The Billionaire's Assistant...

By Negeari

47.9K 1.6K 132

Chris Brown is a young billionaire playboy until he meets the beautiful gorgeous Rihanna Fenty who starts as... More

Ch. 1 Meeting
Ch. 2 - Flirt
Ch. 3 Work & Play
Ch. 4 - Fooling Around
Ch. 4.1- Fallin/The Gala/Audition
Ch. 5 - Office Quickie
Ch.6 - Style on em
Ch. 7- Barbados/Meet the Parents
Ch. 8 - Lost in Paradise
Ch. 9 - 1Love Club
Ch. 10 - Last Day/Cookout
Ch. 11- Back to Business/Stalker
Ch. 12- Flick
Ch.13 -Leaving | Confront
Ch.14 -The Plan
Ch. 15 - Is it Mine?
Ch. 16 - The Test
A|N: Short Chapters
Ch.17 - The Results...
Ch.18 - The PhotoShoot
Ch.19 - Ride Or Die
Ch. 20 - Blessed
Ch. 21- NYFW
Ch. 22 - New Beginning
A|N: Important Message!

Ch. 23 - Power Couple

1.3K 46 9
By Negeari

12 months later

Chris' POV

"Baby I need you to get dressed." I told Robyn as I step inside our bedroom. A Instant smile spread across my face as I saw Robyn holding our 2 month old son in her arms. I looked at how beautiful she became even more since giving birth to him. This was the first time I'd gotten to experience the whole pregnancy with Robyn since I didn't get to experience the birth of Carmen. I loved Robyn even more giving me a son who would one day be an heir to the Brown fortune like his sister they will be set for life and I'm so happy that they will be able to enjoy the fruits of my hard earned work.

Tonight me and Robyn were going to the Grammy Awards. I was being nominated for 4 categories and I was so happy that I got to bring my passion for music out to the world. This was going to be a special night cause it was the first time since Robyn gave birth to Christiansen would attend a big industry event with me.

I finally Robyn got dressed in a sexy ass dress that was sure to be a head turner. She looked absolutely gorgeous and her body was amazing you couldn't tell she just had a baby 2 months ago her SnapBack would put any other pregnant woman who was trying to work out to shame."You look beautiful BabyGirl." I told her as I helped her in our black Escalade. Smiling she kissed my lips before sit down in her seat. "Thank you baby now let's go so we can get our party on." She said excitedly. I laughed closing the door before joining my baby in the back.

We arrived to the Grammys hand and hand as camera flashed. Robyn and I took a few pictures together before she stepped to the side to let me have my shine alone. I loved her for that she knew that this was a big important night for me and so even though we both we getting all the attention she wanted me as her man to be recognize more for my music talent. She stood back and watched like a proud wife as I confidently looked into the cameras adjusting my hat as photographers took pictures of me. Soon after that was over Robyn grabbed my hand pulling me towards her before we indulged in a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked as she wiped lipstick off my bottom lip with her thumb. "I'm proud of you baby look at where we are together we made it. I'm so grateful for you, our kids, and these opportunities that have shared together." She said. I smiled at what she said. This was big for both of us and we came a long way.

Watching Robyn show off her post baby body was making me proud as her husband that I could pull somebody as beautiful and amazing as her. She changed my life for the better and I couldn't have ask for more better person as my queen. Robyn looked like Royalty as fixed her dress while smiling at the cameras giggling. I couldn't believe she was my assistant and now my wife and the mother of my son. I was beyond happy that she came into my life.

"Baby come here." Robyn accented voice called out to me interrupting me from my thoughts I walked over to her putting my hand on the small of her back. We smiled as more flashes of cameras came our way. "Rihanna Chris how do you feel about being a power couple." Asked an interviewer holding out her microphone. "Wow that's amazing but we don't look at ourselves like that because this is an actual relationship and marriage not a business move. We appreciate that you hold us to that standard but all I ever did was fall in love with boss and wouldn't change for the world." Robyn said smiling while looking at me. "If you want to call us a power couple that's great but call us a power couple for the right reason the power of our love is what absolutely makes us a power couple and if this money and fame was gone tomorrow I know that I would still have the love of my life and our kids and that makes  me the happiest man in the world." I kissed Robyn on the lips as we both made our way inside for the Grammy awards.

Inside the Grammy Awards Robyn watched proudly as received three Grammys tonight. One for best R&B album, the second for Best songwriter, and third for album of the year. I was now receiving my last award which was for album of the year: when my name was called Robyn clapped along with everyone before getting up out her seat and giving me a congratulations kiss. "I love you." She whispered against my lips before giving a smile. "I love you too baby girl." I said before making up the stage I grabbed my award from the presenter before looking at everybody as I give a big bright smile to the crowd.

"Wow I can't believe that I'm blessed like this. I really wasn't expecting to get any awards tonight cause honestly I just wanted to make music and not be awarded for my talents; but im glad you all my fans especially have recognize my love for music. This year has been an exciting time for me. My album went #1, my beautiful wife gave birth to my son Christensen two months ago and I have been blessed with having my beautiful daughter Carmen in my life and I'm also excited to embark on a major world tour soon. I just want to thank the Grammys for showcasing my talent and letting me show you guys that I'm the best at what I do. I want to thank my mom for never giving up on me making me follow my dreams and raising to be a respectable strong intelligent young man. Last but not least I want to thank my fans and my wife without you guys I wouldn't nothing you guys are greatly appreciated. Robyn thank you for never giving up on me baby thank you for encouraging me to go further in my music career. Tonight I'm the true winner for winning your heart. I love you. Thank you again everybody." Everybody stood up and clapped for me as I scanned the audience Robyn send me a wink my way I smiled and blow her a kiss.

Looking back now can't believe I made it to this point in my life. I was just a billionaire playboy living the single life and taking care of my businesses; that was until Robyn Rihanna Fenty walked in to my office for an assistant job and also changing my life forever. She was now my wife, the stepmom to my daughter and the mother to my son. Throughout all the up and downs in our relationship we still managed come out on top and show that our love prevailed. Still to this day I can't believe my assistant is the woman I needed all along who supported me through everything even when she didn't have to. My life has changed for the better with her by my side and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A|N: That's a wrap. The Billionaire's Assistant is now complete. This book came as an idea 2 years ago and I would like to thank everyone who has supported this book. I hope you had fun ready as I had fun writing it.  Love you guys 💞 - N

P.S. I decided not to write a epilogue cause I really wanted to end the book but if I ever decide to do that in the future I'll let you guys know.

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