You're The One (MarkiplierXRe...

By Twixter23

4.5K 113 21

You are a girl in Denver, Colorado, and in college. You are also a famous youtuber, and your youtube name is... More

Plans To Go See Mark
Reading Hate Comments With Izzy
Meeting Mark
A Crazy Day (Part 1)
A Crazy Day (Part 2)
Please Stay
The Phone Call
The Next Big Day
The Picture
Settling In
The Shocking Surprise
I Will Be There For You, Always
Wheelchairs And Cameras
A Day With Marzia
Mark Does My Makeup
The Best Christmas Gift I Have Ever Gotten
Happily Engaged To My Heroic YouTuber
Fun And Games
Wedding Dress Shopping With The Gals
Answering Tweets With Mark
The Day My Life Will Change
The End Of The Beginning

A Fun Day At The Pool

190 4 1
By Twixter23


I woke to the smell of fresh pancakes being made. I fluttered my eyes open, and inhaled the sweet smell of pancakes. I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed, and checked the time. 9:23 a.m. cool! I didn't over sleep! I got out of bed, and got out my swimming suit, and then something to where on top. I used the bag to put towels in, and headed into the kitchen with it.

I set it on the chair and saw Aunt Brenda flipping a pancake on a pan, with finished pancakes on a plate, that was setting on the table. There might have been 7 or 8 of them on the plate.

"Um, Aunt Brenda? Expecting company this morning?" i asked.

"Hmm? Ah, yes i am. Your friend called on your phone when you were sleeping last night, so i picked it up, and he asked if he, and the others could come in the morning, so i accepted. They should be here at any time now...." she said, as she eyed the front door, then went back to the pancake on the pan.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. I ran over to the door, and quickly opened it to see Mark, Matthias, Amanda, Wade, and Tyler.

"Hi!" i said excitedly. "Come on in! There's pancakes on the table, if you guys are hungry." i said as they walked in one at a time.

"Oh great! We haven't ate yet, so thank you!" Matthias said.

Everyone sat at the kitchen table, and grabbed a couple pancakes. I sat down at the empty seat next to Tyler, and Mark, and grabbed a couple pancakes for myself.

"Wow, these are really good! You didn't have to go through the trouble to make this for us!" Amanda said, feeling guilty.

"Oh, no! It was no trouble at all! I enjoy making food for people!" Aunt Brenda said.

"Ok.." Amanda said, still unsure.

After we all ate, we decided to get ready to get in the pool. Lucky for me, i already took care of that. Everyone took turns in the bathroom. Wade went first. He spent at least 5 minutes it there, and walked out of the room with blue swimming trunks on, and a red shirt with a big 'W' on it.

Matthias went next, and was done in less than 2 minutes. He wore red trunks, but without a shirt. Amanda went next. She came out in a bikini. Tyler went, and came out in his black trunks, and he wore a white shirt. Then it was Marks turn. He took about 5 minutes, before he came out in swimming trunks with pick mustaches all over it, and was shirtless. God, he was in perfect shape. It made me blush a bit.

"Are you gonna get ready, Y/N?" he asked.

"I already am." i said. He looked at me up and down.

"Uh, are you sure your gonna swim in that?" he asked me, lifting a brow.

"Hmm? Oh! No, I'm not swimming in this! Its underneath ya goof!." i said, punching him lightly on the shoulder. I lightly pushed him out of the way so that i could go in the bathroom, and take off the clothes covering my bathing suit.

When i was done, i walked out, into the living room. Everyone immediately stopped talking to look at me. I looked at mark, and he had that 'wow' look on his face again.

"Are we ready?" i asked everyone.

"U-uh...ya! Ya, were ready." mark said, snapping out of whatever trance he was in. I squealed in excitement, and ran out the back door, with everyone else close behind me.

I went to the deep end where the diving board was. I climbed up the ladder, and walked up to the edge of the board. Everyone else was already in the pool by now. They all looked at me, and i waved. They waved back, and i stepped back a few steps, and ran back to the edge, jumping off. I did a couple front flips, and dove in.

I swam back up to the surface to see the others applauding.

"Wow Y/N, i didn't know you could do diving tricks!" Wade said.

"Hey, playing tricks on you guys isn't the only kind of tricks i can do!" i said, pretending to be offended.

"Obviously!'' Amanda complimented. I giggled, and rested my arms over the edge of the pool. I didn't even hear mark behind me. He quickly grabbed me from behind, and lifted me up bridal style. Since we were in the 3ft deep side of the pool, he could walk. He walked closer to the edge of the pool, with me struggling to get out of his grip.

"Mark! Let me go!!" i shouted. He just giggled.

"Nope" he said, and looked down to see me pouting. He smiled evilly, and stopped walking. He lifted me up higher, and threw me into the pool. It took a second, but i eventually got to the surface. Mark was laughing at me, which made the others laugh along with him. I wiped the water from my eyes, and playfully glared at Mark.

"Ha ha. So funny." i said sarcastically.

"I'll get you for that." i said, smiling.

"Hahaha ok." mark said.

After that we all just got in a group, and talked about random stuff. Within 4 hours later, Aunt Brenda came out with a beach ball.

"How 'bout a game with a volley ball?" she said.

"Ya! Sure!" we all said at once. Aunt Brenda giggled, and tossed the beach ball to us.

"Thanks!" i yelled to her, as she walked back to the house.

"Ok who's on who' team?" i asked.

"Ok, since I'm more awesome, i'll be team captain, and Matthias will be the other team captain." mark said.

"Fair enough. Pick your teams!" i yelled, and went over to Matthias's side so that i can kick mark's ass again. Amanda joined me. Tyler and wade went to Mark's side. I had the ball, so it was our turn to go first.

"Ready to get your ass kicked Mark? I asked.

"Oh its on, Y/N!"

- sorry, this is a little bit of a short chapter. I promise I'll do better!

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