My Favourite Colour (Green x...

By Calm_Espeon

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I hope you guys enjoyed/enjoy this story! I'm sorry if it's not to your liking, I have more stories and I hop... More

Vacation Meeting!
Planning... Stuff!
Rides and Love Rides!
Girls Night! Maybe...
Revenge is Sweet~
The Weird Date
Happy Birthday
Different than Before

Expect the Unexpected

1.6K 47 43
By Calm_Espeon

This story is almost done! After this chapter there will be one more! But! Do not fear! Another story has appeared! After I am done this book, someone has requested a Red x Reader story! I couldn't refuse their request since they were one of the first people to acknowledge me! But I hope you love this chapter!

I woke up with strong arms wrapped around my form. I looked to the side and saw Green sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled down at his form. I remember how we about just started dating and everything we've gone through. The good and bad times as friends are now in the past.

I quietly removed his arms from my body and snook out of the room. I went into Blue's kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal.

I walked into the living room, but noticed that Dia, Platinum, and Yellow were sleeping in here. Damn, I wanted to watch TV. I was about to go back into me and Green's shared guest room until I heard a little moan and shuffle. I turned back around and saw Yellow getting up.

"Mm... ____? You're up already?" I looked down at her and nodded. "Yeah... So, how'd you sleep?" She got up and walked towards me.
"Fine, I guess. I'm going to make myself some breakfast too... Maybe we can watch TV when we come back but on a low volume."

I just nodded my head and went into the kitchen with her. She also had made herself a bowl of cereal and we walked back into the living room. Only to find Dia and Platinum already awake and watching TV.

"Oh! Good morning, ____ and Yellow!" Dia smiled towards us. "Good morning Dia. How are you this morning?" He just shrugged and said he was fine.
"How about you, Platinum? How'd you sleep?" Yellow asked her. "I slept more than usual. So, I slept good."

We all sat in a comfortable silence just watching TV until more of our group came in and started watching TV.
Soon, everyone had arrived and were chatting among themselves.

"Good morning ____." Green kissed the top of my head and I blushed, "good morning Green."

"Aww. Isn't that cute! Hey, ____! You said we can play a party game today since we didn't get to last night!" I sighed,
oh yeah...
"Okay Blue. But no funny business." She nodded her head in agreement.

I turned off the TV and we all sat in a circle. "Okay guys! For this game we are going to play a game with water guns!" We all stared at her like she was crazy. But, it could just wake us up and put in a boost of energy in us.

"Okay Blue. But, where are you going to get all the water guns?" I tilted my head. Surely she couldn't have twelve water guns... Right?

"I have twelve of them in my garage! I was hoping for all of us to use them one day, and here the day is!" We all sweat dropped, of course she'd have this planned out.

We all got up and headed to the outside world. I had to cover my eyes, it was so bright outside! Blue went to her garage to get the water guns, with the help of Yellow. We all stood there, a bit awkwardly.

We all waited until Blue and Yellow had finally retuned. "Okay guys! Grab a water gun and line up! We're going to be in a two man team! Don't expect me to put you and Green together, ____."

I blushed a little bit and sighed. "Okay, I won't." She smiled and nodded. "Okay! This will be completely random! Boy and girl, okay?" We all nodded, eager to know who our partner was.

"Me and Silver,

Yellow and Ruby,

Sapphire and Green,

Platinum and Gold,

Crystal and Dia, and

____ and Red!"

We all got with our partner and looked at each other. "Hi Red." "Hi ____..."
I looked around and saw everyone greeting each other. When I looked in Blue and Silver's direction, I stifled a laugh. Silver looked so annoyed, more than usual, while Blue was greeting him non-stop.

Red looked at me and then into the direction of where I was looking. I heard him chuckle a little bit. I looked at him in surprise and he looked at me with a small smile.

"Before you guys go, you need a team name! Tell me before I say the rules!" Blue said.
All the teams had a small conversation amongst themselves and we all told Blue our team names.

