New Beginnings

By kat1315

4.7K 71 31

One morning you could wake up completely unaware of who you are and that's exactly what happened to Katherine... More

Chapter 1: Amnesia
Chapter 2: The Journey Begins
Chapter 3: A Sudden Transformation
Chapter 4: A Slippery Battle
Chapter 5: Articuno
Chapter 6: The Memories
Chapter 7: A Psychic's Wish
Chapter 8: Trapped
Chapter 10: The Road Ahead
Chapter 11: On to the Pokemon League
Chapter 12: Agatha, the Ghost Master
Chapter 13: Ash vs. Gary
Chapter 14: Bruno, the Fighting Master
Chapter 15: Lorelei, The Ice Mistress
Chapter 16: Battle for Champ

Chapter 9: The Mirage Pokemon

231 3 4
By kat1315

I had passed out again after we had reappeared somewhere that looked like a cave. When I awoke I felt like I was all better. I sat up quickly and felt no pain, no blurry vision, nothing.

"I see you're feeling better." Mew came out of nowhere and I flinched a little.

"You're the one that I met last night. Where are we?" I asked confused as I took in the cave around us.

"We're on the Orange Islands. I know it probably doesn't make sense now, but I was sent to make sure you don't die. Katherine, you're very special and I know you're a lot different than most humans. I know why that is, but unfortunately that is not for you to know yet. But for now, you seem to be healthy, so it's time for you to go back to your friends. And remember this, don't stop believing in humanity, not all of them are bad just a select few. Remember the promise you made to the one of the Lunar Wing, then everything will make sense. Goodbye Katherine, until we meet again." I disappeared before I could ask any questions.

I appeared right in front of the Pokemon center I ran away from last night.

Mew...what kind of Pokemon was she? And why was she ordered to watch over me and make sure I didn't die? There's too many questions without answers and the part that bothered me the most was the Lunar Wing part. It felt like the answer to that question was hidden in the back of my mind and I couldn't unlock it for some reason.

I walked inside the Pokemon center and that's when Umbreon jumped on top of me.

"Where did you go?!" She growled.

"Umbreon, please relax, something happened last night and I have no idea what is going on anymore. Please allow me to explain." I sat down with everyone and looked down at my hands.

"Well?" Misty asked impatient.

"I was leaning against the side of the Pokemon center and that's when a phrase came out of my mouth that confused me. I had said I can't trust humans, all they want to do is hurt me, and this race isn't worth saving. I didn't know what it meant and I still don't, but that's when Mew appeared."

"Mew?" Brock asked and that's when Nurse Joy gasped.

"You can't be talking about the Mirage Pokemon are you?" I looked at her confused.

"The Mirage Pokemon?"

"Yes, the Mirage Pokemon Mew, it's said that Mew is the most Legendary Pokemon of them all, no one has ever seen what a Mew looks like, but for some reason on certain days an island appears and it's called Mirage Island. The island disappears after that day passes, Mew is said to live on that island." I looked down. Mew had said that we were on the Orange Islands, but that doesn't mean she didn't lie to protect herself.

"Has anyone ever been on this island?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes, there was one man from Vermillion City. His name was St. Surge." I froze.

"The Gym Leader of the Vermillion City Gym?!" I looked at the ground and sighed. "Then I have to go to the Vermillion City Gym and learn the answers to my questions..." I muttered and headed towards the door.

"Katherine..." I looked at Sabrina as she spoke. "Will you allow me to continue to travel with you? I feel horrible for the way I was unable to protect you from Team Rocket before."  I nodded lightly.

"I want to learn these answers as well, allow me to accompany you as well." I looked to the right and saw Gary standing there. I hadn't noticed him before, but I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

"I think it would be a lovely idea." Sabrina said and smiled brightly at me.

"Right, what she said. I think we better hurry. I have a feeling if we stay here much longer Team Rocket will come back and I will have caused a lot of trouble for Nurse Joy and the people of this city."  They nodded and we headed towards the door. That's when Growlithe came out of his pokeball and looked at me. "What is it Growlithe?"

"I want to stay out. I want to be able to protect you." I dropped down to my knees and hugged him.

"Thank you so much." He snuggled into my arms. I picked him up and we headed outside into the sunlight.

"So do you believe that Mew took you to that Mirage Island?" Gary asked finally as we headed out of the town and towards Vermillion City once again.

"Yes, I do. Mew told me we were in the Orange Islands, but that doesn't mean that she was telling the truth, if the Mirage Island is the home of the Mirage Pokemon Mew, then I'm sure that's where I was taken and that's where Mew healed my injuries."

"You know you never finished your story." Sabrina stated.

