Dragon Ball FR

By MrSpikers

25.7K 435 37

What if Bardock wasn't blown up along with planet Vegeta because he wasn't there when it happened? What will... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 04

2K 36 1
By MrSpikers

While Yamcha stood on one of the devil's tongue and patiently waited for his opponent to appear, Bulma, Puar, and Krillin cheered for their friend. That was until Master Roshi yelled in shock and panic when he realized who his sister was about to summon. The others glanced at Roshi with confused looks on their faces and wondered what got into the old martial artist

"What's wrong master? You sound like the next fighter is dangerous or something" Asked Krillin who glanced at the old man with a confused look and with a little bit of worry

"W-Well, the man she is about to summon is..." The old master stopped talking when he heard a loud bump. He and the others immediately focused on the weird ring when to their surprises they saw a crate suddenly being there. The small amount of smoke that was there quickly cleared away which caused Krillin, Bulma, and Puar to watch with apprehension as the crate started to open. As the crate opened a person emerged from it which by its appearance surprised the group as well Yamcha who was about to face the strange person

"Geez, what's up with this place? First, there is a vampire than an invisible man and now a mummy... This place is weird!" Thought Yamcha as he carefully observed the person in front of his eyes. The person he was about to fight had a smirk on his face which was the only part of his body that wasn't covered with white bandages. The person stretched his neck after which he glanced at Baba

"Thank you for awakening me Baba. I hope this kid knows to fight" Spoke the Mummy who was grateful to the old fortune-teller for awakening him from his long slumber. He was looking forward to a good match for decades

"Hohoho, I wouldn't know Mummy, I didn't see this young one fight yet... you will need to find out"

"Khm. I'm sorry for interrupting your little conversation, but can we start to fight!" Yelled Yamcha who even tho he tried to look though he was, in reality, a little nervous. He couldn't but feel uneasy every time the Mummy looked at him

"Alright, if you give up or die, you lose!" She declared with an eye looking at Yamcha who swallowed hard as she remained him of the rules. The old woman chuckled a bit before she glanced at her fighter "Mummy you better win this"

"Yes Baba, don't worry" The Mummy was already assured of his victory which made him smirk as he looked at his opponent

"Now then, begin!" Yelled Baba and floated away from the stage on her crystal ball while the two fighters glared at each other

Yamcha immediately shifted into his fighting pose and cast a look at his opponent who was standing still. The Mummy didn't even bother to assume a fighting pose which made Yamcha unfocus. The Mummy on the other side just kept smirking at Yamcha

"C'mon kid attack me! I need a good warm up, I was inside that thing for far too long" Spoke the Mummy who taunted the young fighter. Yamcha angrily murmured something under his breath and with a scowl on his face glared at the Mummy

"A warm up!? You asked for this! HIYAAAA!" With a yell, the ex-bandit rushed towards the Mummy who didn't waste any second and did the same. Yamcha was surprised by the Mummy speed, he thought that the Mummy relayed only on brute force, but it seemed like he was fooled by its appearance. The Mummy was behind Yamcha and with a round kick tried to hit the ex-bandit in the head, but luckily Yamcha was able to crouch just in time. Unfortunately for Yamcha, the Mummy wasn't over with his assault yet. The being wrapped in bandages went with his right punch at Yamcha who managed to block it while he was forced to take several steps back. The Mummy smirked and unleashed a barrage of punches which few of them landed on Yamcha's face causing him to be wide open. The Mummy backhanded Yamcha across the jaw so strong that caused the ex-bandit to fall from the tongue

"Yamcha!" Everybody yelled in fear when they saw Yamcha falling down, towards the deadly liquid, but just in the right moment the teen pulled himself together and managed to grab the tip of the devil's tongue. He strongly held the tip of the tongue when he saw a large shadow, he glance up only to see the mummy smirking

"Get up! It's no fun if I win this so quickly" Said the mummy as he chuckled at Yamcha who angrily scowled at the mummy for mocking him, once again. The ex-bandit quickly climbed on the tongue and while he tried to catch a breath he cleaned the blood under his mouth

"Grhh... I-I can't believe how strong and fast he is!" Thought Yamcha as a drop of sweat fell from his forehead while he stared at the mummy who just kept mocking him with that smirk on his face. While he was lost in his thoughts one person from the group shouted at Yamcha which snapped him out

