Shenanigans of a singleton ✔

By AkankshaSharma3

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Love... When you hit mid-twenties you expect to have heartbreaks and naughty secret flings but for Mahi? Not... More

00|| Copyrights and Prelude
01|| The Ordeal
02|| Chance
03|| Sperms
04|| Dates
05|| Dates -part 2
06|| Chaos
07|| Satyanash
08|| All Is well
09|| Babies

10|| Congratulations and Celebrations

142 23 93
By AkankshaSharma3

|~ 10 Congratulations and Celebrations~|


The nurse at the sperm bank was scanning Dev head to toe like he was some masterpiece that had to be caged in her secret dungeon forever.

Kajal was busy trying to see if there was anything free that she could take up but the only thing that came in her hand was the poster of a smiling sperm.

Hardik became extremely horny whenever the hot young doctors used words like 'Sperm' 'Penis' and 'Ejaculation'

"Hello, eyes up woman. We are here to get my daughter pregnant and that young man you have been eyeing on, take out his semen and eject it inside my daughter's vagina so she could make some babies ASAP."

The nurse began to blush while taking Dev to a separate room so that he could ride his bike without a helmet and give out the biker's sweat for scanning ...A.K.A, his sperms.

"ALL THE BEST SON, MAY YOU JACK OFF AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND IMPREGNATE MAHI AND MAYBE FEW MORE WOMEN OUT THERE. Hardik gave a thumbs up towards his son who walked with his head held down as the people in the sperm bank were openly gawking at them.

A long time had passed but there were no signs of Dev or the tiny bottle of his little rider's juices.

Kajal went on a chanting spree that made a few patients very uncomfortable at first but later on they began to join her by chanting the same line again and again.

"Oh sperms, mighty sperms, come out come out wherever you are and fuse with the eggs."

Mahi flat out refused to acknowledge Kajal's existence when she began to run around ask random men if they were willing to give her free sperms. Mahi feared that Kajal might cause them to get a ban from the sperm bank or worse, get kicked out in front of everyone while the media rolls them and splashes their faces in the headline for a week.

"We will let you know if this sperm is passable and can be used in a few days." The nurse took out a file to record some statements while letting them know about when they would likely get in touch with them which was more or less than a week.

After a while - At the Sperm bank

"It's almost Noon now! When will they inform us? I have never had sex in my life nor have I gotten any blow jobs or what so ever neither did I jack off the day before we had come to the clinic last week so I hope that my sperms turned out to be alright."

Dev was a bit tensed when he came to know that not all men can donate their sperms easily. He might be able to make a woman pregnant through the natural way by the act of consummation but getting someone pregnant through sperm insemination might be futile in the first or a countless number of attempts.

If this didn't work out for Mahi, she had no idea what else to do.

Maybe I should begin to mother stray pets but the last time I brought a cat home she ripped off the leather of my couch, ate my hamster alive then pooped on the welcome mat at the front door. Not all pets are notorious so maybe I would think twice before bringing some stray animal home and they would have a new life. They won't be just stray pet's, they would be my children and make grandchildren for me.

"What are you thinking Mahi? You have a very serious look on your face." Mahi's mom patted her back in sympathy which turned into a brutal slap upon hearing her daughter's reply.

"I was thinking of animal sperm."

"YOU WHAT...? YOU WANT SOME ANIMAL'S SPERM INSIDE YOUR VAGINA? HAVE YOU LOST IT? This is absolutely vile and...I can't even... you need help."

Mahi's eyes widened in disbelief upon realising her mistake but it was too late to take back her words. The patients around her backed away or pretended to not notice her existence.

A small old boy was covering the ears of his Labrador while his mom covered his own ears.

"I didn't mean it in that way! Dammit, it was just a slip of my bloody tongue. What would I even do with some animal's sperm huh?"

"Actually, you can swallow semen during blowjobs and... Sorry." Hardik shut his mouth when Kajal brought her purse near his crotch.

The nurse called out for Mahi into a private room that was filled with posters of babies and happy smiling sperms. Mahi was given a small keychain in the form of sperm as a 'Good Luck Charm'.

"The key should be the sperm of your success... I mean the success of the sperm hatching your eggs."

Mahi was allowed to flip through the File of Dev and history of his sperm. There was no health risks or family disease apart from a mild allergic reaction towards nuts.

