My Favourite Colour (Green x...

By Calm_Espeon

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I hope you guys enjoyed/enjoy this story! I'm sorry if it's not to your liking, I have more stories and I hop... More

Vacation Meeting!
Planning... Stuff!
Rides and Love Rides!
Girls Night! Maybe...
Revenge is Sweet~
The Weird Date
Happy Birthday
Expect the Unexpected

Different than Before

1.8K 48 38
By Calm_Espeon

(C/N) = Child's name

Me and Green walked into my house and sat down on the couch. We kind of just looked at each other for a little while until we hugged each other tightly and kissed.

"Oh Green... I missed you so much..." I said in between kisses. "I missed you more than ever, ____..." Green replied back to me.

We broke apart and just laid down, spooning. He was breathing in my scent and stroking my hair with his right hand. I was holding onto his left hand and tangled our legs together.

"Green," I heard him hum in response. "Tell me all about your adventure to the Kalos Region. I'd like to hear about it."

He chuckled and agreed. "Well... Nothing has really happened. But there will be one part you won't like." I was interested now, I wonder what it could be..?

"Okay so, me and gramps arrived at Kalos and were picked up by some guy. We got to the lab there and settled in. The lab was quite fascinating indeed, lots of Pokémon I haven't seen before,"

I was jealous, I wanted to see new Pokemon too!

"The Professor, Professor Sycamore, greeted us and so did his assistant. Her name was Serena. Well, he had another assistant named Calem(?) but was away to another region."

"So, Serena was showing me around and telling me about all kinds of different Pokémon. Some of them were cute little Pokémon and some were tough looking."

"After some weeks of working there, I noticed Serena acting all strangely around me. I was confused but didn't pay no mind to it."

That Serena girl should've have tried to hit on Green! If she did... Ooh she's so gonna get it!

"Serena eventually came up to me and confessed some feelings she had towards me a year later. I was quite surprised but, I told her no and that I had a beautiful, lovely girl at home waiting for me."

I blushed and hugged him. "Did you really say that..?" I looked up at him. "Of course I did! You are all those things and more!" He smiled, cheekily, at me. "Thank you Green... Now continue!" He laughed, "okay, okay."

"Of course, she was devastated but she understood. She never really talked to me after that. Only when it was important. But, after the years went by, I grown so connected to the new Pokemon and..."

Green got up and held a Pokéball out. "This is for you!" I was shocked and happy. "Is this my souvenir you got me?" He nodded his head and ushered me to open the Pokéball. "Open it, I want to see your reaction."

I hurriedly opened the Pokéball and out came a Pokémon that looked like a blue gem. It had a rainbow colour on its head and felt cold, like an ice type Pokémon.

"Wow! It's so cute! What is it?!" I squealed, hugging the Pokémon. "Um... It's name is Aurora but... I wouldn't hug her like that if I were you."

I was confused and looked at Aurora. It had a bitter face on and I felt and saw a mist forming around her. Next thing I knew, I was frozen solid.

"B-Brrr... C-C-C-Cold!" I shivered, wrapping blankets around my form. Green was laughing so hard he fell down, clutching his stomach.

"Oh Arceus! You look ridiculously-!" Green stopped his sentence when he saw my cold glare. (( haha, get it? ))
"O-Oh s-shut u-up!" I kicked his stomach and he coughed.

"H-Hey! Is that what you do when you haven't seen you're boyfriend in three years?!" He rubbed his stomach, putting Aurora on his stomach to keep it from bruising.

"No... It's what I do to my boyfriend who's laughs at me for not knowing to hug it's sides!" I shot back. He just sighed and held his hands in the air. "Okay, okay. Just clam down."

I smiled in victory. I'm so awesome. "Hey, ____?" I looked down at him in confusion. "Yes..?" He blushed a bit, "d-did you... E-ever consider... H-having c-children?" I blushed a deep scarlet.

"U-um, I, hehe, m-maybe... Yeah..." He looked relieved that he didn't look stupid and also that his girlfriend wanted children like he did.

"U-Um... I know we're young but... I want children for a weird reason. Gramps wants to see his great-grandchildren and I just want to teach my kid the ways of this world and stuff..." He scratched the back of his head.

I smiled widely at him. I'm so glad he mentioned this. I got up and hugged him. He tended a bit but got up and fully hugged me. "Is that a 'I feel the same way... My handsome, sexy boyfriend' hug or..?" He smirked, I just slapped his head.

"You asked for it as yes, yes it is." A scarlet red hue formed on my face.  He unexpectedly picked me up and took me to my room.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" He smirked down at me and whispered in my ears, "turning on the baby-maker..."

