You're The One (MarkiplierXRe...

By Twixter23

4.5K 113 21

You are a girl in Denver, Colorado, and in college. You are also a famous youtuber, and your youtube name is... More

Plans To Go See Mark
Reading Hate Comments With Izzy
Meeting Mark
A Crazy Day (Part 1)
A Crazy Day (Part 2)
A Fun Day At The Pool
Please Stay
The Phone Call
The Next Big Day
The Picture
Settling In
The Shocking Surprise
I Will Be There For You, Always
Wheelchairs And Cameras
A Day With Marzia
Mark Does My Makeup
The Best Christmas Gift I Have Ever Gotten
Happily Engaged To My Heroic YouTuber
Fun And Games
Wedding Dress Shopping With The Gals
Answering Tweets With Mark
The End Of The Beginning

The Day My Life Will Change

131 3 1
By Twixter23


I woke up extra early today. It is just hours before the wedding, and my heart literally hurts because I'm so nervous. I looked over to where Mark was sleeping peacefully with his red hair sprawled all over the place.

I chuckled, and carefully got out of bed. The last thing I wanted was for him to wake up.

I went to the closet and got a quick change of clothes. I didn't do any makeup, because that was someone else's job today. I only brushed through my hair, not pitting any product in it, and got ready to go.

I took one last look at Mark's passed out figure. I smiled and lightly kissed his forehead. After I was done being a stalker, I silently left the house.

Just as planned, I spotted Izzy in the parking lot waiting for me. She had her earbuds in her ears, and I could make out her lip singing along to the music. I chuckled and ducked behind a car. This was the perfect opportunity to scare the shit out of her.

I stayed behind cars, and ever so slowly made my was closer to her. She was standing right by the car, so she was in perfect position.

I finally made it to the other side of the car, and very cautiously came up behind her.

"GOTCHA!!!!" I screamed in my low and manly voice as I roughly hugged her from behind. She yelped as loud as her vocal cords allowed her to, and trust me, she is probably the loudest person you will ever meet, and she struggled against my grip.

"GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING-.... Y/N!!!????!!!! WHAT THE FUCK??!!! " She yelled as she realized it was just me. I was laughing so hard that my laughing never even came out of my mouth; I was wheezing instead. It hurt my chest, but soon I was able to breathe and my normal laughter soon came out like normal.

"That's NOT funny!!!! " Izzy yelled at me, half laughing, herself.

"No, its hilarious! Your reaction was GOLDEN!!! " I exclaimed while I continued to laugh.

"Whatever, let's just go. " Izzy said, smiling, and got in the drivers seat if the car.

My laughter started to fade, but it wasn't gone. So I continued to laugh as I shook my head. I walked around the car, and got in the passenger seat; I saw Izzy smiling down at her phone.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked her, sneaking a peak at her phone. She was texting someone.

"Nothing!" Izzy exclaimed, pulling her phone away to where I couldn't see what she was doing.

But I already saw.

"Izzy, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE TALKING TO A GUY!? " I asked yelled at her.

"W-what? What are you t-talking about?" Izzy said, blushing like crazy. I swear she turned to a tomato.

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about. " I accused her.

"No... I was just.... Uh... " she said, nervously.

"Texting a guy. " I finished for her.

"No I wasn't! " she exclaimed.

"Uh huh, sure you weren't." I said, while smirking.

​​​​ She sighed in defeat, and started the car. "Haha! I knew it!" I yelled, throwing my fists up in victory.

"Whatever, let's just get your dress and makeup done." She said, sounding annoyed.

"Sounds great!"


i had just gotten back from the salon where they professionally did my makeup, (which is done however you would like to imagine it ^_^) and now i am at the place our wedding will be at; a church that is basically a music stadium with really loud and awesome music. Actual christian musicians will play here today for us! (If you are not christian, then pretend that it is music related to your religion, or if you dont have a religion, then pretend it is your favorite bands :D)

i can already tell that today was gonna be a good day. Izzy, Marzia, Amanda, Aunt Brenda, (who is now out of her crutches and walking normally), Molly and i were all in one big group, chit chatting like normal young women. that is, until me and Izzy broke the normality...

