The Boys From Hell ( Sequel t...

By buffyleelovesnialler

253K 8.6K 2K

With Louisa gone and no one caring about her except the lovable Matt. She tries to forget her time with the b... More

The Boys From Hell ( Sequel to Boarding School from Hell )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

17.4K 601 77
By buffyleelovesnialler

Third persons POV

Louis sat in the car and headed to the airport. They didn't get to move their tour to an early date, but they did get to go to each country a bit early. Liam was angry by he kept that behind scenes not when they were in front if cameras, who knows what people would think of them if they hated each other.

"Liam you right mate?" Zayn asked worried, he was upset that Jade couldn't come with him. But what he didn't know was that the boys had organized for Jade to surprise him.

"Yeah." He replied looking out of the car. Niall was nearly asleep due to not getting any sleep the night before. Zayn was excited or some unknown reason and Harry was listening to his phone.

"So how you and we going Louis?" Zayn asked Louis with a smartass tone.

"Fine actually,better than what me and Louisa had." Louis replied back in a sassy tone. Everyone wasn't happy with what louis done to Louisa but they will meet each other soon anyway so they kept quiet about it.

"God your so horrible." Zayn mumbled to himself. Louis shrugged his shoulders and tried to get some sleep for the long day ahead.

Louisa's POV

"Oi Louisa wake up." I heard Matt's voice waking me up and I groaned shooing him away.

"C'mon I wanted to take you somewhere." I growled at him before sitting up.

"How can I go anywhere. I'm suppose to be dead remember." I stated.

"I was thinking maybe changing your hair colour it something. You know something different?" When I thought about it, he was right I needed something different about me. I didn't get to change my colour before since I forgot, but now was a great chance.

"Fine, what colour was you thinking of?" I asked.

"To be honest you would be a hot as brunette, so what about brown?" I chuckled at his comment and nodded agreeing.

"I will just go and get some hair dye, the good stuff. Just get changed and be ready in about fifteen minutes." I nodded getting up, while he walked out the door.

"I'm home." He said, walking over to me and handing me the box.

"God I'm actually scared." I mumbled to myself.

"It's ok, your making it sound like a pregnancy test." I started laughing and he laughed along as well.

"C'mon let's go and put this stuff on." He said and we headed to the bathroom.

Long minutes waiting and Matt had finally said it was time to look at my hair. He had to blow dry it and still wouldn't let me look at it.

"Ok you can look now." He turned me towards the mirror and I gasped, at how different I looked.

"I look-"

"Hot, see I told you." I chuckled at his comment.

"I was thinking we could go to the mall or something?"

"Yeah that would be quite cool." I responded.

"C'mon i'll give you a pair of glasses you can borrow for the meanwhile."

"You'll have to use some to." He nodded and got a pair from his pocket. He gave me and then walked toward the bed and grabbed the pair, put them on and we headed outside.

We walked to the nearest mall and thankfully no one noticed us, with the glasses on.

"We should go have a look at some clothes or something?" He asked.

"Yeah sure I need some new clothes anyway." He smiled before bringing me into a shop.

I had found some shirts, jeans and underwear.

"Here I will pay for them." I shook my head disagreeing.

"No I want to." I replied.

"I am." Was all he said and I unwillingly handed them to him. He paid for them and held the bag why we walked through the mall, looking at different things.

"I just have to go to the bathroom." I said and walked to the ladies room. I done business and washed my hands. I looked at the mirror and their was a face there, I looked behind me and no one was there. I turned back to the mirror and nothing.

"I'm freaking seeing things." I mumbled to myself. I started to walk towards the door, but I was stopped. By that same man in the mirror

"My sweet Louisa." He said and walked towards me. I fell to the ground and crawled backwards towards the wall.

"Go away." I stated.

"No, your mine." He said and came up close to my face. He brought his hand close to my face and then I heard a door open and he was gone. I looked towards the door and Matt was standing there, he looked confused.

