His Confessions || Adam Banks...

By IM55er

11.1K 376 82

"I like boys, So what? I'm not sick, I'm not mad, I just find boys more attractive. You're a guy and You li... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen || A/N
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven || A/N
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four || A/N
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six || A/N
Chapter thirty seven || A/N

Chapter Thirty Three

213 9 0
By IM55er

Charlie has been stressed out a lot on these last few days.
He always thinks about Adam, and how he must be feeling. He knows about Adam, but he doesn't know if he should tell him he knows or not? Because it's been killing Charlie.

Charlie has never felt more pressured in his life.
He needed to tell Adam, he had to get it off his chest.

Charlie called Adam a few minutes ago, telling him to see him.
Charlie didn't know what he was gonna tell him 'hey Adam, by the way I Know you're gay'

As if...

He needed to be subtle, he didn't wanna freak him out.
Just tell him, Charlie... Just tell him you know.
He thought.

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Mickey's Diner ;
1:08 p.m.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Adam came into the diner, Charlie's heart raced once he saw him, because he was beyond nervous. He didn't know how to tell him. But he had to.
Charlie wasn't surprised by his appearance, he's been looking like that for the past week and a half.

Adam was wearing baggy jeans, a black shirt and a black beanie, he looked awful, like he just got out of his grave. Charlie shook it off and kept focus.

Adam smiled slightly once he saw Charlie, he was confused as to why he was here, but he got to be with Charlie, so he didn't mind at all. Adam did feel a little bad, because he should've dressed a little better, maybe something less depressing, but it wasn't like a date or anything.

In my dreams... Adam thought. Literally.

Charlie: hey, Adam.
Adam: hey, Conway.

Adam pulled up a chair, he took a seat opposite of Charlie. Though, there was something bothering Adam, everyone in the diner looked at him.
Some of them looked terrified, some looked disgusted, and some began to leave. Adam hated it.

Charlie noticed, he looked at Adam and bit his bottom lip.
Charlie: wow, you must be pretty famous here.
Charlie tried to laugh, cheering him up a little, but Adam just looked upset.
Charlie: (clearing his throat) uhm-- um...listen Adam-
Adam:  can you just get to the point as to why we're here. I'd like to leave this place.
Charlie: yeah, yeah, no um-- sure yeah. Um- well, you see-

Adam just looked at Charlie in confusion.
Why is he nervous?... He thought.

Adam: are you alright, Charlie?
Charlie looked up at Adam, he scratched the back of his neck. He had no idea how to do this.

Charlie: um...(sigh) listen, Adam. I need to ask you this.

Adam nodded.
Charlie: you wouldn't keep a secret from me, would you?

Charlie knew the answer to that, he just wanted to hear Adam say it.
Adam felt a little intimidated right now. Charlie looked at him with a mix of anger and worry.

Adam: um...no. Uh- I mean, I would, I would never.
Charlie: really?
Adam: um..yeah yeah, no I would, never-- never. At all, really.

Charlie couldn't believe Adam lied to him. He was lying to him right now, and Charlie couldn't believe it.

Charlie: why are you doing this?
Adam: (confused) what?
Charlie: why are you lying, Adam?
Adam: (confused) I um...wait what? I'm not ly-
Charlie: yet you keep on lying. I'm sitting here, I know the whole truth, yet you're lying. I know you're lying Adam. I can see it in your eyes.

I know the whole truth..,what the hell did he mean?
Adam thought.

Adam: what are you talking about?,
Charlie: I called you here, because I wanted to talk to you about you. No lying, Adam, got that?

Adam just nodded. He had no idea what the hell Charlie was talking about, he just wished Charlie would be more specific. But he had to be patient, Charlie never gets to the point fast, never.

Adam sighed.

Charlie: now let's start over...would you ever keep a secret from me?
Adam: Charlie-
Charlie: would you?

Adam just sat there, his heart racing.

Adam: um...well, there's a lot you don't know. That's all.
Charlie: fair enough. Listen, Banks-
Adam: I'm sorry, I really want to leave, please just- just tell me what's going on? Please.

Charlie: (sigh) Adam, you know I would never judge you, you know I'd never keep secrets from you. Everything about me, you know. I tell you everything, Adam. I just- I can't believe you'd keep a huge secret from me. I can't believe you don't trust me.

Adam: what secret, what're you saying?
Charlie: Adam, you should've told me. You should've. I wouldn't have judged you, I swear.
Adam: Charlie.
Charlie: you should've told me?
Adam: (angry) told you what?!
Charlie: that you're Gay.

