KnB: Lost in the Night

By gekokujougirl

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Mythical (more like, Yokai/Monsters AU) KnB boys x Reader Nijimura Shuuzo - Original Pure-blood Vampire A... More

Nijimura Shuuzo (1)
Nijimura Shuuzo (2)
Nijimura Shuuzo (3)

Nijimura Shuuzo (END)

765 33 13
By gekokujougirl

Lost in the Night (4: END)

'What is it that Nijimura sees in me?'
'Was it really because he like me? Or was it because I look like obaa-chan?'

  "Nijimura-san, I'm here." Nijimura frowned at his new visitors. He just kicked out Kise and now, these two?

"I just kicked out Kise, I hope you are here for a good reason, Kuroko." Nijimura greeted as he stared at the two new unwelcome guest.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you are probably resting upon our arrival." Kuroko answered, "We saw (name)-san outside and also, my goal here is important."

"Important?" Nijimura raised a brow. "And you took Aomine with you?"

"No, he was on his way to meet Kise, but it seems like you already kicked him away."

"Yes." Nijimura said, "Aomine, Kise is at Kagami's house. He's not here, Now, leave."

"So cranky, Nijimura-san." Aomine frowned, "Didn't you just got laid? Why are you still cranky?"

"Aomine-kun, I agree with Nijimura-san." Kuroko turned to the taller man next to him, "I am here to talk about something important to Nijimura-san. It will take long, so you should just go and meet up with Kise . You'll just get bored while waiting."

"Fine, fine." Aomine grumbled and left.

When the door was closed, Kuroko followed Nijimura to his study room.

"So, what is this about?" he asked.

"Ah, yes." Kuroko brought out a box from his bag for Nijimura. "I came here to show this to you." Kuroko opened the content of the box which was a silver diamond ring. "Midorima sent me this for you since he's busy in the hospital."

"Where did he got this?"

"He said that there's nothing to worry, it's safe." Kuroko responded, "Also, he also said that you shouldn't lengthen the chase as it is not good for Cancers."

"I see." Nijimura closed his eyes. "Thank you for bringing this to me."

"No problem." Kuroko nodded. "I almost forgot."

"There is still more?"

"Yes. Haizaki." Kuroko said, "Haizaki-kun got caught by the church." Nijimura frowned hearing the news.

"What's new." Nijimura answered, "He can always escape them whenever he wishes to."

"Not this time, senpai."

"What did he do this time?"

"He got involved with the church and tried to hurt one of sisters who was working there. He revealed his identity to the newcomers which caused a commotion for the higher ups. They are having hard time letting him go this time since the news had reached the people in Milan."

Nijimura inhaled.

"The priest are worried that if they let him go, the people might suspect that they are residing to the other side."

"I understand. Let them keep him for a while. I will fly to Milan ASAP after I finish some business here."

"Yes, I will call them then." When Kuroko left the Nijimura was surprised to see you standing outside his door way.

"(Name)." Nijimura sighed.

"Hi, I came back to speak to you" you said quietly, Nijimura raised a brow.

"This is sudden, did you decide to take my offer?" Nijimura smirked to himself, you looked very serious and just finished a thinking something very strongly.

"You see, I found this." You showed him a photo of him and your grandma which surprised Nijimura. "This is you and obaa-chan."

"..." he didn't answer.

"I know that I look a lot like obaa-chan, but I wasn't expecting that I look like her--exactly, except the hairstyle." you said, "Tell me, is this why you are persistent into making me your mate? Or whatever you call that?" Nijimura took the photo from your hand and he stared at it.

He stared at it for a moment or two and you know that Nijimura was reminiscing of the past.

"You are in love with obaa-chan, aren't you Nijimura-san?" There was silence as Nijimura took his time before he started speaking again.

"I always regretted my decision... I should've turned her into my kind. That way...we could've been together." Nijimura said, you can clearly hear the regret in his voice and hearing him is breaking your confused heart in pieces.

"I've never got a chance to meet her again, until the day your father sent me a letter for this house. It was never my intention to stay for long as the source my life had already passed away. But she didn't just left me this house." He turned to you. "Sayaka gave you to me." He stated.

"What?" you narrowed your eyes at him.

"You are very similar to Sayaka, (name)." Nijimura reached for your cheeks, "And as you said so yourself, exactly just like her." He pointed out. "Also, she passed you the ring that I gave her." Nijimura fished out the ring from his pocket, the silver ring was still attached to your necklace as it act as its pendant and he showed it to you.

"This is my ring, she gave it to you." Nijimura said, you looked up at Nijimura in a very unbelievable way. "Therefor she gave you to me--you will belong to me." Nijimura shortened the distance between the two of you but you avoided his lips.

"I don't want that!" you pushed him away, "I don't want this! I don't want this!" you shouted at Nijimura who narrowed his eyes at you.