"Right I didn't, Mew seems to know me and seems to know more about my past than I do. She told me that she was ordered to watch over me and make sure I didn't die. So I think this has something to do with Sinnoh as well."

"Sinnoh? You mean the region far to the south of here?" Gary asked. I nodded.

"Yes, apparently that was where I was from. I have that feeling at least. I have to know if there is someone in Sinnoh that was meant to watch over me when I was there and when I was abandoned in this region they gave the job to Mew. Which mean other Pokemon were meant to originally watch me." That's when I saw the entrance to Vermillion City. A few hours had passed since we had started on our way to this city, explaining that story took a while.

"So you believe that other Legendary Pokemon were meant to take care of you, but they can't leave their region and so the job of protecting you was given to Mew? You think we're going to believe that?" Gary exclaimed.

"I don't expect you to, I hardly believe it, but then why would Mew tell me something like that?"

"Maybe you imagined it, maybe another Pokemon healed your wounds and maybe you're just imagining you met this Pokemon." Gary tried to rationalize what I had explained.

"Well we'll find out when we meet Lt. Surge." I said and then rushed to the Gym once we were in town. Growlithe had jumped from my arms and was running at my side with Umbreon.

I opened the gym doors and looked inside.

"I've come to speak with the Gym Leader Lt. Surge." I demanded and walked inside.

"Well pip-squeak, only people who beat me get to know anything about me." A large man with blonde hair stood there with a Raichu beside him.

"Very well then I challenge you for the Thunder Badge." He laughed and we took our places at opposite sides of the arena.

"Each trainer will use one Pokemon each." The ref stated.

"Be careful, Kat. Lt. Surge is not a trainer to take lightly." Sabrina said and Gary nodded once.

"Raichu let's finish this quickly so we can have lunch." I looked down at Growlithe.

"Do you think you can battle?" He nodded sharply and jumped forward into the arena.

"Ah the pip-squeak chose a pip-squeak!" Surge laughed with the other trainers in his gym.

"Growlithe, let's show him we're far from being pip-squeaks." Growlithe jumped towards Raichu.

"Raichu use Thunderbolt!" I giggled.

"Growlithe dodge and use Flamethrower!" Growlithe moved to the side and then used Flamethrower on Raichu. I watched Raichu fall to the ground.

"Raichu!" Raichu rose, struggling.

"You lack speed and that is your downfall." I said and looked at Growlithe. "Use Agility, then use Fire Spin." Growlithe used Agility and rushed around Raichu making the Pokemon dizzy. Then used Fire Spin to make the Pokemon finally fall for the last time.

"No...Raichu lost..." Surge said and I walked over to him with Growlithe and Umbreon.

"I want some answers to some questions I have." He sighed and then handed me the Gym Badge.

"Very well. What is it you want to know?"

"The Mirage Island, what did you see when you were there?" He froze.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I believe I was taken there by the Mirage Pokemon Mew, tell me did you see Mew and if so did it look like a small pink floating Pokemon?" He looked at me amazed.

"So you've seen Mew as well." Gary and Sabrina looked at him stunned.

"So Mew really does exist?" I looked up at the ceiling thinking about Mirage Island.

"I have to go there. What day does it appear?"

"I couldn't tell you. Forgive me but when I saw Mew it was during the war. I had randomly appeared on the island and the second I woke up and was healed I was gone. But I remember seeing a small pink Pokemon and later I learned about the myth about Mirage Island. I have no doubt in my mind that the Pokemon you and I both saw was the Mirage Pokemon Mew."

Mew, why did you send me away before I could ask questions? And who ordered you to take care of me?

"Katherine?" I looked at the entrance to the gym and saw my mother standing there.

"Mom?" I questioned and that's when Pikachu appear from around her leg. "Pikachu!" He jumped into my arms and I lightly pet him.

"I thought I might find you here. After what your father told me I knew there was something I had to tell you about the day we first found you." I looked at her confused.


"The Pokemon you just mentioned. The Pokemon Mew, a small pink Pokemon that is said to dwell on Mirage Island. That Pokemon was there when you were unconscious, Pikachu could probably explain it better because he saw it." I looked down at Pikachu. He nodded.

"She was looking down on you worried, she looked everywhere for some place to take you, but there was no place close enough that would be able to help you. She was worried she wouldn't be able to help you, she didn't want to stay exposed for long, fearing someone might see her. That's when I appeared. She asked me to find someone to come and help me and thanked me before disappearing into thin air." I let go of Pikachu and wrapped my arms around myself as I felt a shiver creep up my spine.

