Childhood Friends [COMPLETED]

By BruhItsAlexa

20K 720 657

Jennifer reconcile with her childhood friends who she deliberately starts to remember. The five guys that che... More

One By One
I Promise
Just A Few Bucks
Suspicious One Aren't You
Your Little Sister
Your Mom Is Awesome
Stupid Temper Problem
Crazy For Her
See You In School
A Dream I Can't Control
So Many Cuts And Bruises
Kaz's Little Boy
Swimming Trip
Truth and Dare
Camping Trip

Why Run Into You?

1.1K 43 73
By BruhItsAlexa

[ Picture of Stephen in media ]

"Okay I'll be right back with your order." I smiled as the lady went back to her seat. I gave out a sigh. I've been giving out a lot of sighs. Oh my gawd! I'm stressing so badly right now! "I'm going to grow grey hair!" I shouted as I ran my fingers through my hair. I'm panicking and didn't notice I was still in the cafe...

"What is wrong with you?" Carter asked staring at me as if I was a lunatic.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, grabbing a rag and started cleaning some tables. There was no school. The guys were out playing soccer and Carter said he wanted a smoothie.

"Jenny! Are you almost done with my smoothie?!" He stomp towards me, glaring.

"Carter, go sit down somewhere. I'm trying to work." I shove him away. I then continue to wipe down some tables.

"No you cheated!" The door quickly opens revealing the Anderson's. "I scored seven you scored two."

"No it was the other way around." Bennet and Logan argued. They both sat down continuing to talk about who won.

"Hey, you guys thirsty?" I ask Jack who held the soccer ball in his hand.

"Yeah just get us some water." He sat down besides Lucas and Kaz and started coughing. He must be getting sick or something.

I quickly went in the back and grabbed some water bottles. I then came back and gave it to them.

"Hey, Carter who phone you got?" Kaz asked Carter as he sat on his lap. I confusingly stare at them. That phone looks familiar. My eyes widen. I quickly check my pocket. No phone!

"Carter! You little..." I tried snatching my phone when Kaz got hold of it.

"Look at her photos." Bennet smirked.

"S-Stop!" I tried getting my phone but was to short to reach for it. Curse my shortness! I felt my cheeks heat up. I felt to embarrassed for them to look at my photos.

"Aha!" Carter teased sticking his tongue out.

"A little help here." I turn to Jack and the twins who just sat there and watched this whole thing.

"My legs kinda hurt." Logan smirked stretching out his arms. I sucked my teeth and continued to reach for my phone.

"H-Hey..." Kaz confusingly look at a photo. "Who is this?" He showed me a picture of me and my ex... Stephen.

"U-Uhm... That's nobody!" I snatch my phone out of his hands holding it against my chest. "Can you please stop joking around?" I glared at all of them. And wait I thought I deleted that photo years ago. Why is it still in my phone?!

Lucas P.O.V~

She then, angrily I might add, walk away leaving us in shock. "Did we made Jenny mad?" Carter asked.

"No we didn't. Kaz did." Logan shrugged.

"Shut your mouth, nerd." Kaz snapped in annoyance turning to face him.

"Why don't you make me, stupid." Logan got up, stuck his tongue out and ran out the cafe as Kaz chased after him.

"Did you see the picture too?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah. It was her and some guy." I explained the picture.

"Who do you think it was?"

"Don't know. Maybe a friend." I shrugged.

Jennifer P.O.V~

I was finally done with work. "Let's go Carter." I grab onto his hand as the rest of the guys walked out and I closed the door behind us, locking up.

"Jenny!" Emilia almost tripped as she held onto my body so she wouldn't lose balance. She bends down and breathes heavily holding up a finger--telling me to wait.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she stood up. The guys stopped and stared at her as she continue to talk.

"Okay, so A few days ago I met this guy. I don't think you've seen him before. He goes to a different high school but I would see him at this store I often go to--"

"Okay, okay slow down." Kaz said.

"But look he asked for my number and we've been meeting up as friends then he asked me out." She grinned.

"Thats great." I smiled.

"So I was thinking, do you want to go on a double date?" She asked, looking at me then the guys.

"Double date?" I confusingly asked.