"That is not true, (name)." he corrected you, "You want this. You want this and you want me." He pressed, holding both of your wrist tightly.

"I don't want to be a replacement!" You shouted at him as you tried to push him away from you again. "If you only see obaa-chan in me then it's much better if you stay away from me!! Coz I will never allow anything to happen between us anymore!"

"Don't say that!" Nijimura interrupted.

"I will never be your mate, your lover!" you almost choked in the last word as you tried your best to push him away.

"Take that back (name)!" Nijimura held your wrist tightly and didn't want to let you go.

"You didn't have sex with me because you love me! It's because you see obaa-chan and not me!If it's blood, I can give you lots of it! All of it! But sex--" you choked, your tears won't stop coming out of your eyes, "But sex--you were probably thinking of Obaa-chan the whole time!"

"Stop!" Nijimura said shaking you, "Stop crying and look at me!" he demanded but you refused, you looked away.

"I don't want to look into your eyes! You might do that hypnotizing thing to me!" You closed your eyes tightly.

"Tsk-ed." Nijimura pulled you closer to him, he placed his lips on yours and kissed you. He waited till you respond, but you didn't. When he pulled away from your lips you glared at him angrily.

"...I am not Obaa-chan!"

"You are not." Nijimura agreed in defeat, "You are not her."

"You know that already and yet-"

"And yet I pursued you." Nijimura quietly answered.

"I don't want this." you keep pushing him away, but his grip never loosened.

"I don't want you like this either." Nijimura soothed.

Captain. there was a voice which made Nijimura look up in anger.

"Please let go of me, I want to go back home!" you cried.

"You will stay here. We're not done yet." He said, his eyes glaring at the figure at the corner of the room. To someone only he can see.

"You should sleep first." he whispered quietly in your ear causing your body to stiffen,

"No- did you just!?..." before you could finish your sentence, your body become limp in Nijimura's waiting arms. He caught you before you fell down on the floor unconscious. When he lifts you up bridal style, he watched as the last tear dropped from the corner of your eyes to his shirt before he turned to the figure in the shadows.

'Kuroko' he mentally acknowledge. 'What the fuck is it now? Can't you see I'm dealing with something important?

My apologies, captain. Nijimura saw Kuroko bowed in apology in the shadows. But I just received a call from the bishop in Milan, he needs to see you right away. He needs you to use your ability to seal the minds of the people who are involved in the matter. He request for this to be done as soon as possible as he doesn't want the news to spread further. The vatican is already keeping a close eyes at their city.

For the first time, Nijimura was glad at Kuroko's misdirection and the fact that they can talk mentally without anyone hearing their conversation. He didn't want you to hear their conversation.

Fuck it, Haizaki. he cursed mentally as he turn away from Kuroko and walked upstairs to his bedroom.

When he placed you down on the bed he removed your jacket and covered you with the silk sheet you were in earlier. Your necklace which he was holding hostage (lol), he gently put it back to your neck.

He didn't want to compel you to sleep, but something urgent happened that he had too. The two of you will continue this conversation upon his return.

"...Nijimura-san." he heard you whimper in your sleep. Nijimura wiped the tears from the corner of your eyes with his thumb.

Guilt, that is what Nijimura is feeling right now aside from the anger that he is feeling towards a certain white haired bastard that is causing him trouble. He never really meant to have you as a replacement for Sayaka. But he just can't help it---you look just like her and who is he to be picky on the things that the gods had given him, right?

Nijimura opened the box Kuroko gave him earlier and picked the ring from it. He stared at the diamond and closed his eyes before murmuring some words that a normal ear will never be able to comprehend. The diamond glinted before he inserted it on your ring finger.

Perfect fit as expected of Midorima. Nijimura stared at your sleeping form before he lifts up your hand close to his lips and kissed it, kissed the ring on your finger and kissed the tip of your fingers.

He doesn't really want to leave you right now, he wants to end this argument before doing anything else. But he will have to discipline someone first before he can settle down.

"I will be back to get you."


When you woke up the next day it was already almost lunch. You looked around and realize that it wasn't your room. Remembering what happened earlier, you frowned, your heart is hurting from hearing that Nijimura had always regretted the time he didn't turn your grandmother like his kind.

"If he turned grandma into one of his kind, he's probably happier..." you closed your eyes and looked for Nijimura, but he wasn't there.

"Where the hell did he go?" you demanded angrily.

"The captain went to Milan." your eyes shot up when you heard a voice.

"Who is there!?" you called looking around the room.

"I'm sorry." the voice seemed to be closer now, and when you looked over your shoulder you found a light blue haired man standing next to your side of bed

"OH MY GOD!" you gasped grabbing the sheets over your body as if it will protect you from the man.

"I have startled you." He said, "My apologies."

"Oh gods! I didn't see you there!"

