Deathless Time, Timeless Deat...


144 14 20

Discover the mysteries of time and death set in the year 2061. Еще

Price of Time
Blacking Out
Golden Boy
Un-earthly Legacies
Lucas's Dilemma

Emerald Night

21 2 5

Sophie Tanaka was running on the beach, with tears streaming down her face. The Summer air was cool, softly blowing from the emerald surf. Waves slid to and fro on the white shore that shown like ivory beneath the full moon. Feet scattering shells and gulls alike, Sophie continued to run in earnest. Alas, She ran in vain, for her persuer's coughing motorbike caught up to her, followed by a rough hand grip on Her shoulder.
"Thought you could get away did ya girl!?"
A rough voice yelled over the pounding surf. He brought his bike around dragging Sophie with him. Sophie tried to struggle, contorting her body in wild movements, but he proved to be stronger than her, and eventually she ceased her vain struggling at the unmistakable cold of a blade on her neck.
"You better quit while you're ahead or you'll be squealing like a pig next! Now, if you'll kindly let me take you back to camp," he said while binding her arms and blindfolding her, "we'll be dandy, won't we?"
Sophie threw her head back attempting to wound, but a solid punch to the head lay a blanket of darkness over her consciousness.


A large bonfire met Sophie's eyes as she woke from painful darkness. She sat against a large rock with her hands and feet bound tight, her captors weren't taking any chances this time. Her head felt like it had been dropped on a rock. Slowly, she turned her head, and recognized her fellow captors, adolescent boys and girls bound similarly like her.
Some of them were asleep, while others stared out at the moon and jade sea. As Sophie continued to survey the camp, she saw the blue and gold camoe garbed soldiers that stood guard. Suddenly, a bright light shown above the water, and the unmistakable sound of a helicopter echoed down the beach. A few soldiers roused the sleeping teens, and made them all watch the approaching metal bird.
The wind picked up as the helicopter drew closer and then hovered in the middle of the camp, a few feet from what was the fire. Even though the fire was out, Sophie could read the logo: TimeX, on the copter's side thanks to the moon. Finally, after what seemed like an awful long time, the helicopter landed. Before the blades had stopped spinning, the side door opened, eschewing two camped soldier's, and a big white suited guy with a big jaw, a bald head, and a bone white face.
Every eye was on this man as he walked closer to the 20 odd teens.
One of the many soldiers came forward, his uniform was solid blue camouflage, and when he walked by the other soldiers they all saluted him. However, when he stood before the visitor he got no salute.
" Ah, Captain Price, it is very good to see you my friend." The visitor's voice was cold and precise, every word was perfectly said.
" You as well, Sir." Captain Price said with a smart salute.
The visitor turned to the captive teens.
"Listen, and listen well to what I have to say my friends. Every single one of you has been chosen to further the great work of TimeX. You have all been monitored since the day of your birth 16 years ago. The first generation to be born with, and not injected with, the TimeX serum, all of you were watched. Out of the thousands of your generation, only you 20 survived. Destiny picked all of you to grace the world with fortune; but unfortunately, your parents didn't see it that way.
Your parents saw your gifts as curses on the Earth, and tried to hide you from us, the ones who know how special you all are. Kidnapping you was the only way we could prevent further interference from your ignorant and foolish parents. Bringing you here was the best way we could study your powers, and save the whole world. Is this not a magnificent day for the human race?!"
" No, it isn't." A voice said. Suddenly, a hooded figure stepped out of the crowd of soldiers. Throwing back his hood, a blue skinned boy shoved the world, and everything went dark.

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