Don't Be a Hero: A Superhero...

By ChrisStrange

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Now complete! ~~~ It's a bad time to be a superhero. When the world turned its back on metahumans, the golden... More

1: No One Can Stop Me Now
2: There's No I In Hero
3: The Night Belongs To Me
5: And Your Enemies Closer
6: A Word Between Friends
7: In Another's Shoes
8: A Crooked Man
9: It's Too Late For Me
10: What She Doesn't Know
11: An Inside Job
12: And Now, A Message From Our Host
13: Gently, Gently
14: May I Have This Dance?
15: The Puppet And The Puppet Master
16: A Family Matter
17: Rest My Weary Head
18: Ladies And Gentlemen, May I Have Your Attention?
19: The Last Domino
20: Packaged And Delivered
21: Always In The Last Place You Look
22: Home, Whatever That Means
23: The Devil in the Details
24: A Drop Of Blood
25: There's Always A Way
26: The Long Way Home
27: No Light Without Darkness
28: Can Anybody Hear Me?
29: Once More Into The Night
30: How Do You Stop The Unstoppable Man?
31: It Never Ends

4: Fight Dirty

7.2K 242 12
By ChrisStrange

You don’t believe me. No one ever believed me. I came to terms with that many years ago. You lock me in this asylum and call me a lunatic, a madman, but it is of no consequence. You ask me again who I am, so I will tell you. I was the pilot of the HMS Cheetah in 1701. We had narrowly escaped attack by pirates when a storm took our mainmast and wrecked her off some uncharted island in the Caribbean. Only I survived. To this day I cannot explain the effect the island had on me. Perhaps there was some radioactive substance there. All I know is that I prayed to the Lord God to survive, and I did. I survived for two hundred and fifty years.

—Transcript from psychiatric evaluation of [NAME REDACTED]


Niobe gunned the engine. The road peeled away in front of them as they pulled out. The police were taking the Northwestern highway, the one constructed to maintain a line to the ports after the bomb hit. So Niobe pulled back onto the same route they’d taken to get here, cutting through side streets and making their way north.

“How many do you reckon?” Niobe said as she pulled sharply around a corner.

Solomon gripped the dashboard and wedged his legs in place to keep himself upright. “Gotta be half of Met Div out there. I saw a bunch of Tactical Unit vans.”


“Tell me about it.”

A lone early-morning driver leaned on his horn as Niobe brought the old Ford sweeping past, missing by inches. The Ford was older than most, but she still had some guts left in her. The streetlights flashed above as they raced down the street.

She squinted north and made out the police dirigible floating over the main checkpoint to the Old City. It had its spotlight on, guiding the ground teams in. She couldn’t see the coppers now. Too many miles and buildings between them. The police had a head start, and their road was easier. The coppers would beat them there. Damn it, damn it, damn it. The Metahuman Division of the police weren’t known for friendly community policing.

She didn’t have a clue what the raid was about, but that didn’t matter. To Met Div, one meta was the same as another. If they were going in with numbers like that, they were doing something that was going to cause trouble. And Gabby was home alone. Bloody hell. She glanced over and saw the lines running through Solomon’s stubble. He’d pushed his mask up to massage his forehead. His wife wasn’t a meta and his three kids hadn’t starting showing signs yet. But that might not be enough to protect her from Met Div. It just meant his family had no way to defend themselves.

While they drove, she filled him in on what Frank had told her, more to distract herself than anything else. It seemed to loosen the tension in Solomon’s back as well. He whistled when she mentioned the dollar figure Frank had given her.

“He must be some kind of business tycoon to have that much cash to throw around. Or a bank robber. Were you there that time that math whack-job tried to rob the Reserve Bank? What was his name, again?”

“Captain Calculus. No, that was before my time.”

“Oh yeah,” he said. “Kate doesn’t like that I still run around in a costume. But that might change if I can bring home enough to get the kids through uni and have enough left over for a colour TV or fifty.”

She nodded and shifted gear to take another tight turn. “It’s not the money I’m worried about. I don’t like the feel of this. He’s keeping too much back.”

“So do most of the people we deal with. Secrets are part of the game. Hell, I’m your partner, and I don’t even know where you live.”