"I was here the whole time. Nijimura-san asked me to watch over you."

"Nijimura?" you looked around again to check if he's somewhere around. "Where is he?"

"He went to Milan."

"To Milan?" you narrowed your eyes at him. "When? We were just-"

"He left earlier for the first flight," the man explained.

"He left just like that? We were talking! Wait---who are you?"

"I'm Kuroko. You are (name), we met yesterday on your way home." The blue haired man who calls himself Kuroko pointed his hand on his chest as an introduction.

"You know me-oh, yes. I bet everyone that knows Nijimura knows me too." you closed your eyes. "I'm sorry for being rude last night."

"It's understandable. Aomine-kun was being an arse."

"Aomine-kun is the taller guy, correct?"


"He looks like one."

"I will not disagree on that statement, (name)-san." Kuroko nodded. "Anyways, Nijimura-san asked me to look after you. So if there's something you'd like to eat, or anything at all, I'm here to assist you."

"I don't need anyone's assistance nor someone to look after me." you defended, "I can take care of myself. When is he coming home anyway?" you asked, Kuroko just stared at you and unable to respond to your question.

"When?" you asked again and this time Kuroko turned away. "Kuroko-san?"

"His arrival here in Japan is uncertain." Kuroko answered disappointedly, "The business that he will be dealing with is high risk. You know of his position, correct?" you looked at Kuroko in confusion.

"You meant him being a pureblood, yes." you said.

"As a pureblood, it is his responsibility to look after his people. And one of them got caught in a mess. And it's not just any normal mess. This mess could cause a war between the captain's people and the Vatican."

"Wait--the Vatican? Like the pope and everything?"

"Yes," Kuroko nodded.

"What the fuck is Nijimura up to? I thought he's just a normal businessman and a vampire and such?"

"He is responsible for disciplining his people and one of them just cause trouble and revealed his identity to the public."

"Oh." you looked down in understanding, "I see. He never mention his responsibilities are that...big." That moment was the only time you notice something glinting on your finger.

"What the hell--!?" you shouted.

"Is there something wrong, (name)-san?" Kuroko asked.

"Yes! This!" you pointed on your ring finger and Kuroko raised a brow at the sight of the ring.

"Wow. A perfect fit." he commented, "congratulations on your engagement, (name)-san." he added lastly.

"Thank---no!! That's not it!"

"Is the design not to your liking then?" kuroko guessed, "Midorima-kun picked it up for the captain. The captain has been eyeing that ring for a while now, and Midorima thought it's about time he settle down."

"You meant with me?"

"Yes." kuroko nodded,"I'm glad you accepted his proposal."

"Don't make me laugh. I never accepted that man's proposal!" you shouted as you grabbed the ring on your finger and pulled it out.

And you pulled it out....and again, you pulled it out but it wont move one bit off your finger.

"Omygod! I can't take it off!" you looked at Kuroko for help. He walked closer to you and looked at your finger.

"The ring suits you. You shouldn't take it off." he commented.

"But I don't want this!" you pressed, "Not like this!" Kuroko examined the ring on your finger.

"As expected, the ring has the Captain's mark."


"Yes." Kuroko nodded, "It's an invisible seal or sometimes a spell that marks an object as his and the person wearing the said object is protected by him and therefore cannot be touched by anyone who has an evil intention towards you."

"How can I take this thing off!?"

"You can't."

"No way! My mother will see this! She'll freak out!"

"It can only be removed if you take it off wholeheartedly."

"What do you mean wholeheartedly?"

"Two ways of removing this ring is when you wholeheartedly rejects the captain or if you accept him."

"That's absurd!"

"I don't think that is absurd. I think it's rather fair. Once you remove the ring off you, you can return it back I will personally give it to him together with the message that you don't will never accept him. Second, if you manage to take it off, you can put it on again and it will never be taken off again. You don't have to anyway, since that means you accept the captain

"The reason on how you manage to take the ring off will be of course be a secret that only you knows." Kuroko continued, "But one thing is for sure, the captain will understand immediately once I give him back the ring. And he probably won't come back again."

"So it's between wholeheartedly accepting him or wholeheartedly rejecting him?"

"Something like that."

"OMIGOD! I hate him!" you shouted angrily, Kuroko could only watch you.

"The sooner you decide, the sooner you will be free and so does Nijimura-san."

"Free?" you looked at Kuroko, "You're telling me that as if I'm the one who is keeping Nijimura here."

"Because that is the real case, (name)-san." Kuroko admitted, "He may look like he can control everything, but the truth is it is you who keeps him here. Your half-hearted acceptance for him keeps him here to wait for you to accept him wholly."


It has been a week and Nijimura hasn't returned yet and you glared at your ring finger.

'When are you coming back you damned vampire!'

Then Kuroko's words came back to you.

The sooner you decide, the sooner you will be free and so does Nijimura-san.