"You ok?" He asked and I shook my head, who the hell was that.

"What happened?" He came towards me and sat next to me.

"There was a man in the mirror and then I turned to leave and he was right in front of me. He said I was his and he nearly touched me and you came in and he disappeared in thin air." I was literally shaking, this isn't your normal everyday thing.

"C'mon let's go home and i'll see if I can contact anyone to find out who it was." I nodded getting up and he kept me close, he had his arm around my waist and we walked out the mall like any normal couple. But we weren't a couple. He decided to get a taxi and we sat in the back quiet.

We walked inside my hotel room and I sat on the bed turning the TV on. I was flicking through the channel when a news report came up.

Family of Louisa Lane who was reported dead after no trace of her anywhere. Her family was found dead in their home this morning after a neighbour heard strange noises the night before. Police found her Mum and her step-dad with multiple stab wounds and cut wounds.They also said that Mrs.Porter Louisa's Mum was halfway through pregnancy and that the neighbour said that thy were waiting to tell Louisa they great news but never got to. Police have no suspects at the moment and are still searching for any evidence. Police think it was two people since there are two different type of cuts. We will keep you posted if any more news comes up, this is-

I turned off the TV and I immediately bursted into tears, Matt had gone into his room before I saw this. I got up and grabbed the TV throwing it to the floor, I grabbed all types if things an threw them. I noticed Matt had came into the room and grabbed my arms pulling me into his chest. I crumbled to the floor and he went down with me, he kept me close to him why I sobbed into his chest. I didn't notice that my Mum was pregnant, at y funeral since I didn't really look at her stomach.

"They're gone, I didn't even get to say goodbye. Who would do something like that. They're gone and my Mum was pregnant. My sibling is gone." I cried into his chest.

"Shh calm down." He replied.

"I don't want to go to their funeral, I know it sounds mean. But I just can't deal with that, going to my mothers funeral. I can't Matt, I can't."

"I understand." Was all he said, he got up bringing me out of my hotel room and bringing me into his. He lied down on the bed and rested my head on his chest.

"What are we going to do about my room?" I asked him.

"I was thinking we pack up and leave?"

"Ok but can we go somewhere and mourn my family first?"

"That's fine."

"There's a place where my Mother used to take me and it had a river with a bridge over it. I was thinking we get some roses or something and drop then into the river?"

"I love that idea, c'mon let's go then." I nodded getting up and we walked outside calling a taxi. He drove us to the park and there was a floral place right near it, we got some flowers. I walked to the bridge and we stood there for a few minutes in silence. I dropped the flowers in the river and I watched them as they went with the current, I saw some more drop and Matt had dropped some in the river.

"I wanted to, I know what it feels like." He said and smiled, I smiled back and we walked back and caught a taxi home. We arrived back at the hotel and Matt went into his hotel room, while I went into mine and sat on the bed. He came into mine and packed up my stuff, while I sat there in another universe.

"You ready?" He asked and sat next to me.

"Yeah I guess." I replied getting up. We heard a shout and scream and Matt's room door being ripped open.

"What's happening?" I asked him and he stood up, me behind him. We heard footsteps come to my door and suddenly it was kicked open. Two men were at the door and as soon as their eyes met mine, they smirked.

"Just stay behind me." He told me.

"Give us the girl." One of the men said.

"Never." Matt said and they fought, then one of them injected something in his skin. He fell to the ground, they turned towards me and I felt my demon side come out and they didn't care.

"C'mon, do we need to do this the way or the hard way." One if them said and tried to grab me, I lunged at him an scratched his stomach open. The other guy grabbed me and I turned around and ripped open his neck. I stabbed him in the heart and stabbed the other man in the heart as well, they both died. My attention turned towards Matt but as I walked towards him, everything went blurry and I fell to the ground. I tried to move my hand towards Matt but I was engulfed by darkness.

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