Stockholm Syndrome? (England...

By HonokaHikawa

12.6K 607 137

It was just a normal day for the couple. Until a man named Arthur Kirkland learned of his second players comp... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Arthur's After Story
Oliver's After Story

Chapter 1

1.3K 56 6
By HonokaHikawa

Authors Key: (H/C)= Hair color 

And (E/C)=Eye color

~3rd POV~

The two were completely silent as the two entered the new Kirkland mansion. To (Y/N) it looked the exact same in layout and room structure, except her previous lover's was more colorful and a bit more decorated.

"Are you okay with taking the guest room, love?" Arthur didn't get a response and just sighed. "Well, come love let me show you the guest room." He was about to ask to take her luggage for her but then he realized he dragged her here without consent.

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and just continues on upstairs and down the hall to the destination. "Now love, if anything happens, or you need anything don't bother to tell me because-" he was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming on (Y/N)'s part.

"I'm right across from you.." He finishes with a sigh. He just decides to ignore the rudeness and just continue on to his room. As he enters his room, he starts undressing out of his work attire and into something more comfortable, thinking 'Well, can't blame the poor girl. If what she said was true about dating that repulsive man, then the poor love is probably scarred for life...'

'Well... Not that I feel guilty about attacking him.'

'How can he be so casual about this? And act like he didn't just kill the man I love? Does he not take this seriously?' (Y/N) thought infuriated with the man's behavior. She sat down on her bed in the guest room, that reminded her oh so much of the guest room that Oliver gave her many years ago.

'It's getting harder and harder to be be near or even look at his face...'

(Y/N) took a minute to lay down on her bed, facing the ceiling. After all that happened before her in just one day, she eventually just breaks. With a small whimper, her faucet starts drowning itself in its own tears.

"Oliver..." She gives out every now and then, other wise she is quietly crying, she does not want Arthur to come in and disturb her. Nor does she want to see his face, because it would make her cry even harder.

After what felt like an hour or two, or was, she finally calmed down from her session, and began whiping away her tear stained face. A knock was heard on the door causing (Y/N) to look up cautiously. "(Y/N)? I-I just wanted to say since it's already sundown..."

'Its already that late? Have I been crying for that long?'

"I was wondering if you need any c-clothes for tonight, oh and also if you're hungry." She took notice that he was slightly stuttering and noticed the complete nervousness in his voice. "No." She replied with no thought whatsoever and no emotion present.

"Well... Okay then." She heard another sigh from the male today, probably the hundredth one today. She heard the light footsteps leading away from her door, causing her to let out the breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"Am I seriously stuck here?" She said out loud to herself. 'There's no way he expects me to stay here forever... That's just absurd.'

(Y/N) looked to the right and noticed a door, causing her to be curious. She cautiously walked up to the door, only to open it and see a beautiful bathroom. She let out a little laugh at this 'shouldn't I of have learned this already? They're the exact rooms (Y/N), just different colors and decorations, don't be fooled.' She thought to herself still laughing a little at her absent of mind.

She immediately thought of taking a bath, trying to wash away the stress and sadness of today. A nice relaxing bath. She started to strip and start up the water, noticing the little bottles. 'Funny, Ollie had pink ones instead and smelt like cotton candy.'

At her own little thoughts, her mood starts to skydive once again, but (Y/N) being the strong spirited girl she was, instantly shook these thoughts away, trying not, or hoping, to not have another session. Once the bath is done running, she turns off the faucet and instantly steps in, but of course carefully.

'Why me? Why did he have to choose me? Or better yet make me come with him? Couldn't he of just left me there with Ollie? I should ask him that... When I want to talk to him, which will probably be never... Now that I think about it... Why do they look so... Similar? Is it just me? No they definitely look identical! There's no way I'm seeing things...'

'Hmm.. Another thing to ask him at a time which will never come.'

Arthur was currently looking up the information about (Y/N), and found many reports on a missing girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) colored eyes. Suddenly, Arthur hears the sound of very very quiet sobbing. This causes his heart to break into little pieces at the thought of such a beautiful woman crying her eyes out. The urge to suddenly just burst into her room and embrace her takes over him, and strongly.

However, Arthur knows, that this action would make the female hate him even more than she already does, and make the situation more worse. He clenches his fists in order to restrain himself, which is almost every single cell in his body.

He wishes to hold her, and tell her that everything will be alright, as that he will always be by her side even in her darkest moments. To kiss her and hug her goodnight. To see her smiling face like he saw with Oliver.

This thought causes his heart to clench tighter but then he instantly is shocked with himself. 'Why am I thinking of doing such things to a woman I have just met? Plus... Even if I do, she already hates me..' Arthur's mind flashes back to when he was outside of Oliver's house taking in the scene.

He hasn't snapped in that long, and to go as far as to shoot his second player? Surely something or someone must of have triggered that. After he hears her quiet sobbing stop, he instantly gets up and stands outside of (Y/N)'s room, trying to debate what to say. Of course when he finally

Decides to talk, he stutters, and gets a small response, leaving him deflated on the inside. He just walks into the kitchen to whip up his own food. After maybe a minute, he hears the sound of water running, which causes him to sigh of relief. 

'Thank gosh, at least she isn't just moping around and not taking care of her life.'

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