
By brittabeth14

428 37 4

Sky has been told all her life, lies. She is a brave person, and she will do anything to protect who she love... More

Correct meet
Meet n' greet
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Big day-chapter 13
The fight- chapter 14
Save-chapter 15
Choose-chapter 16
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

6 0 0
By brittabeth14

***SKY'S POV***

"I heard your callings." He says deeply

I feel a shiver run down my back. I can feel sweat dripping from the back of my neck. I swallow hard thinking to myself, 'be strong Sky.'

"So what's the matter?" He says with a smirk "I see you're all alone..." He takes a deep breath in through his nose and closes his eyes.

"Yep... All alone." He says slowly

"You want me to come with you?" I ask

"Hmm. It's your choice. You don't have to." He says

"What do you mean I "don't have to? Aren't you going to kill me if I don't?"

"Exactly." He says

"Okay... If I came with you... Would you stop stalking everyone I'm around?" I ask

"That's a good question. Sure." He says

He starts to take a step forward, holding his hand out to me and I slowly take one step backwards.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks

"Don't call me that." I say

He looks down and sighs.

"Aren't you coming with me?" He says

"I don't know yet." I say

"I wouldn't take so long choosing. Besides if you chose not to... I am pretty that I run faster than you do." He says "there is only two options."

"Why do you want me so badly?" I ask loudly

For a second he looks shocked and not really capable of anything. That quickly changes.

"Because. I  am  your  mate." His voice has gained so much vulgar and gravel. He sounds frightening.

"What are you going to do with me?" I ask

"Just a simple happy life together. Forever." He says trying to mask his horrid soul with a sweet and pure voice.

By this time, it is almost pitch dark outside. I'm sure Mathew has come looking for me. Axel's brown hair sweeps the side of his left eye. I watch him as he deliberately stares into my soul. Like he's gotten access to every memory in my life.

"So... What's it going to be? Life? Or death." He says

I slowly think this out as I take a couple steps towards him.

"I would rather you watch me die." I say as I quickly pull out a knife from my back pocket that I had hidden before I left the house. I put it against my neck and try not to press so hard, but enough to make the blood flow. I tear up because of the pain but he quickly runs over to me, hitting the knife out of my hand.

"Stop it!" He yells

He grabs me into his arms and holds the cut down preventing blood loss. I knew this was going to happen. He loves me too much to let me go. He seemed so obsessed over me. He wouldn't let me kill myself unless it was him who killed me.

"What the hell?!" I hear a voice yell from benching Axel. It's a female voice.

Axel turns around and I stretch myself out a little to see who it was. It's too dark to see but I am starting to get a little dizzy from the blood loss. I see the figure walk towards us.

"You weren't supposed to come yet!" Axel yells

"Well she just tried to kill herself, why are you helping her?" She asks

I can see her face by now. I am shocked to see who it was. It's Savannah. Mathew and Axel's sister. She has hated me ever since I met her.

"Well. I don't want to lose her like this." He says firmly

She squats down and looks at me almost painfully. As soon as she sees me look at her, she changes her face.

"She'll be fine. Get up." She says standing up.

He soon realizes his stupidity and let's go of me leaving me on the floor as he gets up. They looks at each other.

"What are you doing here?" I ask trying to sound clear but my neck is burning like hell.

She says, "well we were both planning to kill you, at least if you got away. I was his backup."

I slowly sit up clutching the gash in my neck. It isn't a very big cut, Axel stopped me before I could finish.

I slowly stand up as I see Savannah look at me with a worried face and mouth the word "run". I look in confusement as Axel turns around to look at her and she punches him really really hard in the face.

"Run!!!!" She yells

I start to run for my life, not looking back. I run into the woods, hearing all sorts of werewolf growling. I run as hard as I can, heart pumping like crazy. Why would she do that for me? I ask myself. I'm too confused to even think. All of a sudden I hear a loud shriek and whimper of a werewolf from behind me, probably about a mile away from me. Then I hear a loud howl. It's Axel. He killed her.

I start to run even faster. I run so hard that I can't feel my feet at this point. I'm so scared for when he gets to me, what he will do to me. After about 3 whole minutes of running for my life in the pitch dark, I feel a sudden spring of tingles up my stomach. Like when you miss a step on the stairs. I tumble down a very steep hill, scratching my face and legs going down. I starts to hear bones in my back cracking.

This fall seems endless when i finally land a very hard fall. Feeling a very intense crack in my neck. I am cut short of my breath, and I can't move. This pain all adds up to an extremely severe headache... and, I black out.

As soon as I lose vision, I feel myself so relaxed, like never before. I feel at peace and so comfortable with my surroundings. I look down to see that I am not touching the floor. I can see my body on the floor, with my head twisted and body formatted like I've been in a major and fatal car accident. I look in confusement and how can I be up here, but still down there?

Then I feel a warm welcoming light coming from above me. I look up, at the brightest light I've ever seen.

"Sky." I hear the most soothing voice.

"My dear, come here." It's coming from the light. It is a woman's voice.

I feel myself floating towards the light. Wait. Am I dead? What the hell is going on?

"Don't worry Sky. You'll be safe up here. Come." She says again

Soon enough, I'm going through the light and I've somehow transported to a very beautiful relaxing place.

"Woah." I say aloud

"Hello Sky." I see a woman

"Ar-are you the..."

"Moon goddess?" She asks

"Yeah." I say

"Yes, yes I am." She says. "I've been waiting for you."

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