Descendants Truth Or Dare

By MissPeaxhes

21.5K 368 167

This is exactly what the title says it is a truth or dare book, you guys tell me what you want to see and I w... More

Truth or Dare?
Truth 1
Dare 1
Dare 2
Two dares nad a truth
Dare 4
Dare 5
Dare 6, truth 3
Truth 4
Dare 7
Truth 5
Dare 8
Truth 6
Dare 10
Dare 11
Truth Or Dare??
Dare 12
Dare 13
Dare 14 and truth 7
Dare 15
Dare 16
Dare 17
Dare 18
Dare 19
Dare twenty
Dare 21
Dare 22

Dare 9

595 12 0
By MissPeaxhes

Maddie- okay Mal and Evie come with me please

Mal- okay.....?

Evie- so what is it?

Maddie- I have another dare for you guys

Mal- lovely, just lovely

Evie- okay what is the dare?

Mad die- you guys have to act Evil for the day

Mal- oh thank god I'm not going to die today!

Evie-just saying, I sometimes miss being Evil, not having to follow rules just doing whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted

Maddie- okay well off you go

the girls start spray painting walls and using magic to make people fall over

Evie- Hahaha

Jay- Evie?  Mal? What are you doing?!

Mal: oh come on Jay! We're just having some fun

Evie- and why should what we are doing effect you?

Jay-maybe because I'm your boyfriend

Random guy- look at that hottie

Another random guy- *wolf whistles*

Jay- back off guys, she is my girlfriend

Evie- I'll see you later.... Babe

Mal- come on E, let's go and have more fun

Jay- what has gotten into you two?

The girls walk off and be evil for the rest of the day

Ben- okay what happened with you two? I have been getting complaints that you two have been Evil. And I heard that you dumped a bucket of Paint on somebody's head!

Mal- firstly, that was a dare

Evie- and secondly we didn't dump a bucket of paint on anybody

Ben- then who did?

Me- I think I might know

Ben- who?? Because it was my farther that got paint dumped on him

Me- well I saw Chad walking around with a paint bucket

Ben- father is going to be pissed at Chad

Me- okay well that's all for today! If you want to be in this book, give us a dare and what name you want to be called and I will do the rest.

Mal- we had fun today!

Me- thanks to Maddie (JayAndEvieShipper) for the dare, you are seriously my best friend on watt pad

Maddie- thanks your my best friend too!

Me- no problem love

Mal- does she call everyone love?

Evie- yeah she's trying to be nicer so calling everyone "love, Babe and Honey" is so far helping her

Me- okay well we will see you all soon we love you all and you are all beautiful

Everybody- Descendants Out!!

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