Blue and Silver = Team Feisty

Yellow and Ruby = Team Fashion

Sapphire and Green = Team Cocky

Platinum and Gold = Team Opposites

Crystal and Dia = Team Food

____ and Red = Team Pika

"Alright, nice team names! Now I'll explain the rules! Go into a hiding place and we'll begin when you hear me say 'GO'! Oh yeah, and if both team members of your group gets splashed, you go to where the patio is, okay?" We all nodded and went to look for a hiding spot.

Me and Red jumped into a nearby bush. It was fairly big to fit the both of us, to my surprise.
"Okay, let's just keep hidden until we hear her say GO, okay?" Red nodded and said, "once she says 'go'... We'll wait here... And see if we can spot... Another team..." I thought about it and nodded my head. That seemed like a good plan, not to risky.

A little while later we all heard Blue say, "GO!"
Me and Red heard a couple of faint footsteps near us. We looked through a little open space that the bush provided for us and saw, Crystal and Dia.

"Red... Should we-?" I looked to my right, where Red was supposed to be, but I heard a scream of a girl. I looked out from the bush and saw Crystal all wet. Huh, looks like Red got to her.

I was about to get up when I heard someone to my left.
"Nice try, ____, but you're not getting away." It was Dia, about to splash me with water. "Any last words?" I closed my eyes and looked down, smirking. "Yes, I do. Always look behind you when you're about to make a killing blow."

Dia looked confused and then looked behind him. Red was there, he splashed water onto Dia's face. Dia did a dramatic fall backwards, as if he was actually shot by a gun.

"All right! Good job Red!" He just had a small smile on his face and nodded.

Team Food = OUT
5 teams remain...

Since our hiding spot has probably been discovered me and Red, carefully and slowly, began to find another hiding spot.

I looked around the corner of the house to see if anyone was there.
"Red, Yellow is there. Ruby might be around there too. What should we do? Attack?" He just nodded his head. I was about to do an awesome, dramatic entrance until I heard two girl-like screams.

"Yellow! No!"

And a,

"Sapphire! You shouldn't have been so careless!"

Oh shoot... Teams Cocky and Fashion are there but Sapphire and Yellow were taken out. That only leaves Green and Ruby.

I looked at Red and told him to wait. He understood what I was getting at so we stayed put.
I heard some footsteps coming closer and closer.
"You're not getting away Ruby!" There were some noises of shots being fired, but missing.

I got my 'gun' ready just in case. I saw Ruby, perfectly on my left side. It looks like he hasn't noticed me. I aimed my gun at him and fired. I got him right in the neck.

"Argh!" Ruby fell back and 'died'.

Team Fashion = OUT
4 teams remain...

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I heard Green shout. I looked at Red and he made a 'U-turn' signal. I didn't get what that meant but I'm sure he had a plan.

I got out from my hiding spot and faced Green. "Hello, Green. Happy to see me?" I smirked. He looked a bit shocked at first but then smirked back, aiming his water gun at me. "Why hello there, ____. I didn't expect you to be there. Red 'dead'? Well... Looks like your soon to be following after him."

I was about to say something until I heard a high pitched scream and a grunt. "NO! WE WERE SO CLOSE!" Well, looks like Blue and Silver are out.

Team Feisty = OUT
3 teams remain...

"Well... Looks like that's one less team to worry about. But, as I was saying, goodbye ____... Have fun on the patio." He was about to splash me until Red appeared behind him, very closely. "I don't think so..." Red said and splashed Green at the side of his head.

Green fell to his side. He stayed like that as if he was actually dead.
Typical boys...

Team Cocky = OUT
2 teams remain...

"So Red? Was it you who got Team Feisty?" I looked up at him. He looked down at me and shook his head. I frowned and asked, "was it Team Opposites?" He just nodded his head.

We both went around the corner and back into the backyard. We could see Gold and Platinum waiting for us, in awesome stances.

Why can't we look that cool? I frowned.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is, Red and little miss ____. Come to lose?" Gold had that cocky smirk on his face. Man, I was going to splash his face like no tomorrow!