"So at the party, we should totally see who can break dance the best in a dress!" Izzy stated.

"Um, we cant break dance without flashing someone..." i pointed out trying my best not to laugh. besides, i had something planned for the party instead of nailing Mark in the face with a cake or a pie; it was much better, and much funnier. but that will be a little while from now.

"So? thats why i have shorts underneath!" Izzy said, excitedly, pulling her dress up slightly to show the white shorts she was wearing.

i rolled my eyes as everyone else started to laugh. Izzy started to laugh with us, and started looking around the room anxiously, as if looking for someone. i looked around with her for a second, and turned back to look at her.

"Who are you looking for?" i asked her curiously.

"Huh? Oh, it's uhhh....n-no one! im not looking for anyone!" she said, nervously. i smirked.

"Are you looking for that guy you were texting earlier? Did you invite him?" i asked her, not being able to hold back a smile.

"Umm....maybe....." she admitted, quietly, as she continued to look around.

i chuckled, and turned to look at the time. 5:54. the wedding starts at 6. only a few minutes left! my heart pounded in my chest, and left my legs to grow a little weak.

"Hey, we have to go to the stage where the guys are waiting. I cant wait to see you walk down the isle!" Molly stated, with her thumbs up, and began to walk off with the rest of the girls. "Good luck!" she finished.

i responded with a thumbs up as they disappeared behind the door, leaving me to sit in my little hide out room by myself. my brother was outside, talking to others quietly in the hallway. he was gonna be the one to lead me down the isle instead of my father or mother, since they decided that staying at home was more important than my wedding.

i then began to think back to before i ever met mark in person. i always thought of him as the greatest youtuber ever, and just the most adorable thing to exist. i never thought i would ever marry my favorite youtuber. how did this happen? well, it all started back to when he first commented on one of my minecraft videos...

i heard my phone buzz. I unlocked my phone, and checked my messages. My friend Izzy had texted me.

Izzie : hey bestie! Saw ur video from last night, and i litterally couldnt breathe cuz i was laughing so hard! Lol

Da Twixta : lol glad you liked it. Hey, do u wanna be in the video im making tonight?

Izzy : heck ya! Whats the topic?

Da Twixta : hate comment reactions

Izzy : oh well ya i'll join ya with that! No problem. And if you start to cry i will be there to make you feel better☺

Da Twixta : izz u know i dont cry over stuff like that

Izzy : i know i just wanted to see what ud say

Da Twixta : and u now know. So be here around 6 and we will get started

Izzy : kk

I smiled when she replied with a kk. It reminded me of cat from Sam and cat. I looked at the time, and it read 5:04. Perfect. Just enough time to make dinner, before Izzy gets here. I was about to get up when i heard a ding from my laptop. I looked on the screen, and saw that there was a new comment on it. i pulled it up, and it was a comment from Markiplier! i literally about lost my mind.

Markiplier : hahaha your brother is hilarious. Your minecraft videos remind me alot of the ones me bob and wade used to do. And nice job on the house you built!

I smiled when he said that. Even though i was a pretty famous youtuber myself, i couldn't help but fan girl a little bit over mark. I was blown away from the fact he wrote a comment to one of my videos!

Then i saw that someone sent me a private comment to me. I opened it up, and i about swallowed wrong from both shock and excitement.

Markiplier : hey, i was wondering if you would like to participate in a challenge that me, wade, and Matthias are doing.

I literally screamed my head off in excitement when i read that. Markiplier wants me to participate in a video with them! i literally got up and started jumping up and down, squealing in excitement.

Then i remembered i haven't replied to him yet. I quickly sat back down on the chair, and started typing my reply.

Twixter : sure! When do i show up?

