Childhood Friends [COMPLETED]

By BruhItsAlexa

20K 720 657

Jennifer reconcile with her childhood friends who she deliberately starts to remember. The five guys that che... More

One By One
I Promise
Just A Few Bucks
Suspicious One Aren't You
Your Little Sister
Your Mom Is Awesome
Stupid Temper Problem
Why Run Into You?
See You In School
A Dream I Can't Control
So Many Cuts And Bruises
Kaz's Little Boy
Swimming Trip
Truth and Dare
Camping Trip

Crazy For Her

939 40 48
By BruhItsAlexa

[WARNING; Theres a lot of P.O.V changing so please read carefully.]

We were all looking around. I was with Carter. I grip onto his hand so that he'll stay close to me. "What are we doing again?" Carter asked as I stopped running and looked around.

"Looking for Emilia." I simply replied to his question.

"Who's that?" He curiously asked. I held back an eye roll. His questions were kind of annoying.

"Jack's sister." I said. He clearly heard the annoyance in my voice and just kept quiet.

Lucas P.O.V~

"Where would they go?" Logan asked. We were looking in the park. "Wait isn't that them?" He point to two people sitting under the tree looking up at the sky. "Lets spy on them." Logan smirk. He looked excited as if he just won something.

"Why?" I asked when he pulled me down and we hid behind a tree. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"So the guy that had tattoos, that one was my brother." Emilia explained. It was kind of dark so we couldn't see their expressions.

"Oh really." I could tell Stephen was smirking.

"Yeah, they seem to hang around Jenny a lot." Emilia turn to face the stars as Stephen turn to stare at her.

"Jenny..." He said her name. "She's my ex..." He bluntly told her.

"What? Really?" Emilia seemed surprised.

Jennifer P.O.V~

I was walking around when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're--"

"Watch where you're--"

We both said it simultaneously. "Oh it's just you." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you find them?" Kaz asked with a worried look on his face.

"No." I said. He seemed really worried about Emilia. Or maybe it's just because Stephen is a threat to him or something.

"Jenny!!" Carter yelled. He then stopped me from running into a car. We both fell back. I fell onto Kaz and Carter fell on the ground.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I noticed how close our faces were. I see him smirk. "Get off!" He shouted pushing me off of him. I glared. "Do you know how heavy you are?" He got up and started breathing heavily. My jaw dropped.

"You little--" Carter held me back from jumping onto him. Him and Carter started laughing.

He then came close to me once again. His lips came close to my ear. "You were also cute, close up." I felt his breath touch my ear. I quickly push him away.

"Stop that..." I said.

He chuckled.

"What did he whisper? What did he whisper?" Carter jumps up and down excitedly.

"Nothing." I said. Then started walking away.

Bennet P.O.V~

"Dude, why would she be here?" We were outside chucky cheese.

"When people go on dates, don't they come here?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Jack, how many fingers am I holding up?" I asked him. When he bumped his head he must have lost his mind.

"Uhm..." He stare at my hand. "Four." He answered with a small smile. My jaw dropped.

"None! You idiot." I smacked the back of his head. "Let's go!" I dragged him out.

Lucas P.O.V~

"We went out in 7th grade only for a week."

"Only for a week?" Emilia curiously asked facing him as he stare at the ground.

"Yeah, only for a week." He responded. "I wish it was longer..."

"What happened?"

"Why don't we stop talking about her." He then gaze into her eyes. They were about to lean in when--

"STOP!" Logan jump up and ran down to them. I rolled my eyes and also got up with a face-palm. That idiot. They both turn to face us with shock.

"What the hell? Logan, Lucas what are you guys doing here?" Emilia asked as she got up and walk up to us.


"Look, Emilia. It was fun talking to you but, I don't think it's going to work out." Stephen shrugged his shoulders. That guy was just cold. Why would he do such a thing to a girl. Especially the thing he did to Jenny.

"What? We've been going out for a week." She said. A week? Just like that time with Jenny.

"Look, thats him." Some girls were walking by. "The one who dumped me after a week." They both walk away angrily.

I stare at him confusingly. Why did every girl he date, he dumps them after a week?

