This Boy Part 2

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"Were are we going?!" I laughed asking Josh as we ran down the hall, "It's a surprise!" He laughed.

We turned a corner and ran past some more lockers, "I can't wait! Why can't you tell me?!" I wined "Plus my legs are starting to hurt," I pouted.

"Aw, don't be sad, we're almost there," He smiled at me before turning another corner.

He swung open a door and pulled me in with him, the door slamming behind us.

Our chests heaved up and down as we breathed heavily, face to face.

I felt my cheeks warm up from how close we were pressed together.

It was dark and musty where we were, the air felt thick and warm around my bare arms.

My back was pressed against a cold wall as was Josh's.

We stayed that way for a while until Josh broke the silence.

"Um, let's go," He said nervously.

Josh pulled on a string that dangled from the ceiling that turned on an old, dim, light bulb.

I looked around the small, narrow, room, it looked like a storage closet but their hardly was anything in there.

He walked over to where a smal rope dangled from what looked like a door on the roof.

He pulled the roped and the door flew open, letting a small set of stairs fall down.

"After you," He smiled gesturing to the stair case.

I slowly walked up the stairs, revealling the beautiful star filled sky.

I stepped on to the roof of the school and looked around. It was beautiful.

The view from the roof was great, from there you could see past the tree tops and over the shimmering lake that was near our school.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, looking around the area.

"I knew you'd like it," He smiled.

"Come on," He told me, gently taking my hand in his and leading me to the other side of the roof.

There was another roof on top of this one, about 8 feet above were my feet rested on the ground.

I looked up confused, "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"The views better here," He told me.

"Let me help you up," Josh offered, putting his hands aound my stomach and lifting me into the air.

I used my arms to pull the rest of myself up onto the roof.

"How are you gonna get up here?" I asked him.

"Easy," He told me, reaching up his long arms, standing on his tip toes, he puled himself off the ground and on to the roof.

Josh sat right besides me, our arms brushing against eachother.

"You were right," I said, "It is better up here,"

"I know a way to make it better," He said before taking my face in his and smashing his lips to mine.

Lol, no no, this is what happened:

"I know a way to make it better," He said before taking out a small pack of matches.

"Are you gonna smoke?" I asked worriedly, "Cuz I don't do cigarets," I told him getting up.

"No," He laughed gently tugging on my arm, "Smoking could lead to cancer, and I certaintly don't want that," he told me as I sat back down.

"I know that," I chuckled, "Then what are you doing?" I asked becoming serious again.

"This," He said before lighting about 4 matches at the same time, and throwing them down all together.

I gasped as the matches hit the grass, making it catch on fire too, except it didn't start a huge fire.

The flames seemed to be following a trail.

My eyes followed the fire that continued to follow the invisable trail until it stopped.

I looked at the picture as a whole and it was a shape.

A heart.

It was weird, the fire made no smoke at all, and the flames stayed in one place.

"How'd you do that?" I asked him.

"I didn't, my mom and dad used to go to this school, and she made it for him," He told me.

"She made it for him?" I asked.

"That is exactly what I said when I heard the story from my aunt, she also went here," He smiled at me.

"Cool," I replied, "Powerful women."

He simply chuckled looking off into the distance.

I scooted slightly closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Dance (Chenry/Henry Danger)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora