Waking up Hitched in Vegas |...

By PaintedWings77

149K 2.6K 1.1K

Anastasia is a good, sweet girl. Her idea of excitement is Tuesday night book club meeting. She was engaged... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Vegas
Chapter 4 - Wedding Reunion
Chapter 5 - A dinner date
Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 - Lockdown
Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance
Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow
Chapter 19 - Masquerade
Chapter 20 - The Past becomes the Future
Chapter 21 - True Lies
Chapter 22 - The Turning Point
Chapter 23 - Drowning
Chapter 24 - She comes Undone
Private Instructions
Chapter 25 - Love and Monsters
Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning
Chapter 28 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice
Chapter 30 - The warrior's secret
Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 32 - Love in the time of dragons
Acknowledgement and Thanks

Chapter 14 - Secrets

4.5K 88 32
By PaintedWings77

A/N: A quick little author's note before the story :) I named this chapter, and I am in the process of naming the previous chapters I wrote to this story. I probably should have done this when I first started but short clever titles are not my forte.


A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. - Gloria Stuart

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and thankful that I didn't have any more weird dreams. I vigorously scrubbed my face after I sat up.

Images of Zak licking my breast came rushing back but I quickly pushed those thoughts to the dark recesses of my mind. It was just too mortifying to even consider that Zak had been only inches away and might have witnessed the incriminating act when I woke up with my hand between my legs.

One thing that was clear, at least to my subconscious mind, was that I needed to deal with my issues with Justin. If the dream wasn't a wakeup call, I didn't know what was.

I got up and stretched. I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Even though I had slept, I felt like hell. But there was no time for lollygagging. There was so much to do today. I needed to change and then Nick had said something about research before going to the house tonight.

Right now though the only thing that matter was changing and taking a shower. I felt so gross. I hated sleeping in my clothes. I quickly found my shirt and changed. I had no idea where Zak was. He wasn't in the room and didn't leave a note or anything. I also realized my phone was still in the car which was at Cathy's.

I found some paper and quickly scribbled a note for Zak telling him I was going to Cathy's. Her apartment was only ten minutes away and when I pulled in it was a bit after nine in the morning. It was the weekend and I figured she was still in bed so I was thankful I had kept my key so I didn't have to wake her, but when I came in, I was surprise to find Aaron cooking breakfast and Cathy sitting at the table, sipping her morning coffee.

When I came in all eyes were on me.

-"Ana!" Cathy said excitedly. She got up and ran to me, embarrassing me in the biggest hug I had ever received. She then pulled back but kept her hands on my arms. "I am so sorry! Please forgive me, I should have told you," she spoke rapidly as if afraid I would cut her off before she got a chance to finish. "I just love you so much, you are my sister and when Aaron told me I wanted to tell you but I thought Zak should, and you are both so cute together."

-"Cat, it's alright." I said.

But it was as if she hadn't heard me and kept rambling.

-"I mean you glow when your with it, you should see it, and I just didn't know what to do, I don't want you mad at me."

-"Cathy! It's fine!" I said a bit louder and forcefully.

-"It is?" She seemed shocked.

-"Yeah ... I mean I was mad at first, but now, it seems silly to be mad at you, with everything going on I need my best friend."

She squealed like a little girl and hugged me again.

-"Come on, Aaron is making me breakfast, come eat with us." She urged me.

-"Just give me a few minutes to shower, okay?"

My shower felt like heaven, and putting on clean clothes was like pure bliss. I wore a pair of old comfortable jeans and a simple black T-shirt. When I came back out Aaron was at the table eating and chatting with Cathy. It was rather cute to see them both so cozy together. Not many people got to see this side of Cathy. Most of the time, when we were out with people she was loud and funny and it felt like she was on, like she had to put on show for others. They expected her to be this way so she did it. But in reality Cathy was not always like that. She was loving and caring too.

I really hoped that she and Aaron had something permanent going because they were obviously happy together. Feeling like a total voyeur for watching them I moved into the kitchen where they both were.

-"You ready to have a wild investigation?" Aaron asked me when I walked closer.

-"I think so." I felt so nervous, I wasn't to sure what to expect tonight.

-"Aaron asked me to go, but I told him there is no way I am stepping foot in that creepy house." Cathy piped in.

I took a seat next to Aaron.

-"It's alright babe. These things can get pretty intense, especially if it's as active as Zak says."

-"He said that?" I asked curiously.

-"Yeah, he's pretty psyched about it. He's a little concerned about what's there though ..." Aaron trailed off.

-"What do you mean?"

-"Well ... "He shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Zak, he's an empath, he can get feelings from places and spirits, and what he felt in that house of yours Ana ... it scared him. I could tell it did ... we worked long enough together that I can tell."

This shocked me slightly. I was not one to believe in that sort of things, spirits, psychics and all that mumbo jumbo. My father's old house was the exception, and even there I wasn't sure I totally understood what was going on there. But I had always been a science and facts kind of girl.

-"An empath?" I said with humor in my voice.

-"I'm serious! It's one reason why when we get back from investigation that he is so moody after, it takes its toll on his mind. It does on all of us, but him more so."

I was left with that information to stew over since Aaron received a text telling him and I to meet Zak and Nick at a local diner. Aaron gave Cathy a lingering kiss that made me feel rather awkward and then wondering if I needed to get a hose to break them up. Aaron drove the rental car, while I took my car. The diner was only a couple minutes away from the guy's hotel.

Zak and Nick were already sitting in the fifties style both. The whole diner had a classic look to it. The tables and seats were that classic robin's egg blue. The restaurant itself was white with bright red stripes. The old jukebox was playing Eddie Cochran, 'Summertime Blues'. Nick waved us over, he sat on one side, while Zak was on the other side. Aaron sat next to Nick leaving the seat next to Zak free.

I found I had a hard time looking at Zak without wanting to blush at the thought of my very explicit dream. I sat down without glancing at him and quickly grabbed a menu when our pretty waitress wearing a poufy poodle skirt and a high ponytail came over.

Aaron only ordered coffee since he had already eaten. Nick and Zak got the breakfast special and I opted for some tea and fruit, since I laid eyes on Zak when I entered the restaurant my stomach had been doing backflips. Then again it seemed to always do that when I was around Zak.

-"So Billy is going to be here in a few hours. He's going to meet us at the house this afternoon so we can set up." Zak said as soon as the waitress walked away. His tone was all business. "Aaron and I are going to canvas the neighborhood, ask questions and see what we can dig up. Nick and Ana, you two head over to the historical society and see what you can find out about the house and property."

I felt a little stab of hurt when he said those words. He was sending me off with Nick, and not him. It was almost like he was purposely avoiding me. As I dared to glance at Zak I noticed today he wasn't wearing his glasses. Well he was, just not his prescription glasses. He had one a pair of sun glasses which did a good job at hiding the now sickly yellow and discolored bruise.

Breakfast was sort of a blur because all three guys were in ghost hunting mode. They were exchanging information and talking about which equipment they should use tonight. But we soon found ourselves in the parking lot getting ready to leave.

I had parked next to Aaron's car and headed for the driver's side when Zak came jogging over and for the first time this morning he finally acknowledge my presences.

-"Ana …" I turned around and face him. He flashed me a croaked smile. "Morning." He said sheepishly.

I wanted to be mad, but having him so near me, the anger and annoyance all melted away.

-"Hey." I replied in a small voice. I distractedly looped my hair behind my ear.

-"Sorry I was gone this morning when you woke up. I got up early and couldn't sleep so I went to the gym."

-"Oh." I wanted to say more but when he said the word gym my eyes wander right away to his large biceps and chest …

-"Yeah … I needed to work off some … frustrations." He laughed awkwardly and I felt myself blush, understanding his meaning.

We stood like this for a few minutes until he leaned in and I thought he was going to kiss me, but to my dismay he didn't. He bent down so close I could feel his hot breath on my forehead as I remained as still as a statue. Zak hesitated and gave me a pained smile as he pulled back and walked away.