"Emilia, it's okay 'cause Stephen is a bad guy." Logan said.

"What?" She confusingly asked.

"But I want ice cream!" I hear Carter's voice. We look behind to see Kaz, Jen, and Carter. "Look it's Lucas!" He ran over and gave me a hug.

"Jenny, why didn't you tell me he was your ex?" Emilia immediately walk over to her. Jenny gave out an annoyed sigh.

"You guys just left, like that. Plus you didn't ask." She had a point. Emilia sucked her teeth with her face all scrunched up.

"You could have at least stopped me and told me--"

"Look don't blame it on her." Stephen stood in front of Jenny. "It's not her fault that I dumped you." He shrugged.

"You dumped her?" Jenny seemed shock. "And why would you do that?"

"I just..." He stare up at her with a nervous look.

"It's because you saw Jenny and now you want to be with her again." Carter smirked, being blunt about everything.

"Carter--!" Jenny pulled him behind her.

"And who's that? I don't recall you having a brother." Stephen stare at the little boy with a brow raised. He was probably mad because the words that came out of his mouth were probably true.

"Emilia!" Kaz then jump on her. "We found you!" He said in relief.

"Guys, I have a big bump on my forehead." Jack doesn't seem like his normal self as he started giggling.

"What the hell--"

"Don't ask." Kaz annoyingly said with an eye roll.

"Okay, so let me get this straight." Emilia held up a finger. "Stephen, you didn't move on and you still like her?" She asked pointing towards me.

He stayed quiet for a moment. He started biting his bottom lip nervously.

Jennifer P.O.V~

I wanted to know his answer badly. I wanted to know how he felt about me. This was all intense.

"I..." He began to speak.

"Jenny!" Jack then pull onto me. I confusingly stare at him as he placed both hand on both of my arms.

"J-Jack... What are you doing?" I asked nervously with probably pinkish cheeks.

"Okay, I just want to say... That your awesome! And I like you." He went on. Lucas and Kaz grabbed onto him and dragged him elsewhere. "JENNY! I LIKE YOU BUT I'LL REMAIN YOUR FRIEND BECAUSE I DON'T WANT OUR RELATIONSHIP TO CHANGE!" He shouted as they dragged him. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Him hitting his head is a big difference from the other Jack.

"What is that guys problem?" Bennet asked with a face-palm.

"All I want to know is why do you keep dumping girls after a week?" Lucas came walking back, leaving Kaz with Jack.

"Yeah, what is your problem?" Logan ask.

"It's none of your business." Stephen glare at Lucas who glare back at him. Oh no.

"Okay, both of you please calm down." I stood in front of them. They continue to glare at each other. "Well I tried." I walked towards Logan who said,

"You did your best." He pat me on the back.

"Do you like Jenny or not?" Lucas ask with gritted teeth.

"It's none of your business." Stephen replied with gritted teeth. I gave out a sigh. "Why are you so concerned if I like her or not? Is she your girlfriend?"

"It's none of your business." Lucas mocked him.

I let out an annoyed groan. These two were getting on my nerves. Especially Stephen. He was making me confused.

"You came back so you could give her more pot?" My jaw dropped as Lucas said that. Lucas still had a glare as Stephen looked confused then angrily stared at me.

"Actually Lucas is right." I stood in front of him. "Why are you going out with my friend then dumping her all of a sudden?" I asked with a brow raised.

"Okay, I'm not over you." He finally admitted. "Are you happy?" He asked with an annoyed expression.

I just stare at him, blankly. I don't know what to do anymore. My life just got more confusing. How am I supposed to respond to that?

"Well I like her too and I'm not going to have her ex here take her away from me. I promised I wouldn't leave her and I'm not going to." Lucas said staring at the ground, like he just poured his heart out.

"Is that true?" Logan asked his twin. "You like her too?" He gave out a sigh. "You know this wasn't supposed to happen. We're not supposed to fall in love with her. All of us." He stated angrily. Kaz and Jack walk back over to us.

"Yeah dude." Bennet said. "This wasn't supposed to happen." He shrugged his shoulders. He then face me and poked my shoulder. "But who do you like?" He whisper.

