Happy Ever After The Prank Ca...

By wmyb222

3.8K 115 42

Book Three of Harry and Zoe's relationship. Have they made the right decision in being together? More

Shower Sharing
Big Bad News
"Fight Fight Fight!"
Show Planning

Young Parents

749 26 3
By wmyb222

"Dinners Ready!" I called loudly, as I finished laying everyone's plates on the table. Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Millie and Darcy all came through to the dining room and took a seat. Our dining area was huge, seen as we lived in a mansion. The table could seat up to 20 people when it was fully pulled out to its maximum length, and we had three beautiful diamond chandeliers hanging from the ceiling above it.

"Where's Olly?" I frowned, as everyone began digging in to their lasagne.

"He's playing his Xbox." Millie giggled.

"You should of brought him down with you Mil." Eleanor told her daughter, raising her eyebrow at her.

"He wouldn't listen to me!" She pouted.

"It's alright, I'll go and get him." Harry smiled, and stood up. He returned a few minutes later, our son Olly hanging off his back.

"Here you go, Sir." Harry spoke poshly, gently placing Olly on his chair and returning to his seat next to me.

It was quite weird having children at such a young age. Harry and I were both still only in our 30's, and some people weren't even married by this time. Darcy was 15, and Olly was 10, and I think both of them enjoyed us being young parents. I liked it too. It meant we had a lot more energy to look after them, and we could still go out and enjoy ourselves with our friends when we needed a break. Several times I had been asked by people if I was Darcys older sister, and many of her friends would tell me what a 'cool mum' I was, though I could never tell whether they really meant it or were just being sarcastic.

"That was lovely Zoe, thank you so much." Louis smiled from across the table.

"Yes, thank you!" Millie agreed.

"I'll help wash up." Eleanor said kindly, and we together picked up everyone's plates and brought them through to the kitchen.

"Did you hear the boys have been invited to the Brit Awards?" She asked, as we began washing and drying up.

"Yeah, I was meant to ask you about that. Are you planning on going?"

"Definitely. Louis said that all the other girls are, so I think you should come too."

"I will. Do you think they are actually going to win an award? I mean, they haven't made music for quite a few years now. I'm worried people may have forgotten all about them."

"I think as soon as their millions of fans see that the boys are up as nominees, they will go crazy at the chance of seeing them again."

Harry and Louis joined us in the kitchen, both of them leaning up against the counter and drinking from their beer cans.

"We agreed yesterday that if we won the award we would do a couple of comeback shows. One in Birmingham, one in London, one in New York and one in California." Harry said, as he chucked his empty can in the bin and reached for another.

"Yeah, we would need to get back in contact with Simon about it, and we would have to have quite a few meetings and get it all sorted, but I think it would work out great." Louis added.

"Why don't you give him a call now? I mean, the quicker it's organised the better." I suggested.

"You're right. I'll go do it now." Louis said, pulling his phone out his pocket and heading out the room.

"And while you're here, you can help with the cleaning up!" I told Harry.

"I'm just leaving, Olly wanted me to-"

"Haz, put them dishes away now." I ordered, whipping my tea towel on his bum.

He laughed and jumped, pretending to be in pain, but he did as I asked and put the dishes back in the cupboards. We finished up and the three of us went and sat in the living room, switching the TV on and watching Impractical Jokers.

"I reckon Louis would be great as part of this show." Eleanor chuckled. "Maybe I should write them a letter." She joked.

As if on cue, Louis walked back into the room, a large smile on his face.

"Simon said that it's a great idea and he'd be happy to organise it for us. I've text the other boys as he wants us to have a meeting about it tomorrow at 9."

Harry jumped up, cheering and Darcy came bounding into the room.

"What's being organised?" She asked.

"Darc, it's rude to eavesdrop." I shook my head at her, but continued to smile.

"If One Direction win a Brit Award then they will be making a comeback." Louis told her.

Darcy clapped her hands. "Am I allowed to tell my friends? I can get everyone to vote for you!"

"I'm not sure if we are gonna make it public." Harry said. "I'll find out in the meeting tomorrow and let you know hun."

"Okay." Darcy nodded her head before leaving again.

"We should probably get going Lou if you have to be up early. Plus, Millie needs her sleep." Eleanor instructed.
Louis agreed with her and went to find his daughter, and then met us by the front door.

"I'll miss you!" Millie shouted as she ran down the stairs.

"Miss you too!" I heard Olly call back and all of us laughed softly.

"Thank you so much for inviting us over Zo, I'll see you soon."

"You're welcome anytime guys. Bye!"

I closed the door behind them and turned to face Harry, who wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Finally, I've been waiting all night to get your attention." He smirked, and I leant in to kiss him.

"Mummy Darcy took my-"

"Olly, go back upstairs!" Harry groaned.

Olly started to cry and ran back upstairs.


"Zoe I will sort him out in a minute. Please just kiss me." He almost begged.

I giggled and kissed him, tugging my hands on his curly hair.

Our kiss lasted a good 15 minutes before I pulled away, catching my breath.

"Now, go sort out our crying son."

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