Truth 4

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Me: okay everyone we have another truth, and it's a good one

Maddie: isnt there something else you would like to tell everyone Emma?

Me: oh yes everyone this is Gabriella, daughter of Gaston, she is also known as Jayandevieforever

Gabriella: hi

Mal: cool

Evie: wicked more like it

Jay: good one Eve's

Carlos: okay so who is the truth for?

Evie: and who is it from??

Me: the truth is for us villain kids

Maddie: and I made the truth

Jay: fascinating *he says in a sarcastic tone*

Mal: do I have permission to slap Jay?

Evie: no not yet

Jay: ha! You can't slap me..... Wait Yet?! Eve's what does yet mean?!?!

Maddie: okay so my truth is: who was your first crush from the isle? And we all have to answer no matter what, even Gabriella

Mal: well then

Evie: I vote that we go oldest to youngest!

Jay: Evie why do you hate me today?

Evie: you know you love me!

Jay: do I really?

Evie: yes you do she makes a cute face

Jay: why did I fall for the daughter of the evil queen? Evie is literally the Queen of flirting

Evie: I think you mean princess

Mal: what? Eve's didn't you always want to be a queen?

Maddie: I think you guys need to get with the program

Jay: what do you mean? If Evie is the Princess of flirting then who is the Queen?

Evie: introducing the queen of flirting! Emma!

Me: thank you thank you,mom here until your dying days

Gabriella: okay on win the truth, Jay your up first

Jay: fine, my first crush was Mal

Evie: I kind of expected that

Mal: me too

Carlos: okay next up Mal

Mal: okay this may sound weird but, I had a crush on Anthony, lady Tremains son

Evie:i should of expected that

Me: okay now it's Evies turn

Evie: okay, well I may if sort of had a crush on Harry

Jay: you did what now? Harry? As in captian hooks son Harry

Mal: I thought it was obvious

Evie: anyways it's Carlos's turn

Carlos: I had a slight crush on Evie

Jay: now that was obvious

Me: my turn! Okay so I had a crush on Lucas

Carlos: who is Lucas?

Maddie: Lucas is  Lawrence's son and Lawrence is Dr Facilier's assistant

Mal: oh okay

Jay: you learn more every day

Evie: even I knew that

Maddie: okay my turn, I had a crush on Harris, Hades son

Jay: I knew someone was going to say him

Gabrielle: and lastly my turn, I had a crush on Jay

Jay: didn't we all

Evie: oh shut Jay

Jay: you love me

Evie: oh do I really?

Jay: I really hope so

Evie: don't test me

Jay: I'm not I'm not. I love you babe

Evie: that's what I thought

Me: thanks everyone for reading

Gabrielle: and thank you for the support

Maddie: and thank you Gabriella for the truth

Everyone: see you next chapter!

Me: don't forget to comment your dare/truth until next time

Everyone: Descendants out!

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