That was true. It wasn’t personal. It was just reasonable caution. He never pried, though, which she was thankful for.

“Tell you what,” he said. “We see what we can fish up. If it stinks, we throw it back. It it’s clean, well, we’ve got ourselves a nice juicy paycheque wriggling on the end of our hook.”

She chewed her lip. She wasn’t convinced. Could they really walk away from the money when they’d already put time and sweat into it? It’d be better to break away now, leave it clean. If Frank Julius was telling the truth, he’d find another way to get his nephew back. Someone with the resources to do the job proper.

“I can see police lights,” Solomon said, cutting through her thoughts. She saw them too. The road had opened up, and now it was a straight line all the way home. Back into the Old City. Blue and yellow flashed off the buildings. They were in Epsom. Her neighbourhood. Shit.

“Shall I press the button?” he said, clearly trying to suppress a smile.

Bloody man-child. “Do it.”

He stabbed the central button on the dashboard, and the car let out a groan. She held the steering wheel tight as weight shifted in the back. Solomon flipped the switch next to the button.

The miniature rocket engine in the back of the car screamed to life. It felt like someone had punched her in the chest. The car roared and leapt forwards, throwing her back in her seat. Her stomach churned. The road markers on either side became a blur, and she struggled to keep the car from skidding off the road.

Solomon whooped and grinned. She would’ve hit him if she was willing to take a hand off the wheel.

The first of dawn’s fingers were clawing their way over the horizon, streaking the sky with pink. She guided the rocket-propelled car down the increasingly narrow street as buildings streaked past. It gained them a few minutes. Maybe, maybe they’d be in time.

They were back in the Old City now, and the contrast between here and Neo-Auckland was staggering. She flew past the made-in-bulk apartments that took up half the street. They were built after the bomb hit, when the government in Wellington wanted to get the city back on its feet. Of course, after the Nagasaki incident, they changed their minds in a damn hurry.

Funny how things turned out.


At her signal, Solomon disabled the rocket, and the pressure on her chest eased as the car slowed. They topped a small rise and looked over the neighbourhood. People were emerging from their homes, staring at the Met Div lights a mile or two away. They kept driving.

Niobe pulled over before they were close enough for the coppers to spot them, parking inside the garage of an abandoned villa they sometimes used as a safe house. If someone recognised the Ford, she didn’t want them to track it back to Solomon’s family. Or to her and Gabby, either.

They trotted the rest of the way on foot, keeping to the dawn shadows. People milled outside their homes and apartment buildings, most dressed in pyjamas and robes. Some pulled on costumes as they emerged from their buildings. Those who used to work as heroes were required to wear their costumes when interacting with the authorities. It made them easier to identify. Occasionally, a meta would make the sign of the First Heroes and utter a quiet prayer. It was a stupid religion. Dr Atomic was long dead, and he wasn’t going to be saving anyone anymore.

Solomon tugged on her coat. “I’ll scout ahead.” She nodded and he jogged away, moving amongst the growing crowds with ease.

Niobe jumped a broken fence and passed across two abandoned properties, coming out on the street alongside. Nearly there. A group of coppers were a couple of hundred metres behind her, pushing the crowds along the street. Niobe fell into line and nudged a woman with a child in each hand. “What do the coppers want?”

The woman scowled at Niobe, her eyes narrowing as she looked over her costume. “How the hell should I know?” the woman said. “They’ve got warrants, they say. Registration violations. That’s all they’ve said.” She hurried away, dragging the gawking children with her.

“Bloody hell,” Niobe said to herself. She glanced around to make sure none of the coppers were watching her, then slipped away from the crowd.

She found the Carpenter perched on the branches of a half-dead tree a block away, using the vantage point to see over a series of fences. A tui whistled, then took off and fluttered past him, paying him no more attention than if he were part of the tree himself. He descended when he saw her. “I count fifty cops altogether. They’re gathering everyone out of the apartment buildings at this end of the street.”

She looked where he pointed, and the knot that had been forming in her stomach suddenly tightened. It was her building.

