Chapter 35

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"What Now~I just can't figure it out"~Rihanna


Sandi has been so great. Aubrey is at the studio and Sandi said she would watch the twins while Shakeya and I went out shopping. We found out that she was having a boy so we went to buy things to decorate her nursery. I also wanted to buy the twins a few things.

Everywhere we went Shakeya had to get merging to eat. I don't even think that I was that bad and I had two babies growing inside of me. This girl was like a bottomless pit.

We were at the Hard Rock Café about to eat for the tenth time today. We had just got finish ordering when this woman came and sat down at our table.

" Bitch what the fuck do you want? I'm not into the mood. I'm pregnant and I'm hungry. Know if you say one thing I don't like I got my gun in my purse so bitch act like you got some sense." Shakeya said with one hand in her bag.

The woman laughed and then turned and looked at me. She smiled like she knew me.

"You look so much like your mother. It's crazy how as much as she didn't want a daughter she ended up with one who looked exactly like her. Do your girl's look like you?" She asked.

I looked at her like she had just lost her damn mind.

"Look I don't know who you are or how you know my mother, but please don't talk about my children. That will get you popped." I said.

She put her hands up in the air like she was surrendering.

"One thing for sure you got my attitude. You damn sure have your father's fire. I know your mother because she was my older sister. You look just like Eva." She said.

Shakeya rolled her eye's up in her head. The woman pulled out a picture of my mother when she was a teenager and she was also in the picture. She was right I did look just like my mother when she was younger.

"Why haven't I seen you before if you're my Aunt?" I asked her.

"Your mother didn't like the type of life that I had chose to live. The last time that I saw you you were about a year old. Anyone who your mother felt could have a bad influence on you guys she kept them away." She said.

"Des this is Minah's mother. She is King's wife. Bitch did you know your daughter had kidnapped your niece and had your nephew's wife killed." Shakeya said with a lot of attitude.

None of this was making any sense to me. Now I have a Aunt that I knew nothing about. My cousin kidnapped me. This was all too much to handle.

"Look I really don't understand why everyone thinks that Shad and I don't need to be around our family. For the life of me I don't understand any of it. I don't want no drama had enough of it. Carlos and Kelly are my sibling's and you are my Aunt and I don't want my kids in all this drama. So y'all need to figure something out. I need to talk to my brother's." I said.

"Desire I want nothing but to be in your life. Whatever beef my husband had with Carlos has nothing to do with me so I'm over it all. I missed so much of your life and Shad's life I just want to be apart of it now." Charlene said.

I know that this isn't gonna be drama free but we all need to have a family sit down.


I don't trust this bitch as far as I could throw her. I know she up to something and her little wanna be family speech I ain't fucking buying. I should just pull my gun out and blow this bitch brains out right now.

Damn I wish I wasn't pregnant cause this bitch would catch it. I just can't be behind bars knocked up that ain't a good look. Charlene is a ruthless bitch I seen her in action. She might be Des Aunt and all that but what made this bitch wanna reach out now.

This bitch need money. Her husband and her daughter is dead and she needs a new money source and she feels like Shad and Desire are her new meal ticket.

"I don't buy it. Bitch you trying to get reunited all of a sudden. Something stinks here and bitch it's you." I said getting straight to the point.

She looked at me funny but I could tell I hit the nail on the head.

"You think that cause they got a few dollars they bout to be ya damn meal ticket. Well bitch not on my damn watch. So if you wanna get on some gangsta shit bitch we can handle this shit right now." I said pulling my gun out.

People started leaving out of the building. Desire was telling me to chill out but this bitch had this look in her eye's that was saying she ready to die today.

"Shakeya I love that little pit bull instincts you have. You are just so damn loyal. But how much do you really know about the man you sleep with?" Charlene asked with this I know something you don't know look on her damn face.

"Bitch are you calling me a loyal dog. I push ya fucking wig back just like I did ya bitch ass daughter and her lover. You got me fucked up. I know about my man but did you know King has another daughter?" I asked her know it all ass.

By the look on her face she didn't. "Checkmate bitch." I said with a grin on my face.

I put my gun away cause this bitch ain't even worth my bullet.

"Can you come to my house to have a meeting with me and my brother's?" Desire asked her.

I looked at Des like she was smoking crack. If she was my bitch I would put a bullet in her ass.

"Bitch you don't invite the devil into your home thinking shit gonna be cool." I said.

Charlene agreed to the sit down and I know for a fact that Carlos is going to loose it.

Some woman that looked like she was on something walked up to us. Charlene looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Rosa! Is that you?" She asked.

Desire and I looked at each other and then back a forth between Charlene and this woman she called Rosa confused as fuck.

"Who the fuck is this bitch?" I asked.

"This is your child's grandmother. Rosa is Kelly and Carlos mother." Charlene said.

I looked at her and I saw my man's face and I just fainted. I hit the floor.


I'm gonna be a grandmother. I don't know who these girls are sitting with Charlene but her and I have unfinished business. I need to talk to my kids cause their father is alive and I have poof.

He locked me away in that mental hospital and faked his own death so that his kids could do his dirty work for him. I know your wondering how I know all this and it's cause he came to see me a few weeks ago.

I looked at the one girl really good and she looked like Eva. "Desire." I said to her.

She gave me a look like how do I know her and that let me know it was her. He finally got all his kids together. He is going to put his plan in action to have this family cartel.

"Charlene I need to see my kids we don't have much time left." I said to her.

The beautiful dark skin girl came back to reality. She is also very pregnant.

"Look meet me at Desires place tomorrow all the kids will be there." Charlene said.

I looked at Desire and I saw the same innocence in her eye's that I saw in her mother's. She is a good girl and she doesn't need to be wrapped up in this life. I wish I would have packed my kids up like Eva told me to and got them far away from their father.

Thinking about it now life has a funny way of working things out. At least all the kids finally know each other. I wish that Eva could have been alive to see it.

I heard she had lost her battle with cancer. She was a great woman and the best thing she did was keep her kids far away from Chico.

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