Dragon Ball FR

By MrSpikers

25.7K 435 37

What if Bardock wasn't blown up along with planet Vegeta because he wasn't there when it happened? What will... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 07

1.7K 28 1
By MrSpikers

The sun was just going down on the horizon when Goku and his father Bardock reached Mount Paozu. As they landed Goku immediately jumped from the Nimbus cloud and quickly ran inside the small house. The young saiyan put the four-star dragon ball in the same place where it was before he went on his journey with Bulma and smiled at all the adventures he had ever since that day. While Goku was inside the house, Bardock scanned the whole area with his black eyes. He liked the place, it was surrounded by a forest which was only a few meters away and it seemed like there was no sign of human life anywhere near them, which was perfect for the older saiyan. The whole area was only for them and it would be a good training ground for his son, who will learn how to use his saiyan abilities to the fullest and learn something new. As Bardock walked towards the small house he heard his son calling him with a smile on his face, which remained him of someone he wished to forget

"Dad, come inside! This is where grandpa Gohan and I lived together" Exclaimed Goku as he waved his hand above the head on which Bardock nodded and approached the small house. The young saiyan moved away from the entrance so his father could walk in. As he walked in Bardock found the little hut somehow familiar. It remained him of the barracks in which he lived as a young saiyan boy along with other children. The scar-faced saiyan looked around and noticed that the hut only had one bed, a table with two chairs and a stove which wasn't something he wasn't used to. He spent most of his life in even smaller places, so something like this was more than enough for him "Do you like the place?" Asked Goku on which his father snapped from his thoughts and glanced back at his son

"Yes, it's alright" Answered Bardock which made Goku happy while Bardock continued "The area around the house will be a good place for the first phase of our training" The older saiyan crossed his arms as he sat on the chair while Goku excitedly almost jumped in air

"I can't wait to start training with you, dad! I'm so excite..." Goku was about to finish the sentence when he was interrupted by a loud growl. The young boy glanced at the place from where the noise came and laughed while he put a hand on his stomach "It seems that I forgot I was hungry... I'm going to catch something to eat!" The young Goku almost drooled over the floor while he thought of a big fish for dinner. Goku was about to leave when his father called him

"Wait, Kakarot! Let's have a little competition, who will catch a bigger meal" Suggested Bardock who stood up from the chair as he uncrossed his arms. Goku didn't even think for a second and agreed, he was again too much excited "The one with bigger prey gets to eat all of it while the other gets nothing. Is that alright with you?" Bardock looked at Goku who thought for a moment, but in the end agreed

"I'm fine with that, I will not lose!" Spoke the young saiyan with determination as he eyed his father who nodded with a smirk. The two saiyans went in different ways, hunting for their prey

The night came quickly and after twenty minutes the first to arrive with his prey was Bardock while Goku arrived only two minutes later. Bardock's prey was lying in front of the hunt when his son arrived and placed his fish on the ground. Bardock's wild boar and Goku's fish were the exact sizes which meant that both saiyans will eat tonight. Goku was happy that he could eat tonight because he was too hungry and didn't think he could survive the night without eating something. Bardock didn't waste any time and immediately fried the wild boar with a small energy wave. Goku watched his father with awe as the older saiyan continued to cook the boar

"You could do the same, Kakarot" Spoke Bardock who gained Goku's attention "It's just as you would use your Kamehameha, but with less power behind it. Concentrate a small amount of energy into the palm of your hand and fire it" Explained the older saiyan who finished with cooking his meal and impaled it on a stick. Bardock tore off the leg and started to eat it while Goku stood above the dead fish as he tried to do what he was told. The young saiyan placed his left hand in front of his small body when after few seconds a blue light slowly started to appear. As seconds passed by, Goku was sweating more and more as he tried to bring out enough of his energy when a blue orb appeared on his palm which, for the first time didn't diminish or grew bigger. Goku smiled and fired the energy wave towards his dead prey. His fish was immediately grilled which caused Goku to happily sit on the ground and pick up the meal. The young saiyan was about to put it in his mouth when suddenly the whole fish disintegrated in nothing but dust

"Ohh, no! My food is gone!" Shouted Goku in panic and placed his hands on his head while Bardock just laughed. Bardock continued chewing his food as he watched his son who stared at him and drooled all over the ground. The older saiyan didn't say a thing and just threw a roasted leg to his son who immediately caught it and with a big grin on his face started to attack the meal

"That wouldn't happen if you had better control of your energy, which is what will you learn in this three years along with some other stuff" Said Bardock who was already eating the third leg while Goku continued eating, but also listening to his father "Controlling your own energy is very important and it's very useful in battle, but before that you will need to grow stronger"

"Mhm... W-Why can't I-I start learning it tomorrow?" Asked Goku between the bites which made Bardock barely understand what his son asked him

"Because your energy is too low and it would be harder to teach you, first you'll need to reach the adequate level if you think of learning it" Once again explained Bardock on which Goku just nodded and continued eating. The small boy didn't mind waiting, he was sure that he would learn it eventually and in the meantime he would become stronger. Goku continued eating with a big smile while Bardock observed his son and thought how carefree he was, it really remained him of her. The moment that exact thought appeared in his mind, the saiyan stopped eating and without realizing released a growl. Goku glanced at his father with a confused look on his face, but his expression quickly changed to a surprised one when he saw the strong blue aura appear around Bardock. Something inside him was yelling at him to back away from the older saiyan, but the small saiyan ignored that and called his father

"Dad, what's wrong!?" Yelled Goku who's words went unnoticed by the older saiyan which aura suddenly wildly flared around him causing strong shockwaves. Goku was forced to stand up and with all his strength shield himself "Dad! Snap out of it, dad!" Shouted the young saiyan with all his might as he tried to walk towards his father who heard his son voice and immediately snapped out of it. The older saiyan blinked few times in confusion until he saw the ground beneath him filled with cracks and his son exhausted. The scar-faced saiyan cursed inside his mind for once again letting his emotions take control over him

"Are you alright, Kakarot!? You weren't hurt?" Asked Bardock with a bit of a worry in his voice as he raised his son from the ground who instead to be afraid of the released power was in fact smiling

"Yea I'm ok, but that was amazing, dad! I was almost blown away, you're so strong! I wanna be just as strong as you one day!" Exclaimed Goku with a grin on his face as he sat back on the ground and resumed eating. Bardock watched his son with a surprised look on his face, but then he smiled. His son was such an odd saiyan, but yet again he loved the same thing as any other, to fight and grow stronger. The saiyan sat back on the ground across his son and resumed eating. As the night went on, Bardock shared some stories about him fighting across the universe while Goku listened to all of it up until he fell asleep. His father gently placed him on the bed inside the hut and walked outside, staring at the stars in the sky for quite some time

It was a new day on planet Earth. The sun was shining and the blue sky was without any cloud. The birds in the trees were singing their song and everything was peaceful. Inside the small hut, Goku was still sleeping across the bed, all alone. The young saiyan boy shifted to the other side and mumbled something in his sleep when suddenly a tremor caused him to open his eyes wide open. Goku still dazed because of sleeping didn't understand what was going on and without even realizing fell from the bed. The boy grunted while he placed his right hand on his head and as he was about to stand, another tremor caused him to fell

"W-What's going on!? This never happened before" Murmured Goku who finally stood on his feet and ran outside the hut. As soon he opened the doors he saw his father engulfed with a blue aura. The saiyan didn't wear his armor and Goku was able to see few scars on his father strong back. Goku stood there without moving and just observed his father with amazement. While Goku was standing behind him, Bardock diminished his aura and released a breath when he sensed his son behind his back. The older saiyan turned around and smiled at his son expression

"I see you're up, was it because of me?" Asked Bardock who walked towards the two dead fish he caught early in the morning

"Well, yeah, but I don't mind" Spoke Goku with a smile and walked towards his father, who was already sitting on a small rock and eating the fish "I'm really hungry!" Exclaimed the small saiyan to who was given the other fish

"Then eat it all, you'll need all the energy for today's training. I must warn you Kakarot, saiyan training is nothing like anything you experienced before" The older saiyan glanced at his son and looked for any doubt or maybe fear, but instead he found eagerness and excitement in his son black eyes

"I can't wait! Somehow just by hearing that, it makes me excited" Spoke Goku who chewed the piece of meat and clenched his left fist, ready for anything

"That's very normal for us, my son. You are a saiyan after all and with each battle no matter how dangerous it is, we always feel excited, it makes our blood boil and it always brings out the best of our abilities" Stated Bardock as he resumed eating while Goku wondered about what his father told him. What he said was true, every time he fought against someone who was strong or even stronger than him, he would always feel so excited that he couldn't describe it with any words. Goku thought about it while he and his father ate until both saiyans finished with their meals. As soon they were finished with their breakfast, Bardock instructed that they will have their training inside the forest, so they don't break the hut on which Goku agreed and followed his father. The two saiyans walked for ten minutes until they found a clear spot under a big tree

"Alright, this is a good spot, for now" Spoke Bardock who observed the area and glanced behind his back, at his son "You'll start with one thousand push-ups after which you will do two thousand more, but on each hand" Declared the saiyan with a serious expression on his face as he eyed Goku who nodded

"Ok, but what will we do after I'm done?" Asked Goku who was curious to know what will be the next part of his training while he stared at Bardock with his tail joyfully waving behind his back

"Enough! You will find out later, now focus on doing your push ups!" The older saiyan spoke with a strict and loud voice which surprised Goku for a moment, but the small saiyan immediately obliged and lowered on the ground and started with his push-ups. Bardock watched his son for a moment until he turned around and walked towards the tree. The saiyan sat down on the grass and leaned his back on the tree and observed his son. From the moment his son started with his push ups and now, passed quite some time and Goku was finally over with it. Goku cleared the sweat from his forehead and was about to began his two thousand pushups on his right hand when suddenly, he felt something heavy on his back. The young saiyan slowly turned his head back a little when he saw a big boulder on his back

"W-What? Urgh... this is kinda heavy!" Mumbled Goku as he held himself on his right hand while Bardock adjusted the boulder on his back. Once the boulder was properly adjusted the older saiyan backed away and told his son to begin. Goku did what he was told without talking back and resumed his training. Bardock this time, remained standing close to his son with his arms crossed and observed him

One hour passed and Goku finished with the push ups his father told him to do. The young saiyan rested down on the grass and cleaned the sweat from his forehead while he tried to catch a breath. He was about to close his eyes when a tiny energy wave grazed his hair and landed near his head. Goku's eyes were wide open and the young boy immediately jumped away. He looked around for who did that when he glanced on the left and saw his father, who walked in his direction with an index finger pointed at him

"There is no time to rest, the second phase of your training starts... now!" Spoke Bardock who gathered a small amount of energy at the tip of his index finger and fired a beam. Goku wasn't even able to speak when he was forced to dodge the beam. The young saiyan moved on the left, but he was again forced to evade the energy beams as Bardock fired a barrage of them towards his son. Most of the beams were avoided by Goku, but the few which landed on the young saiyan hurt a lot. Goku just barely dodged the last one as he leaned back with his head

"D-Dad, hold on! I-I didn't know about this! It's not fair!" Shouted Goku who placed a hand his right shoulder which was one of the places that his father beam hit. He didn't understand why was his father suddenly doing this, Master Roshi never did this kind of training with him

"Hmph, in battle there is no room for fairness, everything goes! You must use anything to your advantage and don't even think I will go easy on you... I warned you before, didn't I?" Said the older saiyan who lowered his hand while Goku stood on the same place and thought about what his father said to him. "Come at me with everything you got, Kakarot!" Yelled Bardock as he seriously glared at Goku who thought for a moment what to do, but he quickly snapped out of it and attacked his father

"Here I come, dad! I will not lose so easy, like the last time!" Exclaimed Goku who ignored the pain from before and rushed towards his father, who remained standing still in his place. When Goku appeared in front of Bardock, the young saiyan unleashed a barrage of punches, but each punch missed the target which didn't even move an inch. Seeing his punches didn't do a thing, Goku jumped above his father and quickly released an energy wave

"KAA-MEE-HAA-MEE-HAAA!" Shouted Goku who fired his blue energy wave which was quickly heading towards the older saiyan. The wave was just above Bardock, but the man remained in the same spot without moving away. The blue wave hit its target and created a wall of smoke while Goku landed safely on the grass. Goku waited for the smoke to clear out when he suddenly felt a strong shockwave which blew away the smoke and revealed his father without any scratch. Before his father had time to find his location, the young Goku quickly disappeared

"Hmm... He used the blast as a distraction, clever, but not good enough" Thought Bardock who like always remained calm and on the same place waited for his son new attack. The saiyan waited for few seconds when out of nowhere, he raised his right arm and blocked the kick which was going for his head

"H-How did you know where I was!?" Asked Goku who remained caught in his father hand. He was sure that this would at least surprise his father, but yet again the older saiyan easily blocked his attack

"Quite easy, Kakarot. All I needed to do was to track down your energy signal, but even without that I would be able to find you" Spoke the scar-faced Bardock who tightened the hold on his son's leg which caused the young Goku to groan in pain

"Grr... I will learn it and next time you won't be able to find me!" Goku spoke with a growl behind his words and to set himself free tried to kick his father with his left leg, but Bardock just leaned back and with his other hand punched Goku in the face. The young boy was sent flying into the tree in which he crashed. Goku released a cough and tried to catch a breath, but while he was doing that Bardock already appeared in front of him

"Is that all, Kakarot? Are you already defeated? How can you even think of becoming the strongest if you're so easily beaten, with only one punch?... I guess that's it for today" The saiyan turned away from his son and took only a few steps when he sensed an attack. The older saiyan smiled, it seemed that his son still had enough energy and will power, which was good

"I'm not done yet! And I will become the strongest!" Yelled Goku with all his might and was only a few inches from punching his father in the gut, but suddenly he stopped, he was out of energy. The young saiyan barely managed to turn his head, when he saw his father hand on his tail

"That all nice Kakarot and I want you to become the strongest, but there is a rough path in front of you and it won't be easy" Said Bardock as he squeezed his son tail even more which caused Goku to completely fall on the ground "This is enough for now, after you rest and eat you will start with training your tail, but from tomorrow... there is no excuses, is that alright with you, son?" Asked the saiyan with a serious expression and tone in his voice as he raised Goku in the air and looked at him. The young saiyan just nodded on which Bardock released the hold from his son tail and carried him back to the hut so he could res

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