Her Beef 2: A Different Me

By KeyzDoinwell

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Desire and Aubrey are finally getting their lives back on track. Their relationship is in a good place and al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Thoughts
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Check In
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Check In
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Check In
Check In
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Check In
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Check In
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Check In
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 20

2.1K 107 5
By KeyzDoinwell

"If you ever should need me you know I'll come~Ready to kill with a Smoking Gun~With a Smoking Gun~Jadakiss ft. Jasmine Sullivan


I really couldn't wait to see Minah. I have missed her so much. It broke my heart not to have my daughter around. I was shocked to find her kissing a girl but I still loved her and I never wanted her to just love. Anthony was so rough on her because of his own family secrets. I just wanted my family to be whole again. Lovely was into her music chasing her dreams and it made me think of all my dreams that I put on hold to take care of my family.

See I have been with King since I was sixteen years old and I got pregnant with my first child at seventeen. Then all of them came back to back. My oldest children are only a year apart. King had lost his job so he started hustling and dreams of my own catering business were put on hold. I kept telling myself after my children were grown I would do it, but then King found the Lord and became a Pastor and now I have to take care of the duties of being the first lady of the church.

I'm still young and I could still get my business going but King thinks I should let go of my childish dreams. I have given and sacrificed so much for my family that I have lost who I am. I heard King downstairs pacing back and forth. I went down to see if he was Ok.

"Are you alright? Who were you talking to?" I asked him.

He just kept pacing and mumbling. He turned and looked at me then he sat down. "Minah was here. She still hasn't changed Char. She still has that mean spiteful attitude." He said. I just sat down across from him and looked at him. "What did you do King?" I asked him preparing myself for the worst.

"She started going off on me about Lovely and her music and how I needed to be more supportive. I love my kids and I support them in everything that they do I just won't support Minah in being a damn dike. It's unnatural and it's wrong. I just won't and I can't except my daughter wanting to be with another woman that way." He said with tears in his eye's.

"King this isn't about Minah and you know it. This is about your father leaving your mother for a man. What you t hought I didn't know the truth? Well I do and what your father did has nothing to do with Minah. She is your daughter for crying out loud and if you don't fix this I will leave you." I said getting up and going back upstairs.

I wasn't going to allow him to keep breaking my family apart. I was gonna do what I should have done a long time ago and that is put my foot down.


I had picked up everything I had to get for Desire and I cursed out Aubrey for added bonus. I started to call Minah and ask her to meet up with me but Nah I'm good on that. I'm done with her all together. Carlos and I are actually doing good and I can truly say I am happy. He has been such a sweet heart to Desire and so understanding. I love this man I really do hell I always have. He is the only man that has been in my life that has never hurt me. He is what you would call a blessing sent from above.

I pulled up to the house and went inside. Carlos was sitting in the living room looking like he had a lot on his mind. I hate to see him looking so stressed. "Hey babe you alright? How is Desire?" I asked him sitting next to him. "She alright. Hilda took her something to eat and she is sleeping peacefully." He said.

"So what has you so stressed looking?" I asked him truly concerned. "I have something that I want to tell Desire but I don't know how to tell her. Shit she might not even believe me at all." He said. I kinda of got worried cause what in the hell would he have to tell Desire hell he just met her. "Well what is it? Can you tell me?" I asked him.

He took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly. He looked me in the eye's and began to tell me.

"Well you met my father and you knew that he was a man with many secrets. He told me on his death bed that he had two children that were older than me. He said he had left their mother when they were young and he regrets not staying in touch with them. He told me their names were Shad and Desire." He said.

I just covered my mouth in shock from what he had just told me. "Are you serious?" We heard someone say. We turned around to see Desire standing there just as shocked as I was. I think that we were about to have a deep ass conversation.


This was not how I wanted to tell her about me being her brother. I stood and faced her seeing that not only was she shocked she had many questions that I needed to answer. "Please Desire come and sit down. I can explain everything to you." I said as considerate and understanding as I could. She came and sat next to Shakeya so I sat across from them so that she could look into my eye's and see the truth.

"Hell I don't even know where to start." I said feeling a little under pressure. "Just start from the beginning." Desire said. I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.

"Well our father was the head of the biggest drug cartel there is in Miami. He met your mother and became madly in love with her. From what I understand she didn't want you and your brother to be apart of that type of lifestyle. She begged him to leave the business but he wouldn't. One day he packed up and left never looking back. Then I came along. On his death bed he told me about you and Shad and how much he regrets not being apart of you guys lives. He has always watched out for you guys and he has a trust in both of your names." I said to her. She had tears in her eye's and she just came and hugged me.

I was so shocked by her reaction but I hugged her back. She kissed me on the cheek and went back upstairs. I started to go after her but I guess she just needed some time alone to process it all.


I was in the car in front of my sister's house. I didn't want to go in and deal with my parents but I guess I had no choice. I got out of the car and rang the door bell. My mother opened the door with tear filled eye's and just gave me the biggest hug. I couldn't hug her back. I wanted to but I couldn't. She moved to the side and let me in.

Lovely and my dad were sitting in the living room and he gave me a horrible look. I just sat down and waited to hear whatever it was that my mother had to say. "Minah I'm so happy to see you. I have missed you so much. It feels good to have my whole family together." My mother said. I just let out a laugh when my father got upset. "What the hell is so damn funny?" He asked.

"Charlene is what is so funny. Her saying how much she misses me is very laughable. I could remember her allowing you to put me on the street at seventeen." I had. "Wait I thought you guys said she left on her own." Lovely said. "Is that what they told you? Daddy put me out because he said he couldn't have a lesbian for a daughter and mom just let him." I said.

Lovely looked at my parents as if she was just seeing them for the first time. I know my dad made my siblings think that I was the bad guy. Hell he doesn't even know my brother Scott has transitioned into a woman. He has ruined his children hell my sister Kim is in rehab because she became a crack head.

"You are not gonna turn your sister against me you lesbian bitch." My father said standing to his feet. I stood up and got eye to eye with him. "You don't even know how much you have ruined your children all by yourself. Scott is now a woman and you thought Kim was away on business but she is really in rehab. You put so much pressure on everyone to be this prefect family that you have destroyed it all on your own." I said not backing down.

"Your father is so against gays because your grandfather left your grandmother for another man." My mother said. My father just fell back in his seat and Lovely and I just looked at her like she was crazy. "I thought he died." Lovely said. "No he lives in Atlanta with his partner." My mother said.

"You are going to die from AIDS just like he is." My father said. I just turned and looked at him. I didn't see the man that hated me my whole life. I saw a angry little boy who has daddy issues. I couldn't even say anything to him. I just grabbed my bag and left. I wasn't going to deal with his hatred anymore.


Minah had walked out after the ugly statement my father made. "My whole life you have been lying to me about my sister and my grandfather. How do you put your daughter out for n the street at seventeen? How do you tell your children that their grandfather is dead when he is really alive? Mom how could you allow him to do this?" I asked trying to understand what just happened here.

My parents didn't say a word. No wonder my sister lives the way she does cause she feels alone like bo one cares about her. She has been mistreated by my parents most of her life. I am also guilty of judging her do to what my father told me.

"How can you both live with yourselves knowing what you have done?" I asked. "I never wanted Minah to go. I have always loved her no matter what she is or does. Your father told me if I tried to contact her he would take you away from me." My mother said.

The man that I thought I knew I had no clue who he really was. He was a monster and I wanted nothing to do with him.

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