The Kidnapped Orphan

By EireannMoo

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The Kidnapped Orphan
Kidnapped. (Chapter 2)
Back home
Losing my mind.
Getting Help
Mystery Solved. (For now)
James The Hero.
The Dream.
A Sneaky Plan.
Kayleigh's Lie.
Past and Future.
The Letter.
Meet up.
Kayleigh's New Bestfriend.
It's happening..again.
The Murder
The Ending.
20 years later.
Joseph's freedom.
(I don't know what to call this chapter)
School Harassment
Near the end.
Swimming Horror
Authors Note

The new teacher.

24.5K 469 314
By EireannMoo


"Ugh." I angrily moaned as I leant forward turning my alarm off.

James woke up, rubbing his eyes and looking at me, half asleep. I smiled before looking at the time.


I was so angry. Who set my alarm for that time? I moaned even more, before getting up and kneeling down next to James.

"I'm so sorry." I quietly whispered, looking down in disappointment. He stared up at me.

"Nah, it's ok. Lets go back to sleep." He also whispered, placing a kiss to my burning cheeks. I smiled and went back to bed.

The problem is, when I wake up, I can never go back to sleep, so I had to try really hard. I closed my eyes, trying to think of good thoughts. Seeing my friends, seeing my favourite teacher, new children..I couldn't think straight though. Joseph was also in my mind. The dreadful abuse, the kiss and also him. My month has been so bad right now. I guess the only good thing was the party, James and Joe failing his test.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up, remembering the previous night. I had finally fell asleep. I got up, rubbing my eyes and went into the bathroom. I ran the cold water over my sponge and washed my face. It felt amazing. It was so refreshing.

"Morning." Joseph said, whilst yawning. I felt guilty. It was my fault he seemed shattered. I smiled and hugged him.

"Morning." I quietly said, walking out the bathroom, to my bedroom. I closed the door and found my uniform. I had to wear a tie, skirt, jumper, blazer, socks and shoes.

Once I got them on and James had too, I brushed my long, brown hair and shoved it up in a pony tail. James came in and he seemed like he was in a good mood. He pulled me into a hug and cuddled me like I was a teddy. I laughed before escaping his arms and going downstairs. Everyone else wasn't down there, so I presumed they were all in bed still. I didn't want to wake them up, as it was hilarious watching them struggle. It might be evil, but they deserved it. Leaving James to tidy up the kitchen by himself.


James and I walked to school by our selves. We didn't walk with the rest because they were annoying as hell. As we were walking down the street, my friend rushed over to me and hugged me.

"Kayleigh!" I yelled in excitement, hugging her back.

I was so cheerful. "James, I'll see you at break." I laughed, hugging him and walking away with Kay.

We met other friends too and shared our news. I didn't tell them about the man though. I had an urge to tell Kay as she wrote me that manual, but it was meant to be a big secret between Joe, James and I. I didn't seem to speak much in the conversation. I wasn't interested in girly talks. I sighed. I had to tell Kayleigh.

"Kay." I said, dragging her into a corner where no one went.

"Yes?" She pulled a big smile.

"Thanks for the manual." I looked away, I was staring at James in a boy gang. He seemed to be very popular.

"What manual?" She laughed, flipping her brunette hair, dramatically.

" know. The kidnapping one..I.." I trailed off and stared at the field where James was.

She widened her eyes in shock. "'re welcome..has anything happened?" I shook my head and walked off into the school.

I jumped as the bell went and everyone crowded the main entrance. I went to class and sat with Kayleigh who was quiet unusually.

The teacher started talking about her holidays, saying she had a brilliant time and was very cheerful. But me, I was kidnapped! I had a bad holiday. I rested my head in my arms and started crying. The water dripped down my cheeks. I sneakily wiped away the tears and acted fine. Joe wasn't going to ruin my life anymore.

"Anyone want to share their holidays with us?" The teacher asked, looking around the room. No one wanted to.

"Daisy." The woman said my name.

I stared up at them and everyone was staring at my face, gasping. I gave a confused face.

"Um..tell us about know..your holiday." The teacher seemed worried, but I didn't know why. Even Kayleigh was staring at me. But not in the eyes, but looking at my cheek.

"Nothing much happened. Just, um, chilled."

"Did you trip over?" A boy asked, who was sitting in the corner.