"What are you doing!? Go take care of that bandaged jerk!" Shouted Bulma at her boyfriend for taking this long to beat a man in bandages. She waved around with her closed fist which made Krillin back away from her a little, he didn't want to be punched in the head. While she was rambling, Bardock who was behind the group and leaned on the wall didn't bother that much with this battle. He wasn't interested in any of them, he was already disappointed with his previous fights and the only thing he was looking forward to was his son battle. So while the saiyan remained behind with his eyes closed, Yamcha was about to once again try and assault the Mummy

"Try to block this, WOLF-FANG FIST!" Yamcha attacked his opponent, but this time with his signature move. He went for the Mummy's face, but his opponent easily avoided, he then tried to kick him which was once again avoided as Mummy leaned back. Yamcha unleashed a barrage of fists but before he could close up to his opponent, he received a kick in the legs which caused him to fall on the floor. Yamcha grunted in pain from the fall without realizing that his opponent was above him. The Mummy was falling from above and with a knee landed on Yamcha's abdomen. Yamcha yelled in pain while the others gasped in shock.

"There is no point to continue fighting you. Just say 'I give up'" The Mummy said as he stood near Yamcha with a smirk on his face while the ex-bandit groaned in pain. The teen even tho he was badly hurt didn't want to give up, so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment. He ignored the pain and with an enough force behind it, smacked the mummy's feet. The mummy never expected this and nor did Baba who with her eyes wide open watched as her fighter continued to fall towards the deadly liquid

"Yes, he did it! That guy's falling!" Yelled Bulma with a smile on her face as she watched the man in bandages fall right into the deadly liquid. Both she and Puar watched with relief as the mummy continued to fall and were already ready to celebrate, but it seemed like they were mistaken. Yamcha watched his opponent fall down with a sad expression on his face because he knew what would happen if someone falls in there, but then it was when he noticed a smirk on Mummy's face

"You won't get rid of me that easily, boy!" Shouted the Mummy when suddenly the bandages from his left hand started to move. Yamcha and the others were shocked when they saw the bandages reaching and bind around the devil tongue. The mummy quickly pulled himself up and was once again standing on the devil tongue with a smirk on his face "Ready for some payback!?"He announced and before Yamcha could even move into his fighting pose, he was attacked. The Mummy hit him with a strong uppercut which was followed by a knee in the gut. Yamcha was out of air, but Mummy didn't intend to stop there, he smacked the ex-bandit in the head after which he caught him by the throat and pulled in the air

"Are you ready to finally give up?" Asked the Mummy who didn't want to waste any more of his time with Yamcha. He shook, but only to receive a grunt and an angry look from Yamcha who didn't want to give up but... "Or do you want me to just drop you down there?" he didn't have any other choice. It was painful but he still wanted to live

"Argh... I-I give up!" He barely managed to say those words since the mummy held him strongly around the neck

"Kh... You should've said that sooner!" Smirked the being in bandages and released the hold from Yamcha who started to fall down, toward the deadly liquid.

"Yamcha, NO!" Screamed Puar his best friend name while Bulma stared at her falling boyfriend with her eyes wide open, shocked. Everyone screamed his name in panic and feared for the worst, but then their attention was pulled towards Goku

"Power pole extend!" Goku was standing on the fence when he quickly used the power pole so he could save Yamcha. The ex-bandit was unaware what was going on and was very close to touching the deadly liquid when the power pole passed through his belt all the way to the wall. While Yamcha remained safely hanging on the pole, Goku ordered to the power pole to carefully retract. Bulma and Krillin took a hold of Yamcha while Goku put the power pole on his back

"Yamcha are you ok!?" Asked Bulma as they placed Yamcha on the floor and gently leaned his head on the wall. She watched him with worry as he slowly opened his eyes despite the pain he felt

"Y-Yes, don't worry Bulma, it's nothing" Said Yamcha who forced a smile after which he received a hug from his girlfriend. After their few seconds of hugging Goku jumped on the floor and interrupted the couple

"You alright, Yamcha? I will teach that bully a lesson!" Exclaimed the little saiyan with determination as he pulled up his fist on which Yamcha just nodded with a weak smile. Goku was about to run to the fighting area when...

"Kakarot!" Bardock opened his eyes as he called for his son who stopped in his tracks and looked back at the older saiyan who looked very serious


"Show him what a real warrior can do" Said Bardock as a smirk appeared on his face. These words rushed inside Goku who felt a sudden need to prove himself to his father. Goku nodded with a smile on his face and ran away. It didn't take long for Goku to appear across the Mummy who snorted at his opponent

"Now I'm fighting babies? C'mon Baba you can't be serious" The Mummy glanced at Baba visibly disappointed with his last opponent

"Now, now, don't be so rude, just beat him quickly and that's that!" The Mummy just nodded and glanced back at his puny opponent. Baba looked from her fighter to Goku who was ready and excited for a good fight. "Alright then. Commence the fight!"