My heart was beating so fast I thought it might explode and I was suddenly very happy I had not had much for breakfast because my stomach was doing summersaults.

-"Ready Ana?" Nick's voice took me out of my trance and I quickly nodded and got into the car.

Nick and I went to the local historical society and spend the rest of the morning and a part of the afternoon looking at old records and pictures. It turned out that the land that the house was on had a very bloody past. It had been one of the many locations where the Seminole war had taken place. There had also been an old plantation on the property where many slaves had been kept and most probably abused and killed.

-"Well that sure opens up one hell of a door." Nick commented as he shut the eight books we had been reading through.

-"What do you mean?" I asked as I stood up and stretched.

-"Think about it. One bad event, like let's say a murder takes place. It's so traumatic for not only the person who is probably scared beyond anything any of us can understand, but the environment that happens in … it's like it makes a scar."

I nodded understand what he meant.

-"Well imagine not just one person scared shitless dying, but hundreds, all dying in a violent war, or being beaten just because of their skin color … can you imagine the kind of imprint that would leave?" Nick's voice had a hint of awe to it. "It's the kind of location ghost hunters dream of going too because it's usually pretty active … but they are the most dangerous too."

I started to restack the books to straighten the area we were in.

-"How is it dangerous?"

-"I read your book; you know first-hand what I mean." Nick said with seriousness.

I paused for a moment.

-"Those were just clumsy moments and my imagination." I dismissed.

-"Seriously …?"

I nodded and brought the books back to the woman who was on an old desktop computer. She gave me a small smile.

-"Just leave the books dearie."

When I turned around, Nick was right behind me.

-"This is serious Ana. A lot can go wrong tonight. One of us can get hurt, or be pushed or even possessed."

-"Possessed?" I gulped, feeling even more uneasy then before.

-"Yeah … This is no joke. We have to be careful."

Zak had a lot on his mind. He had avoided Ana this morning, and he felt guilty for that, but he had his reasons. Before he went to the gym this morning he had another email from Mark telling him that new pictures were posted of him. These had been from the woman last night, just as he had suspected she had sold her photos to one of the many gossip websites and the shots of him and Ana were plastered all over the net.

The pictures of him and Nick yelling at the girl were of course also there, with not so flattering headlines to accompany them. After his workout he had called Mark and told him to release a statement, which had been posted almost instantly as well. It basically said that he and his wife were requesting some privacy during their honeymoon and that they would make a public statement at a later date. Mark thought it was the best way to approach it by saying they were on a honeymoon, but he knew this wouldn't stop them from trying to get him and Ana in scandalous pictures. Especially since Ana's mother was very against this whole thing he knew it was a matter of time before she made her feelings known to the media.

He didn't want to upset Ana with the articles that were floating around, not anymore then she already was, especially before an investigation, which was really weighing down on him. He didn't often feel this way before a lockdown for the show. He felt very anxious about tonight and when he felt like this, it usually meant it was going to be an intense night.

Aaron and he had gone to many of the neighbors asking if they knew the owners of the property. He had gotten a number for them but it was disconnected and no one seemed to know who the owners were. He didn't like the idea of going on the property and filming without consent but it didn't matter at this point because this was happening.

Billy had just pulled up in a black minivan which was packed full of equipment.

-"Yo, what's up!" Billy said as he pulled in.

Zak walked over to the driver's side. Billy's window was open.

-"Hey." Zak greeted him.

Aaron waved and strolled over.

-"Damn, this place was hell to find." Billy complained.

Zak ignored him and looked in the back to see if all the equipment was there. Billy got out and whistled at the sight of the house.

-"So this is it huh?"

-"Yeah, some crazy shit happens here." Aaron said enthusiastically.

Zak opened the trunk and started to pull out some of the stuff while Billy talked to Aaron in a low tone. They thought they were being quiet but Zak could hear them not so quietly whispering.

-"So is it true?" Billy asked. "The forever proclaimed bachelor is married?"

-"Yep, he's married alright ..." Aaron chuckled.

-"How's he taking it?"

Aaron was quiet for a moment.

-"Well, she got him all tied in knots, even though he won't admit it."