"The hell!? And now it's my fault that he's stuck here. He can leave if he chose to!" You jumped back to your bed angrily and hogged the pillow and covered your face.

'Come home already!'

Nijimura stared coldly at the man sitting inside a prison cell.

"Why aren't they letting me go yet?" The white haired man demanded, and he could only get a cold glare coming from Nijimura. "Oi?"

"You've caused too much trouble this time, Haizaki." Nijimura finally spoke.

"I didn't ask for you to come and bail me, captain."

"Indeed, you didn't." Nijimura sat on the chair comfortably and watched at the man named Haizaki frown as he took a sit across him, a cold glass of alcohol in one hand and legs crossed.

"What? Is it a new kink you developed from coming back to Japan? To watch me here inside a cage while you drink and sit there comfortably?" Haizaki demanded.

"Not exactly." Nijimura answered, drinking the cold alcohol... "but I don't mind watching you for a couple of days until you die from hunger."

"We don't die remember?" Haizaki laughed at him.

"Indeed, but we still feel death. So how about you die for a while." Nijimura glared coldly.

"What is your problem?" Haizaki didn't like his idea, indeed they don't die...but the deadly feeling is still there especially when it comes to thirst. "You normally come back after you bail me from prison."

"Not today, Shougo." Nijimura coldly answered, "I'm already pissed off before I left, and hearing your situation and the commotion you caused made me angry."

"You need to get laid." Haizaki answered, "You see that is stress eating you up, captain."

"You know nothing, Haizaki."

"Yea, sure. Just let me go, I'm starving!" Haizaki shouted.

"I know. I can feel your hunger. Sadly, I'm not. So we will not leave this place until I am satisfied watching you roll in hunger... or die. Whichever is fine with me."

"What the hell!? Akashi told me you'd bail me faster than he could! But why are you keeping me longer here?!"


"Punishment? Why? What happened there with the nun is an accident! The bishop explained to you what really happened!" Haizaki said.

"True, but that doesn't change the fact that I have to clean up your mess and had to leave Japan. I was in the middle of something important."

"Then you should go back to Japan and finish your business!"

"Not until I'm satisfied with your punishment, Haizaki." Nijimura closed his eyes. "So die already." Haizaki could only laugh in disbelief,

"You are crazy!"

"You think?"

"Yes! Since that woman died you've been like that!" Nijimura raised a brow. "You should find a replacement! If you can't, I'll introduce you to some women I know."

"Shut up," Nijimura called, "Or I'll seriously leave you here to rot."

"UGH! Captain!" Haizaki groaned.

"I should be the one groaning here, idiot." Nijimura said.

"Don't you need to go back to Japan?"

"Not yet, coz I'm punishing you." Nijimura glanced at Haizaki coldly.

"No one's waiting for you there? It's been two weeks now." he mentioned, but all he received from Nijimura was another cold glance.


"Come back already!" you shouted at the empty study room of Nijimura. You started throwing the books that Nijimura left on his table. Kuroko watched quietly as you create mess inside his captain's office.

"When is he coming back!!" you demanded throwing a glare at the blue haired man.

"I cannot answer that, (name)-san." he looked down in defeat.

"Can't we call him or something?!" You asked, panting as you let yourself fall on the floor. It has been two weeks now and Nijimura hasn't returned home yet. You wanted to talk to him, to put a closure into this 'relationship' you have with him--in person, but the man isn't here right now. Not even a call or an email or a text.

You covered your eyes with your palms and started sobbing.

"I'm tired." you sobbed, "If he's really serious with this relationship, why won't he even call me?!" you demanded and Kuroko could only sit beside you and try to calm you down.

"I'm sorry, I cannot help you with this (name)-san." Kuroko said, "But even I, didn't get any respond when I sent him a message. My calls won't even connect."

"Why is he like that!?" You shouted. "I hate him! We weren't done talking yet! How dare he ran away like that!?"

"He will come back for you again, (name)-san." Kuroko said. "Probably, not just today."

"You mean, it can take a year or two or a decade, like what happened to him and obaa-chan?" you turned to Kuroko in disbelief.

"I'm not sure, but that is a possibility." Kuroko answered.

"That is so fucking wrong!" You shouted.

"To be fair, (name)-san..." Kuroko interrupted, "It will not be fair for the captain too when you yourself isn't ready to give him an answer yet."

"Will it be yes, or will it be a no?" Kuroko added.

"We are still talking about some issues! I cannot give him an answer without hearing his explanation!"

"The captain doesn't answer to anyone, (name)-san." he told you, "But he did say that he will when you agree to his terms."

"And that is to be his mate or partner, or whatever you call it."

"His lover." Kuroko corrected.

"Lover." you rolled your eyes. "Lover?" Kuroko nodded.