I stare at him. Who do I like? This is a hard question.

"I really can't take this anymore. How can four of you like one girl?" Emilia asked. "Theres other people out there. You guys are just shutting them out." She looked angry as ever. She rolled her eyes then stomp away.

"We can't do this to her guys." Kaz said. "Why don't we just leave it at that and go home."

"Yeah, you guys are making her uncomfortable." Bennet said.


The next day. I was at school. I woke up earlier than usual to not bump into the guys. If I did that, it would be to awkward.

I was walking facing the ground when bam--! I fell to the ground on my ass. I glare up to notice it was Lucas and Logan.

"S-Sorry..." I quickly said then got up when I felt my arm being pulled.

"Are you okay?" I heard Lucas's voice.

"Yes." I then continued to walk away. I let out a relieving deep breath. I was in class to see Emilia. She stared at me then quickly turn her head around. Well I guess she was still mad.

I sat down in annoyance. I then placed my head down.

"Jenny," I felt my arm being moved along with my body. "Jenny," the person said once more.

"What?!" I angrily got up and noticed I was in school. I stare around to see shocked students. Some were laughing.

"You have detention." The teacher said with an angry expression.

"N-No... Wait I'm sorry." I said trying to extinguish his anger. "I really just want to go home in peace." I annoyingly added.

"I don't care." He said. I rolled my eyes and placed my head back down.


I walk into detention to see... The Andersons. Of-course they'd be here when I am. What a coincidence, I guess.

All eyes were on me. They were in here with Anthony. "Jenny?" Kaz confusingly stare at me as I took a seat. "What are you doing in here?"

"Never mind that. What the hell are you guys doing in here?" I asked.

"Fighting." Lucas shrugged as if it was something they would always do.

"Who and why?"

"Him," Bennet point towards Anthony who glare but then his eyes landed on me and he smirked. "Because he was picking a fight."

"Why were you picking a fight with them?" I turn to face Anthony as I had to stare at his disgusting yet cute face.

"Because I wanted to." He said like a little kid.

"Ugh," I let out a groan in annoyance. I just thought about Carter. I'm sure he could watch himself. What if something happens to him?

"Why are you here?" Logan asked me raising his eyebrows up and down. Why was he even doing that?

"I don't know." I rolled my eyes and placed my head down on the desk.


Finally, detention was over. The guys were all stretching. I was walking away when I felt my arm being pulled. "Jenny." I turn around to face Jack.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yesterday night... I..." His cheeks were turning a bit pink. It was cute actually. I started to chuckle.

"It's cool." I shrugged. He stare up at me then smiled.

"Wow," Kaz walk up to us with the rest of the guys. "Don't do that. It's gross." He gestured to Jack's smiling face.

"What?! You bastard--" he then start chasing after him. Wow, how can they have so much energy in them?

"So are you going to meet up with that guy?" Lucas walk besides me. I stare up at him.

"I don't know..." I responded, staring at the ground a bit confused. What should I do? He still likes me... Do I still like him?

We were finally home. The guys had went home and I walked inside the house. "Carter--!" He came running towards me holding his finger against his lips.

"Shush!" He quickly said as he dragged me towards the living room. I look around as Carter showed me a sleeping Stephen on the couch. WAIT WHAT?!

"What is he doing here?!" I asked, shockingly. Carter glared up at me angrily and I covered my mouth.

"I was outside waiting for you when he walked by and saw me. He asked if I was hungry and made me mac n cheese." Carter grinned. "He's actually a good guy."

"A good guy?" I asked him. He didn't hurt Carter and fed him instead now he's sleeping on the couch.

Carter was upstairs probably sleeping too. I was on the couch sitting besides his head. He was still asleep. He must have been up all night or something. His arm was underneath his head, pointing towards me was his hand.

I stared at it. Scars. He had scars on his hand. I wonder what he's been doing. I gave out a sigh and was about to get up when I felt his finger touched my hand. I stare back at him. He was still asleep. I sat back down and left my hand there.

What is this?


A/N- I know this chapter is short xD. Please enjoy it. Vote and comment please. Also share!!

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