The Mummy, this time, assumed a fighting stance and with a smirk on his face stared at Goku who oddly enough just stood there, wide open and yet...

"W-What's this? Even like that, he doesn't have any... openings for me to attack!" Mumbled the Mummy who started to sweat. He couldn't understand why, but this little kid made him uneasy maybe even... "No! I will not let a puny kid like him scare me!" he yelled inside his head as he tried to encourage himself to attack Goku who was standing on the other side with a smirk on his young face

"Enough! Let's start with this!" Shouted the Mummy and launched towards Goku who kept standing on the same spot. The Mummy approached Goku very quickly and without hesitation delivered a strong punch to the head which sent him flying up in the air. While Bulma, Yamcha, and the others gasped, the older saiyan watched his son with only one eye open which he closed almost immediately after which a small smile formed on his face. Goku was after that punch kicked in the back and crashed on the devil statue. As the Mummy landed on the tongue, Goku fell on the same one and remained lying on the floor while his friends tried to process what happened

"Hah, It's over! He wasn't anything special after all" He laughed as he observed the lying Goku who didn't move at all. He felt a sense of relief when he saw how easily he had beaten the kid, but then he was strike by surprise when he saw the kid raising from the ground

"What!?" Both he and Baba yelled at the same time when they saw the little saiyan standing on his two feet as his tail swung behind his back

"Is that all? Now's my turn then" Spoke Goku who walked towards the Mummy with a serious expression on his face. As he walked towards the opponent Roshi and Krillin were amazed how Goku didn't sustain any damage at all which caused Bardock's smirk to grow. Goku was very close to the mummy who started to sweat... in fear

"Y-You bastard! Y-You really want to die! Hiaa!" Yelled the Mummy and again went with his punch towards Goku's face, but the saiyan easily avoided the punch and with enough force behind it punched the Mummy in the gut. Mummy's eyes went wide open while he tried to catch some air. He was about to fall on the ground, but only to be caught by Goku who was under him. Baba's eyes were wide open because of the shock while Goku's friends stared as they tried to process what was going on, but they quickly snapped out of it

"Good job, Kakarot" Spoke Bardock loud enough so Goku could hear him. Goku happily waved at his father and his friend as he carried the fallen mummy to the other side so he wouldn't get in the way

"J-Just one punch..." Mumbled Krillin who still couldn't believe how easily his friend beat the scary mummy

"B-But that's impossible! H-How was he able to do it!?" Asked Yamcha in disbelief as he stared at the fallen mummy who gave him so much trouble not even three minutes ago

"I can't believe how good he is... He's really out of this world" Said Roshi who now started to understand from where Goku's power was coming. It was obvious now that his power was not something that any human could so easily achieve. The old master cast a look at Bardock while the others talked about Goku. He wondered how powerful the saiyans really were and in what purposes did they use such power, but the master almost immediately shifted his eyes away from Bardock who glared at him with such an expression which made him turn blue in fear, it was as if the man knew what he was thinking. Roshi calmed down while a drop of sweat fell over his cheek when he heard Goku

"Hey Baba, I want to fight your next fighter" Exclaimed Goku who had a smile on his face and couldn't wait to fight his next opponent

"Grr... Alright kid, now you will get it! Spike come out!" Yelled the old woman her new fighter name. Few seconds later a guy walked out from the devil's mouth and he was literally looking like a devil. As the devil stood there with a cocky smirk on his face Roshi found it very strange for his sister to call her usually last fighter out in this match

"Begin!" Announced Baba on which the devil spread his wings and flew in the air, surprising Bulma, Puar, Krillin and Yamcha

"Kid, I will carry you all the way to my homeland... Hell!" Yelled the black devil and flew towards Goku with his sharp nails ready to kill the little saiyan. The devil continued laughing as it approached Goku, but only to be surprised when he saw that Goku wasn't there anymore. Suddenly he was kicked in the face and almost knocked on the floor

"You're not very strong" Said Goku who was a little bit disappointed in his new opponent. The devil upon hearing this clenched his fist in anger and attacked Goku again

"How dare you speak such insolence to a devil!" Shouted the devil angrily as he approached Goku. He was once again trying to slash Goku with his sharp nails, but the saiyan easily leaned away. The two horned devil tried to surprise him with a quick kick, but even that was easily avoided by Goku who jumped away. The moment Goku touched the ground he launched himself towards the devil and punched him so hard that he knocked out the devil's tooth and send him falling down, to the deadly liquid. The devil quickly pulled himself together and with some effort managed to fly back up

"H-Hahah... Did you really think you could beat me so easily!?" Laughed the devil who was trying to look tough and that he was only starting to fight serious, but in truth he was...