"I will never be his lover!" you shouted angrily, "Not like this!" you glared at the annoying ring and started pulling it off your ring finger. It hurts but you have to try and do something about it.

"Are you sure about that?" Kuroko asked and you froze and turned to him.

"I don't need to answer to you." you snapped at him.

"I'm sorry." Kuroko immediately apologize, "I didn't mean to butt-in."

"I-it's--- no, I'm sorry for snapping at you." you closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself. "I'm sorry. I just- I'm confused right now. I just want to see him."

Kuroko watched you and patted your head.

"I understand. You should use this time apart to think about this thoroughly. When you're done...don't hesitate to come and see me." he said.

"Thank you." you murmured quietly.


"Where were you Kuroko?" Midorima demanded when he saw Kuroko sitting next to Murasakibara in the couch upon his arrival to Akashi's place.

"I've been looking after (name)-san." Kuroko said.

"(Name)-san?" Midorima raised a brow, "You meant that young lady Nijimura-san was eyeing?"

"Yes." Kuroko nodded.

"You actually got near her?"


"That's a surprise." Midorima pushed his glasses up his nose, making it glint in the process as he turned to the direction of the redhead sitting across the table and was playing chess on his own. "I thought he marked her."

"He did." Akashi assured. "But Tetsuya don't have any negative motive towards her, that is why he was able to approach her."

"That is new." Midorima said, not believing Akashi's words for the first time. He knew that Nijimura will likely put a mark on his property that no Miracles can even come near what he did to Sayaka. Not just Miracles, even normal human.

"Indeed, but I assure you that what he marked her." Akashi said.

"How can you be sure? Kuroko managed to break into his barrier."

"I tried." Akashi admitted causing Midorima to turn to him again. "I wanted to see what he sees in that child that he is willing stay here and wait for her to agree to to his term when he can just compel her and come to him."

"Like Akashi-kun had said, It's up to your motive." Kuroko repeated.

"I wasn't able to touch the child's hair. But Kuroko managed."


"Nijimura-san's power isn't normal, that is why we follow him. Even I, cannot break through his barrier if he doesn't want too. Any negative thoughts towards that child will activate his mark and protect her."

"Anyways, what did Kuro-chin do with (name)-chii?" The lazy drawl interrupted their conversation.

"I'm just helping both of them." Kuroko responded.

"You shouldn't get involved with Nijimura, Tetsu." The blue haired tall man came into view.

"We all wanted both of them to work out." Kuroko said, "But it will not happen if one is trying to keep the other away...that's thanks to you Aomine-kun."

"Eh? What did I do?"

"The other night, you mindlessly dropped a comment at her, I am sure that she heard it that is why she came back later that evening before the captain heard of Haizaki's issue. They were fighting." Kuroko added.

"I can't remember!" Aomine defended.

"Maybe you couldn't, but for her, she couldn't forget your comment."

"What did Aomine said, Kuroko?"

"No wonder Nijimura's so into you."

"I believe that she had already accepted Nijimura-san, but your comment just confused her." Kuroko said. "You should take responsibility of this, Aomine-kun."


"But knowing you, you'll just mess it further, so I'll do the job instead." Kuroko informed him.

"So it was your fault, Mine-chin." Murasakibara drawled lazily. "Mine-chin is such an ass."

"I second that." Midorima said as he turn away.

"Then Tetsuya," Akashi said, "I'll leave her to you."



"What's the problem?" your mother asked you when she found you lying quietly inside your bedroom. "It's the weekends. I thought you'd go out with your friends?"

"Nah." you answered, turning away from your mother.

"Is it boy problems?"


"Don't be shy. Mom is here to listen to you."


"Come on, I'm here to listed. And I won't leave until you start talking."

"...Mom, there's a boy in school."

"I knew it!" your mother cheered, "So, your boyfriend?"

"No." you frowned, "But he said he likes me. But I heard it's only because I look like her ex from junior high."

"Oh. That's mean." you mother said in distaste.

"I know right? I heard it from his friends." you said. "I don't like what I heard, so I broke up with him or something like that."

"Did you talk about this?"

"He's not here. He went somewhere."

"Do you love him?" She repeated.

"...I don't know."

"You should know."

"You're not helping me at all." you grumbled turning away from your mother

"He's the thing, (name)" your mother patted your shoulder, "If you don't love him, you wouldn't be sulking like this."

"I'm not sulking." you defended, "I'm just tired."

"Yea, sure. Tired." your mother rolled her eyes at you. "Tired of doing nothing."


"Either ways, think about it. You can always move on if he means nothing to you. So why be bothered by it?" your mother smiled and stood up from your side,"I'm making this easier for you, you like him too, that is why you're acting like this."

You glared at the wall next to you as you try to comprehend what your mother was saying.


"I'm making miso soup, bring some over to Nijimura-san."

"...He's not home." you answered unconsciously.