"Yeah right." Logan held back an eye roll with a bored expression. "Who is she going to even go with?" He crossed his arms waiting for an answer.

"Isn't that obvious? Kaz of-course." She stared at Logan as if she won something.

"No!" Jack quickly said. He then noticed what he was stopping and his cheeks immediately got red. "I-I mean..." He paused for a second.

"That wouldn't be fair to Jack." Bennet shrugged. "I don't even think Jenny likes any of them. Do you?" They all turned to me.

I thought about it for a moment. I did think Kaz and I were going out but we weren't acting like couples... We were just best friends... Sure he kissed me but that was it. I needed time to think of how I was feeling.

"She only see's us as friends." Lucas crossed his arms looking the other way as if he was disappointed.

"Yeah us but not you." Logan smirked at him then me.

"Say what now?" I quickly asked with a brow raised staring at Logan confusingly.

"Yup, I think you have a crush on Lucas." Logan stuck his tongue out.

"Haha you like Lucas, you like Lucas." Carter sang a song.

"No I don't." I stated in annoyance trying to clear things out.

"Yeah," Emilia punched Logan on the arm lightly. "She likes Kaz." She glared.

"Lucas." Logan said through gritted teeth.


"Both of you shut up!" I shouted clearly annoyed by their little argument. "I think of all of you only as friends." I rolled my eyes.

I started to stomp home annoyingly. I gave out a groan. I quickly turn back around and started dragging Carter with me.

"Why don't you like any of them?" Carter curiously asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Because I don't." I sat besides him and turned on the t.v.

"Hmm, I think three of them likes you." He smirked back at me. I suspiciously stare at him.

"You've only been here for like two days." I said.

"But it's obvious." He shrugged.

"Okay, then tell me who are the three and why do you think that." I turn to fully face him as I was interested in this.

"Okay, first one is Lucas. I think Lucas likes you because of the way he treats you. He gave you water and medicine when he thought you needed it. He also told me to keep an eye on you and to call him when you're making trouble." He snickered.

Really? I never noticed these things about Lucas but now that I think about it, it's true. Lucas is always caring for me.

"Second is Kaz. I say he likes you because of the way he looks at you and plays around with you. And when he saw that picture of you and another guy he did looked jealous." He explained shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, okay." I gave out a sigh. "Who's the last then?"

"Of-course that has to be Jack. I think he likes you. He doesn't really show emotions but when you were about to trip this morning he was about to help you up but Logan got to you first. He looked a bit down because he wasn't the first one to be at your side. Then again I'm not sure about this one." She shrugged.

"Dude, how old are you again?" I asked.

"Seven." He smiled.

"And you know all of this?"

"Like I said, it's obvious." He sat back on the couch and turned to face the t.v.

Okay so I guess three guys likes me. This is going to be difficult. Ugh!


The next was a school day. I had got up and went to shower then got dressed into a white t-shirt with some grey skinnies and a cardigan.

"Hm..." I thought about which shoes I should wear. My black and white converse or my grey vans. Carter then walk into my room.

"Hurry and get out so I could sleep." His eyes were still clothes as he fell onto the bed.

"Quick Carter, which one?" I asked as he looks at me with a bored expression.

"The vans, I guess." He shrugged as he buried his face on my bed again. I quickly wore my vans then got up.

"Clean up after yourself, and don't invite anyone!" I warned with a try-me look.

"Who would I invite? My imaginary friends?" He asked then covered his body with the blanket.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. I'm leaving you in charge, kid." I gave him a. Final warning then left out. He should be fine. I shouldn't be worrying about him so much.

I walk out my apartment to see familiar guys sitting around waiting for me. "How long does it take for you to get ready?" Logan asked getting up, tiredly.

"No one asked you to wait." I held back an eye roll as I started walking. The guys started following me.

"Well we did." Bennet said in an annoyed expression. I scoffed.

"Cheer up guys." Kaz threw his arm over my neck. "It was worth the wait." He winked at me. I stare at him confusingly as my cheeks started to heat up. I swallowed some spit nervously as I quickly move aside bumping into someone. I turn around to see Lucas.

"You okay?" He asks staring into my eyes. Uh-oh. I knew this would happen. Knowing three of them like me is going to make me freak out and nervous...