Billy laughed loudly.

-"Can't wait to meet this awesome woman!"

-"Are you guys going to actually help me with this shit or are you going to gossip all day like two old bats." Zak snapped, as he took out the last box from the trunk.

Right on cue Ana and Nick pulled into the driveway and to Zak's annoyance he felt himself relax seeing that she was alright and unharmed which was ridiculous, what would happen to her?

Unable to stop himself Zak watched Ana unconsciously fix her hair and take a slow deep breath before getting out of the car. It was obvious, to him anyway, that she was nervous. Nick was already out the car, greeting Billy as he helped carry some equipment into the back of the house. Zak set down the heavy case he was carrying and walked towards Ana as she did the same. He found it rather humorous that they seemed to just naturally gravitate towards each other.

-"Hey." Ana smiled at him and he felt his heart thud a little harder.

-"How was research with Nick?" He asked a bit more gruffly then he had meant to sound.

-"Good. We found out a lot of stuff. I'm sure Nick can explain it better than me."

Zak gave a sharp nod. He couldn't understand why he was so short with her. He liked her ... a lot, which was the problem. He could pick up a different girl every day if he felt like it, but it wasn't often he met someone he actually might come to care for ... As they both stood silent, he cursed himself for not being able to think of something funny to say like Aaron or a smooth come back like Nick would have done. Ana shifted on her feet as her gazed traveled past him.

He turned around to see Billy approaching a little unsure.

-"That's just Billy." Zak shrugged as he grabbed the case back up and headed into the house.

I faced Billy who greeted me with a large smile and immediately came in for a hug. I was a little surprised by the hug. Billy seemed like a nice guy with that smile that was so friendly and open. Before letting me go from the hug he softly whispered in my ear.


When he pulled away I gave him a curious look. He had one the biggest grin I had ever seen on a person.

-"Thanks for what?"

-"I don't know how you are doing it, but you got Zak's panties all in knots and its absolutely fantastic to watch!" He laughed.

I tried to not return the smile but his laugh was quite contagious.

-"That is awful to say!" I laughed. "And I don't think I have anything to do with it."

-"I think you are wrong." He walked towards his minivan.

-"How do you know?" I jogged to catch up to him.

-"Well I been around Zak long enough to know when something is bothering him, which is never. The guy has large shoulders and doesn't let anything get to him, not like this. "Billy opened his door and shut the car windows. He shut the door again and turned to me. "And when I hugged you, he gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen."

Billy laughed again like a happy child on Christmas morning. He was enjoying Zak's torment way to much, although I knew it was all in a brotherly sort of way.

We headed into the house, which even in the early evening sun, it had a very eerie feeling to it. The guys were already setting up their laptops and some other equipment on the table in the kitchen. Nick had filled Zak in on what we had learned at the historical society.

Everyone was busy setting up cameras and other gadgets I had never seen before. They were fast and efficient and it was obvious they had done this thousands of times before. Billy sat in one of the rickety old chairs and turned the laptop on. Several different cameras popped up on screen, showing us different angles of the house.

I looked over Billy's shoulder with curiosity.

-"This is a view of the living room." Billy pointed to the first screen in the left hand side. "That is the hallway, and this one is the staircase that you were pushed in, and this is the upstairs." He turned to the other monitor that was setup. "This is a view with our full spectrum DVR, it allows us to record in a natural setting without IR light contamination."

-"If a ghost farts we sure as hell going know about it." Aaron said as he walked into the room. "I put enhanced digital recorders in every room."

Billy nodded and turned back to the computer screen and started to do some typing. Nick and Zak came back in but I only had eyes for Zak. I got to see him do what he loved. This was him in his element and I had to admit it was rather sexy to watch him.

But I was also starting to feel very overwhelmed. Old feelings I thought I had dealt with were coming back to haunt me like a ghost. I hated to admit it but I wasnt sure I wanted to do this anymore.

-"I want two people at a time investigating. That's it, when two people are off; everyone else stays in this kitchen. I don't want to take a chance to contaminate any evidence we get." He glanced down at his watch. "It's already eight so Aaron and Nick, you guys go first, stir things up a bit, then Ana and I will have a go at it."