"Eh? Still? Your mother looked at the window where she can take a good look of Nijimura's house. "He's been out for long. Do you think he's okay?"

"Who knows. That idiot didn't even bother to send an email." you murmured.


"Yeah, 'Oh'." you closed your eyes and tried to block away the presence of everyone around you.

'Bastard, you need to learn your lesson for leaving without telling me and this.' you were talking about the ring on your hand.

Later that day, when you opened your felt a little cool headed. You sat up and looked at your hand, you have finally decided. With your decision in mind, you gently tried to pull the ring off your finger...this time it slipped off.

"Your shit, don't work with me...Nijimura-san." you stared at the diamond ring on your hand.


Nijimura's eyes shot open. He just felt something that is not good. Your presence just disappeared from his radar. He shot up from his chair and looked around angrily.

"Haizaki, stand up!" he ordered, and the man inside the cell looked up at Nijimura who was angrily glaring at him.

"And here I was thinking you'd like to stay here for another 3 years or something?" Haizaki joked.

"If you don't want to leave this place, that is fine by me." Nijimura answered coldly as he turn away.

"Oi oi~" Haizaki called after Nijimura, "I was just joking, let me out of this cell." Nijimura threw the key inside to Haizaki who caught it.
"Oh. Thanks for this captain." when he looked at Nijimura's direction, he was no longer there.


It has been three months since Nijimura left and you have completely moved to your new apartment which was next to your school you would've taken a dorm, but a friend introduced you to a cheap apartment. You have the whole place for yourself and the pay is cheap too. Your mother was agreed to your decision to leave the house, though it was just a station away from the university. But you thought, this will help you grow, being independent. You also got a part time job as a librarian near your place.

"You're really okay with this?" your mother had asked you.

"Yes." you nodded.

"But you didn't have to move away."

"Nah. I just want to experience what it feels to live on my own. And besides, if I can't handle the pressure, I'll come back."

"Is this because of that boyfriend of yours?" your mother asked.

"Ha? NO. Just no." you assured her.

"He didn't call you back or anything at all?" you just smiled at your mother.

"I have to go now, my part time starts at 9."

"Well then, take care. Don't forget to lock up your door at night."

"Of course."


"Eh, really?" a certain pink haired woman looked at Kise Ryouta in awe. "That strong?"

"Yes. Even Akashi-chii had to leave his house for a while before the ring has calmed down."

"Why did you take that thing to Akashi's place anyway?"

"We just wanted to test its ability."


"Its legit. The captain has put his 100% into that ring! Imagine, it drove Akashi-chii away from his own house?"

"Where is the ring now?"

"Kuroko-chii has it. I think he brought it back to the captain's house."

"And (name)-chan?"

"I don't know. Kuroko-chii won't tell me because he thought I might interfere with her life." Kise frowned, "Even Midorima-chii thought so too."


"So Momoi-chii, what do you think?"

"I feel sorry for the captain. I mean, she was able to remove the ring off--that means she have decided."

"Yes." Kise leaned back and the pink haired did the same. "But who knows, she might change her mind. Kuroko-chii didn't say anything to us yet."


Kuroko watched over Nijimura's house, he's been watching it for the past three months together with the ring that you returned for him to pass to Nijimura.

He was busy tending to the garden when the gate busted open and there was Nijimura in all his glory with an angry face intact.

"Nijimura-san, welcome back." Kuroko greeted.

"What the hell happened?!" he demanded, but Kuroko didn't respond, instead he just led Nijimura inside his office where he found the small ring box lying on top of his table.

"You can go now, Kuroko."

"Yes." Kuroko answered, "I'll see you around, captain." With that Kuroko walked away closing the door behind him.

'Thank you for looking after her.' Nijimura called quietly and Kuroko could only smile to himself.

'You're welcome, Nijimura-san.'

Nijimura sat down on his chair and leaned back staring at the box placed in front of him. He was not amused to see this. How she managed to take the thing off is probably because Kuroko helped her.

This is not right. He cannot accept this. But (name) had already made her decision and she returned the ring to him.

Nijimura closed his eyes.

"Ah, Captain." Nijimura's eyes snapped open upon hearing Kuroko's voice.

"Kuroko, I thought you left." Nijimura asked lazily.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you a message from (name)-san." Nijimura raised a brow.

"From (name)?"

"Hai. She told me to tell you that she hates you, she doesn't want to see you and she didn't like the way you left her behind without telling her, and lastly for putting the ring on her finger without even asking her first. She also added that 'I'm giving you back this ring for a reason. You know why.'" Kuroko said, Nijimura just stared at him as his mind starts to analyze what Kuroko just said.

"I'd like to add something, if that is okay with you captain?" Kuroko asked as Nijimura remained silent "I think she meant that if you really want her back, you should come and see her ASAP. She returned the ring for a reason, after all."