((If you don't wanna read, look for bold letters))

Green put me down on the bed. He started to kiss my lips, biting down on my lower lip to gain entrance. I gasped at his action and he slid his tongue in.

I moaned which gave him dominance. We both separated for the need of air. We both panted for a bit, Green started trailing kisses down my jawline to my neck. I moaned softly and ran my fragile fingers through his hair.

He got to a certain spot where it was sensitive. I moaned and he began licking, sucking, biting, and kissing that spot. I moaned even louder and he got more and more turned on.

He slid his hands up my shirt, slyly, and unclasped my bra. He started to fondle my breasts and I moaned even louder then earlier.

He ripped off my shirt and my bra. He sucked on one of my breasts and fondled the other. I then took of his own shirt and slid my finger tips across his chest.

He groaned and went down to my most venerable area. He slid off my pants and panties. I tried to close my legs but he kept them spread wide open for him.

"____... This is what you want... Right?" He asked, looking a little concerned. I blushed deeply and nodded my head. "Y-Yeah... I-It's what I want." We both smiled.

I came up and took off his own pants and boxers. He sighed in relief, he was happy that his tight boxers weren't hurting his friend anymore. And I can see why.

He had a massive size, I didn't think it'd fit. He blushed but then smirked down at me. "Like what you see~?" My blush had darkened and I looked away.

He chuckled and then positioned himself. Hands on my headboard. He looked down at my with a questioning look. "Well, ____? Are you sure about-" I cut him off, "yes. I'm sure."

He looked utterly surprised but wasted no time. He slowly inserted in me and I clawed the bed sheets.
After a minute the pain went away. I motioned Green to do his thing.

He thrusted hard and fast over and over again. I felt like I was in heaven. I moaned and he groaned. He reached deeper into me and his my G-Spot. "A-Ahh~ G-Green~!" He took a mental note that said he should keep hitting that spot.

We both cummed and laid down beside each other. "I-I love you... Green." I passed out, after I heard him say, "I love you too... ____."


(( 1 month later ))

I was working at the lab right now, helping Professor Oak with some DNA tests. I was writing down all the important things he had to say about all of this. It was a really cool thing actually.

But then, I suddenly felt a little sick. I didn't think to much of it since I needed to work, and a little sickness won't bother me.

But this sickness got worse and worse, I fell to the ground on my knees and threw up. Professor Oak looked at me very worriedly. "____? Are you alright? What's going on?"

"E-Excuse me for a m-moment, please?" I looked up at him and he nodded his head. I ran for the washroom and I took out what I've been saving for situations like this one!

A pregnancy test!

I did 'that thing' to activate the test. I waited for what seemed like forever and I looked down. My eyes widened and a small smile crept on to my face.

I was pregnant.

I rushed outside to ask Professor Oak if I could go home early because I had to tell Green something important. He looked puzzled but agreed anyway.

"Green!! I ran into our now shared home, accidentally breaking down the door, and looked for Green.

"I'm in the kitchen, ____." I smiled and took a deep breath. This is it! I walked into the kitchen and I just stood there, smiling. He looked a bit confused and he asked if I could explain more.

"I-I'm... I'm pregnant!" I said to him. He just stood there, grinning like an idiot. "A-Are y-you... Are you serious?" I just nodded my head happily and I walked up to him, hugging him.

"I'm gonna be a mother..." I whispered on to his chest. "A-And I'm gonna be a father..." He whispered on the top of my head. He put down everything and wrapped his arms protectively around my form.

"I'm so happy right now..." He whispered. I had tears coming down my face. "Yeah... M-Me too."

We held each other in our arms for about some time now. We just didn't feel like moving at all. That's until I got an idea.

"Hey Green?" He didn't move he just hummed in response. "Should we tell your grandpa first or our friends?"
"Hmm... I'll phone gramps and you'll start making the calls with our friends, okay?"
I nodded my head and we got to work.

"Hey gramps? It's Green..."

"Blue! Who's there with you? Great! Tell everyone this then..."

(( 5 mins later ))

"OMG CONGRATULATIONS! Can I be an Auntie?! Please ____?!" Blue shouted. Everyone rushed down here, even Professor Oak had came down to see us.

"Blue, Yellow, Crystal, Sapphire, and Platinum... You guys can all be the Aunties if you'd like. And Blue... When you have time, I'd like to speck to you, privately." I said to the girls. They were excited and Blue nodded her head.

"Red, Silver, Gold, Ruby, and Dia... You guys are going to be the Uncles, Red, if like to speck with you afterwards too." They all fist bumped the air and were chatting. Red also nodded his head.