"No way! We came here to win! Right Red?!" He just nodded his head yes. "We're going to win... Watch out... Here we come..." With that, both of our teams had charged up to each other. Me and Platinum were face to face.

"I'm sorry Platinum..." I aimed at her and splashed rapidly. She did some flips and dodges and splashed back.
Damn her flexibility!
We were at this for about a couple minutes until I splashed her breasts.

"Damn..." She whispered. I blushed and said I was sorry.
That's when I heard a maniac laugh. "Take this, Mr. No-talk!" I looked to my left in horror.

Gold had splashed Red.

I ran up to Red and held him in my arms as he fell back. "No Red! Don't die on me!" I had tears at the brims of my eyes. "It's *cough* okay ____... J-Just *cough* beat him... For our team... For us..." And then he went limp. "NO! RED!"

I had a dark aura around me and laid Red's body down. "You're going to pay!" I started to rapidly splash Gold like I did to Platinum. Only, Gold wasn't as flexible and got hit in the face. "No! Not my beautiful face!" Then, Gold fell to the ground.

Team Opposites = OUT
1 team remains...
Team Pika, WINS!

Everyone that had lost had came over to celebrate me and Red's win. "Congratulations, Team Pika! You guys did amazing!" Blue squealed and hugged me. She then went over to Red and hugged him too.

"Congrats ____. You did awesome. Now for your reward..." Green captured my lips. I was happy that I won and that I got rewarded. I happily kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We broke apart after a minute and smiled. He was about to say something else until we heard his phone ring.
He had to excuse himself and he picked it up.

"Hey gramps..."

Was all I heard until I turned to Gold and Platinum. "Good job guys. And again, sorry for hitting your breasts Platinum..." She just blushed and nodded her head.

"Wait... You hit her breasts?! Is her shirt see-through?..." Gold made an attempt to look at Platinum's breasts until Crystal smack the back of his head, hard.


"Okay, okay sorry..." Gold rubbed the back of his head.
I laughed at their actions. They were so meant for each other.

I looked back to where Green was and saw him coming back, gloomy and as sad as ever. I got worried and asked him, "what's wrong? Did something happen at the lab?" He looked down at me and held me close. "I-I'll explain once we get there..."

I was confused but then looked at everyone. "Um, bye guys. I had fun today. Good job Red, see you later." They all said their goodbyes then me and Green left to the lab hand-in-hand.

All the way to the lab, I was worried for Green. He had a sad look on his face the entire way there. I was starting to worry for him and what he was going to tell me.

When we got to the lab the first person to greet us was professor Oak. "Hello Green, ____. I heard about your day today. Looks like you guys had fun." Professor Oak turned to Green. "Have you told her yet?" Green shook his head. "I was going to tell her now..."

Now I was confused. I thought something happened to Professor Oak or to the lab. But everything was normal!
What's going on..?

"____... Listen to me," Green had both of his hands on my shoulders, staring straight into my eyes. "Gramps has to go to the Kalos region to help the other professor there with research... I was recommended to go on this trip as well. That means..."

"That means..?" He sighed, "that means I can't see you for three years."

Shock. Sadness. Confusion. Depressed. Those are things I felt right now. I couldn't see him for three whole years? What if the girls try to get at him? Kalos is known for romance and such.

"T-three... Years..?" I looked up at him. He just nodded his head and pulled me into a tight in brace. "I know... I wish you could come but... I'm going to miss you."

I tightly hugged him back. "N-No... It's going to be fine. I'll miss you too Green." Professor Oak coughed and motioned Green over to him. "Well, we're leaving in a couple hours. Say goodbye to your friends and we'll be off."

We broke apart and didn't say anything. We knew what we had to do. He was going to pack up and I was going to tell our friends the news.

We walked in opposite directions to do our thing.

I got back to Blue's house and saw everyone still in the backyard laughing or doing their own thing. The first person to notice me was Ruby.

"Hello, ____. Why are you looking so gloomy? And where's Green?" By now, everyone stared at me, looking confused and wanting answers.

