Badass Is What "They" Call Me.

By iiFepic

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She is a fighter. She does not back down. She is Rhine. Name: Rhine Last Name: Rival Age: 359 DOB:... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.

Chapter Four.

152 1 0
By iiFepic

I threw a wink and smirk at the brunette girl sitting under the shade of a tree not far from the bench. She was scowling at me and throwing upset looks at Shaun. I believe her name was Claire, she had on a Paramore shirt, a poofy elastic waistband skirt that complemented her slim tan legs, grey ankle boots, and her hair was short caramel and crimped. She had a long straight nose, small plump pink lips and grey shimmery eyes. She was a sexy girl, shame she had such dislike towards me. Wasn’t new shit anyways. I was sitting between Shaun and the blonde girl, whom name turned out to be Nikki and befriended her easily by saying how much I loved her top. Mundanes were so gullible. Every time I stared Claire back down Shaun would catch my glare and turn to look at her, she would then look like she was engrossed into her iPod and the music that was blasting through her earphones like she was unaware of us just a foot away.

I should enlighten this scene. Shaun and Claire, use to date. They were one of those rare long-lasting relationships that went on for a year and then split off do to inconvenience. Well the inconvenience turned out to be me. Like I said Shaun was my best friend and we always hung out, I wasn’t one of those bitches that didn’t give a damn if they were being a bother in their friend’s relationship. I tried to giving up my time with Shaun so they could go out and do whatever they do, even when I was with Shaun I’d always ask her to join and come along but it was always the same response with her, “No. Its ‘Shaun and Claire’. Not ‘Rhine, Shaun, and Claire’.” Sigh. She made things complicated and one time she had an outburst and said a few(or bunch)of naughty stuff. In a way I did deserve it, I shouldn’t have even been friends with Shaun in the first place let alone between them. Vamps were meant to keep a low profile and any relationship put the secret and me in danger, I’d get a warrant and not for arrest like mundane police officers’ give out like a gift but a death warrant in our books. Our laws were something serious and if it ever got out that Shaun new somewhat something he’d be at greater risk than me.

Anyways, Claire lost it and called me out right in front of Shaun, he didn’t take it too kindly the things she was saying. They broke-up then and Claire ran out furious and tears streaming down her red cheeks. I know my fault but even worse would the situation be if I tried to fix it and then have to ditch Shaun after he knew too much about me that wasn’t safe to know, I had to keep my eyes on him. I have to make sure he’s safe... Claire started spreading rumors in the school. I said this..., I did that..., I fucked him..., I ate her... It went on. Surprise I’m a bisexual, it happens in a lot of cases with our kind do to years of curiosity but I was bi “before” so it was something that didn’t result to the change. The school new and I could care less. The rumors turned towards fights and I always won. Aren’t I the champ of vamps? I snickered, gaining a look from Shaun.

I blinked, realizing I had been zoning out while everyone was talking. “Sorry, what happened?” I asked my eyes watering a bit from the lack of blinking.

“What’s up Rhine? Lost your head again?” Sam chuckled. Sam was a Whack, which is what we liked to call our Black/White boy. He was tanish but slightly darker and had a bush of curly brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a plain black t-shirt that showed his muscular biceps, blue jeans, white Jordan’s, and a silver necklace that had a cross hanging from it.

I flipped him off and grinned. “Not as lost as how you misplaced your jeans.” I said while looking at his dumb found expression. That’s when my home girl, standing behind him, brought her arms around his waist and hooked her fingers through his belt loops. Just guess what happened next.

“Yo!” Sam yelled making a grab for his jeans and failed. My girl, Arianne, had successfully yanked down Sam’s pants and as a bonus: Sam, getting his legs tangled, tripped and face planted into the dewy grass. Everybody went quiet for a heart-beat then erupted into laughter. Sam had not boxers on the way I’d expected but briefs with “D.T.F?” in black bold letters right on his tooshy . I laughed and high fived Arianne when she walked over to me.

“Wow...Thanks Arianne! I really needed some air down there.” Sam said while getting up with the help of Marcus and Shaun. “If you two wanted a look all you had to do was ask.” Sam winked at Arianne and me. Ari and me looked at each other and then laughed so hard that I had to hold my stomach to keep the stomach cramps I was getting at bay.

“Please! I’d rather get dry humped by your nanny Samuel!” Ari said, rolling her eyes.

Arianne was gorgeous! I could be saying that because she’s my home girl and like a sister but I also could not. She was the same height as me, maybe an inch shorter, dark mocha skin, her hair was in long dark brown braids that fell around her shoulders, the ends of her braids were dyed gold, she had what I called a “global ass”, and had C-cups going on. She wore skinny white jeans, a purple v-shirt, black heels, and a chain with her keys around her neck, and hoop earrings. Her eyes were a large light brown that almost looked a burnt gold; her lips were a full dark pink, her nose was straight and a bit pointed that made her look so cute.

I smiled at Arianne and smirked at Sam when he didn’t have a response for her and pulled his jeans back up because for sure Shaun and Marcus weren’t helping with that. That was always her tactic, to give a weird response to catch the person off guard and shut them up. The bell rang and we all picked our stuff up. Shaun had grabbed his bag and hauled it over his shoulder as I caught sight of the slip of paper that fluttered to the floor from it, if it wasn’t for my supernatural eyesight I probably wouldn’t have caught sight of it because nobody else did. I casually picked up my tote bag keeping my per-visual vision on the paper and as I passed by it on my way to where Shaun and Ari were waiting for me I swiped it up in a blur so quick that they missed it in a blink and slipped it in my jeans back pocket.

“Ready for a day of hell?” I grinned at my two besties. Shaun put his arms around Arianne and me, since he was in the middle, and we started walking off to class.

“With you around, how not!” Shaun guffawed, while Ari nodded and smirked at a white chic giving her and me the stink eye.

Good. I thought as I flipped the girl off.

Sorry there isn’t much of anything yet guyz Dx but I’m preparing it for the later stuff! Trust me you won’t be sorry! There’s still a whole other side to Rhine. Rate :) Comment :D Vote :O Fan! ^_^

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