"Oh I'm so happy for the two of you... I'm glad I'm living as long as this to see all of this happening!" Professor Oak had some tears streaming down his face.
Me and Green went over to him and comforted him. "It's okay gramps, you'll see your great-grandchild." I just nodded my head in agreement.

"Blue, Red. We'd like to talk to you two now." They both came over to us and listened carefully. "If... If something were to happen to me and Green... We'd like you two to take care of this child." They both looked shocked. They weren't expecting this to be said.

"Oh ____... I'll do it. Thank you." Blue hugged me. "I-I'll do it... As well..." Red went up to Green and hugged him.
"Thanks guys." Green said to them.

Everyone was just having a mini celebration for the unborn child. I'm glad I have friends like these guys. It's amazing.

(( 5 months later ))

"Hey Green?" He came rushing down the stairs and looked at me worriedly. "____?! What is it?! Are you okay?!" I sweat dropped. Every time I call his name, he'd come rushing wherever he was to make sure me and the baby were okay.

"Everything is fine Green. It's just that, I think we should get... You know... Married?" He looked shocked and sat beside me on the couch. "Why?" I sighed, "because I want us to be officially together when this baby is born."

He looked away, thinking. "I um... Hold on a sec." He went back upstairs and came back down a minute later.

"I was actually saving this for later but... I guess it can't be helped now, now can it?" Green went on one knee with a beautiful (your birth months stone) ring.

I had tears at the brims of my eyes. I was thinking like a month from now or something but... Wow.
"Green... How long..?" "Since a month ago."

I hugged him and whispered a 'yes'. He hugged me back and kissed me.

"I'm glad... So, who do you want to invite?" I thought for a moment. "The gang, gramps, my parents, my work partners, and Gold's grandparents. They've been so nice to me, I have too."

Green smiled at my decision. "Alright then. I'll phone everyone and tell them to come by... Next month?" I laughed and said, "sure. They won't have time to be ready this month anyway."

(( 1 month later (7 months pregnant) ))

Me and Green had everything set up for the wedding. Gramps would be the priest, Blue would be my maid of honor, Red would be Green's right hand man(?), and the flower girl would be Yellow.

My father, (F/N), would be walking me down the aisle. "Ready, ____?" I nodded my head and we walked down the aisle. Gold's grandma gladly accepted playing the piano for us, she was doing a wonderful job at it to.

We finally made it to the end and my father let go, smiling at me. My mother was crying, as expected.

"We gather here today to..."

(( kissing .-. ))

"You may kiss the bride." Me and Green happily kissed. People were either cheering or crying.
Me and Green broke the kiss and looked at everyone. We walked down the aisle and we had our after wedding party.

"Oh man... I was hoping I wouldn't cry!" Blue cried and Red was patting her back. "Congrats guys! I'm so happy for you two!" Sapphire cheered. "Thanks Sapphire!" I hugged her. "Congratulations ____, Green. Take care of her!" Crystal said. Green hid behind me. "Thanks Crystal... For scaring him!" We both laughed. Green pouted.


Everyone had soon left, it was just me and Green. "You know Green? I'm so happy... This is all happening. I'm glad to have met you and the gang." He smiled down and me, "me too ____... Me too..."

(( 4 years later ))

"(C/N)!" I shouted, trying to get my (son/daughter) back. A Herdier that I was taking care of at the daycare took (C/N) and (C/N) was riding it's back! I was scared to death (he/she) was going to fall off!

"It's okay mommy! Lookie, see! I'm fine!" I sighed in defeat. Nothing was going to change (his/her) mind. "____? (C/N)? I'm home!" We both perked up our ears.

I quickly picked up (C/N) from Herdier's back and went to go see Green. "Green!" "Daddy!"

We all came in for a group hug. Green was away for a couple days at his gym. We were all happy to see each other again. "I missed you guys so much..." Green said, kissing both our heads.

"Com on, daddy! Don't do that!" Me and Green chuckled at (him/her). "Hey, let's go back outside and play with the Pokemon?" (C/N)'s eyes lit up. "Okay!"

We all went outside. (C/N) was playing with (F/P) now and me and Green were just sitting down, looking at our child.

"I'm going to say this again Green... I'm happy I met you and the gang. I'm so glad everything that had happened in the past, happened." Green hugged me and said, "me too ___. Me too..."

Eventually (C/N) came to us and sat in between us. (He/She) fell asleep and soon me and Green fell asleep, holding (C/N) safe in our arms.

The End
Yes, I could've made a better ending but, I liked this one.

📢🔴 A Champions Love (Red x Reader) IS OUT! GO READ IT! 🔴📢

I made one chapter so far but there will be lots more. Promise.


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