"Um... Green is going on a trip... To the Kalos region with Professor Oak." Everyone was in awe. "Wow! So lucky! I'm sure he'll have a great time! You know, with all the ladies-" Gold got smacked by Silver this time. "Stupid, Green and ____ are dating, remember?!"

"Oh yeah... Whoops, sorry ____." By now I had a few tears in my eyes. "I-It's o-okay, Gold. But... He'll be gone for three years... W-Who knows..." Everyone stopped saying how lucky he was or how they wanted to go. They all looked sad for two reasons.

One, they wouldn't see their friend for so many years to come and,
Two, they knew I would be sad because, well, me and Green just started dating. It would be hard.

"Oh ____... I-I'm so sorry..." Blue came up to me and hugged me. Soon everyone else followed. I'm surprised, even Silver. I guess I was less annoying than everyone else.

"Nah, it's okay, see?" I put on a small smile. I was really hurting on the inside but I also didn't want to ruin this for Green.

"Oh come one ____. You're not fooling anyone. Besides, we get to see Green off right?" Blue had asked me. I just nodded my head and motioned the way to Pewter City. "Well, I guess if we want to say our goodbyes in time, we should get going now."

They all gave me one loads look and then we flew off to Pewter City.

We all had made it to Pewter City just in time to see Professor Oak and Green off. "____!"

Just as I landed, I was tackled to the ground in someone's tight embrace. I opened my eyes to see it was Green. He had some tears in his eyes so he tried to hide them by hugging me.

"Hi, Green. Are you excited?" We both got up and he just nodded a bit. "Yeah I guess... But I'm going to miss being around you, around all of you guys. Even you Red..."

We all laughed a bit while Red walked up to him and gave him and man hug. "See you later... Green..." I thought this was a cute moment. And Blue must've thought the same thing since she took a picture of them hugging.

"Green! We must board now!" We all looked in the direction of Professor Oak. He was waving to Green to come over.

Green looked at everyone then me. He leaned in and whispered something into Red's ear. Red just nodded and walked besides me.

"Go say bye to him..." I looked at Green and ran into him, hugging him. "Green, I'm going to miss you so, so much!" I was crying a bit.

"Ssh... It's okay ____. I'll be back before you know it! Oh and don't worry, I'll make sure no girl gets to me. I'll always remember you..." I cried even more now and dug my head into his chest.

"P-promise?" He chuckled a bit and whispered, "promise." He lifted up my chin and wiped my tears away. "I love you ____... See you soon." Green kissed my lips before parting away and leaving towards the plane.

"Goodbye everyone!" He yelled to the gang. "Bye Green!" Everyone one yelled. "Being back souvenirs!" Blue called out.

And the plane left.

•~•~• (( 1 year later ))

Knock knock

I opened my door and saw Red there. "Hi again Red. Come on in." I let Red inside and he let himself comfortable on the couch, watching TV.

Yes, ever since Green left, Green had asked Red to watch over me. Red eventually told me what Green had whispered to him on that day.

Red... This is a huge favor I'm asking of you. Take care of ____ for me while I'm gone, okay? I don't want her getting hurt and such.

But I'm glad Red was the one watching over me. We had gotten more connected over the year. It's not that I mind the other boys but, let's face it, their crazy.

Gold would most likely to sneak into my underwear drawer or would want to sleep in the same bed as me to 'protect' me.

Silver would be just quiet and most likely complain for the smallest things or be to lazy to come over everyday and see how I'm doing.

Ruby would probably want me to try on different outfits he'd design or talk about fashion all the time. Face it, I'm not the one for fashion. Just plain and simple.

And lastly, Dia, Dia would just eat all of my food. I'd be wasting a lot of money! I don't have time to go into dept.!

I sighed, all the fun memories we all had. I wish it was like that still but without Green the teams are uneven. The fun isn't the same with him. Just two more years and if finally see him again!

•~•~• (( another year later, year two ))

After turning 20 years old, I finally have a job! I'm working part time at the Pokémon DayCare with Gold and working most of my time at the Pokémon Lab.

I'd always have (F/P) out with me now because of all the Pokémon I'm working with.

