Mrs. And Mr. Mafia

By Canadian_author_13

5M 108K 67.8K

First story in the 'Mafia' series My hand lowered in horror. I had just hit him. I just fucking hit my "husba... More

Twenty one
Twenty Two


155K 3.5K 1.1K
By Canadian_author_13

Two weeks later


It had been 2 weeks since the threat from the Swedish. I didn't even really know how far along I was in pregnancy.

I was guessing about five to six weeks maybe. I was going to go see the doctor later for that information.

I looked out the window when Nikolai wrapped his arms around me from behind.

He rested his hands gently on my stomach and nuzzled his face in the the crook of my neck.

I smiled and I could feel his smile on my neck. He then tensed and so did I as a black car pulled into our driveway.

We then sighed relieved as Anthony and my parents came out of it. Nikolai stepped away from me and grabbed my hand.

We walked downstairs just as my family walked in the door. I smiled at them as we walked over to them.

My mother looked me up and down then gasped. She pulled me in to hug her and Anthony and my father approached Nikolai.

He stuck out his hand but received a punch in the jaw.
I screamed and I pushed my mother away.

I screamed at Anthony and my father. Nikolai wasn't doing anything, just taking the beating.

"How dare you do that to her!"
Anthony shouted.
"Anthony stop!"
I demanded, but he wouldn't stop.

"Cooper! Ivan! Help!"
I screamed. Arthur and Ivan came racing down the hallway while Cooper came from upstairs.

"Dad! Anthony! Leave him alone!"
I shouted, trying to tug them away from Nikolai.

I threw myself protectively over Nikolai while the guys pulled my dad and Anthony away, restraining them.

"It is not your place to abuse him because of a mistake he hates himself over!"
I shouted at them, and they stared at us.

"I forgave him, what happened was between us alone. We're grown ups now, we have to deal with our own problems!"
I shouted, standing up.

"You're only eighteen."
My dad argued and I glared at him.
"You decided I was an adult when you forced me into a marriage, father.

You have no rights here to beat him because you think it's your duty to me. I will not stand for it. I'm not your little girl anymore. I can defend myself."
I spat at him and he looked down.

Anthony looked down also and I nodded my head towards Cooper, Ivan and Arthur.

They released my dad and brother then helped Nikolai get up.
"Lets go get you cleaned up, big guy."
Cooper muttered leading him down the hallway.

I led my family to the living room and we all sat down. I didn't look at them and quietly waited for Nikolai.

After awhile he came into the living room and sat down. Cooper leaned in the doorway and watched.

Nikolai glanced at me then my stomach and I shook my head. He nodded then sighed.

"The Swedish know Emma is here."
"Are you gonna give her up and call that a mistake?"
Anthony snarled.

I hissed.
"This is serious, Anthony."
My father said to my brother.

"We've tripled our defences and I will not be leaving the house until we have the Swedish beat or I absolutely have to."
Nikolai added and my parents nodded.

Nikolai and I held hands and I held them close to my stomach.
"Are you pregnant?"
My mom asked suddenly, staring at my very small stomach and I shook my head.
I exclaimed and my mom shrugged.


After awhile my parents left. Nikolai bent down on his knees and kissed my stomach. I giggled and he smiled up at me.

"I love you."
He whispered and I grabbed his hands. I pulled him up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you, too."
I replied and he pressed our lips together.
Ivan yelled.

"We spotted five Swedish cars heading this way."
He said and Nikolai called Cooper into the living room.

Cooper ran into the room with Adrien by his side.
"Bring Emma and Adrien to the room and protect them."
Nikolai ordered and Cooper nodded.

He brought Adrien and I upstairs and got us to hide. He pulled out his gun and shut the bedroom door.

We all went silent and waited. We could hear the gravel crunching under the cars and I took a shaky breath.

We began to hear yelling back and forth after the cars had parked and doors had opened and closed.

Then gunshots, gunshots that never stopped. We could hear them running into the mansion.

I glanced out the bathroom window, where Adrien and I hid.

Nikolai was standing in the doorway shooting at the Swedish. Suddenly his wrist was shot then his leg and he toppled over.

I was about to scream but Cooper pulled us away from the window. We could hear footsteps and I gripped Adrien's hand.

We heard screaming and gun shots. Suddenly everything was quiet. We could hear footsteps coming to the bedroom door and Cooper pushed us farther behind him.

The monster then entered the room.
"Emma, my dear, I finally found you."
He said slyly. Cooper shot the ground at his feet.

"Get. Back."
He hissed. Ian only laughed then swiftly shot Cooper's arm. He dropped his gun then was tackled by some big guy behind Ian.

I screamed as he tried to fight back.
"It's so nice to see you again."
He said then looked at Adrien.
"I suppose she can come."
He added sighing and nodded at the big guy who threw Cooper.

He grabbed Adrien and swung her over his shoulder while another man tied her wrists together.

They tied mine then Ian gripped my bicep and began dragging me out of the house.

I screamed and he came stumbling out. The big guy dropped Adrien and whipped around.

He punched Cooper upside the head and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Adrien screamed when me made our way to the front entrance. Nikolai stood at the door pointing his gun at Ian.

Blood coming from his wrist and leg.

"Let her go."
He ordered.
Ian replied and pointed his gun at my head. I whimpered and Nikolai glared at him.

"Move aside and I'll let her live."
Ian replied but Nikolai shook his head causing Ian to push the cold barrel against my head more.

Nikolai put up his hands slowly and moved away. Nikolai winced as I was dragged past him and he was shoved off of the staircase.

Ian shoved Adrien and I into the car and I screamed for Nikolai, slamming my hand against the glass as he struggled to stand.

Why was he letting us go so easily?! I leaned into Adrien for comfort as the car began to drive and she leaned closer to my ear.

"The studs."
She whispered and my eyes widened. They were in my ears still, he was going to track us!

I praised for a second until I realized we were still in a car full of Swedish monsters.


He had us chained too the wall and guarded. I glared at his men while Adrien trembled. Nikolai would be coming for us soon. I knew it.


Fuck my leg. My fucking wrist. Cooper typed at his computer while the doctor tended to our wounds.

He shouted and everyone sat up, looking over at him.
"She's not in the mansion, but his smaller mansion forty-ish miles away from here!"
He exclaimed and I sighed. We were getting my Emma back.

He muttered and I sighed. Oh god her parents! I then quickly grabbed my phone.

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