I sat there staring at my screen, desperately waiting for his reply. Soon after, his reply was there.

Markiplier : well Matthias wants the video to be made on Saturday, so from where you are, I'd say be here by Friday. I can pick you up at the airport, and take you to where ever you plan on staying at when your here.

Well today is Wednesday, so i have plenty if time to prepare a flight, and crap like that. And he is literally willing to pick me up? i literally couldn't stop jumping around in excitement. Wait till i tell Izzy about this. I began typing my reply.

Twixter : kk, sounds like a plan! See you then!

Markiplier : haha ok

I think he found humor in me saying kk. But that doesn't madder. Omg im gonna see the Markiplier in just 2 days!

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" i screamed in excitement. I couldn't hold it back anymore. Besides, i had to get the fan girl crap out of my system before i act like a stupid fan girl in front of him.

i them thought about when i first saw him at the airport...

I walked through the hall, and into the room with the many people. I looked around for mark as i kept walking. Soon enough, i spotted him. My eyes grew wide as we met eye contact, I couldn't help but smile. He smiled sweetly, and waved at me. I then noticed he had his camera in his other hand. I didn't care though. I made my way through the large group of people, and walked quickly towards Mark.

"Mark!" i yelled, and he opened his arms up for a hug. I gladly walked into it, and threw my arms over his shoulders, and hugged him tightly.

"hi!" i said happily, trying to talk over the loads of people around us.

"Hey! It's good to see you twixi!" he said excitedly. Wow i didn't think he would be this excited to see me. I felt myself blush a little. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"Its good to see you! And my name is Y/N by the way." i said, and giggled a bit. No one mentions my real name in my videos. So no one but family and friends know my real name.

"Haha, Ok! i wondering if i had to call you twixi all the time." he then started laughing, and i laughed with him.

"Haha no, i don't really know why i never mention my real name, maybe i should start doing that.." i said.

"Haha, no your videos are perfect the way they are." he said, smiling sweetly. I held back a blush

"Thanks." is all i could think of to say. He giggled a little, and said his outro to the camera, and turned it off.

"So, lets go get your bags, and we will be on our way! Your gonna have to tell me where to go though." he said, and we started to walk towards to where they had the bags.

"Haha, i know." i said, as i spotted my suitcase. I grabbed it, and looked at mark.

"So, lead the way!" i said, my voice going a little high. He smiled, and led me through the airport, and to his car. He opened the door for me, gesturing for me to get in.

"Ma,dem" he said in a french accent. I giggled and got in the car. Mark gently shut the door behind me, and walked around the car to his side. I evilly smiled, and locked the doors before he could get in.

He tried to open the door, and realized i had locked it. He looked at me with a face that said, 'really?' and began go laugh. I winked at him and started laughing too. He stopped laughing and mouthed out, 'let me in'. I but a finger to my chin in thought. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyelids.

He sighed and mouthed out please, and gave me a puppy dog face. I rolled my eyes and said loud enough so that he could hear, "fine!", and unlocked the doors. He quickly opened his door, and got in the car.

"Ha ha real funny, Y/N." he said trying to hide a smile.
"I know it was. That's why we were laughing." i said smartly. He laughed in response, and started the car. Then for the rest of the car ride, we just carried on conversations.

my smile grew wider at the memories. then i couldnt help but to think of when the first time he saw me cry...

i parked into an empty parking space, and turned off he car, and made my way to the apartment. I went up the elevator, and down the hall to his apartment. I stopped in front of his door, and lifted my fist in front of the door. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. Mark answered the door soon after, and smiled when he saw it was me. I smiled back the best i could manage.

"Hey! Glad to see you! Come on in!" we welcomed me into his apartment. I walked in, and walked over to the couch. I sat down, and he sat down next to me.

"So do you want to start the game now, or wait?" he asked.

"Actually i want to tell you something first..." i trailed off. I knew mark new that something was wrong by the look on his face.

