
By SePtEmBeR_SaPpHiRe13

3.1M 69.4K 7.7K

The human world isn't of any concern to Mallory anymore. High school dramas and Algebra tests are nothing com... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 29

40.6K 1.4K 233
By SePtEmBeR_SaPpHiRe13

Chapter 29

               Blue and purple had always been fascinating and beautiful colors for me. Blue because, in general, blue represented the sky. The sky, for me, stood for a thing of freedom and strength. Purple, on the other hand, was just a color that always seemed to appeal to me.

               However, I never realized just how much those colors interested me until I watched Kanes' face turn from a light blue to a dark purple; in my state, it was a very appealing thing to watch. His hands gripped at my wrist, but with the loss of air, he was starting to lose helpful strength.

              "I'm going to ask one more time, and we'll stand here until you choke out a good answer. Where. Is. She." I had inserted my powerful voice into my conversations a lot lately, but I think it's safe to say I had never heard my tone so loud and powerful. It was a fire, kindled by fear and worry for Mallory. Every day of not seeing her, every time I woke from my brief sleep and she wasn't there, was slowly starting to kill me. It was like my endurance and patient was a long piece of string, one that was cut a bit each day she wasn't here.

     I was almost out of string.

     My fingers tightening lightly around his neck, Kane quickly - as quick as a choking man could - hawked up an answer. "I-In the w-woods..." he wheezed, his legs kicking out relentlessly.”T-two miles no-north of here!" his finally squeak was high and pitiful as I suddenly released him. Realization had donned on me and it wasn't pretty.

    "You were leading me right to them." I said in disgust, stepping back quickly. "A trap," I whispered more to myself a moment later. I realized now that I should have seen this all earlier. Zack and Kane had never been trustworthy before, why should I have expected anything different?

               As he laid flat on the ground, breathing heavily and coughing up a storm, I let my mind run free. If he was a traitor, I had every reason to believe Zack was as well. Quickly sending out a message to Ashen and Mary in warning, I stepped up to Kane. Gripping onto the front of his shirt, I hauled him to his feet, and then a few inches, and studied him.

               It was hard for me to think of this as the man I had once willingly called father. I hadn't been on the same page as him, or even in the same book, for a long while. And now, he had taken it too far.

              "Who's behind it? Who has Mallory?" I snarled in his face, watching with some deep satisfaction as he winced openly. Still, his face shaped into one of no feeling after.


  "You'll just have to find out, won't you?" I chucked him at his words, throwing him into the nearest tree with a loud growl. I stomped after him, hauling him back to his feet as he struggled to stabilize himself. He had obtained a bloody nose now and he wiped frantically, trying to stop the flow.

            "Yes, I will. And you're going to help me."

<.> <.> <.> <.>

                 "I don't understand why we're trusting them. They've proven that it's not a smart idea more than once." Ashen pointed out, leaping over a fallen log. I stepped over it drearily myself, mauling over his words but knowing there wasn't much I could do about it.

             "Because we don't know what we're getting into and we don't know what position Mallory is in. We can't just go in charging. What if whoever this is suspects as much and shots her on the spot?" I stopped quickly there, feeling something in my jump uncomfortably and fearfully at the thought. "I'm doing the best with what I have." I added as we trudged on through the forest.

   The past two hours had easily been the slowest of my life. Ever since Mary's revelation and Kanes brutal beating - thanks to yours truly - it had been a frantic two hours. Organizing a plan was first on the list. We all knew what had to be done, but everyone we unwilling to admit to it, especially with an unfaithful Kane and Zack set in the middle of it. We didn't have much leverage - if any at all - on them, but a good beating seemed to help them in the right direction.

              They were meant as a distraction and their instructions were very simple - Get in, distract whomever is in charge, and you may not be beaten to death when this is all over. I might have over exaggerated that last part, but then again, with all of the things going on and all they had done to us, I might not have; I wasn't sure yet and wasn't giving it much thought.

              "I understand, I guess. I still don't like it, though," he admitted, kicking a rock away. Mary was tight at his side, hands intertwined together. No one was certain of their relationship yet, but they had defiantly made some progress ever since Ashen healed and over the last few days; at least one good thing came out of it all. Ashen hadn't been too happy about bringing her along, but I had a feeling I would need her more than him. I didn't know of Mallory's health condition but, with a sinking feeling in my stomach speaking, I was sure I wouldn't like it. Mary's medical skills would be greatly needed.