"Y-yeah..." I stutter.

"Are you sick?" Jack placed his back hand against my forehead. His hand was cold and it made me jump back from shock.

"I'm fine..." I started quickly walking away.

Kaz P.O.V~

She started walking as quick as possible. "Why was she so startled?" Logan asked confusingly.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"It's obvious she likes one of you." Bennet said with a 'duh' tone and expression. "She looked nervous around the three of you." He smirked.

She likes one of us? It has to be me. I thought he were going out but it was a secret. Maybe we still are just friends... This doesn't seem like what couples would do. Plus, this secretive thing is not working.

"Who's the three of you?" Lucas asked gripping onto one side of his back pack strap.

"You, Jack and Kaz." Logan said with a grin. "This is going to be fun. We should make a bet on who she likes."

"What? A bet?" Jack asked as if Logan was stupid. "That's really dumb."

"I bet on my other half." Logan stuck his tongue out at Jack who rolled his eyes. "Lucas you better win. I'm putting twenty dollars on you." He was so serious about this.

"Then I guess I'll bet on Jack." Bennet shrugged. He gave Logan twenty bucks. "Sorry Kaz, but I think these two are going to win."

"What?!" I angrily shouted. "Fine I bet on myself!" I threw twenty bucks as I ran after Jenny. They'll all be mad when I win this stupid bet!

Jennifer P.O.V~

I was finally inside the school and about to walk away when I see Kaz. "Jenny, are we girlfriend and boyfriend?" He asked bluntly.

"Kaz--!" I quickly threw my hand over his mouth and saw that everyone was in class. He quickly shove my hand away.

"Do you like me?" He asked with a brow raised. I gave out an annoyed sigh.

"Look, this ain't gonna work out." I shrugged. "I'm sorry Kaz... I just think this is stupid and it's not fair to the other guys."

"Wait a second." He stare at me suspiciously. "So you know?" He asked.

What was he even talking about? "Know what?" I suspiciously look back. Maybe he's just trying to get some information out of me.

"Something that I think you know."

"Which is what?"

"Which is the thing that I know, that I think you know, but maybe you don't know." I stare at him dumb-founded.

"Kaz what the hell--"

"I don't know either." He shrugged.

"Hey Jenny." We both turn around. We see Anthony. "Was I interrupting?" He asked stopping in his foot steps.

"No, we weren't doing anything." I said then stare at Kaz who confusingly stare at me. "Well I have to get to class." I walked away leaving the two in shock.


School was over. I was waiting for the guys. They were taking a little long. "Jenny?" I look up to see an unfamiliar guy. "Is that really you?" He looked excited to see me.

As his presence got clear in my eyes my jaw dropped. "Stephen?" I had on a confused expression.

"Yeah it's me." He smirk. Dang... It's been a few years and he's gotten cuter. I dated him in middle school. He had a tattoo on his neck. He now also has dirty blonde hair. He used to have black. "Wow, you've gotten cuter." He stare into my eyes.

I start biting my bottom lip nervously. Yeah Stephen may look nice or act nice but he's definitely a bad kid. Nothing can change him being bad.

"Look I already said I was sorry." He placed his hands in his pocket as he glance towards the ground. "I was only a kid back then. I was stupid." He shrugged.

I gave out an irritated sigh. "Stephen I--"

"JENNY!" I felt someone jump on my back almost making me lose my balance. "You waited long didn't chu'?" He asked with a smile.

"Gosh, get off of me Kaz." I push him away as he quickly gets off of me. The rest of the guys start walking up to us.

"Dammit!" Logan shouted angrily. "My pants got dirty." They were white jeans. There was blue paint smudge on the side of it. "These are my favorite too." He whined like a little kid.

"Stop whining, you crybaby." Bennet stuck his tongue out. He was running when he bumped into Stephen... Oh snap...!

Bennet quickly glare at Stephen who had a smirk plastered on his lips. "Your kinda in the way." Bennet crossed his arms.

"And your kinda annoying me." Stephen shot back crossing his own arms. They stood in front of each other, glaring. This was kind of intense if you asked me.

"Do we know you?" Jack asked out of curiosity as he stare at him with confusion.