"Ok" he said calmly. I took another deep breath in, and sighed.

"I, um, have to go back h-home t-tomorrow..." i said quietly. I looked up to see mark's reaction. And he wasn't happy. It wasn't a mad face, it was just a look had the mixture of 'why' and the look that meant that a mental breakdown was about to happen.

"Why?" he asked, softly.

"I have college i have to go back to, and my parents wont let me move out of the city.'' i explained.

"Y/N, please.... Stay." he said, putting a hand on my knee, looking at me seriously. I just put my head down, and i could feel the tears that threatened to fall.

"I have to. I really don't want to though.... I really don't. I'd give anything just to stay, but i cant." i said, almost a whine. I could feel a single tear fall from my cheek. And i don't cry often.

"You can just continue college here, and your an adult, you can move here no madder what your parents wants you to do." he suggested.

"I cant...'' i was barely audible.

"Why not?" mark asked, softly.

"B-because..... I'm....scared of my parents..." i mumbled as more tears fell. There was a silent pause. I then was jerked into a comforting hug. I returned the hug, then dug my face deep into marks shoulder, and he dug his face into my neck. He rocked me back and forth as i cried, and said soothing words in my ear.

"Its ok, its gonna be fine. I understand." he mumbled softly. I cried a bit harder, and he held me tighter. I've never felt so vulnerable in my life.

i felt a tear of joy and thankfulness run down my cheek. i could not have asked for a better partner than mark. he is all i have ever asked for, and more. i didnt care if i cried with my makeup on; it was water proof.

i then heard a knock on the door, and snapped my head up, wiping the tears off my face, careful not to smudge anything. the door opened open enough so that my brother could fit his torso through it and face me.

"It's time." he said, with a sweet smile plastered on his face. it faded when he saw how red my eyes were from crying. "Are you ok?" he asked, worriedly, stepping into the room.

"Ya! im fine! just tears of joy." i reassured him with a sweet and genuine smile.

"Ok then, lets go. Mark's waiting for you." he said, holding his arm out for me to take.

i gladly took it, and walked out into the hall with him. we soon ended up in front of the closed door. on the other side was everyone, including Mark. i saw the girls come down the other side of the hallway with flowers in their hand. Izzy was first in line, since she was bridesmaid, and she welcomed me with a warm, happy grin.

"Ready?" she asked me.

"Ready.'' i repeated, reassuringly.

I could hear the music begin to play. The girls got in line, and my brother and I got in line behind them.
Izzy opened the door, and the music got progressively louder and the people all stood from their seats.

" here we go little sis, " my brother whispered in my ear. I smiled. He always said that either when we are about to play a game, or do a challenge.
​ the line began to move forwards, so we began to do the same. They split to two lines and one line went left, while the other went right. Once they all were split, that's when my brother and I were revealed to the large croud. I saw the pasture, (or priest) and mark standing there with a tux on. He looked absolutely amazing, and from is face expression, I could tell he thought the same about me.

I eventually made it to the top if the stage, and my brother went to stand with the others.

"You look amazing. " mark whispered to me.

"So do you. " I responded.

(Ok so I have no idea what the person says exactly so I will skip to the one that everyone knows XD)

"Mark. Will you take this woman as you lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked mark.

Mark smiled warmly. "I do. "

The pasture (or priest) turned to me. "And Y/N. Will you take this man as you lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?"

It didn't even take a second thought. I knew I wanted to be with this man for the rest of my life. He is my hero, my lover; my everyththing. And it all begins with two simple words...

"I do."

"Well then Mark Fischbach, and Y/N Fischback, I now pronounce you, husband, and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Mark didn't hesitate fir a split second, and emidiately held me close and kissed me passionately. The crowd applauded, and mark and I pulled apart after a few good seconds. We both turned to look at our families. Even though most of mine was missing, I could not be more thankful, because now I had more family members that are friendly and loving to me, and that is something I haven't had in a long time.

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