Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)

By Lava_Star95

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Lavanya (Lava for short) is a 17 year old girl she grew up in New York until her mother died in a car acciden... More

Lavanya Stars
Chpt. 1 The Begining (edited)
Chpt. 2 School (Edited)
Chpt. 3 Vince
Chpt. 4 Help! Mrs. Darby!
Chpt. 5 No Not HIM!!
Chpt. 6 The Autobots
Chpt. 7 My Guardian
Chpt. 8 Where are your parents?
Chpt. 9 Wheeljack?
AN: I'm Sorry
Chpt. 10 What am I?
Chpt. 11 The Escape
Chpt. 12 Thank you
Not A Chapter But A Thank You Note
Chpt. 13 What now?!
Chpt. 14 You're Leaving?
Chpt. 15 What's Happening!
Chpt. 16 Can you be my sire?
Chpt. 17 O COME ON!!!
Chpt. 18 Doc's Discovery
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20 The Test (For lack of a better title)
OH MY PRIMUS (Not A Chpt.)
Chpt. 21 An Explanation
Chpt. 22
Chpt. 24 It Has Begun
Chpt. 25 Let the hunt continue!!
Chpt. 26
Chpt. 27

Chpt. 23

1.4K 46 36
By Lava_Star95

'Hmmm I wonder why Mom would warn me about this, then train me? Wait! Am I the small Hero!?'

Later that afternoon I was still up on Sire's shoulder plating. I think he has gotten so absorbed in his work he forgot I was up here. Oh well. I was really just kind of dozing up here, but now I'm bored out of my mind. Finally I decided that I needed to do something else before I died of boredom. I sat up.

"Hey Sire?" I said softly to get his attention without startling him to much. I failed though because he jumped slightly at my voice, making me bite my lip to withhold a yelp and grip his shoulder plating tightly.

"Lava? How long have you been up there?" Sire asked as he looked at me, his optics wide with surprise

"Since you had me tell Optimus about the prophecy. So, about an hour I think, maybe more." I said with a slight shrug of my shoulder in a nonchalant way. "I don't really know for sure. I don't have my watch on me, but it's fine. I know you just got sucked into your work and I was resting for most of it." I said waving it off. "I just can't sleep anymore and I would like down because I don't know if I can hold still much longer and I don't want to bother you while you are working." He looked at me guiltily and raised a servo up to me. "Thank you." I stated cheerfully as I climbed on looking his servo as I held on.

"Lava" Sire said catching my attention. He stopped lowering me and held me up to his faceplate. I turned my head to look at him and raised an eyebrow, silently beckoning him to continue. He sighed hesitantly. "I'm... Sorry." He stated softly. "I'm sorry I'm not a good sire. Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never raised a sparkling before. My  parental units were not the best so I apologize If I am doing it incorrectly." I was shocked at his apology I then stood up in his servo and walked to the edge as close as I could to his faceplate

"Sire" I said softly, "Sire please look at me," He didn't respond, "Ratchet" I said firmly. He tilted his helm up toward me more, but his optics avoided me. I sighed again hurt. "Sire, please. Look at me." I asked softly, allowing my hurt to show. He slowly made optic contact with me. I sighed and gave him a small sad smile. "There we go." I said I lifted my hand up toward his face he held me closer, and I placed my hand on his check plating. "Ratchet, you are a wonderful sire. The best I have ever had and could ever ask for. I would never want to replace you." I than hugged his faceplate as well as I could. "I love you Sire." I whispered to him, but I know he heard it.

"I love you to Lava." Sire mumbled quietly. I smiled as I continue hugging him. I soon pulled away when I heard someone clearing their throat. I whipped around to see who it was. It was Arcee.

"Lava it's good to see you're awake." She said to me with a stiff and awkward smile. I smiled back at her. 

"It's good to be awake." I replied trying not to show my disappointment that my moment with Sire was interrupted

"Sorry, but I came to let Ratchet know that Optimus was wanting to speak to everyone in the main room" She explained then turned around and walked out stiffly. I let out a small chuckle then looked back at Sire.

"Come on we don't want to keep everyone waiting." I told Sire. He set me back up on his shoulder, and we started walking out to the main room, where everyone else was. They were all staring at us. "What are you all looking at?" I asked crossing my arms. Everyone then turned their attention to Optimus, who also just walked in.

"Autobots I fear that a new evil may be approaching. We are not entirely sure of what it is only that it is coming and that it is much more dangerous than Megatron. Lava said that she received a warning that something big was coming and soon." Optimus explained. "Ratchet, I need you to do as much research as you can to figure out what this new evil may be. Everyone else we shall continue on as normal, but be alert. You are all dismissed." With that everyone wandered back to what they had previously been doing with their guardian or charge.

"Lava?" Sire asked to catch my attention as we walked to his computer.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"I am going to start that research now. Why don't you go see what the other children are doing." He suggested. I shook my head.

"Can you and I do something please. Do you have to go back to you computers right now?" I asked

"I have a lot more work I need to do Lava I cannot just disregard my duties." He replied scoldingly. I wilted slightly and ducked my head.

"O-ok." I tried to hide my disappointment. "I'll go see if the others are doing anything." I slid off his servo once it was fully lowered to the ground and trudged up the stairs into the human area. I looked around the area and saw that no one was there. I sighed when I realized they were all probably out with their guardians. I glanced over at Sire, who was absorbed in his work again and frowned slightly. I turned and walked over to couch before sitting on it. I contemplated finding the remote and seeing if anything was on the TV, but decided against it. I didn't want to annoy any of the bots with the noise it might cause.I walked over to the couch and sat down pulling my knees up underneath me. I rested my elbow on the armrest and propped my chin on my hand staring at the TV trying to decide what to do now.

I was spacing out when I heard a loud screeching noise. I curled up and covered my ears with my hands. It soon stopped and I looked around.

"What was that?" I mumbled. I stood up and ran over to by Sire's computer. "Are you alright Sire?"

"Hm? Oh fine. Fine. Just some feedback. All is well." He muttered while typing on his computer. I then nodded slightly and walked back to the couch dragging my feet slightly. I sat down and sighed. I stared at the wall a ways in front of me spacing out.

"Lava." Sires stern voice snapped me out of trance after a few minutes.

"Huh- What?" I responded stupidly. Looking over at Sire. Sire rolled his optics slightly.

"Come here. I have something I need to show you". I nodded at stood up before making my way over to him. He offered me his servo in a silent command to get on, which I obeyed. He the turned and started walking back down the hallways toward the berthrooms. I looked up at him curiously, my eyebrow raised.

"Sire, Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions. Just wait and see." Was his blunt response. I sat down, frowning slightly, while he continued walking down the hallway.
he eventually walked into a small training room that the other bots don't use often at all. I looked around confused.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked looking up at Sire's faceplate, my eyebrow raised.

"Well" Sire started shifting his weight from one ped to another. Then paused with a sigh. " You see Lava after the incident. I..." He paused again, a pained look on his face. I placed my hand on one of his digits and rubbed it to provide some comfort. He took a deep vent. "I realized that, because of the size difference between us Cybertronians and you humans, when you humans get hurt in anyway. I am simply too large to treat you. So I decided to look into an old incomplete experiment and... I succeeded." I looked up at him even more confused then I was previously.

"Wait... what? Are you saying you found out how to make, like a shrink ray or something?"

"No no no. Nothing like that. It's more like... Well I think it would be better to show you." Sire lowered his servo to the ground and I slid onto the ground. I then turned around and looked up at him curiously and excited, yet slightly scared. Sire sighed again then transformed into his vehicle mode. I tilted my head to the side confused about what he was doing, but remained silent waiting for him to show me. I then heard a staticy noise before the driver side door of his alt opened. My eyes widened in shock as a human figure stepped out.

It was a male, about 6 ft. (about 2.7 meters) in height. He had almost pure white hair with a familiar reddish-orange colored stripe down the middle. He didn't look that old though maybe mid 50's ish. Somewhere around there. He was wearing a pair of pants that were the same color as his hair. He also had the same color shirt with a white vest over it along with a white lab coat. he also had a pair of square wire-rimmed glasses. I then realized where I recognized the shade of orange and my eyes darted back to my Sire's alt then back to the man, my jaw still dropped to the ground. The man crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me.

"So are you going to say something or just stand there and catch flies on your mouth?" My mouth snapped shut, but my eyes were still wide in shock.

"Bbbut- You-- wait. Wh- How? Yo- I- What?" I stuttered completely and utterly lost, unable to form words. Sire grunted.

"Don't hurt yourself while trying to speak." He leaned against his alt a small smile on his face.

"But... How?" I walked closer and raised my hand to touch him, but stopped before actually doing so. "How are you human?" I looked up slightly into his eyes. Sire rolled his eyes.

"I'm not actually human it is a solidified light projection. In more simple terms a solid hologram." He explained as he took my hand in his. I looked up at him in complete awe.

"Wow" I couldn't think of anything else to say so I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around him burying my face in his chest. Sire tensed slightly before relaxing and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I chuckled and spoke softly, "Yay I finally get to give you a really hug." I felt his chest vibrate slightly from his own chuckle.

"I know the feeling." he responds the kisses my head softly then stepped back. I looked up at him and smiled a real smile.

"I love you Sire."

"And I you Lava."


After Sire's surprise we walked back into the main room just in time for the computers to start going off. Sire sighed and walked over to his computer, mumbling something about going back to reality. He quickly answered the incoming call from Fowler.

"PRIME!" Fowler shouts as soon as the call is answered, but Optimus isn't here so Sire responds.

"Optimus isn't currently here, Agent Fowler. What is it you need?" Sire asked impatiently.

"Well tell Prime that he needs to check in with his Loose Cannon buddy and tell him to take better care of his ship! He can't just leave that sort of thing out in the open. Especially after what just happened a few days ago!" Fowler was furious. I then spoke up.

"Wait! What loose cannon?" Sire shook his helm telling me to be quiet.

"Agent Fowler are you saying that you have found another Cybertronian spaceship on earth?" Sire questioned.

"I am as positive as Uncle Sam was about World War II. There is one just parked in the middle of a field in Oregon and it looks like the same one from before, the one owned by that friend on two-ton's." Fowler replied. "You bots better take care of that quickly or we will have some major problems with my superiors." Fowler then cut the com and I looked up at Sire.

"Who is he talking about? The only friend of Bulk's we know is- Wait. Is he talking about Wheeljack? Is Wheeljack back?" Sire groaned and shook his head. "Wheeljack was here fairly recently actually, but he left to explore a bit on his ship. I didn't think he would show himself so soon. I better com Optimus." He then opened a com link to Optimus.

"Base to Optimus."

"Yes Ratchet? What is wrong?"

"Fowler has reported sightings of Wheeljack's ship being found in a field in Oregon." Sire responded while I sat there with a grin on my face excited to see Wheeljack again.

"Send a ground bridge to my coordinates. Once I am back in base we shall discuss what to do from there. Optimus out." With that he shut the com link. Sire nodded slightly and walked over to the ground bridge controls. He typed in Optimus coordinates and opened the ground bridge. Optimus walked through a few seconds later followed by Bumblebee and Bulkhead.

"Ratchet did Agent Fowler give you any coordinates to where Wheeljack's ship was found?" Optimus asked as he walked over to where we were standing.

"Yes Optimus he sent them soon after he cut the call. I looked at there location and it is not so much of a field as a large clearing in the middle of a forest. He also should have specified that it is in southern Oregon almost California." That's when I spoke up.

"Oh! That is where the redwoods trees grow!" Both Sire and Optimus just stared at me. I face palmed. "Redwood Trees are known for growing to be some of the largest and oldest trees over. They can grow to be almost 400 ft. (About 116 meters). They also can grow to have a diameter of about 30 feet (9 meters). They even have one that they've hollowed a tunnel out and let some cars drive through. Why? I don't really know, probably for they money." Sire and Optimus stared at me for another minute before Sire continued.

"Those trees are large enough they could easily provide a cybertronian cover." H e looked over at Optimus. Optimus looked at the computer.

"Ratchet lock on to the coordinates Agent Fowler provided and open a ground bridge. Bulkhead and Bumblebee. With me." Sire set me down on the stairs before turning to the ground bridge controls. He quickly entered the coordinates and opened the ground bridge.

"Autobots! Transform and roll out!" Bee and Bulk followed Optimus' lead and drove through the bridge. Me, being stupid and wanting to see Wheeljack, quickly took off after them and ran through also. As soon as I reached the other side and and the bridge closed behind me I realized I made a mistake when I heard a blaster power up in front of me.

"Well scrap."

AN: Well there you go. it took so long because it is a long chpt.
Also I'm considering changing the cover of the book. What do you think of the one up top that I created.

Congrats to darkshadowwolfgirl for guessing the song!! Here is the new one! ¡Bueno suerte!

I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard,
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,
I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,
I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang,

I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I'm insecure and I care what people think.

My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think.
My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think.

Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out (oh).
Wish we could turn back time (oh), to the good ol' days (oh),
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Till All Are One


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