Adam was beyond shocked. He was afraid that would come out of Charlie's mouth. He knew he was gonna say it, he knew. Adam sat there, eyes wide open, mouth dropped as well. The lump in his throat grew bigger, he choked.

His heart raced faster, he was nervous. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to react. He didn't know what to do. He was broken, he knew.

The one person be never wanted to find out, found out. And he's sitting right there, waiting for a reply.

Adam gulped. The one thing that went through his mind
How the hell, in this damn world, did he find out?...

Charlie: Adam. Say something, Adam.
Adam had no words, he had no words.
Charlie: say anything...

He closed his eyes.
Charlie knew he shouldn't have called Adam, he should not have told him.

Adam: h-how?
Charlie: what?
Adam: h-h-how, did you--
Charlie: how did I what?
Adam: who- who, t-told you?
Charlie: nobody told me-
Adam: (angry) who told you?!
Charlie: nobody told me, I found out myself.
Adam: how?!
Charlie: Adam, I want you to know that I except you, I'll never judge you, ever. I never will and neither will the ducks, Adam you should know that by now.

Adam: answer my question.
Charlie: you're stupid book. The brown one...I read it.

Adam opened his eyes, Charlie was now terrified. He saw the anger in his eyes.
Charlie slightly moved back in his seat.
He was frozen.

Adam: what?


Adam: you- you went through my stuff?
Charlie: Adam, calm down.
Adam: you went to my house?! When?! When Charlie? (Angry) I can't believe you'd do something like that, how could you?! How could you do this to me? I can't believe you'd be so selfish and nosy that you'd meddle into my life. It was my room, my house! Why Charlie, how could you!

Charlie was surprised to see the tears running down his cheeks.
Adams' cheeks turned red, water dripped onto the floor. His eyes were filled with liquid.

Charlie: Adam...I'm so sorry.

Adam: how could you? Why?... Charlie, why would you do that? Does no one keep their noses to theirselves.

Adam buried his face in his hands, his hair fell onto his eyes, covering them.
Charlie felt terrible.
He shouldn't have done it.

Charlie: Adam. I would never judge you, please know that. Okay? I would never, never. I thought you knew that. You should know that, you really should.

Adam: (wiping away tears) what're you saying?
Charlie: I'm saying that I'm your friend, and friends don't stab each other in the back.
Adam: they stab each other in the front, really.

Charlie laughed, that just made Adam laugh too.
Charlie: there you go, man I missed that smile of yours.
Adam: I'm mad at you, Conway.
Charlie: and you have every right to be. I shouldn't have meddled in your life, it was your private thoughts, I shouldn't have, I don't know why I did, I just did.

Adam: so...you're okay with it?
Charlie: absolutely.
Adam: you can't tell anyone, Charlie. Okay? You can't.
Charlie: Adam-
Adam: promise me you won't tell anyone, please promise me.
Charlie: Adam, no. No, you can't keep your feelings locked in, you can't ...you just can't. Okay? Please understand that. Luis warned me this would happen, he told me you might never tell anyone.
Adam: Luis? He knew?
Charlie: knew what?
Adam: that you knew about me?
Charlie: yeah, well...I sorta told him a few days ago.

Adam cursed under his breathe,
he was very upset Luis didn't tell him that Charlie knew.

Charlie: you shouldn't get mad at him, he didn't wanna freak you out.
Adam: freak me out?

Charlie nodded.
Charlie:  Adam, you have to confess one way or another. It doesn't have to be today, it could be any day, but soon. Soon. Because I've seen people who keep their feelings locked in too long, the result isn't pretty.

Charlie: ...believe me. I've seen it.

Adam was just so relieved. He got it all off his chest. Some of it, off his chest. But he was just glad Charlie understood, he was glad he wasn't judgmental. But most of all, he was thankful to God that Charlie doesn't know about his crush on him.

Which was written in the book, but the pages were torn out,
Thank you, God... Adam thought.

Charlie told Adam that if he ever needed to talk, he was gonna be there.
Adam felt so much better now. He really did.
Now all that's left is the rest of them, he wasn't ready yet.

The thing is,
he wasn't sure if he was ever gonna be ready.

But Adam knew, that one day, someday, he would have to confess... Because Charlie was right,

He couldn't keep his feelings locked in forever ;
He'd explode.

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How is it so far?
I know the chapter was terrible, but I'm working on it...

But I think he took it pretty well, right?

Yup XD !

Also, there is this amazing song by James Bay, (know him?) comment if you do...
It's called, hold back the river,
It's absolutely incredible.

Also, can you please comment really nice songs?
Like any really amazing song, because I'm all out of music to listen to, WHICH IS WEIRD! Lol



Love you my little Duckies,

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