"You're right. She did return the this ring for a reason." Nijimura stood up and grabbed the velvet box before putting it back to his pocket.

"Also, this." Kuroko placed a small piece of paper in front of Nijimura. Written there is an address.

"I don't need that, Kuroko." Nijimura smirked at the blue haired man. "I know where I can find her."

"Of course, drive carefully, Captain." Kuroko called as Nijimura walked past her.


You mentally sighed when you finally got out of the library. Today, there was a lot of students who visited to do some research. It seems like the nearest high school just asked a whole grade to do some research about Modern Japan, 'cause most of the students came to look for a certain book which which mostly talked about Edo and Meiji period. You had to put the books back in their original shelf after the library closed that is why you got home extra late.

You dropped by Maji burger for takeouts before you went back to your apartment. You were glad that you live on your own because no one is going to question you for being home late. But still you get a text or call from your parents every now and then checking if you locked the door or if you had dinner already... you respond to them, like a good daughter that you are of course.

You dropped your bag at the porch and let yourself inside quietly, opening the lights in the process. You placed the take out on the table before you went straight to the bedroom to change to a comfortable clothes until a hand grabbed your wrist, startling you.

"SHIT!" you gasped as you were forced to turn around and meet the face of the intruder.

"You're late." came the cold voice of a familiar person.

"Nijimura!" you almost screamed, almost. "Goddammit!" realizing it was him, you breathed out. You wanted to cry upon seeing him finally face to face. You wanted to reach for his face and touch his cheeks instead, you punched him with your free hand.

"How did you get in?" You demanded, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.

"I got a spare key from your landlord." You frowned, "Then this place isn't safe after all." you concluded when you finally calmed yourself.

"I think this is a good place. Safe and near your school. And far from your parent's." Nijimura answered.

"What brings you here?" you sighed as you try to pull your wrist from his grip.

"I came here for you."

"For what?"

"For you. I came here to get you back." you raised a brow at Nijimura.

"After disappearing for 3 months without even contacting me, you're telling me now that you came back for me?" you scoffed. "Don't shit with me. I gave you back the ring didn't I?"

"That doesn't mean that you rejected me." Nijimura said, "There are two ways, Kuroko had told you that; I know, cause, you will never be able to take this off if he didn't." Nijimura stated.

"Yes. He told me that." you admitted.

"You told him that you hate me, and you didn't like the fact that I put it in your finger while you were unconscious." you frowned.

"So what? That doesn't mean I'd like to have you back. And besides, it's obaa-chan that you li-" frowning, Nijimura cut you off with a kiss taking your parted lips with devouring hunger. You quivered against him, your heart racing and you are sure he can literally hear them. You longed for this kiss from Nijimura, you longed for him and you cannot deny that fact.

Disturbed by your own thoughts, you stiffened and pushed him away, but gently.

"(Name)" Nijimura breathed, "If you think I'm only after you because you look like her, think about it carefully, I would've compelled you the moment I laid my eyes on you that day. I like over Sayaka, but with's not more than that."

"Like?" You glared at him, "You loved obaa-chan! I know! I saw the photograph, you we're looking as if you were head over heels!"

"That was that, but what we have now is different." Nijimura assured you before he kissed you again, slowly this time, savoring your helpless response.

"No- We can't Nijimura-" in the end, you were helpless against him. When his hand pushed the strands of hair covering your face and held your cheeks gently as he kisses you with all passion.

"To hell we can't." He murmured, "I came back for you, and it's the will of the gods that I didn't had enough courage to pursue Sayaka back then because she is not the one for me. And I am sure as hell, that this time, you are. Not Sayaka, but you...are the one for me."

"How can you be so sure of that?" you pushed Nijimura away to examine his face.

"Too much question, (name)." Nijimura commented, "Now is not that time. I will answer your question later, say 'yes' to me first." He said.

"Huh? For what?" you asked confused.

"Be mine." it wasn't a question, and you can see that in that deep dark orbs of his.

"Let me think about it." you said in a rush.

This is too much. Everything is moving too fast. Moving faster than the last evening you had with him. You need some space...again?

"You've had enough time to think about it, (name)." Nijimura said, "You even managed to take the ring off even when I put everything I know into it so you wouldn't be able to take it off---therefore before you gave this to Kuroko, you already have decided."

"I'm hungry." you looked away in excuse. You know what he means, when the ring slid off your finger, you had already accepted Nijimura wholeheartedly not the other way.

"(Name), I love you but..." Nijimura groaned in irritation, "I don't want to wait longer for your answer." You watched as Nijimura fished the velvet box from his pocket and pulled a ring from it.

"Please..." Nijimura whispered, leaning his head on your own. You stared up at him, his eyes closed and he looked very tired

Sighing you reached for his face and held them away from you.

"When was the last time you had a decent sleep, Shuu?" tiredly, Nijimura smiled when you called his name.

