An Arranged Marriage Story

By lively_1

7.3K 104 27


An Arranged Marriage Story. Part 2
An Arranged Marrige Storie Cahpter 3
An Arranged Marrige Story
An Arranged Marriage Story
An arranged Marriage story 6

An Arranged Marriage Story

2.7K 26 3
By lively_1

Ok new story I hope you guys like it!!

It just came to me like the other ones

Remember vote and comment!

Xoxox WhyCry12 XD!

I'm sitting on my bed in New York, looking around, thinking about all the things that I had done here,

all the sleep over's and the first time I snuck out when I was 14, me and my friends were going to go

to a club, we were suppose to be cool because some high school guys invited us and well us being in

middle school we couldn't say no, so we snuck out, of course my parents found out and I was

grounded for a month, I have so many memories in this room, that I wouldn't change for the world,

and now I'll have to say goodbye because I'm marrying some guy that lives across the country, I mean

who has arranged marriages anymore? But its always for the money the power, because my parents

aren't content with being the second richest people in the world, no they have to be number one,

and that really bugs me, I mean why do you need all that money anyways? I would be perfectly

content with a normal life were your parent are there for your birthday, just then I heard a knock on

my door.

" Come in" I said knowing that it was Fred, my butler, now Fred isn't the normal butler that come out

in movies, he is super cool, and I will miss him so much.

" Miss Addison, you limo is here" he said sadness evident

" Oh Fred I'm going to miss you so much, what will I do in San Diego! I mean I'm only 17 ! Is it even

legal?" I said almost in tears.

" Miss Addison, you know its legal, remember we researched it right after your parents told you?" he

said. Of course I remembered I was in tears that time too, but how can my parents do this to their

only daughter? What if its some old perverted guy?!

" Miss Addison you know I wouldn't want to see you go, but I have already talked to your parents and

their answer is final, I promise I'll call you everyday to see how you're doing" he said sitting on the bed

with me.

" Fred you have no idea how hard it is for me to just leave, because I have all my life here, my friends,

and my family, the one that actually care about me, that wouldn't send me away" I said standing up.

" Come Miss Addison, your car is waiting" he said, and we left. They took me to out own personal

airport were I would take a private jet, the trip was exhausting, and when I got to San Diego all I

wanted to do was sleep. When I got off the plane there was a Limo waiting for me. The climate here

was totally different from New York, It was way hotter here then New York.

" How long is it from here to the house" I asked when I got in the car.

" One hour and a half" the driver said. I decided to take my ipod out and listen to music, I ended

falling asleep, and an hour and a half later, was being woken up by the driver.

" Miss Addison, we are here" he said gently, at first I thought it was Fred, and somehow I was back at

home, but then I got up and saw, we were a t a house I didn't recognize, and that when every thing

came flooding back.

" Oh" I said a little sad, I got out of the car and saw that the house was two stories tall, it looked more

like mansion, with coconut trees lining the entrance, it was a very beautiful house, I started walking to

the door, when I was at the door I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, ok addy calm down

everything is going to be fine, your not getting an old guy, and if your lucky, he wont be a jerk, I said

to myself, I took one last breath, and knocked.


Ok tell me what you guy think please!!!!!!

Comment or vote!!

Thought I would try out an arranged marriage and see how it goes


Xoxox WhyCry12

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