Nick and Aaron nodded and grabbed a few gadgets from the table and they disappeared into the next room. Zak moved an old chair with the back of the chair facing the table. He sat down, straddling the chair.

-"Make sure you watch them good, if you see anything weird or their behaviors change let me know."

Billy nodded.

-"Why do you think there is a chance that there is more here than just a spirit?" Billy asked.

-"I don't know … This whole place as a weird vibe to it."

-"Yeah … like you are being watched." Billy finished.

Zak stood up and motioned his head for me to follow him. I noticed the poor guy couldn't sit still for more than two minutes. The house had a small enclosed sunroom off to the side, which was where Zak stepped into. This room was not as well kept as the rest. The windows were all boarded with cardboard and the floor felt very soft, I wondered if I might fall right through.

Zak had a flashlight with him which he lit when I entered the room.

-"Are you alright?" He asked.

The sunroom was quite large but it was packed tight with trash and old furniture, giving us very little room. Once I was inside the room, we were only a couple feet apart.

-"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

-"Okay … If at any point tonight you feel really uncomfortable or want to stop just tell us, and we can just walk away."

I watched Zak tall frame in front of me and I felt myself tremble. I felt queasy and I wanted to go home. The last images of my father were flashing in my mind and I knew I needed answers about this house and why I had seen my father here

-"I will be fine, but thanks." I said stiffly.

Ana was acting a little different Zak noticed. He wasn't sure what it was but it was like something in her changed right away. He didn't move but he watched Ana press her hand to her mouth. Zak then saw her eyes were squeezed shut. What was wrong? He sort of hoped she wasn't going to cry … he hated seeing women crying.

It was as if she was wrestling with something inside her because now a small noise came from her that sounded like a stifled whimper. He could tell Ana was about to bolt out of the room so he quickly acted and moved to the exit, blocking the door.

But Ana didn't turn around she silently stood with her back to him. He could hear a soft sniffle escape her.

-"Ana what is wrong?"

She jumped as if she had forgotten he was in the room with her.

-"Nothing." He saw her arms move as she wiped her face.

-"There is obviously something upsetting you … if it's the house …?"

-"No, no. We have to do this."

-"We don't have too. We can come back tomorrow or the next day …"

Ana turned towards him and he winced at the sight of her tearstained cheeks.

-"We have to do this." She said firmly. "It's my fault … It's my fault my dad died and I have to do this for him."

He hadn't been expecting that.

-"It must have been an accident." He took a couple steps towards her.

-"I didn't mean for it to happen." Tears streamed down her face.

He couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back.

-"What happened?"

-"It was two years ago … I was living alone but dad, he was sick. I don't know what happened he was so healthy. I can't even remember him ever catching a cold! But one day he just, I don't know, he looked sick. He was pale and his eyes were sunken in … and every day he got weaker and weaker. I started to go over to his house, to do chores before work … I made sure he had everything he needed for the day, and then I would hug him goodbye before I left every day."

Zak could tell that just from what she was saying she had always been a daddy's girl, not that he could blame her with the mother she had …

-"I also came over at night, and see how he was, sometimes I stayed on the couch. One night he was having trouble sleeping. He had horrible nightmares, he would scream … " Ana shivered. "Anyway … that morning when I came to say goodbye he was asleep … I didn't want to wake him so I just left. But when I came back that night he was still in the bed, in the same position …" Ana angrily brushed the tears away with the palm of her hand, but the tears just kept coming. "He died while I was gone."

-"Sweetie, he died naturally … it wasn't your fault."

-"But I knew he was sick! He refused to see a doctor, but I keep thinking if I would have pushed harder … or if I would have called 911 that morning, he might have lived. Even my mother said I'd done a lousy job of taking care of him …"

Zak winced.

-"Sweetie, I don't mean to be a jerk, but your mother is a fucking ass."

Ana blinked.

-"Trust me, I know about bad parents … I've always been I sensitive to things … People call it empathic, I just call it annoying sometimes. My dad … he's pretty religious and doesn't think that stuff is normal. After my parents divorced he refused to have me come to his house."