“Come on.” She made her way along the street running parallel to hers, trying to stay inconspicuous while her heart hammered. Solomon jogged behind her, boots pumping on the footpath. They came to an abandoned architect’s office she knew gave a good view of the street outside her building, and she clambered through the long-broken window. Solomon grumbled as he followed, and together they climbed the darkened stairwell and reached the windows on the upper floor.

Solomon was right. There must’ve been about fifty Met Div coppers out there. The street was cordoned off, with Met Div vehicles at either end. They operated in units of four or five, splitting up groups of people and comparing them against rosters.

The process looked ordered, clean. No one made a fuss. The coppers were all in uniform, with dark blue, silver-buttoned tunics and round-topped custodian-style helmets. Most standard New Zealand coppers were unarmed apart from a nightstick. That wasn’t enough for taking down metas. In addition to the pistols at their belts, each Met Div officer carried an L1A1 self-loading rifle. The black plastic frames shone in the early morning light. Few metas were bullet-resistant. A few rounds from one of those guns would put most down easy.

Niobe scanned the crowd, looking for familiar faces. She could make out several people who lived in her building. But she couldn’t find Gabby. She had to be safe. Damn it, Niobe should’ve been there to protect her.

“We’ve got the ringmaster himself out to conduct today’s circus,” Solomon said in a low voice. He pointed with two fingers.

She saw who he was pointing at. Senior Sergeant Raymond Wallace was speaking into a car radio while he watched the proceedings, his free arm gesturing as he spoke. He wasn’t a tall man, but he was built like a rugby player, with broad shoulders and a thick, muscled neck. His handlebar moustache hid whatever limited facial expression he was capable of showing, and a scar cut through the thick brown hair on his head. She’d had cause to conduct her own investigations into Senior Sergeant Wallace before. He was a veteran of the war, took a bullet in the arse in Italy. He still limped a bit. Clean record, for the most part. Like that meant anything.

A shout cut through the ordered hubbub, and her heart rate kicked up again. A pair of coppers appeared in the doorway of her apartment building, escorting a skinny man in his late twenties. The man hollered and tried to twist away from the coppers, but they met him at every turn with a nudge and a gun barrel to the back.

For a moment, all she could feel was relief that it wasn’t Gabby. Then she looked closer.

“Son of a bitch,” she whispered.

The Carpenter shot her a look. “You know the kid?”

“That’s the McClellan guy.”

He rubbed his chin for a moment. “McClellan? You mean the stretcher? Amorph?”

She nodded. They’d encountered him a few times back in the old days. The guy had had a complicated life, living on both sides of the law. But when he met his wife-to-be he’d settled down and gone straight. He was a hell of a sportsman, and he’d even been on track to get into the Black Capes, New Zealand’s metahuman cricket team. He’d been out of trouble for years. What were the coppers doing with him now?

And then it dawned on her. Oh, shit. “His wife gave birth last week.” She scrunched her cigarette pack in her pocket. “It’s a goddamn cradle-snatch.”

McClellan screamed and twisted. Niobe knew what he was about to do before the coppers did, and her heart went to her throat.

The stretcher wrenched his arm away from one of the coppers, slammed an elbow into the man’s nose, and grabbed his rifle by the barrel. Instantly, the surrounding coppers raised their weapons.

“Idiot,” Niobe whispered. “Stop it.”

McClellan pointed the rifle at the coppers and shouted loud enough for Niobe to hear. “Leave her alone, you goddamn pigs. She’s just a baby!”

Out of the apartment doorway came more coppers. Two escorted a hysterical red-headed woman. McClellan’s wife. The other copper carried a swaddle of white cloth in his arms. Niobe could just make out the pink flesh of a baby.

Senior Sergeant Wallace snatched his helmet from the top of his car and approached McClellan, making soothing gestures with his hands. The other coppers fingered their rifles nervously.

“Spook,” Solomon said, “we gotta get lost. This is going to get crazy.”

She ignored him. She couldn’t move away if she wanted to.

Everything happened in slow motion. McClellan made a grab for the baby as the officer passed. A single gunshot rang out. She couldn’t tell who fired. A spray of red flew from McClellan’s flank. He dropped the rifle and screamed.