"No.." I pulled a fake smile.

Kayleigh nudged me and gave me a mirror. I raised my eyebrows and looked into the mirror. My scar was on show that Joe had left me. I raised my eyes and stood up.

"Sorry." I rushed, running out the room towards the girls' bathroom.

I stared in the mirror and rooted in my bag for this special power which hid the scar. I couldn't find it anywhere. What if James saw? He'd get too worried. I facepalmed and walked out the room to my class. As I was about to pull on the handle to open the door, the bell went. I turned away quickly and went to next lesson.


Every lesson had seemed to be a none working one, but an 'tell me your holiday' lesson. I didn't want to hear that sentence again.

I walked to the field and saw James playing football. I decided to leave him to it. I walked over to the girls who were whispering something. They turned their heads.

"Here she is." Someone whispered.

I rolled my eyes and decided to walk away from the girly crowed, but they followed me, gathering into a circle.

"What happened?"

"Did you get hurt?"

"Was you clumsy?"

I squeezed closed my eyes. But shot them open when I heard Kayleigh ask me something.

"Was you..kidnapped?"

I widened my eyes and slowly shook my head, thinking they would forget that question and move on, but they didn't.

"Tell me. Come with me. Girls, stay here." Kayleigh instructed, pulling me somewhere. We ended up in the same corner.

"Is that why you thanked me about the manual?" She whispered, giving me support.

I had no choice but to tell the truth. I looked up at her, tears in my eyes and nodded slightly.

She became quiet and hugged me. Till a boy came.

"You seem to like that corner." James smirked.

Kay nodded her head, leaving me alone with James.

"What's up?"

I started to cry.

"She knows." I sobbed, hugging him tightly.

"About wha-..oh." James paused.

I walked away, leaving him sad and went inside as the bell went. I went to class, sitting at the back with my head in my arms again. Everyone gathered in and sat down, whispering about football and stuff. I ignored them and started feeling sorry for myself.

"Right class." A teacher said. I didn't look up.

"We have a new teacher who is going to teach you this lesson." She said. Yet again, I ignored her and looked down at my desk. I could feel an unwanted presence.

"This is Mr. Dale and he will be doing some drama with you."

Everyone started whispering about him. Girls started talking, trying to attempt to flirt with this 'hot' male teacher. I looked up and I froze. couldn't be.

"Joseph." I blurted out, staring into his evil eyes.

"Mr. Dale." The teacher corrected me. I ignored her and started to shake. I stood up and backed into the corner. I was terrified of him. I thought he was going to leave me alone for the rest of my life.

The woman walked out the room, leaving Mr. Dale in charge. I walked around the desks, heading for the door but he closed it.

"Sit down Daisy." He grinned.

Right now I wanted to punch him in the face, a million times and hope he would die of blood loss.

Joseph started talking about drama skills. Since when did he do drama?

When he explained to the class what to do, he sat next to me.

"Never thought I'd see you again, babe." He laughed, rubbing my thigh. I shivered. I was terrified, speechless and wanted to escape.

"N-no.." I shuffled away, but he came closer and hugged me. What was he doing? At least it got all the girls jealous.

A girl stood up. "Sir, you should be hugging me, not this tramp."

Joe stood up, towering the girl and pushed her into her seat. He was quite strong.

"She isn't a tramp. You're the tramp around here, love. Want to get out or have a 2 hour detention on Saturday? No? Well shut your mouth and work." She felt extremely guilty, but I couldn't help but pull a smirk.

"Thanks for defending me?" It turned into a question.

"No problem, babe." He smiled.


The bell went and everyone packed away and left. I got out before he could keep me in and ran to James who was waiting for me.

"Joe is in there!" I shouted, pointing to the room.

He grabbed my hand and took me outside.

"We need to go!" He hesitated and we ran.

Joe had seen us and was running after us. We turned and walked down this alleyway which had a dead end. We were trapped. Joe was at the end. I cried as James guarded me.

"Give me Daisy and you won't get harmed." He sternly spoke, holding a gun up towards James.


I'm sorry. It had been a long wait for this chapter. It's a long story though...

Basically, I was at a sleepover with Ellie, my mum took the WIFI off me for a day, saying it was going to be for a week...etc..

So, you people are lucky. You would of had to wait for a week BUT it was only 2 days..



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