"Wait, I think I know this dude." Kaz said as he pointed. "Who the hell is he? Where the hell have I seen him?!" He looked frustrated as he kept jumping up and down, trying to remember where he saw him.

"The picture." I rolled my eyes. I only said it so he wouldn't hurt himself like a dumbass.

"Picture?" Kaz stare at me as he uses his pointer finger and thumb to rub his chin while he think. "OH YEAH!" He shouted excitedly. "The picture." He nodded his head up and down with a grin.

"What picture?" Stephen asked confused as ever.

"You're Jenny's friend?" Lucas asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Friend?" Stephen decided to let out a scoff. "I'm her ex." A brow raised on his face.

"Ex?" Jack asked then glared. "What are you doing here?"

"Guys calm down--" before I could say anything Stephen walk closer to me. He gently hugs me, making me pause from talking. He smelled so good. I swallowed some spit anxiously.

"I've missed you." He whisper in my ear.

"Oh hell naw." Kaz then grab onto Stephen's shirt and pushes him to the ground. "You can't just come up here and do that." He glared, clenching his fists.

"Why not?" Stephen got up and dusted off his clothes, a smirk still on his lips.

This is what I was talking about. Stephen is always trying to pick trouble but I know he cares about me... He just has this look in his eyes like he wants to fight everyone he think is a threat.

"Look," Lucas stood in front of Kaz. "We don't know who the hell you are or who the hell you think you are but you don't want to mess with us." He glared. Lucas looked super scary with that look on his face...

He saw the Anderson's as a threat.

Stephen let out a small chuckle. "You guys are funny." He shrugged. He took something out his pocket. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw that it was cigarette. He lit it up and started smoking. "So which one of you is her boyfriend 'cause I know all of you can't be at the same time." He start blowing smoke as he speak.

"Stephen, these are the guys I was telling you about in middle school. I guess you were to 'busy' to listen to me." I held back an eye roll.

"Guys," Kaz looked like he was going to run and hug me but Bennet and Jack stopped him. "She talks about us." He placed a hand on his chest where his heart was as he looked like he was about to sob away.

"I do listen to you." He defended himself as he took another puff of the cigarette.

"Tell me one thing I said about these guys." I crossed my arms. He said nothing. "That's what I thought." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn, your just making me like you even more." His smirk widen. I stare at him with annoyance. "That's just to bad. I have another girlfriend." He shrugged.

"Look we don't care who--" Logan was about to talk.

"Hey babe." We then see Emilia ran up to Stephen and hugs him tightly. Our jaws dropped.

"Okay... So we do care." Logan thought about something nervously. "Emilia you like this guy?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "I see you've guys met."

"Yeah we've met." Stephen stared at me with a small smirk. He then placed his arm around Emilia. "Let's go."

They left and disappeared in the distance. Was he trying to make me jealous? What am I doing? I have to warn Emilia about Stephen.

"Jenny, why did you ever go out with that jerk?" Kaz asked with a disgusted expression just thinking of Stephen.

"I don't know. We would argue a lot but I liked him." I shrugged. "But he did something terrible and I broke up with him." I stare at the ground.

"Tell us!" Logan asked excitedly as he walked besides me.



When Jennifer was in middle school.

"GET OUT!" The teacher yells at me.

"Fine! I will!" I shouted back at him as I stomp out of the door. "Gosh, I hate him!" I cross my arms angrily as I stood in front of the door that I slammed when I got out.

"I told you I would punch him." I look up to see Stephen and his friends walking towards this classroom. He got suspended three days ago for making a kid unconscious after beating him up. Stephen then stare at me. "Of-course you'd be out here, miss drama queen." He smirked.

I glared at him. "Of-course you'd be suspended, mr drama king." I stuck my tongue out.

"If she's miss drama queen and you're mr drama king, doesn't that make you married?" One of his friends asked as he point towards me then him.

I stare at him disgustingly. "Gross." I then turn my head the other way.

"Hm..." I then turn my head to face him. He stare at me suspiciously. He walks up to me comparing our height. We were in 7th grade. I was 5.0 ft. I had to stare up at him as he got closer. He then slowly let out a chuckle. "Your so short." He was probably 5.4 ft.

"Your not that taller than me." I glared.

"Hm..." He then move his face closer to mine. I swallowed some spit nervously as his face was 1 inch away from mine.

"We gonna go." His friends smirked as they went inside the classroom.

"What are you doing?" I quickly push him back.

"Trying to see if you'd be the right girlfriend for me." He then start thinking about something. "Haven't had a girlfriend since last week. She was too clingy."

"Last week?" I confusingly asked. "Your such a player." I crossed my arms. "If you think I'm going to go out with you, you're crazy." I held back an eye roll. Who does this kid thinks he is? Why the hell is he trying to compare me to his last girlfriends. Gosh...

"Let's go out." He smiled. "I'll see in a week if you are the perfect girlfriend for me." He then came closer to my face, giving me a peck on the cheek.

He then walks inside as all the students came out. "Dude, you and Stephen is going out??"

"Oh my gawd, he is so cute. I'm so jealous!"

"Dammit I'm to late to ask him."

"You're so lucky!"

Some girls started complaining and the others asked am I really his girlfriend.


The next day I was walking in the halls. I felt like crying as I touched the bruise my dad made from grabbing onto my arm to hard. Shit! This thing was stinging.

"Hey there." I quickly look up to see Stephen. I quickly wipe my tears so he wouldn't see me.

"Get out of my way." I annoyingly said continuing to walk. He then pulls my hand and looks at the bruise. "Just leave me alone." I yank my arm back to me.

"Who did it?" He glared at the ground clenching his fists. "Tell me!" He shouted.

"Shut up, will you." I quickly cover his mouth. "If I tell you, will you shut up?" I asked, my hand still on his mouth. He looks at me then nodded his head up and down. "It was my dad-- but don't tell anyone." I quickly said, slowly removing my hand from his mouth.

"What the..." He then stares at the bruise. He then looks up at me. He pulls my head onto his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here now. I promise you when I'm older I'll beat him up for you."

I couldn't say anything at all. I've never had anyone care so much. It was just like those boys from that park...

"You guys are so cute!" People shouted in awe. I quickly push him away as I remembered there were people looking.

"You embarrassed?" I see him smirk. He then pull a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear. "Don't cry."

"Stop." I said in annoyance. I push his hand away and started fixing my hair. "Stop acting like my boyfriend." I then got up and walked away.


It's been a week now. All i've been doing is push him away. I was walking home when I felt someone grab my hand. "What are you doing?" I noticed it was Stephen as he continue to hold my hand.

"Holding your hand." He shrugged so casually.

"Stephen. Let go of my hand." I demanded, stopping in my footsteps. "I'm not a baby."

He started laughing. "You're just making me like you even more." He grips onto my hand and pull me close to him.

"Dude the cops are here." His friends came out if no where. What does the cops have to do with a couple of 7th graders?

"Jenny, quick hold this." He gave me a bag that had green fillings. "I'll be right back. You trust me right?"

I start panicking as he stuff it into my pocket. "Stephen what the hell are you doing?" I asked looking around to see if anyone was watching. No one was watching.

"I'm just holding it for a friend and I want you to hold it for me." He stare into my eyes. "I promise I'll be right back."

He keeps making these stupid promises. I stare at his back as he was running, disappearing in the distance. I nervously look around. I was now alone, hearing police sirens everywhere.

Will he keep his promise?

Flashback Over~


We were all at my house. "Why would he do something like that?" Bennet asked as he was staring at the t.v. Him and Carter were playing video games.

"Yeah, and what is green filling?" Carter curiously asked with a confused expression.

"None of your business." We all yell simultaneously at him as he sucked his teeth turning his head back to the t.v.

"Did he keep his promise?" Lucas asked sitting besides me on the couch.

"He did. He came back, took the bag but I told him I didn't want to see him ever again." I shrugged my shoulders.

"See, Jenny we would never do a thing like that." Kaz nodded his head up and down.

"Yeah. I know." I smiled punching him on the arm.

"Don't you think we should go tell Emilia about this guy?" Logan asked.

Jack quickly got up and ran forgetting we have a door. "Ouch!" He shouted on the ground as he rubs his forehead.

"Dumbass." Lucas said as he helped him up.

I opened the door and we all left to look for Emilia.


A/N- Heyy guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote, comment and share with other people. ;3

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