McClellan spun, his arms stretching like a rubber band. A moment later, they were ten times their normal length. They flew out and knocked a group of coppers from their feet. McClellan continued to scream as his body stretched, flattening out like putty. He tried to envelop the officer carrying his baby with both rubber arms, but the officer broke into a sprint. The rest of the coppers opened fire. The morning rang with the thunder of gunfire.

The crowd of metas screamed and scattered, running for shelter. A stray bullet pinged off the wall a few feet from Niobe, but she just stared out at the carnage, throat constricting. What the hell was the idiot doing?

McClellan kept going despite the bullet wounds. She didn’t know what the anatomy of a rubber man was, but they couldn’t have hit anything vital. Yet. Screaming, he wrapped a pair of coppers in his arms and flung them across the street.

Niobe scanned the street for the officers with McClellan’s wife and baby, but there was too much chaos. All she could make out was Senior Sergeant Wallace sprinting back to his car, shouting orders as he moved. He ripped open the passenger door and pulled something from the glove box. It looked like a hand-held radio. Gunfire ripped around him as he twiddled the knobs and jabbed two buttons at once.

It took her a few moments to pick up the smell of sulphur in the air. It must’ve been strong for her to smell it from here. McClellan’s screams grew louder.

“They flipped his kill-switch,” she said. The Carpenter just nodded.

McClellan’s movement slowed. As the smell of sulphur became stronger, his stretched limbs grew stiff. The flesh cracked like a superheated car tyre.

Senior Sergeant Wallace had a megaphone to his mouth. “Cease fire,” he boomed. “Damn it, cease fire.” The officer’s gunfire dropped off.

McClellan grew still, frozen, a silent scream still fixed on his face. For a moment, there was no movement in the street. Then he toppled backwards, limbs still stretched out in every direction. Everyone went quiet.

A bang cut through the silence. The back of McClellan’s head blew out, flinging fragments of solidified blood to the concrete. The small explosive charge would’ve been planted near his brainstem, along with a small package. Niobe knew the mechanism. At a particular radio frequency from Senior Sergeant Wallace’s box, the package had released sulphur and exothermic chemicals into his bloodstream. It was clever, in a way. They’d vulcanised the rubber man.

She swallowed back vomit and forced herself to breathe.

“He didn’t have to do that,” she said. “The bloody idiot could’ve gone quiet.”

The Carpenter didn’t seem to have anything to say. He took his hat off and pressed it to his chest. His lips moved. A silent prayer. She didn’t follow suit. She didn’t have anything to say to God.

“All metahumans will clear the area,” Wallace’s voice boomed from the megaphone. “Return to your homes.” His voice held no malice, but no regret either. Son of a bitch. Murderer.

Wallace handed the megaphone to one of the other coppers and gave more orders. At the officers’ insistence, the metas that hadn’t fled shuffled back into their buildings. Most didn’t look at McClellan’s stretched body, still lying stiff and cracked in the street.

“They’re taking the woman as well as the baby,” the Carpenter said. He’d finished his prayer, apparently. Niobe followed his gaze and found McClellan’s sobbing widow in the shadow of the building opposite. They were leading her around the corner. “What the heck are they doing that for?”

“She’s an accomplice. That’s prison time.”

The Carpenter muttered something under his breath, his eyes dark behind his mask. “She’ll have a rough time of it.”

“Yeah,” Niobe said. She studied the dead man stretched across the street. “You know, for a while, Amorph was one of us.”

The Carpenter nodded.

Niobe made up her mind in an instant. She reached into her pocket and tossed the car keys to the Carpenter. “Do you think you can get the baby?”

He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll try.” He turned and jogged back down the stairs, and she followed. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll get Mrs McClellan away from the coppers,” she said. “If I can. Sound good?”

“Sounds stupid.”

“You always liked stupid.”

She emerged into the morning light and followed the Carpenter towards the corner. The metas were slowly dispersing, refusing to make eye contact. Even the ones in costume walked with shuffling steps and bowed heads. No one spoke above a whisper. Niobe checked her goggles and started to move.

The Carpenter’s head snapped around to follow one meta making his way down the street. She followed his gaze.