"No, I was going easy on you" Declared Goku with a big smile on his face which made the devil feel even worse. While the devil tried to back himself up, Krillin laughed at Goku's opponent, but then he was scolded by Roshi who revealed a part of the devil's past. Yamcha and Krillin were shocked when the old master revealed that Spike won the world tournament twice

"You damn devil! I expect better than this from someone like you!" Shouted Baba angrily at her fighter who only nodded and smirked as he stared at Goku. He slowly pulled his hands closer to his head and placed from each hand two fingers on his head

"It doesn't matter how good of a person you try to be, there will be alway be a little bit of evil in your heart! And if you let that little amount of evil grow, eventually your heart will explode!" Declared the devil with a wicked laugh which caused Roshi to gasp in fear while Goku just stared at the devil confused

"Goku! You must move from there, he's using a beam which will track down even a little bit of evil inside of you and you will... die!" Yelled Roshi who tried to warn Goku who stood there without moving a step. Upon hearing that, Bardock immediately opened his eyes and walked to the front. Even tho he wouldn't admit out loud he was afraid that he could lose his son because of that beam. Even tho he was sure that his son didn't do and thought of anything evil, it was still a chance that there was still a part of it inside him, he was after all a saiyan

"Kakarot, dodge it!" Growled Bardock who's voice surprised and distracted Goku who glanced at his father on which the devil smirked

"It's already too late for that... Devilmite Beam!" The devil fired the beam which made a couple of circles and before Goku could dodge it, it hit him "Haha, yes, yes! Grow evil, grow! And explode!" Yelled the devil with a laugh while the strong light caused the others to close their eyes. Unlike them Bardock watched everything with his eyes wide open, he was afraid for the worst. He cursed himself for letting something like this happen and if something was to happen to his son then he would...

"Explode, darkness explode!" Laughed the devil while he yelled those words but then something caught his eyes. The strong light that was surrounding Goku was quickly fading away until it was completely gone "What!? I-Impossible, that can't be! H-He doesn't have any evil in his heart!"

"I can't believe it! Not even my crystal ball could foresee this!" Gasped Baba at the event that occurred in front of her eyes. While she and her fighter stared at Goku, the others celebrated

"He's alive!" Yelled Krillin happy when he saw that everything was alright with his best friend. The others were without a doubt happy to see their little friend alive and well. Upon seeing that everything is alright with his son, Bardock moved away from the group and leaned back on the wall. A wave of relief washed through him when he saw his son still alive, but he couldn't believe that his son had a pure heart. He never knew that a saiyan was capable of that

"Amazing, he's truly amazing. He's heart is without any trace of evil" Said Roshi who was glad to see his best pupil still standing there. He quickly shifted his eyes back to Bardock when he saw the smile on the saiyan face which caused him to look away and smile as well

"Well, I really wonder if you could survive that" Spoke Bulma who addressed this to Roshi who honestly answered the question

"I wouldn't stand a chance"

Back at the battlefield, the devil clenched his fists as he glared at the little saiyan who was smiling. The devil cursed in anger and because his trump card, his most powerful attack didn't do absolutely anything

"Gah... Curse you, kid!" He suddenly yelled when out of nowhere a spear appeared in his right hand, causing Goku to open his mouth in surprise, but also to act quickly because the devil was hoping for stabbing Goku who managed to jump just in time

"Hey, I thought weapons weren't allowed!" Shouted the little saiyan at both Spike and Baba, but they didn't react at that. Goku shifted himself into his fighting stance "Alright, it's fine with me!" Said Goku who followed Spike's every movement. The devil went for an attack when Goku with a serious look on his face charged at his opponent and with a powerful kick in the jaw, sent the devil crashing right into the ceiling. Baba was left without any words to say while Roshi tried to process that he didn't even saw Goku move

"I guess I went a little too far... I hope he's alright up there" Spoke Goku as he scratched the back of his head while his friends celebrated another victory. The little saiyan glanced at his friends with two fingers up when he saw his father who gave him a nod which caused Goku to smile even more

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