I was currently working at the Pokémon DayCare with Gold. The rest of the gang, minus Green, had showed up just to volunteer. Gold's grandparents were very grateful to us.

"(F/P). Would you like to go play with the new baby Pokémon? I bet they'd like to play with you!" I smiled, I've matured by a long shot. I don't really notice it but my looks have also matured.

My eyes looked my beautiful and mature, my hair had grown a little bit and is so beautiful, any model would be jealous, my curves are more 'curvy' on the top part of me, overall, people would think I'm gorgeous.

My voice has also changed. My voice sounds more soft and cheerful. And my laugh is so cute, Blue would say.

Gold would try to hit on me as a joke but would get rewarded by a slap to the head by Crystal or Silver.
But that's why I have Red, to keep the fanboys away from me.

"(Pokémon's noise)!~" (F/P) ran off to play with the new baby Pokémon. I laughed at its actions and headed towards where Gold was. "Hey, Gold. How are the eggs coming along?"

Gold looked up at me with that same cocky smile, "they're fine, ____. They're actual quite amazing, actually. You got to stop worrying!" I smiled and sighed. "Well, I just want to be sure." He laughed, "yeah I know. I'd be scared to if something were to happen to them."

We both laughed and got back to working. Dia and Platinum were in charge in feeding and providing water for the Pokémon, Crystal and Silver were in charge of playing with the small baby Pokémon, like (F/P), Sapphire and Ruby were in charge of making sure the Pokémon were exercising, me and Red were giving check ups for the Pokémon to make sure they were healthy, and Gold was checking on the Pokémon eggs.

"I'm glad every Pokémon here is doing fine... Especially the young ones." I said to Red. He looked at me and had a small smile on his face. "Yeah... Me too... But it sounds like... You want a baby of your own..."

I blushed and turned to him. "W-What makes you think that?!" He chuckled and said, "well, you've been worrying for the baby Pokémon... You've also been worried... For the Pokémon eggs... It gives me that vibe..."

I blushed and thought about it. Maybe I do want my own children. I've thought about it maybe once or twice but...

"Maybe... Maybe one day, Red... I wish Green would agree with that though."

•~•~• (( Green's coming back! ))

"Today's the day! I'm so excited!" I was literally running to Pewter City where Green was going to be at. "Wait ____! You're to fast!" Blue was panting behind me.

"We're all excited but just calm down!" We reached Pewter City and we waited for a little while. "Geez ____! You're crazy!" Sapphire panted. "I thought I was going to die!" She sat down on the nearest bench and sighed.

"Sorry guys! I'm just... So happy!" I broke down into happy tears. Everyone smiled at me. They were glad to see I was okay.

We saw Green's and Professor Oak's plane land and we all waited eagerly for him. We all held up our huge sign that said 'GREEN AND PROFESSOR OAK!!'

We waited for about five minutes and we saw Green and Professor Oak. I smiled widely and just ran up to to Green, tackling him into a hug.

"Green!" I cried out. "Woah!" We both fell to the ground and looked at each other. We smiled widely and kissed, passionately. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck.

We broke apart after a couple of minutes and got up. "I'm so happy to see you!" We both said. We laughed and went to the others.

"I'll see you later then Green." Professor Oak left back to the lab where he was needed. "Okay gramps!"

"Hey guys!" Green greeted everyone. "Green!" Everyone glomped him. Silver and Red just smiled a little bit and looked down at everyone.

"Okay, okay! It's nice to see you guys too!" Everyone got up and Blue asked, "did you get us souvenirs?!" Green laughed and nodded his head. "Yes I did. I just need to relax at home for a bit, okay?"

Everyone was a bit disappointed but understood. "Okay then. See you both tomorrow!" Everyone left to their own house and me and Green were left alone.

"Well, I guess you can stay at my place tonight! Tell me all about Kalos!" Green yawned and agreed.

"Okay, let's go."
I'm stopping there! It's already a lot and the writing is kind of laggy. But I'll continue in the last chapter!


Total words~ 4153!!

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