“Hey!” Solomon called. “Hey, Brightlance.”

The dark-skinned man was dressed in a yellow bodysuit with a tattered red cape pinned to the sunburst in the centre of his chest. He glanced back and kept walking.

“Piss off, Carpenter. Now’s not the time.”

Niobe kept one eye on the coppers as the Carpenter caught up to the ex-hero. Bloody hell. They didn’t have time for this.

“Just give me a second,” the Carpenter said, loud enough for her to hear even a few steps behind. “We need your help with something.”

“I know what you want. Piss off.”

“You knew Amorph better than we ever did.”

“Only because I was the one giving him a hiding whenever he tried to shoplift from Mum’s store.”

The Carpenter grabbed Brightlance by the shoulders. “He turned it around. You turned him around. He got himself a family. Now you want to let the coppers take them away?”

Brightlance planted his feet and shoved the Carpenter away from him. His palms glowed threateningly with blue light.

Niobe reached into her coat and took a step towards them, but the Carpenter put his hand towards her, waving her back. Goddamn him. Grinding her teeth, she stopped and returned her hands to her side. She could see Mrs McClellan being escorted away. The woman had nearly disappeared from sight. Bugger this.

“You really want them to take Amorph’s wife?” the Carpenter said, his voice low. “You really want them to have his baby? They’ll put a kill-switch in her.”

Brightlance’s palms didn’t stop glowing. “She won’t be the only one. You think they’ll hesitate to flip my kill-switch if I try something? Go home, Carpenter. Take your pension, keep your head down, and go home. No one wants bloody superheroes running around anymore.”

The Carpenter tried to take him by the shoulder again, but Brightlance shrugged him off and turned away, his cape fluttering in the breeze. He didn’t look back as he strode away with the rest of the metahumans.

Niobe tried to see the Carpenter’s face, but his hat cast him into shadow.

“We’re out of time,” she said.

He watched Brightlance’s back for another moment, then turned and nodded. “I’ll do what I can. Meet me behind the old museum in an hour.”

She slapped him on the arm, nodded, and broke into a run. She’d lost sight of McClellan’s widow, but she couldn’t be far. Sweat soaked into Niobe’s mask as she made her way through dirt-filled backyards and slipped over fences. She kept one hand on her bowler hat to keep it from flying off. Her heart started to thump, spurring on her legs even as her brain told her to stop and think. She hadn’t acted like this for years. Police raids weren’t that uncommon in the Old City. People got arrested. So what? Brightlance was right. These weren’t the old days. Justice died along with the superhero.

But the McClellans were decent folk. Hotheaded, sure, but decent. They’d probably never seen her in the building, but she’d seen them. This was their first kid. Metas going into labour were supposed to present themselves to one of the Neo-Auckland hospitals. Newborns were typed and gene-tested for any signs of metahuman mutation. Tier two and three metahumans had kill-switches implanted before they turned ten. And if parents were unlucky enough to have a tier one metahuman for a baby, they didn’t even get a chance to name them. The Seoul Accord stated that metahumans with the strength of Mr October or Kingfisher presented too great a risk to be allowed to live.

The McClellans had tried to hide their baby. They’d failed. The cape coppers were good at their jobs.

Niobe crouched and peered around a low brick wall. The officers were dragging Mrs McClellan to their Black Maria police van. The woman was hysterical, barely able to walk. Her powers had no combat use. All she could do was read auras to determine someone’s mood and personality.

The woman collapsed to her knees a few feet from the van. The coppers exchanged a look. “Get up, damn it,” one of them said. He slapped her across the face with his open hand.

The sun was slowly rising, but the coppers were in the shadow of the building. In full light, Niobe’s powers were useless. It’d kill her to turn to shadow in full sunlight. But there was still enough darkness here. She took a deep breath, held it, and slipped into shadow.

It was harder to make out figures during the day when she was in shadow form. Everything was bright, almost painful. But it wasn’t hard to follow the vibrations as the coppers stomped their boots and gave the woman a few good whacks.

“Bloody freak,” one of the coppers growled. “You’d think these bitches would learn to keep their legs closed.” He gave her another half-hearted kick. “Get the fuck up.”