Ana's red-rimmed eyes widened.

-"Why not?"

-"Uhmm … how did he put it? I was a monstrous creature from hell. He feared I might call upon the devil … or some shit like that."

-"That's ridiculous! Anyone who knows you would know you could never hurt someone you love, and I really doubt you have the devil on speed dial."

Her declaration filled his heart. And the way her eyes flashed with angry indignation, he thought he'd never seen a woman more beautiful. He gave her a smile and stepped closer.

-"Are you alright now?"

She sniffled.

-"I think so. I'm really sorry about this. I've been an emotional wreck lately … with you know, everything, you just seem to keep seeing me at my worst."

-"Nah, I think you are at your best."

She gave him a dubious look.

-"With my watery eyes and red nose?"

He wanted to kiss her watery eyes and red nose.

-"Actually, I was referring to your compassionate heart."

She snorted.

-"I'm not feeling very compassionate. I was just thinking that your dad was a fucking ass."

He chuckled.

-"At least we both survived."

-"You know, when I first met you, I thought we were totally different." She motioned to herself, then him. "A nobody, Famous. Plain and dull, gorgeous and facetious. Intelligent, not so intelligent."

-"Excuse me?"

She grinned.

-"I'm kidding. But I was wrong. We actually have a lot in common."

-"You mean our heartless parental figures?"

-"More than that. We share the same worries and fears. That we're not worthy. That we'll fail someone we love." Her face grew sad again.

He touched her face and smoothed his thumb over her damp cheek.

-"You have more deep, dark secrets to tell me?"

-"I'm afraid so."

-"Man, you're so deep."

-"And dark." She smiled. "Thank you. I feel a lot better now."

He touched her other cheek, so her face was cradled in his hands. He could feel her heart racing. He moved closer. She didn't back away. He dragged his thumb along her jaw. Her mouth opened slightly, and she licked her lips. Ah, he wanted to feel that. He slid his thumb over her bottom lip, gliding over the moisture. She drew in a sharp breath.

-"You have the most amazing eyes," she whispered.

He moved closer till his chest was grazing hers. Her gaze drifted down to his mouth. Slowly she raised a hand, and then touched the stubble of beard on his chin. It was a simple movement, but he interpreted it as permission. She'd pushed the yes button, and that was all that mattered.

To hell with reason. He held her face and kissed her lightly once, twice. She leaned toward him, and his passion broke loose with a wild, devouring kiss. He pulled her close, one hand at the back of her neck, the other at her waist. He pulled her so close; her feet came off the ground.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The hunger he'd kept restrained since last night was unleashed. He couldn't taste her enough. Her lips, her tongue. He explored her mouth and nibbled her lips. She was sweet; she was trembling; she was clutching him tight. And he wanted more. It felt like he'd wanted her for centuries.

He trailed kisses down her neck, and then tickled her with his tongue on a path to her ear. She shivered.

-"Ana," he whispered.

He drew her earlobe into his mouth. She moaned and ran her fingers into his hair.


He smoothed his hands down her back, then cupped her bottom and gently squeezed. He was returning to her mouth for more kissing when he heard someone clearing his throat. He froze. Froze with his hands planted firmly on Ana's rump. He glanced over his shoulder. Billy stood in the doorway.

-"Errr …" Billy looked at the ceiling as if something interesting was there. "Nick and Aaron are back …" He quickly turned and left the room.

Zak let out a feral growl.

-"You and I have the worse timing in the world, Miss Ana."

To his delight Ana laughed and together they both headed back out into the kitchen. It was their turn to have a walk-through of the house that had as many secrets as Ana seemed to be keeping.


Wow, I am amazed by all the followers and readers to this story! Thank you so much.

I know a few of you really were hoping to read about the lock down  It was supposed to be in this chapter but I ran out of room. I try and keep my chapters between 5-6K words. But next chapter I do promise lots of spooks, ghosts and bumps in the dark for Zak and Ana :)

As always I love hearing from you so don't hesitate to comment!

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