"Who am I?" I questioned and that's when I felt the ground begin to shake rapidly. I stumbled and was thankfully caught by Gary. That's when the ground underneath the arena exploded and three people appeared from within the hole.

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth that's right."

"Not you three again! Don't you get tired of saying the same stuff over and over again?" I growled and they flinched a little as my teeth sharpened.

"Now, now we came here to make sure all the precious little Pokemon in this gym are freed from their horrid trainers." Jesse said. I pulled out a pokeball.

"I don't think so. Go Celebi!" Celebi appeared and headed straight for Team Rocket.

"And what is that pip-squeak going to do to us?" James laughed.

"I'm sick of everyone calling me and my Pokemon pip-squeaks! Celebi use Solarbeam!"  I called out. Light surrounded Celebi and Team Rocket looked confused and then worried as a beam of light shot from Celebi's hands and straight into them. As the dust cleared they were laying on the ground but not completely out of the fight yet.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt." My mother called out and Pikachu attacked them thoroughly. I giggled as Pikachu landed in my arms and we watched Team Rocket make a wonderful exit through the roof.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. Thank you for protecting my gym." I smiled at Surge.

"I should be thanking you. You gave me some more closure on what happened to me on Mirage Island. Thank you so much for the Thunder Badge as well." He put a hand on my head lightly.

"You just take care of yourself alright?" I nodded lightly.

"I will. I have my Pokemon with me. I can't lose with them by my side." He chuckled.

"You're right about that. Take care."  Gary, Sabrina and I turned to see my mother was gone and in her place Pikachu stood there looking at me smiling.

'You're not my mom's Pikachu are you?" It shook its head. "Are you perhaps...Mew?" Gary and Sabrina along with everyone in the gym froze and stared at Pikachu.

"Please forgive me, I know I must have scared you when you left Katherine." She said through Telepathy.

"So you really are Mew..." She giggled a little and then changed into the creature I had seen a few nights ago.

"Mew..." Surge muttered.

"Surge, it's been quite some time since I saw you last, but I'm glad you're alright as well. I have much I should be apologizing for but the main one is to you Katherine. I treated you horribly. I know I should have at least tried to answer your questions, but I was scared. If I told you too much it would only confuse you more. You will have to wait until you return home to Sinnoh to truly understand what is the meaning behind your existence. So forgive me for not being able to explain that better, but I have another request if you'd allow me...."  I looked at Mew confused and a little stunned that this Pokemon that is supposed to be the most Legendary of them all was floating here in front of us without any fear whatsoever.

"And that would be?"

"I want to accompany you on your journey." I felt dizzy.

"You, the rarest Pokemon in the world, want to travel with me?" She nodded once.

"Will you be upset if I come along?" I shook my head lightly.

"No, but I am quite curious as to why."

"I mean when you think about it like that you're right. I shouldn't want to come along with you after hearing everything this world knows about me you think I would rather hide on Mirage Island, but that's not the truth. I want to roam, but you see...I can't because..." She trailed off and looked at the ground.

"Because you're a Legendary Pokemon so of course if a trainer saw you they'd want to capture you." Gary answered.

"Yes...I didn't want to be reduced to a pet, but when I met you Katherine, something in me changed. I was only asked to keep you safe from harm, but you were something I had never seen before in a human. I thought all humans were violent and only wanted to use Pokemon for their own selfish ways, but you...have shown me that there is more to Pokemon training than that. So please forgive me for misunderstanding you. I wish to come along and be of help to you in any way I can." She looked down and I could see the shame in her face. I walked over to her and lightly hugged her.

"You don't have to be ashamed of anything, Mew. I understand. I have several Pokemon who use to feel the same way that you do, they have come to change their hearts and they see now that there is a world that is far from the violent cruelty they know. I would be honored to have such a Pokemon come along with me. So if you want to come with us then that is fine by me." She looked at me shocked and then I felt the shaking of her sobs.

"Thank you so much...I promise I won't disappoint you." I held her gently and looked at Gary and Sabrina.

"Looks like we have a new friend along for the journey ahead." They both smiled and I saw Surge smiling as well.

"You two complement each other nicely. You three take care now and don't you go running into trouble if you can help it." I smiled and waved back at him as we headed out of the gym. Mew was curled up in my arms fast asleep.

"You're not going to put Mew in a pokeball?" Gary asked confused.

"No, because after hearing Mew's story it would only cause her more worry and fear. I want her to be comfortable and when she accepts me completely then she can decide for herself if she wants to be in a pokeball or not."

I felt Mew move and then the sound of a pokeball. I watched as Mew disappeared inside the pokeball and after shaking a few times stopped.

"I guess Mew accepts you." Sabrina said laughing.

"Hm, I guess so."


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