Weightless ☾Teen Wolf [DISC.]

By golightlys

77.7K 3.9K 1.5K

"Who the hell names their daughter Ryan?" "Really? My brother goes by Stiles, and you're questioning me?" ● ●... More

00; Prologue
01; School Daze
02; Baby Blues And The Little Green Monster
03; It Smells Like Girl And Mint Mojito Gum
05; Lunatic
06; You Have Some Stupidity On Your Face
07; Promise
08; Goal
09; Nightmares
10; A Cougar Is A Mountain Lion
11; Or Worse-Grounded
12; A Non-Werewolf Day
13; Little Werewolf Ass
14; Chemistry
15; Conference
16; A Period Does More Than End A Sentence
17; Really? Explosive?

04; Please Don't Flirt with Pretty Girls

4.5K 253 146
By golightlys

"Stiles, how many times do I have to tell you to put the damn cap back on the toothpaste?" Ryan yelled, rolling her eyes as she squeezed toothpaste onto her toothbrush, only receiving a mumble in return.

She hummed to herself she scrubbed her teeth, jumping around the bathroom in her tank top and underwear. Ryan nearly pissed herself when her phone rang, blaring the first few verses of 'Dear Maria, Count Me In'.

"Hello?" She answered, the greeting barely audible due to the minty spit filling her mouth. She spat it out and cleared her throat, trying again. "Hello?"

"Hey, do you think you can come down to the clinic and help me with the cats?" Scott's voice came through the phone, speaking loudly over the rain. "They're freaking out and-"

"Yeah, totally." Ryan rinsed off her toothbrush and dropped it in the cup, walking out of the bathroom and down the hall. "Let me just convince Stiles to let me take the keys."

"You're a lifesaver."

"Trust me, I know." She smiled smugly before hanging up the phone and sticking her head through her brother's door. "Hey, loser. I need the keys."

"For?" Stiles's eyes didn't leave the computer screen, where she could see him battling some mythical creature.

"I need to help Scott with something." She yawned, leaning against the wooden frame. "The animals are being weird I guess."

"Sure, just don't have sex." With one hand maneuvering the mouse, he grabbed his keys off his desk and tossed them over his shoulder, missing Ryan's outstretched hands completely.

"Wow, nice aim." She scoffed, bending down to grab them. "Tell dad I'll be back."

Ryan started towards the stairs, only pausing when she heard her brother yell her name. "What?"

"You're forgetting pants."


● ● ●

Ryan's teeth were chattering but the time she pulled up to the animal clinic, cursing her brother for not getting the heater fixed.

She parked and got out, becoming almost instantly soaked as she jogged towards the door. She didn't even notice the other car there.

Ryan opened the door carefully, not wanting the bells to jingle so she could sneak up on Scott and spook him.

She tiptoed towards the backroom, a small smile tugging at her lips until she heard a voice.

The brunette peeked through the small window just in time to see Scott sweep his thumb slowly across the new girl's cheek, a grin growing on Allison's face.

Ryan nodded to herself, turning around and heading back towards the door. She didn't care if she made noise opening the door this time, even slamming it behind her as she walked out of the clinic.

"What was that?" Allison whispered, jumping slightly and looking over at Scott.

"Uh, I'll check it out." Scott's eyebrows furrowed as he walked back out to the front of the clinic, opening the door in time to see a blue jeep peeling out of the parking lot.

● ● ●

"A wolf, did you hear me?"

"Yes, I heard you." Ryan sighed, crossing her arms. "I don't really care that much."

"What's up your ass this morning?" Stiles muttered, shaking his head before running over to Scott to tell him about what he overheard on the phone.

Ryan took her usual seat on the bleachers as the players all gathered in a huddle, looking up in time to see Isaac grin and wave at her.

She smiled and waved back, not noticing Scott mistake the wave for him or the way his face fell when he realized it was just the opposite.

"Now get out there, and show me what you got!" Coach yelled at the end of his small speech, causing all the players to get hyped up.

Ryan pulled out her chemistry homework, seeing as that was the only class she was practically failing besides French.

Half paying attention to molarity, she watched as Scott got shoved into the ground by Jackson, the girl wincing slightly.

Throughout the whole practice it seemed as if Jackson had it out for Scott, and Ryan couldn't help but feel a small twinge of guilt, seeing as she felt deep down that it was karma.

She jumped when a finger poked her shoulder, the girl turning around quickly to see Allison looking down at her.

"Hi, Ryan right?"

"Yeah." Ryan slowly closed her text book, looking at her warily. "Why?"

"I was just wondering if you and Scott were dating." Allison plastered a smile on her face, Ryan blinking in shock.

"No, uh," She cleared her throat, shaking her head. "Not at all. Just friends. Best friends, even."

"So he's single?" She raised an eyebrow, Ryan nodding slowly. "Good."

Allison turned her attention back to the field, Ryan slowly doing the same in time to see Scott flip over another player.

"Oh my-" Ryan stood up, her stuff falling off her lap as she screamed. "Holy crap!"

Scott turned around as the crowd cheered, looking at Ryan with a wide grin.

● ● ●

"It's simple really, you just have to remember the quadratic formula, and you'll be fine." Ryan shrugged, looking up at Isaac.

"Okay, I think I can do that." He chuckled nervously, looking at her notes again.

"God, I'm gonna kill Stiles if he doesn't tone it down on the heating system." She huffed, taking off her jacket to reveal her tank top. "Do you want something to drink? Anything?"

"Uh, sure." He nodded, looking around the room. She slid off the bed and opened the mini fridge under her desk, holding up two different sodas. "Pepsi is fine."

"Alrighty." Isaac frowned as he noticed the scarring that was visible on her shoulder.

"I don't wanna be rude or anything, but do you mind if I ask what happened?" He questioned, taking the soda Ryan handed him.

"No, it's cool. When I was younger, my mom had dementia, so I really wasn't supposed to sneak up on her or anything.'" She explained, playing with the condensation on her can. "But I did, while she was boiling water. So she freaked out and dropped it on me. I got third degree burns, so I had to get a few skin grafts."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for asking-"

"No, it's fine." She shrugged it off, popping her tab and taking a sip of her drink. "I don't mind talking about it. Besides, scars are pretty cool."

The two looked at the wall when they heard Stiles and Scott yelling, followed by something slamming against the wall.

Ryan got up and opened her door in time to see Scott walking out of Stiles's room, the girl stepping in front of him. "What's going on?"

"It's none of your business." Scott muttered, moving to step around her. She just stepped in front of him, arms crossed. "Ryan."

"What's going on?" She repeated, Scott clenching his jaw.

"Leave me alone."

"Excuse me?" She scoffed, looking at him in shock. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." He shoved by her, almost knocking her into the wall.

Ryan winced, standing in the hallway as he stormed off.

"You okay?" Isaac asked, poking his head out of the room.

"Yeah." She frowned, shaking her head. "I'm fine."


Not edited

If any of you caught that major foreshadowing, props to you

Too lazy to add a gif, sue me

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