              Picking up a faint scent suddenly, I held up one hand in signal. I heard as Ashen and Mary stopped besides me, other important members of my pack stopping just behind me.

            "Here," I said quietly, waiting for the almost undetectable scents to reach them. The smells were all mixed together in a blend, but it was easy enough for me to pick out each individual one. I recognized Zack and Kanes, telling me that we were close. I also caught three other scents that really caught my attention. A weird blend of Mallory, Kyle and Luke all presented themselves before me and by Ashen's low growl; I gathered that he had also picked up on them.

   I felt the pit in my stomach grow as I realized things that should have been more obvious earlier on. They were behind this - Luke and Kyle - either as a pair or one individual. It didn't particularly matter who at the moment; just knowing that one of them, one of my previously thought as friend, was behind a lot of sabotage and mayhem in my pack.

               "You don't think-"

              "No, I don't," I interrupted Mary, not liking the dead sound in my voice as I stared harshly before me. "I know. But nothing's changed, we still have our plan." I swallowed heavily, doing my best to shove down the worry.

              Mallory was close, I couldn't lose her now.

<.> <.> <.>

    I was being... carried. The pronounced swinging of my body told me that much. I could feel someone's heavy, thick arms, one wrapped around the back of my knees and the other around my shoulders. I still ached, my leg throbbing as it rubbed against the persons arm and the relentless banging of my head was caused by many different things; at the moment, it was blamed upon the fact that it had no stable surface to rest upon. Whoever was carrying me panted heavily from above me, as if, despite the massive feel of his arms, I was just too much to handle. I frowned lightly at the fact, eyes still closed.

   Way to make me feel fat.

   The last thing I remembered was being tied to a chair before briefly passing out from sheer pain and exhaustion. I thought I had heard glass shattering, but that didn't quite seem to fit up with my sensation of being carried at the moment. Unless... unless I was being rescued.

              The thought quickly had me wrenching my lids back, my eyes landing on a face that had me screaming in... Was it fright? Surprise perhaps? Familiar, warm blue eyes snapped down to me. His blonde hair dirtied and caked with mud and what seemed to be blood, was still extremely recognizable. He let out his own shout of shock, stuttering on his feet.

              "Just because you're awake doesn't mean you need to scream!" Kyle whisper shouted a moment later, after he regained his footing and I had stopped screaming.

   "But...  but you're dead!" I insisted, not following in his quiet foot tracks and keeping my voice and a panicked shout.

              "Well, I think I should be, but I've always had a hard head." he cracked a small smile, wincing.

              "Luke... Luke said he..." I trailed off uncertainly, swallowing thickly when his face suddenly darkened. His expression frightened me because it didn't look like it fit right on his face. This was Kyle - Smiley, happy, dippy Kyle - he shouldn't look so angry.

   "My brother... Luke did try to kill me. Got pretty close, too," he ground out, teeth grinding together. "But I survived. Didn't wake up for a few days, but I survived. I woke up yesterday, just in time to hear Luke and Kane discussing. Luke had dumped me in some bushes not too far from the cottage. I knew I wasn't in very good shape, but I figured neither were you." he paused lightly, not even walking for a moment as he seemed to be deep in thought. "You're my Luna, and that's all I could think about. I had to save you, so I made sure Luke was no where around and busted you out" he shrugged a moment later, letting out a cringe again. It was true; he was in no better shape than I was.

              Well, at least that explained the sound of glass breaking that I had heard.

   I smiled lightly and gratefully at him, regretting what had to be said next. "Thank you Kyle, but we have to go back." he stumbled once again, staring down at me with wide blue eyes.

    "But... but Luke-"

   "Is going to try and kill Damien. He's got a plan in place, he practically told me himself. Please Kyle, you have to take me back. I may be your Luna, but I promise I won't be much if we can't save your Alpha." I tried to remember all that Damien had told me about packs, hoping to somehow convince Kyle by using terms he was used to.

               A look came over his face, a look of indecision and worry before the common sense of a wolf, or what I was calling it, kicked in.

              "You're right," Squaring his shoulders, he turned slowly, making sure not to throw himself off balance again, and headed back towards the cottage.

              I just hoped we weren't too late.


It's like everything is against me today -_- 

IIIIIII.... Really don't like this chapter. Bleh .-. Maybe you guys like it more than I do.

Hey look, I really didn't kill of Kyle. You guys didn't think I was that mean, did you? Sheesh.

Ya, really don't like this chapter. :/ Anyways






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