Kanes and Percy go to School

By Thy_username2

205K 4.2K 3.5K

Percy and his friends end up meeting the Kanes at Goode High School. You can guess what happens after that. T... More

Kanes and Percy go to School
Carter POV
The New Big House
Important Message
A Goode Year
Author's Note
We Meet The Strange Ones
Author's Note 2
They See Us
Where Are We?
Back to School
Group Project
The Greek's Sort-of Story
MORE Stories
Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare 2
Poor Nico
Egyptian Demons
You Can See It?
The Ride
Camp Half-Blood
What? An Update?!
wow ok here we go


5.7K 142 26
By Thy_username2

I tried to make this one as long as possible to compensate for the incredibly short one a while back. So, I tried my best.



"Okay, maybe they are pretty good fighters..." Said Sadie as we came out of the bushes. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I already told her how they don't use magic, but she didn't believe me when I said they could fight monsters with nothing but swords.

"Did you see Thalia's archer skills?" I asked, impressed. "They were right up in her face and she shot them down in a minute."

"I'd be careful if I were you,"said Sadie,"I've seen Zia's jealous side, and if she finds out you're complementing another girl she might murder you." Zia has a jealous side? Wow, I guess you learn new things everyday.

After a couple of moments of silence, Sadie said,"We should have a sleepover."


"We should, you know how fun that would be? Magicians and demigods together, and we could share the stories of our adventures!" This struck me as a little odd. Sadie didn't like talking about what she's done in her life, but she probably just wanted to show off to our new friends.

"If you insist." I said, letting her lead the way. She did a simple tracking rune, and we were following the footsteps of half-gods (A/N That sounded really dramatic). We walked up to a big mansion, and we followed the sidewalk up to the front door. Once we got near, we heard sounds of clashing metal, screams, and I'm pretty sure that Three Days Grace was blasting from a speaker. I knew Sadie was in love. Sadie reached out her hand and knocked on the door five times. Annabeth opened the door.

"Oh, hey!" She said. "What brought you guys here?"

"We got bored." Sadie said.

"YOU got bored." I corrected her. She glared at me and continued.

"We"-"YOU"-"wanted to have a sleepover!"

"Sleepover? I'll ask Percy and see if we can do it. In the meantime, why don't you come on in?" She opened the door for us, and we walked into the giant house. We looked around in awe, it was HUGE! We walked into the elevator and they had floors that would belong in our mansion in Brooklyn. I saw some terrible poetry on the wall.

"Who's poetry is this?" I asked.

"Apollo's. You think he'd be better at it since he's the god of poetry, but that's it at its finest." She answered. She hit the button for Arena, and we went upwards really fast. When the doors opened,we looked around. There were training dummies, targets, and obstacle courses. We saw Percy and Jason fighting, Thalia shooting archery to the beat of "Riot", and Leo working on a metal statue that will probably be able to move once it's done.

"Guys!" Annabeth shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at her. She just smiled.

"We're having a sleepover."


I know this is really sucky, but I've been working on my original story a lot lately. I'm thinking of putting it up on here, but it doesn't have a title yet. Anyway, live you guys a lot. I don't know what to call you, but I'm pretty sure minions won the nickname competition, so I'll say this. Farewell, my pumpkin head minions!


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