging Out
Part Fourteen: Hospital
Part Fifteen: The Storm
Part Sixteen: In The Truck
Part Eighteen: Talking With Gale
Part Nineteen: Explaining
Part Twenty: Taking Him Off
Part Twenty One: Staying With Him
Part Twenty Two: Peeta Goes Home
Part Twenty Three: Gale
Part Twenty Four: First Date
Part Twenty Five: Going Back To College
Part Twenty Six: Talking to Prim
Part Twenty Seven: Leavin
Part Twenty Eight: Step Father
Part Twenty Nine: Robbed
Part Thirty: Girls Night
Part Thirty One: Calling Her
Part Thirty Two: Taken
Part Thirty Three: Help
Part Thirty Four: Black Ops
Part Thirty Five: He's Mine
Part Thirty Six: Telling Gale
Part Thirty Seven: Christmas
Authors Note!!!

Part Seventeen: Hospital Again

4.3K 147 14
By HannahVorhees

***Katniss's POV***
I wake up in a white room to the soft sound of beeping that matches my heartbeat. I slowly open my eyes to a nurse over top of me, checking on of the many tubes that is connected to me. I clear my throat.
"Oh my gosh, you are awake." She says.
"Yeah, where's Peeta?" I ask.
"I need to get the doctors." She walks out of the room. Couldn't she have answered me first? Seriously? She comes back in a few minutes with a few doctors that rush over to me.
"You're awake." The doctor says.
"No way dip shit. Where is Peeta?" I snap.
"Calm down, don't strain yourself. We didn't expect you to wake up."
"What do you mean?"
"You've been in a coma for 2 weeks Katniss. We didn't know if you were going to live or not." He tells me. Then I remember that I was being protected in that car crash, by Peeta. So he has to be worse than me. What if he is... No, he can't be.
"Where is Peeta?" I ask again.
"We need to get your mother in here. And your sister they have been worried sick." The nurse says.
"Oh my god! Where the hell is Peeta!" I scream bringing their attention to me.
"Katniss please calm down. Your mom will explain everything." He says an he walks out of the room. The nurse leaves too as I'm left to wonder about Peeta. Why couldn't they tell me? Is he dead? Really? Could he be gone? I start crying and Prim walks in with my mother.
"Katniss!" She says hugging me.
"Prim, what happened?" I ask.
"A drunk driver hit you. More on your side of the car. You would surely be dead if it wasn't for Peeta." She starts crying now.
"Where is Peeta?" I ask softly. She freezes. I look at my mom.
"Katniss, you have been in a small coma for 2 weeks. Peeta is... Also in a coma (hope I didn't share anyone!) but his is a lot more sever. He may not wake up." She says and my chest gets tight, I did it harder to breath, and I cling to Prim.
"Katniss, he saved your life." She whispers. I silently cry into her hair.
"I know Prim. Mom, could we have a minute?" I ask and I know she is disappointed because she hadn't been able to talk to me in 2 weeks, not knowing if I would live or not. She does walk out though.
"Prim, you have to help me. I have to get out if here and see Peeta." I say.
"You can't. You are connected I all these wires and you would sound alarms."
"But you know everything about being doctor. You could help me."
"I could get in trouble."
"I won't let you but please help me." I say an she sighs. I have 3 tubes going in me. Two in my arm and one up my nose. She is able to get them all out without sounding any alarm. I kiss her head.
"Thank you. Now what room is he in?" I ask.
"Go out here, turn left, and he is three doors down on the right." She says and I ruffle her hair. I go out of the room and follow her directions. I walk into the room to see a curtain pulled around a bed. His bed. I pull it away an I wish I hadn't. Peeta has stitches in his head. A cast around his legs and a lot more tubes and needles going into him. I start crying again as I make my way to his bed and sit down on a chair. I take his hand that has a IV needle in it and kiss it slightly.
"I am so sorry Peeta." I sob. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you drive me here. We would both be back at the college and you would be okay. I'm so sorry baby." I cry again. I hold on to his Hand and lean my head on his Chest. I remember singing at the Reds game and how he like my singing. I have heard you can hear someone even in a coma, though I never did. Maybe he will though. A Taylor Swift song comes to mind.
I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light.
I remember you said don't leave me here alone.
But all that's dead and gone and past tonight.
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright.
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
I sing while crying onto his chest. I am the reason he could die. That he may not wake up. I kiss his hand again when I hear someone clear their throat no turn around to see Gale.
Sorry it's so short and want so fast! Next one will be better!

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