The other one pressed his hand to his nostrils for a moment. “Goddamn it. I think the rubber man broke my nose. It won’t stop bleeding.”

“It ain’t broken. You just got smacked around a bit.”

“No, it’s broken!” He raised his rifle, aiming the butt at the woman. “Your fucking husband broke my nose!”

Niobe reformed behind him, wrapped her arm around his neck, and pressed the barrel of her modified revolver against his temple.

“I wouldn’t do that,” she said, and aimed her revolver at the other officer’s head. “Not if you don’t want me to break some more bits off you, anyway.”

The copper she held stunk of sweat. The other one snarled behind a thin moustache, hand moving to the rifle slung across his shoulders.

“For the love o’ God, don’t!” the one she held yelled at his companion. “She’ll kill me.”

The copper was taller than her, so she kept her knee pressed into the back of his leg, bringing him into an unbalanced half-crouch. The moustachioed copper scowled, eyes narrowed. He let the rifle slip from his shoulder and clatter to the ground.

“Freak,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Spare me,” she said. She nodded to the red-haired woman still sobbing on the ground. The woman didn’t seem to know what was happening. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. “Pick her up—gently—and put her on the bench over there.”

He paused. Niobe pulled back the hammer of her revolver. That got him moving. Grudgingly, he took her under the arms and led her to a rickety bench on the side of the road. She’s walking all right, Niobe confirmed. No serious damage. Thank God.

Niobe put her gun arm across her whimpering hostage and gestured to the apartment building they were using for shade. “Into the stairwell.”

He hesitated at that.

“I could’ve shot both of you already,” she said. “And I really, really wanted to. Don’t make it any more tempting.”

He backed away and opened the stairwell door. Niobe held her hostage tight and followed.

“Cuffs,” she said. “Get them out.”

Officer Moustache’s frown deepened, but he pulled the handcuffs from his belt and made to toss them to her.

“No,” she said. “Cuff yourself to the rail.”

He did so.

Keeping one eye on him, she took the other set of cuffs from her hostage, put one bracelet around his wrist, and cuffed him opposite his partner. She took both their sidearms, unloaded them, and tossed them as far up the stairs as she could reach.

“Why do you hide behind that mask, eh?” The moustachioed man sneered as she turned to leave. “To hide your identity? Or do you just get scared when you look in the mirror and see a freak?”

She holstered her revolver and turned her back on the cape coppers. “I don’t cream my pants beating a widowed woman senseless. Tell me again who’s the freak.”

She went back to the officers’ car and ripped a handful of wires out of the police radio. Just in case.

Mrs McClellan hadn’t moved from the bench. Her sobs had quietened, but her freckled face still ran with tears. Niobe wordlessly put an arm under her shoulders and helped her to her feet. Her cheek was red and angry where she’d been hit, and she’d probably have a black eye. But Niobe knew her real hurts ran deeper.

Most of the coppers must have already pulled out, because Niobe didn’t see anyone as she made her way to the museum. She’d move faster if she could envelop the woman in shadow and slip through the shaded areas, but subjecting the poor woman to that would do nothing but traumatise her further. A few curtains moved as they walked, but the streets were deserted, and no one came to help them.

It took her half an hour to get to the museum. The edges of the obelisk-shaped war memorial were worn and rounded. Dead trees and bracken surrounded the hill, and what little grass remained was mostly brown. The Carpenter was waiting there, leaning against the bonnet of the car. When he spotted them, he ran down through the abandoned car park and took the woman’s other side.

Niobe nodded her thanks. “Did you get the…?”

She could already see the answer from the shape of his mouth.

“Too many coppers,” he said. “Most of the convoy went with the kid. I trailed them as far as the checkpoint, but there were no openings. If there were more of us, maybe, like the old days….” He shrugged.

She felt deflated, empty. It had been a long shot. The coppers were always going to take more care with a high tier meta baby than some woman whose powers weren’t worth a damn. Solomon was right. The Wardens, as a team, would’ve got that baby back no problem. But the Wardens didn’t exist anymore. It was just the two of them now, doing what they could to scrape a few bucks together.