"I wonder..." he answered, unsure. "I can't even close my eyes when I know that you are sleeping next to me. What more when you are not?" he quietly said.

"Stupid." you smiled. " Me too, i cannot sleep properly knowing that you are not around." you admitted. "I love you."

Nijimura stared at you then smiled, "That's a yes, right?"

"I'm making a good decision, right?"

"Of course." Nijimura smirked and gently held your hand before inserting the diamond ring on your finger. "One that I will make sure that you will never regret." He promised before leaning down to kiss your hand.

"I cannot wait anymore." he murmured against your hand, "I want you now, just be mine completely." he looked up at your eyes as if analyzing your reaction.

Indeed it was too sudden for all of this...but like what Nijimura said earlier, you have accepted this wholeheartedly, so there is no turning back. You closed your eyes and you felt Nijimura's hand tighten around your finger before he let them down on your side.

"Let's move this to the bedroom," he said as he walked inside the only room available in your apartment. Once inside, he kissed you on the lips before he moved his kisses down to your throat as if looking for the best vein available. He licked on the spot as if cleaning them and nipped here and there making you moan and him smirking with pride.

Like the normal, Nijimura pierced your skin with his fangs and started drinking your blood. He can hear you moaning as he sucked with a little force on your neck and when he completely had his fill of your blood that he missed for months, he cleaned your wound and the skin which was tainted with your blood.

Nijimura knew he drunk too many for it has been three months since he last have a decent blood from you; He watched as you half-consciously reached for your neck to touch the wound that he created, but he stopped your hand and instead he placed them on his shoulder and pulled you closer to his face before he placed a deep kiss on your mouth.

Nijimura tasted like metal. It was new and somewhat a little erotic. This must be how your blood taste, metallic and sweet, intoxicating. You swallowed unconsciously, there was just too much liquid substance inside your mouth that continued flowing down to your throat and you can feel some flowing at the side of your mouth. Where did it come from, Nijimura's? You don't care anymore, you were too dizzy to look for the source of that liquid drink.

"Swallow everything (name)" you hear him say lastly before your eyes closed from dizziness.

"Tomorrow when you wake up, will be a new day for the both of us." Nijimura said placing a small kiss on your lips.


You opened you eyes the next day and you felt a surprisingly comforting cold next to you. When you looked over your shoulder, you found Nijimura smiling at you, a small cut was visible on his lip.

"How was your sleep?" you heard him ask.

"Fine" you croaked. Your throat is unexpectedly dry, but you ignored it. "Your lip-"

"How do you feel?" Nijimura asked, cutting you off.

"Okay..." you answered, unsure "My throat is a little dry--oh, last night" you suddenly remembered what happened last night and you blushed, but unexpectedly you cannot feel your heart beating..well not that active but you can feel it inside you.. but before you can continue or ask Nijimura further about it, he pulled you closer to him.

"Shall we satiate the thirst?" he offered before he bit his wrist and let the wound bleed.

The smell of the blood was strong and sweet. Very tempting, now you know what Nijimura felt whenever he smells your blood. His smelt so sweet.

You watched as he drink his own blood from his wrist and stared at you as if he was inviting you to join him, and you did...he pulled you closer and when you thought he'd let you drink from his wrist, you are mistaken...he gently placed his hand on you cheek and he leaned to your mouth and kissed you. His kisses taste metallic and sweet and unexpectedly delicious.

Together you shared a kiss that left you hanging and wanting for more every time you pulled away. This kiss was different and you know that. Every kiss was passionate, rough and gentle at the same time and filled with desire that made you crave for more...

Was Nijimura this good in kissing back when you were still human? Or was he just holding back the whole time?

Nijimura lets you drink his blood,you were craving but you are controlling your thirst but failing which didn't surprise him. It will take a while before you could control your thirst completely, but he doesn't mind producing the blood that you will want, need and crave for until you learn how.

What is important right now is he has you, the one who completes his life,the one who lights up the path of darkness that he's been walking on for hundreds of years and you who is willing to share the path that he has...

Lost in the darkness of the night, you become his light and together you will live...forever.



WTF?! I'm sorry. This just sucked. I just can't get a perfect way to end this Nijimura shit.. So I'm sorry i failed this one.
I suddenly got inspired again upon typing the last part.maybe I should make a separate book of this crappy shot where each of the boys gets to have their own story and and a nice ending.
NIJIMURA will be the reason why they got where they are right now and they are all some kind of creatures of the night or something like that. hahahaha

But that is tiring as fuck. LoL if this Nijimura had already sucked, how much more other characters?! Huhuhuhu anyways,let me know what you think about this...coz i need to know so badly how much this sucked.
like how about rating it 1-10 and the 10 is the highest or something. Please.

Anyways... WATCH OUT FOR THE NEXT character!

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