"Please lay down." Mahi was pushed towards the bed that creeped her out with the amount of sperm emojis printed on the sheets.

"Your sperm donor Dev has a lot of volume and motility, you are at the peak of your ovulation so I am sure that this insemination will be successful." The doctor gave a smile of encouragement towards Mahi but it did nothing to calm her nerves down.

As the tiny tube neared her cervix, she felt a cold sensation run through her lower regions.


"Done" The doctor took out his gloves while the nurse walked around the room with the file in her hand.

"That's it?" Mahi thought it would be a long arse process. She thought she would be stuck here for the whole day but nothing sort of what she had imagined took place.

"What do you expect?"

"Umm...nothing, I was just curious if you actually inseminated the sperm inside me or not."

Mahi was made to see the empty tube that was dangled in front of her face by the nurse. "Every single rider had left its home and is probably riding to reach its destination A.K.A your eggs. Maybe they took a break but don't worry those riders would have a head start soon."

The doctor coughed a bit to hide his laugh that made Mahi blush profusely. She felt a bit stupid for even asking such a question but there was no such rule that she couldn't ask anything that she wanted to.

"All the best; Hope to see you with a bulge in your belly soon."

A genuine smile was plastered on their face that caused a big flutter inside of Mahi which made her think that the rider boys would have begun riding inside the field.

~ After 10 months ~

"Did the child kick again? I can sense a footballer on the way."

"Dude, every baby kicks inside the womb."

"Did you just 'DUDE' me?" Hardik glared at Kajal was who busy feeling the kicks of the baby inside Mahi's tummy.

"Why are her boobs swollen, though? My sperms worked alright Nah?" Dev began to sweat again but a swat on the head from Kajal brought him back to reality. He was apologizing to Mahi for no reason but she just waved him off.

"Please leave the room. Only one person is allowed to be inside the labour room."


The nurse gave a bright smile and kicked everyone out for causing disturbance to the pregnant ladies.

Around two weeks had passed since Mahi had returned from the sperm bank. She felt her mass doubling up in size. She hadn't got her periods plus morning sickness was eating her up so she decided to take up 10 pregnancy tests. The first three had been negative but the moment she noticed the three positive lines she ran out of the bathroom with her pants down and her purple polka dot bikini line on display, she wanted to shove the pee-stick on her mom's face who was busy sucking faces with her dad.

It was a very awkward moment because her dad had decided to surprise them both by coming back soon from his world trip upon hearing about his daughter's dilemma but the moment his eyes laid on his wife, he forget everything and his hands did the talking.


"I never knew that my daughter's stomach was actually an oven. We could have made cakes and biscuits in your oven itself." Her dad laughed but upon noticing tears in her eyes he realised what she was talking about then fainted on the spot.

"Seriously... What's wrong with him? My daughter is pregnant but she never fainted once but this guy here fainted even though nothing is cooking up inside his womb. Anyway, we need to get matching tattoos called 'LIFE'!

The day she informed about her pregnancy to Kajal and her family, they stayed with her throughout thick and thin. Her own parents were happy but they couldn't stay back due to work but this time, Mahi didn't mind at all for she had found a new family to confide it. She had learned to let go and live her life to the fullest because that made her truly happy.

"You have dilated to a good amount. Are you sure it's not paining? You haven't screamed much."

It pained like a bitch alright, but the sensation of happiness had topped over her pain. Mahi was enjoying every moment of it, she had been through so much but never had any amount of pain made her this happy.


The doctor looked horrified upon Mahi's statement while the nurse just laughed at Mahi's dilemma.


The doctor popped his head inside the sheets to see the work in progress; sure enough, he could spot a glob of gooey mass trying to come out of Mahi's vagina.

"I can see the head." The moment he let out the words, Mahi crushed his head between her legs and forced him to take her baby out soon.

"GOAL" Mahi assumed that it was Hardik uncle who screamed like a mad woman but his voice pushed her over the edge until the tiny living thing inside her body had finally come out.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl."

She smiled while looking at her baby who was held upside down. The doctor slapped on her child's back that made her let out a string of curse words.

"Ma'am, it's important ..."


Black spots surrounded her vision and the next thing she knew, she had fallen unconscious.



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