Dance (Chenry/Henry Danger)

By Luleya

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K I'm tell you now I had NO idea what to name this, so that's why It's called what it is boo thang. Stuff get... More

Car Riding With Miss Perfect
Dress Shoping With Miss Perfect
Getting Ready With Miss Perfect
Limbo Riding & Walking In.
A/N Taggy Thingy
Stuff Happens
This Boy Part 2

This Boy.

219 16 9
By Luleya

"Hey Guys!" I heard a squeeky voice yell from behind us. I internally grone then turn around. "Hey Bianca," I smiled sweetly.

"Everyone here is sooo friendly!" She smiles. Ugh.

"Speaking of friendly..." She draws out walking close to us. "Look," She tells me.

She points her finger at some dude who's kinda staring us down, but not creepily, nervously. Like he's waiting to do something but he can't.

"He likes you!" Bianca whisper yells, "What?!" Me and Henry both ask her.

"He's like, wishing he was with you, go talk to him!"  She tells me.

"She doesn't even know his name," Henry says madly. "He's a complete stranger," Henry huffs.

"Well that's why she's gonna go meet him!" Bianca laughs, "Who said I-" I was cut off by Bianca. "Don't be silly," She cooed to Henry. "But-" I interjected but once again, got cut off. "Go talk to him!"

And with that, Bianca gives me a nice big push. I stumbled towoard mystery dude but managed to stop. I turned around to give Bianca my best death glear but she simply gave me two thumbs up.

I turned back around and studied the mystery dude.

He had chocolate skin, the same shade as mine, and dark hair that was kinda in dreads, but it looked really good on him. He had soft yet manly features. He had these beautiful hazely blue eyes and soft looking lips. He looked extremely nervous, and slightly scared. He was pretty lean, you know, not all big and buff, but not skinny and leanky? He was about a foot or two taller than me. My eyes trailed down him but stopped at his chest. Wow. Six pack. How could a six pack show through a suit? I have no dang Idea but it cerntaintly did on him!

Our eyes lockek for a moment, once I tore then away from his abs, and I felt by breath hitch, once I saw his face fully, since he was facing to the side, he was VERY good looking. VERY.

I felt my crush on Henry slowly get smaller.

Don't call me shallow, he was fine.

I cleared my throat and shook my head of it's ridicoulous frantic and romantic thoughts and continued towards him.

When I finally reached him, since I could bearly move do to the thoughts of him staring at someone else and being revolted by me, curtasey of brain, I smiled at him brightly.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte," I said, he looked extremely shocked yet happy to see me talking too him, "I'm Josh," Swoon. His voice was even amazing. I just stared at him, to see if he was real.

Me being the awkward potato that I am, decided that I should just stand there. Doing nothing. But staring. 

Oh my gosh.

This boy is unreal.

How did he get so good looking?

This boy will be the death of me.

This boy is so fine Zac Efron just started crying.

He can turn straight man gay.

This boy-

Suddenly he cleared his throat pulling me out of my, somewhat creepy, train of thought.

I found my eyes trailng down his abs again and quickly tore them away.

I felt my cheeks heat up, probably to the point that he could tell I was blushing!

Why do I have to be the awkward one?

Especially, in front of this, this, sweetness.

Yes, that's how I'm describing him! Leave me alone.

I start to here the beggining of  "Waiting for love, by Avicii" play.

"Care to dance?" Josh asked me holding his hand out.

I smiled and kindly took his hand. His hand was soft! And I basically blew up at his touch soooo.

After we finnished dancing I smiled up at him.

Him, not his abs.

We stood there just smiling, getting lost in eachothers' eyes.

"Can I tell you something?" He suddenly asked, braking the silence.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled.

"Um well," He put his hand on his neck.

"I actually really wanted to ask you out to this dance, I just didn't know how to, I felt like you'd reject me," He said sheepishly.

Is he serious?

Me reject him?

That is crazy.

"Seriously?" I asked, "Yeah," He said putting his arm down.

I burst out laughing.

He just stared at me and frowned. "Oh my god, Me- reject y-y-y" I couldn't even finnish the sentence before bursting into laughter again. "Me reject you?! That's-" I could hardly breathe now, "Hilarious!" I doubled over in laughing in a very unladlike manner.

I finally managed to stop my laughter since people were staring.

"Come on, You would doubt yourself to if you were trying to ask out some one as," He stopped in let out a loving breath of air, "As stunning as you," He smiled.

I could deffinantly feel my cheeks burning off right now.

I could hardly mannage to make a propper, "Thank you," So I clamped my mouth shut.

Finally I found some words, "That's ridicoulous, I would totally say yes," I told him casually.

Score Charlotte.

"Really?" He said sounding happy.

"Of course," I grinned.

"Can I show you something?" He asked suddenly.

"Sure," I smiled.

He took my arm and led me to a room outside the gym were the dance was being held.

Hey yall, wassup? I hope you liked the chapter! There's gonna be a part 2.

Well, Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and all that Jazz! PEACE!

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