Frank Julius wanted them to save his kid. He thought they were worth fifty grand. But they couldn’t even rescue a goddamn baby. What the hell use were they anymore?

The two of them got Mrs McClellan into the back seat of the car. She didn’t say a word. Niobe used the corner of her coat to wipe the blood from the woman’s mouth.

“You said most of the convoy went with the baby.” Niobe slipped a hand under her goggles to rub her eyes. “What about the rest?”

He shrugged. “I think the boss man left eight or ten coppers to take doors in the apartment building. I guess they figured other people in the building knew. Maybe some helped with the birth. So they went cracking heads.”

Niobe’s guts turned to ice. Gabby.

“Spook?” Solomon said. “What’d I say?”

“Can you get her somewhere safe?” she said, nodding at Mrs McClellan.

“You’re running off again, aren’t you?”

She pulled her goggles into place. “I’ll call you later.” She turned and sprinted back through the car park.

She should never have left the neighbourhood. She could’ve found someone to get Mrs McClellan away, or….

She didn’t know. She wasn’t a hero anymore. She had Gabby to protect. Panting, she raced through the empty streets, trying to suppress a rising panic.

The Met Div vehicles were gone by the time she reached her street. McClellan’s body had been carted away somewhere, but fragments of rubberised human flesh still littered the concrete.

She kicked open the door to her apartment building and ran up the stairs. People sobbed in the apartments she passed. Her legs burned. Her mask was humid and her clothes stuck to her as sweat coated her back. She reached her floor and slipped silently down the hallway.

The door to her apartment was splintered, the lock kicked in. Her vision blurred and her throat clammed up. She drew her revolver and entered. Her breathing echoed in her ears.

She found Gabby sitting on the bedroom floor in her robe, leaning against the bed. She held a wine glass with a few dregs of red wine sitting in the bottom. Her hands shook as she gripped it. Blood dripped freely from a cut across her forehead, matting her frizzy blond hair. She flinched when Niobe came into view, then started crying.

Niobe tore off her mask, dropped to her knees in front of Gabby, and wrapped her arms around her. Gabby shook against her shoulder. Niobe tried to swallow back the lump in her throat. Her fingers kept slipping into shadow as she tried to hold back the tide of emotion.

After a few minutes, the crying stopped, and Gabby told her what happened. The coppers must’ve banged on the door, but Gabby was in bed. She’d lost her hearing years ago, when she was still the Silver Scarab. When she didn’t answer the door, the coppers kicked it in and hauled her out of bed. The first thing she felt when she woke was the corner of the bed slamming into her forehead. The coppers turned the place over and shouted at her, but she was too dazed to lip-read. They hit her a few times before they finally worked out she was deaf and left her alone.

How can they do this? Gabby signed, arms still trembling. Her arms moved in small, jerky motions. We’re not animals.

Niobe blinked back tears and nodded.

I know. Come on, let’s get you up.

Gabby didn’t move.

You went after that job.

Yeah, Niobe signed.

Gabby’s face twitched. Niobe knew she was remembering their argument just as vividly as she was.

Are you going to take it?

She thought about it, even though she’d made up her mind the instant she walked in the door and saw Gabby sitting there. They didn’t belong here. None of them did. The world didn’t want them, so they had to leave the world.

One night a couple of months ago, when Niobe was huddled in bed with Gabby listening to another raid from the police Metahuman Division, Gabby told her she wanted the two of them to pack up and go to the Moon. Niobe couldn’t blame her. This was no way to live.

Frank Julius’s money would be enough. Fifty thousand dollars. The two of them couldget a plane to Adelaide. And from there, one short rocket ride to the Moon. To freedom. The Alpha League were the first metas—the first humans of any kind—to establish a lunar colony. The place was supposed to be a metahuman utopia. Niobe wanted to keep Gabby safe. She wanted it more than anything.

Yeah, Niobe signed. But it’s an easy job. It’ll be over in a couple of days. Don’t worry.

Gabby chewed her lip, her grey eyes clouded. Then she nodded.

I love you, she signed.

A smile flickered in her eyes and she buried her face back in Niobe’s shoulder. Niobe kissed her forehead and cradled her until she fell asleep.


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