Chapter Twenty One

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Triple update!! Idk why, I just have good feeling about this chapter:)

11:16 am
Eden Hall, {history class}

Cole: (whispering) I bet he's wearing rainbow underwear
Scooter: I'm sure he borrows his sisters shoes all the time.
Cole: or his moms' makeup-
Scooter: or her clothes.

Adam payed no mind, he was sitting in front of them, but he didn't bother to turn his head. He wasn't gonna get carried away, not now. They were both whispering, Adam was thanking god no one was paying attention.

Cole: I bet-- he stares at the guys like they're lollipops.
Scooter: I bet he wants in their pants.

Cole gagged in his mouth, but he laughed to make Adam feel bad.

Adam didn't feel bad, he felt mad.
His jaw was clenched tightly, his face was blood shot red, he made a fist. His knuckles were turning white from the strength of his tight fists.

Don't do anything you'll regret, Adam. He thought. Relax. Relax.

"Help me! He's gonna kill me!"
'Slice' the knife, the blood, the screams. The laughs. Damn those evil laughs.
Stop it Adam, stop it!
He was mad. He got memories from the movie he watched last night.

Breathe, breathe. Adam don't.

He was a ticking bomb, and he was about to explode. Shattering everything.

The next thing he knew, he turned around, got off his seat, and tackled Scooter to the ground.
Everyone gasped. Charlie, Connie and Dwayne looked shocked.
Adam punched the crap out of him.
Adam: I (punch) - do not (punch) - want in their (punch) pants! You jerk! (Punch)
Scooter: get off me! Get off!

The teacher pulled Adam off of scooter, but Adam still held on, punching him, making scars of dripping red appear on his face.

The teacher yelled as she pulled him off. And this time, Adam let go. Scooter instantly got off the floor, his face bleeding like hell.

Adam was mad. Very mad. Fire was burning inside of him. He was madder than mad, he was insane. He was literally going insane.

He was huffing and puffing, out of breathe.

Scooter: (in shock and disbelieve) you're crazy, Banks. You're mental.

Adam got out of the class room.
He ran to the bathrooms, he had to get out of there. Not only did he scare everyone else, he scared himself too.

He slammed the bathroom door. No one was in the bathroom, which was good. Adam went over to the sinks. He lifted up the faucet. The water ran down, like a waterfall.

Adam bend down slightly, he filled his palms with cold water, and held his hands to his face. The cold water made him shiver. He washed his face three times. He looked at the mirror.

He was still mad, still breathing heavily.

I don't wear makeup, or dresses, or my moms' clothes. I don't wear rainbow Underwear, I fucking don't! They don't know crap about me! Screw them!

He was really mad.
He looked at himself in the mirror.
I suck, I suck! God.

Adam hurled his fist towards the mirror, shattering it into pieces, breaking it. Pieces fell in the sink, and pieces fell to the ground. He was breathing heavily.
His knuckles were bleeding, his heart was pumping, his blood was boiling, and he was mad. He hates being judged, he hates it.

I. Suck.
You suck, Adam.

Adam kept those negative awful thoughts in his head the entire day. The  entire day, he kept thinking about what Scooter and Cole said, he hated them. He hated them more than he hated himself.

He really hated himself, right now.
He didn't know why,
He just did.

His Confessions || Adam Banks ~ T.M.Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن